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Show ' s O Legal Notice tlcss. Consult Clerk of District NOTICE TO WATER USERS Court Brigham City. Utah, us The following applications have ben for informawith the State Engineer to change filed respective signers tion. ,7 O For Sale Box Elder NEWS f One coal heater in excellent condition; automatic large' quantity of old news draft controlled by thermopapers. Come get 'em I We need 341 south stat. Phone 490-the room. News & Journal, tl First west FOB SALE Coleman oil heater and coal range with new water jacket. Also 2 piece sectional sofa; used Westinghouse hot or 503. plate. Phone 923-- CELERY CROWE ESI Brigham City. Utah ' Wadneaday, Movambw O Service Offered For Sale 12. 1952 We have a FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of AXEL C. NELSON, Deceased - Creditors will present claims with voucher to the undersigned nt Continental Bank Ac Trost Company, 200 South Main, Salt Lake City. Utah, on oFhefore the 29th dmy of Feb., A. D.. ran ILK J. Grade A Pasteurized - MILK & CREAM DELIVERED i TRY IT CbloTfixuliiig Rat DAIRY SUPERIOR FRESH FLOWERS with PROMPT DELIVERY Around The Corner ' or Around the World Through FTD or Interfloro Service CLEANING FURNACE We Vacuum. Clean and Repair All Makes of Furnace BEEHIVE COAt 6 APPLIANCE - . Phone "ONE". - . BRIGHAM FLORAL FOB SALE Piano, good condition. Phone S200.00. 852. Attorney for Administrator. Nbv.' tone. N5-tf-c- h SHOW CARDS and COMMERCIAL SIGNS White enamel coal range, in good condition. Ph. 47 or 354. USED CADS 1949 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE HEATER - OVERDRIVE . NEW PAINT RADIO 8 A CLASSY LOOKING CAR $1150 THIS IS A STEAL! PRICED ; AT...: $1195 1948 PLYMOUTH DELUXE . , .. SEDAN New and used guns, ammunition and fishing hunting equipment; boats and motors. boat Rubber beets, Blackfoot, Idaho or Bawleigh's, baseball equipment 'shoes, bi1415-23r- d Dept. cycles, tricycles and scooters. i. St, Denver 2. Colo. y All for sale on our now and be preplan. Buy pared when the season opens. SMALL CHILDREN tended while Bee Sport Shop. 13 West For. mothers work. Call est. Phone 815. FOR SALE Brand new: Record and radio player. S100.00 oft WANTED Lady sales clerks. 18 to 45. Experience . preferred. Call 410. Apply at Employment Service. 17 West Forest St. SEE THE NEW 1953 , REALLY SHARP LOCAL CAR CHECK THIS LOW PRICE OF ...... . TV SETS Precision Built. wThe set the experts own. 8 CYLINDER DELUXE RADIO HEATER A DANDY CAR TO CHASE AROUND IN OUR PRICE AT Y cards from FOB BENT Unfurnished apartment- Reasonable. 641 South your own negative. Very reasonable. Send for free samMain or coll Leon Packer. 8L ? ples and prices. Immediate delivery. Crystal Photo, 101 Atlas Bldg.. Salt Lake City, Utah. FOR RENT Three room fur nished apartment with bath, heat and , water furnished. FOR SALE N Call 1049-Tapestry covered davenette with drop ends to form bed. Small dressing table with bench. See Lenore Bomer. FOR tk RENT PHOTO Christmas STYLEMASTER 2 DOOR GIVE-AWA- ..$850 1941 POHTIAC , LOW PRICE OF . $195 FISHER MOTOR COMPANY East Second South O Service Offered FOB SALE your firm name, us Uttls as 4c each. delivery, so order early. The l. Furnace Cleaning Beehive Appliances. Coal A Appliance Co. Phone 1. . PHILCO Television sets, Radios, Ranges, Freezers, Refrigerators, Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. North Main Furniture Co. Ph. 250. all makes and sizes heating equipment Immediate service. Phone 420. Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal Works. Auto Repairs Repairs. Auto Paint And Body and fender work. Burts Body Shop, 604 North Main, phone 83-- AXJTO FAINTING, body Cleaners REEVES RELIABLE CLEANERS Specialize In Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. CLEANERS. Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 86. MODERN . " ' Coal Beehive coal a appliance Phone L Dealers In Utahs fin est coal,, oiled stoker slack, v nut, lump and stove. SIMONSENS Expert watch, clock and Jewelry repair. Work guaranteed. 38 So. Mn, Ph. 868. Laundry & Dry Cleaners MESFRVY LAUNDRY A DRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main. Ph. 62 Free plrk and delivery Lumber & Hardware Merrells, Inc Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements Knights Spring Canyon Coal Benjamin Moors Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances K of ec.-f- ft.) 16. Men & Boys Wear The Friendly Store for Men Quality merchandise, good service and fair prices BLOCKS, CENTRAL CHEVROLET Guaranteed 50 CHEVROLET BelAir 88' 50 OLDS Power Glide Hester, Radio, Used Cars Sedan, Radio, Heater, Hydramatic $1695 $1595 '50 CHEVROLET SEDAN 50 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN tow Mileage Deluxe, Hester, Sedan, Radio, $1495 ft) 2 Door, 49 DODGE Blue Radio, Hester, like New, Unuwslly Clean $1295 $1195 '47 CHEVROLET AERO Sedsn, 25. Hydramatic $1695 '49 CHEVROLET Fleetline i Heater, Radio, Hester, '50 STUDEBAKER Champ. liege Sedan, Radio, $875 ' Overdrive Hester, $1295 46 CHEVROLET COUPE 46 FORD V-- 8 Tudor, New Paint Radio, Heater, New Paint $775 $745 BEST SELECTION IN TOWN SEE AND US SAVE fl BEFORE YOU BUY ANY CAR . t irr - t V 4 r- 9X T d v , r DOUGLAS E. HEiNRIQUES, Acting 9 For Sale Livestock DAIBYMEN ATTENTION Four high grade holatein heifers, bred. FOB SALE. C. 8. Williams. Phone 6 or 714. N5tf-c- h For Sale 740 So. Main Seely Motel Prone 876 , is 'hereby given that Real Estate FOB SALE First class. fqrm. For further details write er phone Frank Creger, Lewiston, Utah. 031 to S-- pd e 33-J- Grocery Store, Stock and Fixtures. North Main. Two Homes in First Ward. Seven room home ( four bedrooms)' So. Main. $7,500. 6 Room Stucco Home. 3rd Ward. 1300 Acre Dry Farm. $39,000 with Terms. 2rE 17QECHEQ ceived at the office of the City Recorder in the Municipal Build ing, Brigham City, Utah until 4 oclock on, the 12th day of No vemlber, 1952, at which time all bids will be opened and publi cly read aloud in the Cityi Coun cil Room. Plans and specifications for said project may he obtained at the office of the City' Engineer. A deposit of $15.00 is required for each set of documents obtained. - The owner reserves the privilege to reject any and all bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bid or bids. By order of the Brigham City Council this 16th day of October, SUNDAYS NIGHTS SERVICE ASK FOR 925-C3- C w 3-C- ,! 7Q A SHOWDOWN DEMONSIRATICri OF THE A. D., 1952. GERTRUDE S. BOSWORTH, Deputy City Recorder. 320 Acre Dry Farm. Could be irrigated. MORE LISTINGS WANTED SHEFFIELDS I. G. A. After 40 years of serving the community every day low prices" on MILLER 63 North Main Street REAL Adding MartlCash ines and Registers rented, bought, sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. TYPEWRITERS, Paint and Glass GLASS AND FAINTS Residential, commercial and automobile glass. Complete line of General paints tor inside and out. Andersens Glass and Paints, 85 No. Main. Ph. 480. Repair Service WASHERS, STOKERS, Furnaces, Refrigerators, Small Appliances. Beehive Coal Appliance. ESTATE Phone 1040 SUPECJ ( Lowest In Ash Highest In Heat t. Office Supplies . - Complete INSURANCE Line Quality Meats, Groceries, Frozen Foods, Fresh Vegetables. 120 So. Main, Phone 69. THRIFT-T- MART. Meet Mr. Good food at Its very best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17. Phone L ed up In a fight here whlctf ends death for one and mul: tiple wounds for The othettt . This is the third' tithe In .the past seven or eight years they have had a fight, said Mrs. Joel Richards, proprietress of a turio shop where the battle occurred. She estimated the gators to be about 25 years old. A third saurian in the pen paid little attention to the death struggle. Mrs. Richards said he was about 200 years old and was probably get ... y . wanted vehicle. He stopped It at ting a little senile. . the next crossroad and took the delinquent back to town, where Order your stationery, office and he admitted the theft and paid business forms, envelopes, etc., his bill plus a fine. today at the New. journal. Any adverse claimants of the above-describ- Brigham City Corporation Invites land should file their claims, all or objections, on or before the time sealed bids for furnishing The Bureau of designated for sale. construcLand Management ha not searched the labor and material for county records to ascertain the exit tion of Sidewalk District No. 14 tense of any adverse claim. according to plans and speciflca Any contiguoue owner claiming preference right must assert such right tions on file in the office of the within 30 days from the above sale City Engineer. Bids will be re date, 5 Markets Jewelers . BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 36 years friendly service. Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto . News-Journa- IRECT0KY FRIC.IDAIRE PRODUCTS. StokWe vacuum clean ers, Furnaces, Radios, Washers, Small Sales books, restau- handy reference guide to Brigham City ,8 Sales and Serevice institutions. AnnlianCP We pay our light and fuel bills. f WINTER RATEijl 0N STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS , - rant checks, etc printed with Phone 74 BUSINESS I Notice of. Ona-mont- h This Is Your Brigham City A - , "Home Of Really Clean Cars" 17 ! propowd to clung diversion end luture of of water to b difollow. : two 5 In. well. WELL NO. 1 74 ft. deep at a pojn 3799 S fl. and W. 9 9 ft. I. WELL NO. S. 4264 5 ft. . t 2 ft. deep at a point,rom NE CT-Sac- . and W. 22.5 f 5. TIN, R6W. The water i. to ha used to water 2000 head of cattle. T23404 CtalpidaHo Crater. Aseo Sak Lake elation. 331 South Scat St..atock-wata. sac.-ftfor Chy. Ut. .Id No. 3. Bank from Coal use Spring ing tributary to Thousand Spring Wash to Great Sah Lake at a point S. 75 deg. 153 4) ft. from NV4 Cor. 40 min. W. Hec. 25, T7N, RI9W. The water will be collected at th spring In a redwood a collecting box end carried through concrete and steel pipe to metal ft. where troughs a distance of 751.) it will be Used from May I to Oct. 31, and Dec. I to Mar. 31 to water 6000 heeo 23652 W. C Klmber, Crouse Creek, Ut. 3 see ft. for irrigation ase from a 16-lwell hat. 25 end 125 ft. deep at xdnt S. 759 ft. and E. 1914 ft. from WU Cor. Sec. 29, T10N, RI8W. The water will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to Irrigate 100 acros of land embraced in NEldSWU, N4SE!4 Sec. 29. TI0N. R16W. 24026 --Carson Bros, a for Grouse Creek, Ut. 6 ec,-f- t. 16-iwells two us from Irrigation bet. 23 and 100 ft. deep at points and WELL NO. in amounts as follows: I S. 570 54 ft. and E. 93) 68 f sec. ft.; WELL NO. 2 S.- - 493.46 sec ft both from and E. 787 80 N!4 Cor. Sec. 2, TI1N, R16W. The wa-twill be conveyed from each well by means of an open ditch to e point from S. 389.21 ft. end E. 875 33 ft. said N4 Cor., where it will be commin1 15 Oct. and to used from Apr. gled to irrigate 80 acres of land embraced in W'4NE!4. ENWVL NEViSWV. end SWKNWK Sec. 2, TUN, R18W, g incidental for year-roun- d purposes. 24 129 B C Campbell, 1662 Roosevelt Av Sah Lake City, Ut. 8 sec. ft. 16-ifor irrigation uee from four wells bet 50 and 1)6 ft. deep at points and in amounts ae follows. WELL No. 30 ft. and W. 1400 ft. 2 sec, 1420 ft. and W. ft.; WELL 2 NO. -2660 ft. sec. ft.? WELL No. 3 S. : 2640 ft. end W. 266) ft. 2 sec.-3900 ft and W. 3240 WELL NO. . 2 See. NE eec.-ftfrom ft. Cor, ell The water is to be 4, T9N, RI6W. used from Apr. 1 to Oct 15 to irriIn gate 320 acres of land embraced W yt See. 4, T9N, RI6W. and for year-roun- d incidental domestic and stock- watering purposes. No. 241 60 Reed Harris. RFD 2, Tremonton, Ut. I sec. ft. for Irrigation use from an open drain at a point N. 2463 ft. and E. 2220 ft. from SW Cor. See. II, TUN, R4W. The water will be dam diverted by means of an earth and conveyed through 50 ft. of earth ditch and 24 ft. of pipe where it will be used from Apr. I to Oot. ) to irrigate 89 acree of land embraced in 5W4 Sec. tl. T11N, R4W, and for year-roun- d Incidental slock watering purposes. of Protests resisting the granting any of the foregoing applications with reasons therefor, be made in affidavit form with extra copy end filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capital, Salt Lake City I, Utah, on or before December 12, 1952. th point of u.. verted from week-lon- g 45. J. FOUR DOOR 6 CYLINDER CANT GO WRONG AT THIS '"Iferalhe JACKSONVILLE, Fla WP) Two young alligators got1 into O For Rent or Lease Phone 63 LOTS OF MILES LEFT IN THIS A 65. j' C CHASE FIRESTONE $895 1946 CHEVROLET SFRINGFIEUD, III. (UP) Illiwater in Box Elder appropriate state "police believe they nois State the of Utah, throughout County, entire year, and all locations being have on. record the shortest from SLBfcM, unless otherwise desighighway pursuit yea In their nated. Te Change operations by squad car and the Matt 5. two-waBar B. Company. y radio. Browning, Trustee, Ogden, vt proposes to change the pointI of diversion and A Gibson City filling station sec ft. of water nature of use of initiated by Application No. 151)5. The operator complained that a cuswater was to have been directed from five well located as follows: WELL tomer sped away without paying NO. 15. 579). 6 ft. end W. 9 8 ft! for a full tank of gasoil net DisWELL NO. 2 5. 4266.) ft. end W. 4729.4 ft. trict headquarters broadcast a 22 5 ft. WELL NO 3- -5. 5-S. WELL NO. and W. 29.6 h. and license number. l fl.i WELL NO. description 4574.9 ft. end E. 11 A cruising 277)4 ft. and W. ) 8 ft., patrolman near The from NE Cor. Sec, 5, T8N, R6W. IrH- Gibson. City made a note of the used to been water was to have in description and then, looked up. 100 acres of land embraced rite See 51. 52. TN, R6W, end fer The car in front of him was the end tock-watIncidental domeatle nut $1095 Two Alligators Stop Long Death Battle 4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION PUBLIC SALE United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management LAND AND SURVEY OFFICE, 512 Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 21. 1952. 237-WUnder provisions of section 2455, R. 14 of the act , as amended by eeetion of June 26, 1934 (44 Stat., 1274; 43 U. s C. U7I), and pursuant to the application of John ' Lawrence Miller, Sr. of Van Nuys, Calif. Serial No. U 96646, there will be offered to the highest bidder, but et not lees than $2 00 per acre, at a public sale to be . held et 10 oclock A M on the 17th day of December, 1952 next, at this office, the following tracts of land NW4 NEU N NWU , SW'iNWlf HAVE OPENING in , Brigfeam Soc. 12. T. li N., R. li ,W S.LM. 140 - The land will be sold subject acres.City for office assistant Should to a water pipe line as to WjNWVi- Bids may be made by the principal be good typist preferably hie agent, either paraonally at the er with bookkeeping experience. sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered Apply in handwriting, giving if received at this office prior to Joseph M. Tracy, age, experience, ( references, only the hour fixed for the sale. Bide must STATE ENGINEER. p-- p etc. Write Box News & be In sealed envelopes aooompanied by Published in the Box Elder News, certified check or 5 ' postoffice money , Brigham City, Utah from October JoumaL orders made payable to the Treasurer to Novsmber 12, 1952. of the United States for the amounts O of the bide. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-han- d comer "Public sale Serial No. U 06646, FOB BENT 2 room cabin. Ph. Sale. Dec. 17, bid. 195 1. ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS . The highest bidder wiU be required 410. to pay immediately the amount there- HALLICRAFTERS 1946 POHTIAC STATION WAGON f North 2nd East. lay-envo- DELUXE - OVERDRIVE LOW MILEAGE NOTICE O Help Wanted 2. 1949 STUDEBAKER 4 DOOR . FOB SALE OUR PRICE , 163 GEORGE R CRAGHEAD and MERLE W. CRAGHLAO, hie wife, et al. O Wanted To Rent CONDITION Climatizer, radio, heater, overdrive, hill holder, new seat covers and other accessories. Low mileage, one owner. Call 336-- J or see at I TO LIEN CLAIMANTS C.M No. 7273 In the District Court af Box Elder County, State of Utah. UTAH PIPE CONCRETE COMPANY, Plaintiff, NOTICE Defendant. tS HEREBY GIVEN to all or persons (holding claiming liens upon the premises hereinafter described under Title 52, Chapter I, UCA 194), to be and appear before the above court at 10 00 A. M., on the 25th day of November, said 1952, ae ordered by WANTED Bain for rent during court, then and there to exhibit proof of such liens, and that aU liens not so Phene in winter, Bigham City. exhibited shall be deemed to be waived 2181, Corinne alter 6 p. m. against the property. Said property is owned and reputed be owned by GEORGE R CRAG-EAand MERLE W. CRAGHEAD, his wife, and Is situated in Brigham City, Box Elder Cbunty, State of Utah, and Is described ae: at a point 6 rods West MAN WANTED for established of the Southeast corner of Lot I, 2200 family Bswleigh business Block I, Plat A, Brigham City Survey, and running thence West in South Cache County. Prod8 rods: thence North 4 rods; ucts on credit Beal opportunthence East 8 rods; thence South 4 of beginning. rods the to Complace write ity. Immediately D. RUCKENBROD, RICHARD pany Bepresentative M. E. Attorney for Plaintiff. Walton, 320 S. E. Main St 1950 STUDEBAKER Starlite Coupe A-- V-- FUNK SIGN AND NEON SERVICE 259 No. Main Ph. 975 FOR SALE YOUP POtITIAC DEALERS 217 HARPER L. PEARSE, Administrator FOB SALE ALL 71I1S WEEK AT No. Civil HUGGINS A HUGGINS, I GORDON HUGGINS. upright' in Good NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the District Court of the First Ju . dicisl District la And Fer the Conn ty of Box Elder, State of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of VENNA NICHOLS PFARSE, Deceased. Notes vs hereby given to the credl tors of Venna Nichols Peerse that all persons having dolma against said deceased shall exhibit them with the necessary voucher within four months after first publication of this notice at the office of 1. Gordon Huggins, of 1108-1HUGGINS A HUGGINS. First Security Bank Building, Ogden, Utah. Dated this 5th day of November, 1952. AND GIFTS So. Main Ph. 99 473 Oct . , Phone 540 . GOODWILL Continental Bank A Trust Cbm-- ? pony of Sait Lake City, Utah, Administrator of the Estate of Axel C. Nelson. Deceased. - Dsta of first publication - Oct. 29, A. D, 1952. Glen Y. Richards and Psrria 5. Jenseo, Attorneys for Administrator! 1414 Walker Bank Building, Sale Lake City, Utah. x OR . i Highway Chatt Made' Short By Radio i GS&i ii Units 3 "I Picked It Up Through The WANT ADS!" ON ' Regular reading of the want add column is a good habit. Lots of ' times, unexpectedly, you find just the item youve been want- 2 USING It takes only a few minutes so turn to them right now. Youll find some outstanding bargains listed. Its easy to place a want ad too. AH you do is PHONE CLEAN LB T US FILL YOUR BIN TODAY! : PHONE ONE . BEEHIVE COAL & . APPLIANCE 60 North Main Street JlrighnmCity . FARM ' AND ALL WORK DURING THE YEAR ing. HOT and YOUR ' ' IT WILL DO YOUR SPRING PLOWING - t LESS GAS V V CALL US TODAY AT 300 BRIGHAM TRUCK AND ic:d ! Brigham CityUtah ItiPlffiENT CO. 0 K3 2'T- - J |