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Show V i , u Bor .Elder HEVVS 'Brigham CltyUtaA Wednesday, November 12, Central' . 1952 , i j , Present Top Show l! A new and different wholly theater la coming to type of Utah. It will be the production Of John Browns Body, by Stephen Vincent Benet. Cast will be Tyfone Power, Raymond Mas-bey- , and Judith Anderson, together with the Walter Schumann Choral Group of 20. Dates for the Perform a nees are November 12, H 14, and 15, with matinees on the 14th and 15th at 2:30. Because the University of Utah Theater has arranged all sin performances as one of its Seven season attractions, it has been able to offer the show at record low prices. Tickets are Only $1.50 and $2.00 for any of the six performances. They are bn sale by mall order or at Kingsbury Hall or Glen Bros Music company box offices, according to Gall Plummer, Mans- ier-- f KDYL TV NOV WEDNESDAY, Test Pattern .. , so 30 -- Womn end the News 10 00 Your figure Ruth Tolman tO 15 Film 10 30 slosephm t Kitchen 1100 Early Bird Matine 25 30 45 TELEVISION )2 12 IS 12 45 ewt Contrast! In Rhythm Matinee Merry Go Round 00 The Big Payoff J Travelers Smith I 15 I 45 3 00 3 3ft 3 45 d f Video Frolics 3 30 Whet's Cookin' f 4 Oft Movie Quick Quiz 4 IS The World m Review Vr 4 30 film 4 45 Gabby Hayes 5 QO Howdy Doody 5 30 film 45 Camel News Caravan 4 Oft The Jonathan Story 6 15 Those Two 6 3ft Dick Tracy 7 00 Football Highlights 7 30 Oennu Day 8 0ft Dragnet 8 9ft All American Game 9 00 Wrestling 10 30 Parade of Stars 0ft N.ght Owl Theater Midnight News i 1 t 4 IS 4 45 5 45 j NOV. THURSDAY, 30 Test 9009 9 3ft Women Ift 4 15 4 3ft 4 45 7 00 7 30 :l 4 I 00 I 3ft 1 7 00 f I Oft Bl5 A J 4 4 ? t f ( IB VALUE PAi This compact 17 inch Table Model is designed to fit, smaller room areas yet large enough to have full size TV and sound system. QXP chassis with Filament power transformer-Ea- sy Vision Golden ' Lens Front Picture Controls Maximum Performance SeTuner-Autor lector Switch Sound Tuning for locked-isound and picture. See it today compare it for value and performance! . 15 Contrasts Tn Rhythm Matinee Merry Go Round The Big Payoff Welcome Travelers Kate Smith Brighten Up Your Home Video Frolics What s Cookin' ' Movie Quick Quiz The World In Review 30 MO I 30 0930 News I MlDAY, NOV Test Patterns Ruth Tolman Figure ' Film living Electrically ft Early Bird Matinee 9 v d0 News tftS Contrasts tn Rhythm 4ft Matinee Merry Go Round mJO The Big Payoff r4 3ft Welcome Travelers ft Kate Smith . a 4 Video frofitJs J f 2 lO ft "ft ' v 5abby 500 Howdy 545 Camel 9 Oft 9 30 . k 10 News Cereven 4ftft? The Jonathan Story , . I f Burns and Allen Tales of Tomorrod 3ft Charles Antelf 00 News And Weather DeVon Hazel , Phone 1190 - ewt IS 40 uvi . ... , ; Up . . . up , ... up go fuei prim! But you cab hold the line. with BALSAM WOOL,, the insulation thats gu&ran teed to give you. full satisfaction or You see,- Balsam-Woo- l ; your money back. fits snugly between studding or - -- VaE.7 teilipg joists . . . its sealed, kgainst moisture, drafts, aad'cbld . . . never . . . lasts the life , , settles or deteriorates of the building. We can have it install ed or you can do the job yourxlf i . .' quickly, easily. ' . We also stock pOpuhtx . '". -- brands of filftype sulatioo. io-- Low No Down Payment it e Monthly . hi. ' , . t- - A small leak amf mean a big repair bill! Dont gamble when a new roof cm be , applied so quickly sod paid for ooj such) convenient terms. Certigrade cedari. asphalt and husky thick-ca- b fine quality roll roofing . , for every purpose., Appb-) cation arranged Ttmbymmft The following were guests at the home of (Mrs. Juana Carr at a traditional Pueblo deer dinner last Thursday: Charlotte Mangseth, Mary Joyce, Billie Holder, Barbra Earl, Mrs. Emily Bunch, Mrs. Carol Lincoln, Mrs. Eva Diswood, Mabel Curtis, Mrs. Margaret Lincoln, Inspirational Thought for Today "The superior man does not ' He Is firm but not wrangle. load Edward Holtman took a He is sociable but quarrelsome. at lambs to Burley to the sale on not clannish. , Mrs. Lucy T. Begay, Mrs. Rose . Thursday. ' Confucius. Johnson, Mrs. Bertha Bird, Mrs. The Primary sponsored a HalDorothy Wyant, Mrs. Betsy Fotab, loween party at the recreation Mildred Chissie, Mrs. Sadie Claw, was Paul hall October 30. Several prizes Bramlet, principal, The student council met NovMrs . Katherine wee given to the Best costumes. ember 4 at 9:30 a. m. In the on sick leave one day last week. Mae Litzen, Mrs. MyrPioche, 'Ancino, Agnes Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fowels and Council room, Building No. 2. Loren Hunsaker, field Scout tle Arrowsmlth, Mr. and Mrs family motored to Cedar City to The following officers were Evan Gee, district Sammy Silversmith and family, take their son, Gary, (back to elected tot this year: President, executive; commissioner and Glen Waggs-taff- , Hazel Bird, IBerniece Enclno, school, after the deer season. Leo Tslnajinnie; . vice Wilma Lincoln, Elmer Lincoln, president, deputy district commissionLynn and Connie stayed In Salt Brown, Jr.; secretary, er last met Lake City until their parents re Charley Tuesday evening John Yazzie; treasurer, Daisy with parents of children of Cub turned. Cohoe. ' ' Scout age in the employees recMr, and Mrs. J. C, Sloan and reation hall. sons, Randy and Ronnie, have Mr. Mra en ahd Edgar Wight This was the second of a serbeen visiting for several days tertained last Satur and Frlrday ies of three meetings held for with Mrs. Sloans parents, Mr. for to view friends day evenings the Instruction of parents. The and iMrs. James Tracy. The people of Yost ward were the slides taken by Mr. Wight on third meeting will be held on his trip to Canada. Thursday evening, November 13, sorry to see 'Sister Evelyn and Guests on evening In- at 7:00 p. m. at the same place. Eugene leave and move to Og cluded!. Mr. Friday . And Mrs. Lyle All parents are usged to be den this winter. We hope, how Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ever, that they will like It down Wright, present at this final meeting in Mr.' andMrs. Terrance order to register their children in there, but iwill want to come Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Reese Reid, Clark, the dens organized that back in the spring, evening. Mrs. LaRue Yates honored Jo Mr, and Mrs. Leo Fredrlcksen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eastley, Mr. For all interested, there will Ann Spencer with a birthday and Mrs. Jack Cox, Mr and Mrs. be bowling for employees every party, Sunday afternoon, Novem Thomas Mr. and and Jeppson week night, Monday through ber 2. Many little guests at Mrs. Leslie Webb. tended and enjoyed a fine time. Friday, from 7:15 to 10:15 p. tri. On those Saturday evening in the basement at Building No. Almy Fehlman had to make t Mr. were: Mrs, 21. Consult your 'bowling bulletrip to Temonton to have some present Loveland, Mr. and and Mrs. tin for details. work done on part of the fur. Wayne nace that went hay wire In Don Sheffield, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray A surprise birthday party was the school. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Che- given In honor of Charles Sonn-taGary Oman, Kay and Jay ney, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lewis, last Wednesday evening at Tracy are chopping hay ' liv the his home. . area, There were games and conMr. and Mrs. Glenn Jones was by Charles Goodliffe of tests including a treasurer hunt. and Val Jones were Burley call Brigham City. A family dinner was enjoyed Refreshments were served. ers Saturday. at the home with Mr. and Mrs. The . following guests were The weather has changed little. The past two nights it has Louis Hlrschl as host and hostess present at the occasion: Larue to their own complete family Ricks, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowbeen pretty frosty. I Arland Thompson is drivings and near relatives. Children of ry, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Que-toMr. and Mrs. Walt Pearson new Ford around town . nowa Mr. and Mrs. Hirschl who enjoyed the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aguilar. v days., The Relief Society ladies are Delbert Hlrschl and Mb', and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hess enterhurrying around preparing for Mrs. Carl Lorscheider of Brigham Relief society conference next City; iMr, and Mrs. Maun Hirschl tained at a dessert canasta on Sunday. Also they are plan and Wayne Hirschl of Logan Saturday evening. Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. and Weston and Joyce of Park . ning a bazaar 6oon. r The young folks had some fun Valley; also relatives, Mr. and Grant Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Alpulling Hallowe'en pranks, go- Mrs. Floyd Jensen, Janice Jen- bert Stoner and Mr. andi Mrs. ing from house to house, tricking sen and Charles Goodliffe of Claire Bailey. Brigham City. or treating Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wight enA fire in Fisher canyon during deer season which could have tertained at their home, Friday been serious had not the wind evening, for friends who wished PARK VALLEY NEVk changed, was quickly put out to see the slides of Mr. Wights by volunteers. It spread very trip to Canada. and burned several acres Guests present were: Mr. and PARK VALLEY-JPa- rk Valley rapidly school held a very successful of range land. A large truck Mrs. Lyle O. Wright, Mr. and L. G. Carter was pull Mrs. Lewis Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Halloween Carnival at the Park owned byfrom ed away the fire and out of Terrance Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Valley hall on Friday evening, his Reese Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Oct. 31. Principal Lael Carter and danger by Vere- Talbot ' with horse. Fredrickson, Mr. and "Mrs. Lloyd Miss Luane Carter directed the saddle .ii older of the with the help party sold Refreshments students. Were root beer, doughnuts, cider, candy, cookies,' candled apples and popcorn. These - were all made by the older girls under the direction of Mrs. Vera James. Games and booths enjoyed were dart throw, ball throw, ring toss, money toss, paper pull and fish pond for the youngsters. Hallo, ween spirit was furnished by spook alley prepared by the M. ... anti-aircra- Everyone is Invited to phone their society items for the News I and Journal to 771. , ... Mae and Anthony Jr., Rena , gay. Be- - e OLE , . .110 "" t- .i jvkra LA. A i-- Wifi , Relief "society conference was peld Sunday evening with President Edna Palmer conduct Ihg.the meeting. The following program was given! Song, con Kind Words Are gregktlon Sweet Tones; prayer, Norine Carter; sustaining of Wflcer Christina Carter; song, My Task; Singing Mothers directed by Rowena Carter; talk on Re lief Society work by Pres. Edna Palmer; , talk on conference theme, Lelllia palmer; talk by Kenneth G. Carter Bishop poems, tall and Answer," Hel en, pugsley and Verna .Carter; song, God Is Ever Beside IMe, Singing Mothers, and Prayer, Louise PUgsley. Mrs. Nielson from Garland, was the. stake visitor. A large crowd was in at tendance. A homecoming testimonial honoring Elder Weston Hlrschl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A Hlrschl who recently arrived home after completing an L.D.S. mission in New England, was held Sunday afternoon., Weston gave a very inspiring talk &nd report On his mission, and talks were also given by bis mother and father; President Colin H Sweeten of Malad and Wayne 5 , thank-yo- u Low'1 Monthly Now Its a proven fett that 3 cut run letters and Our class has been studying the two groups of living things. We have made a booklet of pic. tures and descriptions j of all the classes of animals. We are starting to study the plants. We already have cantaloupe, water, melon, a sweet potato and com growing here in our room. We are going to find what plants -we use for food. . Fourth Grade, Miss Datwylers room. alll usi mow TH iRUC Ford', 4 .ft savin,, The p! OVU 7 cu. rr. MORI raucad spaci and carries a full H ton load. Supported load capacity of the Ford Pickup is a full 38 8 cu. ft., as compared to 31.6 cu. ft. in the next leading make! graftal P to - ? power kTZu TCGivcS h nnmnDsn's-mnB- , 323 South Main P to M 80s 6a,,on of New -- A-- l, mors 239 cu, in uPfed , . .n,r fORo oiv. ,ttt 0 doit, of Vo or I six FORD TRUCKING COSTS LESS JUggter At School A Juggler came to school. His name was Bill Gnadt, He could Juggle five balls at a time. He Juggled three burning torches at 4 ; &l once, ; ' Mickey and Shauna, J " Miss SchowB room.' ffer 4 Ford Pickups less then 2Kt a pile! off Only Ford shows you nationwide truck running coat figures! The Ford Truck Economy Run Book shows hundreds of running coats on Pickups covering gas, - oil and service (hut not including fixed expenses, such as license, insurance, depreciation, etc.). Come in. Look up your kind of job. Seb how little it can cost to run a Ford Pickup in your work! . Payments new Ifed-Mw- L daughter, Janice. Closing prayer sent us GO CHOICI OP TWO ORIAT CABS in this Ford F-- l Pickup! Easier loading low loaded height! saidithey really liked it, Miss Sparks room. , Ployj Safe nil R. 6.' B&rnaa, Net, Idaho Musical numbers were given by Joyce Hlrschl and Mr and Mrs. Floyd Jensen of Brig ham City, accompanied by their 1 1 ..Payments ffTil"' rr-r'i- 'ii Mr. Hlrschl. . , News Of Intermountain Indian School By Helen & Hill , Sim, NOV. (4 FRIDAY, t of the World Telesports Digest Charles Antell II 00 Night Owl Theater 12 Oft Midnight News 10 t U 25 Sign On, Program Resume 11 30 Love of Life " 1145 Search for Tomorrow l 12 00 News and WeAther t? 15 Strike It Rign 12 45 lmkletter'i houseparty I 15 Double Or Nothing 145 The Early Show SOft Margaret Masters 3 3ft The Guiding Light 3 45 Doin' The Town cle 4 Roscoes Party 45 Krf Carson 4 $ 5 Sagebrush Play house 4 Oft World Tonight 4 ift Weather Prospector 4 IS Perry Come show 4 30 Rolfe s Scrapbook The Name s The Seme 7 30 Our Miss Brooks B 00 On i e and Harriet - , 8 30 Abbott and Costello 9 Oft acket jSqued v 4 of Time j IftOft Football This Week 10 15 ? Ringside 11:15 Sigfr Off iftvTfwe Two 4 30 The Story Vrihcesa 7 Oft Hopelong Cstdy 7 3ft 6pce Uperf A Cruft 4 00 Boihng Lamotta vs. Nardicw 45 Greatest Rights of Century 9 Oft Wopders of the Wild 9 15 Spotlight on Music 10 10 HAyes Doody Town Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Landvatter and family recently were Mrs. Landvatters mother, Mrs. Ruth Peterson of Phoenix, Arizona; her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. .Ray A. Lewis from Idaho; her sister, Mrs. Leland Nielson and children from Idaho; and her brother, Doyle Lewis, who recently completed a mission in Wyandotte, Minnesota. Second Lieutenant Palmer F. Siegfried, son of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Siegfried of 207 east Seventh south, Brigham City, is now attending an associate battery officers course at Ft. Bliss Texas. iLt. Siegfried will spend 15 weeks studying gunnery and tactics, communications and) guided missiles. The young officer- - attended the University of Utah; and Is a graduate of Utah State college. j Bourbon The Big YAZZIE YARNS the great f enhance Taste of Lone Ranger 00 Amos and Andy 30 ve Got A Secret 8 8 By Lt. Palmer Siegfried Attends Army Course - TheEOfliOEARS 10 Oft 4 - Cookin' ' Movie Quick Quit m Jtevtew 5 The World 4Hft-fi- lm 4s Whats loll 84 Soutit Main 15 3 v BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC r iK INCIDENTS Malta-Brldg- II USA Bakdr 7 30 11 9t00 f ttwTV Theatre Midnight NOV. Margaret Mattel .7 - $23995 Theater Martin Kane Groucho Merit Long Lost Wife BORDERLINE Mr, and Mrs. Jaok.Crix, Mr. had Mrs.- - Art Steffen- - and Mr and MrsA- Thomas Jeppson Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tingey. j and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Webb. g Sign Guiding light Moore $hew Garry It s Delicious e UncU Roscpe'i Party 4 45 Sagebrush Playhouse 5 45 It s Your Ntqk ., 4 00 World Tonight 4 (ft Something in the Wind 6 15 . Heaven for Betsy 3 30 3 45 4 Oft n ford 1 matic Loing-Range- 12 Oh. Program Resum li ovo of lift 11 45 Search for Tomorrow 1200 New and Weather , 12 15 Strike It Rich 12 45 Lmkletter'i Houseparty -4 . 1.15 Arthur Godfrey I 3ft Mike end Buff 45 The Early Show Pattern 4 30 film S 00 Howdy Doody t 30 Dinah Shore 45 Camel News CArevan 4 Oft Short Short Drama 4 f5 Headlines On Parade e 30 Children Playhouse Jury '7 t 3ft 0ft NOV. Sign On, Program Rasumo Love of Life Search for Tomorrow and Waather Strike It Rich Linklettori Houseparty Double or Nothing The Early Show Maraeret Masters Guiding Light Doin tne Town Uncle Roscoei Party ; Sagebrush Playhouse Better Education Week World Tonight Weather Prospector Perry Como Show Bob and Dotlie Show View the Clue Strike It Rich Man Against Crime Blue Ribbon louts New Mr. and Mrs. North Electric Theater THURSDAY, 1125 t0ft-Ne- ws -- 00 45 Oft 9 3ft II t and the News lll,ft.0ft Your Figure Ruth Tolman 415 film 4 30 dosephmes Kitchen . . ftt00 Early Bird Matinee 05 3ft 0ft 4 4 I , i V KSle-T- WEDNESDAY, 05 l2 3ft 200 Kate Slwi.r . ONLY HOFFMAN has the easy vision 12 Mr, and Mrs Richard , Hnseo Eastley, It watched what went I I) In fetid 'kJbnV": Wfi 'took" the' khaki! ' on the lawn. One group went out at a time to see it crawl and swim. Jimmie showed us how It would strike at a rock. Some girls and boys touched the snake. It felt slick and slimy. . Learn To Bo Safe Fourth grade, MlsS Schows room. You have to be safe. You have to cross the street safely. You have to know the safety rules. You are not lucky when cars are Second Grads Bat Show On Friday we had pet show coming and you get across the street safely. That isnt luck. and fair In our room. iWe had Luck is when you buy a ticket lots of fun. The pets we had You go to were: a tiny, puppy, one big box to win something. the party and the lady draws turtle and two little turtles, a dog, three rabbits, one your ticket and you win. That big black one Is luck. So be safe! IBe safe in big cat and one kitten, and a big white duck. September, October or any other sunflsh We take good care of our pets. month. t .We had a lot of exhibits of Shauna Sheffield, fourth we made at home and at things grade, iMlss Schowss rjoom- school. We had a terrarium with carrots, radishes and parsley we planted. We have necklaces we Snake At School made from fruit and vegetable We have been studying about seeds, and cans we planted vegreptiles, alligators, turtles and etable seeds in. We had booksnakes are reptiles. They have lets we made about fruits and lungs, short legs or no legs, and vegetables. We even had real a covering of scales. Jimmie vegetables and lots of other Seely brought a blue racer he things. The first, second and third caught by making It crawl into a bottle. It always turned Its grades came to our show. They 9 12 2 Sc. Reports Theater Will KfU head ...PORD TRUCK! UST tOMMRI Utlni lotos! rigljtnllon data on 1 069 000 true In, Ulo unuraiKOoaaorti provo Fold Tiucka laat ttniarl r.ajs. Em. Phone 56 |