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Show i 4. Epsilon And X! Alpha Sororities Hold fnstalltion Ceremonies At Maddox Ranch House November 3 Box Elder NEWS ' Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, November 12, 1952 for Installation ceremonies both chapters of Beta Sigma Maureen Ellin Dowdell Phi, Epsilon and Xi Alpha, were To Become Mrs. J. Kent held at Maddox Ranch House on November 3. Hansen In January Rites read iMrs. Luella MacFarlane The many friends of J. Kent ritual and five new members were pledged In Epsilon: Jean Hansen, now of Montreal, CanDavis, Wilma Stalding, Diane ada, son of Mrs. Grace H. HanHarper, Darlene Hansen and Vir- sen, of Brigham City, will be in ginia Fryer, amid beautiful can- interested in the following ant nouncement: dlelight ceremony. Mrs. Iona Cefalo read the ritMr. and Mrs. Frank B. Dowual for Alpha and Luella Mac8914 34th Avenue, Jackson dell, Olive Owen and Farlane, Mary Monson were installed at Exem- Heights, Long Island, New York, announce the engagement of plar. Mrs. Edna Jeppson was chair- their daughter Maureen Ellin, to s Mr. J. Kent Hansen, formerly of man of the banquet and for the program. The Brigham City, now of Montreal, theme of the affair was Dream Canada. Train effectively carried out Miss Dowdell is a graduate of with miniature gold trains run- the Domlcan Academy and atof the tended Notre Dame ning the entire length in college dinner table. Miniature plastic Stanten Island. She is presently engines served as place cards. at Frazer Paper Ltd. In Toastmistress Edna Jeppson employed Manhattan. followannounced the cleverly For the past two years Mr. Hansolo, Organ program: ing Erma Cromp- sen has been employed as an "Dream Train, Art Director for J. Walter Thompton; vooal trio singing "Dream and Til See You in My Dreams son Company of New York and has just recently been transferby Patty Hunsaker, Carol John- red to the Montreal office in acson and Robert Hunsaker Canada as the head of the Art Janice Jensen; by companied Toast to Happiness by Mrs. Er- Department. The marriage will take place ma Jensen; accordion. selections, "IDesert Rose and "Dream of on January 11, at 4 p. m. in the Love; Real Friend, a toast by Church of the Blessed Sacra Connie Simcox; Toast to Day ment, Jackson Heights, Long Is Dreams by Louise Dyer; "My land. After a short honeymoon, Dream by Olive Monson with they will b at home at 1320 Lom response by new member, Jean toard Crescent, Mount Royal, Montreal, Canada. Davis. Closing number was "One Alone toy Robert Hunsaker. 5th Ward MIA Maids FAMOUS 'Dorothy Gray All Lotions , - WlATHIt iotion bod; ute. 12 oa. enciAi ionon for band and face. 12 or. stiomnic hohmoni iotion uae. for overnight and 6,000 I. Lf. of Natural Catrogenle Hormone in each ounce. 6 oz. HUtmr WIATHH for my-iki- n y i Locust Camp of D.U.P. To Meet Thursday 1 Between yon and me, Tom s Mi Wine tastes wonderful! i 4 4 '4 I Jt I ! f 8. Mm. Wm. S. Fife, Mrs. J. Leo Nelson and Mrs. Maxwell Pohl were hostesses to Past Presidents of the American Legion auxiliary on Wednesday evening, November 5, at the Fife home. dinDelicious Thanksgiving ner was served to 23 members and one guest. Following dinner Mrs. Glen Bennion reviewed Family Kingdom," which was . enjoyed by the group present. Guest prize went to Mrs. Bennion and three prizes were awarded during the evening. Stake Elder A girl was born November 8 to South Nobuihi and Amy Yagi Sato of Primary Planned Corinne. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rigby of All Primary workers of South Brigham RFD 1, announce the Box Elder stake were reminded arrival of a son born November today by Mrs. Vanez T. Wilson, . Mrs. Rigby is the former Mari president, of the preparation lyn Hunt. meeting to be held at 2 p.m. on A boy was born November 9 to Saturday, November 15, in the Box Meet Zions Group 2 Fete Mothers At Primary Thurs. Bowling League Snarled Civic Improvement club members and guests will hear Orson Ryan, story teller, Thursday afternoon, November 13, at 4 p. m. The Thursday evening bowling m the War Memorial home. league was snarled in a two-wafor In charge of the program tie this week following a over Eagles the day is Mrs. Kent Jensen. victory by and a 4 0 victory by Brigham shop over the Indian school. Former Perry Residents Tire e Both . and Brigham Fly To Hawaiian Islands Tire have 16 wins for the season and they are closely tailed by Former Perry residents, Mr. Andersens Ford and Earls Food and Mrs. Almon B. Bate, Ogden, Fare with 15 wins each. The left by plane on Monday, No- Eagles have 1& and the Indian vember 10, for the Hawaiian Is. school 9 wins for third and fourth lands. place respectively. e rolled- high team They will visit with Almon Jr. who is fulfilling a mission for game of the evening with a 1019 and high team series with a the L.DB. church there. It will be a return trip for the 2887, Bud Hall took both high senior Mr. Bate. Twenty-fivindividual game and series with years ago he served a Hawaiian a 247 and 665, respectively, mission. The son is now serving Sid Farnsworth picked up the in Honolulu. tough split They plan to visit on the is lands for a few weeks and upon Sports Directors their return to the States will Of Stakes Will In some Francis time San spend co and Reno with relatives be Meet Next Sunday fore coming home. A regional meeting of athleAn acre of sugar beets pro- tic directors of North and duces 1,700,000 calories, almost South Sox Elder stakes and four times more energy than is both Bear River stakes will be produced by an acre of any other held next Sunday, Nov. 16, at 2 p. m. in the Third ward. food. y 3-- Tri-Stat- e Tri-Stat- - Tri-Stat- 'Under the direction of their in, structor, Shirley Bott and Elsie Yates, members of Zions group 2 of the Eighth ward held a social on Tuesday, November 3. A program was presented to mothers who were invited Franklin and Arliss Bradbury Brigham First ward. guests. Members of the PriHunsaker of Brigham RFD 1. Mrs. Wilson stressed the need mary presidency were also inviShirley and Idella Barfuss for all members to attend, be- ted. Whitaker of Brigham City an cause she said, all November and Refreshments were served. nounce the arrival of a boy on December lessons will be given Mothers present were: Mrs. November 9. in the Saturday meeting. Shirley Hollist, Mrs. Beth Tingey, Special plans have been made Mrs. Anona May, Mrs. (Margaret Youll be surprised at the ex- for a Christmas program in De Jensen, Mrs. Elva Peirson, Mrs cember with all wards partici Florence Turley, Mrs. Cleo Sam-sel- l cellent results and Mrs. Florence Freeman, classified ads secure. pating. News-Journ- BOWLING RESULTS Civic CluhToHedr Orson Ryan On Thurs. e AUTO GLASS THE niADfiOAtTini WINDSHIELD BENT FOR ANY MAKE OF CAR AI1DERSEI1S PAII1T & GLASS 85 North Main Phone 480 IF YOUR TIRES ARE NOT SEE BRIGHAM ) SAFE. , J US! TIRE SHOP 46 South Main Phone 548s data lessons. They along with Mrs. Hazel Mclntire and Mrs. Clara Tracy, former leader, enjoyed a full evening of Food and Fun. They decorated one long table with a centerpiece of white and orchid chrysanthemums, set the table, cooked and servedi a delicious hot dinner. Girls participating in the ae tivity were: Sandra Huggins, Margo Hunsaker, Sherilee Jensen, June Olsen, Willis Robbins, Shirley Wixom, Carolyn Jensen, Connie Jensen, Lois Jansen, Jen Janice Ohman eil (Kimber, Cheryl Palmer, Barbara Kidd, Jeanette Sato and Sharon John son. , , Mrs. Wilhelm Mueller Primary Meeting Guest M A -- A w Mrs. Wendell Preece was hostess to birthday club members at her home on1 Friday evening, November 7. Pot luck supper was served and games played. Plans were made for a Thanksgiving party to be held on Novemibe 21 at the home of Nyla Rae Jensen In Ogden, Those attending Friday evening were: Mrs. Adrian Shields, Mrs. lone Belew, Mrs. Della 8. Whitaker, Mrs. iVamell Jensen, Harold and Blanche Loveland Miss Nyla Rae Jensen nad Mrs. Oman of Yost are the parents of Fern Clifford. still born son bom November Have Food And Fun Evening Locust Camp of the Daughters Food and Fun evening was of Utah Pioneers will meet on held last Tuesday at the home Thursday, November 13 at 7:30 of class leaders of the Fifth p. m. at the home of Wanda ward Mia Maid class. Girls met at the home of Miss Richardson, 264 North Main, according to Captain Hazel Norton. Rosa Larsen and Mrs. Amy L. Hansen for continuation of table Hamilton Drugs Trio Hostesses To Past Presidents of Legion The following births are announced from Cooley Memorial hospital: A boy was born November 5 to Dennis and Maureen Davis Pimper of Brigham City. Dean and Hazel Weston Erickson of Collinston are the parents of a girl born November 5. Lee Gordon and Doris Gibbs Nelson of Mantua announce the arrival of a girl born November toast-mistres- ; Mrs . Wendell Preece Birthday Club Hostess Births Mrs. Wilhelm Mueller, who recently came form Germany to make her home in Utah, was special guest at regular monthly for teacher trainer meeting members of the Fifth ward) Pri mary. With Mrs, Adrian Shields and Mrs. Walter Jaggi as hostesses the group of 16 met at the v Shields home on Wednesday evening. o Meeting was conducted by Mrs. Fern Shaw with President Marvel Young presiding and of fering opening prayer. Lesson for the evening, Plan My Day was ably given by Mrs. Jaggi followed by regu lar business meeting. PETRI TOOK TIME TO BRING YOU GOOD WINE Following benediction by Mrs. Shaw, refreshments were served PETRI WINE CO., SAN FRANCISCO. CAlir. by the hostesses. 'S a1 -- sum !?&. FfflM&Ai j VWDw 0 o It 'w' One more drink "one for the road! It was the Toast to Death for thousands of men and women, and innocent children, too last year, , . The records do not show how many lives were needlessly sacrificed because of driving, but they do show that over 6,000 drivers involved in fatal accidents had been drinking. Another 2,000 pedestrians met death in traffic, while in an alcoholic haze. Ask the man who has just had one or two drinks and hell probably defend his ability to drive. Perhaps he can but not safely. Alcoholic stimulation breeds carelessness, speeding, recklessness. In another stage it courts drowsiness. Tests have proved that even a moderate number of drinks lowers a drivers reactions to the danger point. Quick response and alert judgment fail in the emergency. The irresponsible drinking driver is to blame for a particularly heavy share night-time traffic accidents,' Tragically, he endangers not only his own life, but of the lives of those riding with him innocent people in other cars and pedestrians. So before you take "one for the road, consider the consequences. If you drink, dont drive. Youll never hear better advice. , ewe gat amoftcyAfat i Jg Tttwt rated White State Commando Mm fl tom mad - 8triinp. Am optional at ehrome wtoaai sr alco- hol-clouded I eot. Get the big savings of a smart Studebaker COMMANDER V-- 8 J . Sleek Studebaker styling and low Studebaker upkeep! A 120 h. p. Commander. . .or a Champion in lowest price field! AM - hkxMs offor Studobakar Automatic Drive or Ovordrivo ' t V. tinted gkus ol extra eoet , 750 South Main I and JOE CARR, InC. a , if-- ' IT DOES! - OR CHAMPION Sludsbakar Ovardrivt, optional al extra cost, was med I 4 Drive As Though Your Life Depends On It Best 8 and best w6 in actual gas mileage in the 52 Mobilgas Economy Run! rt 4 Phone 737 s 1 e tUrfi Ai f |