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Show f r ,v 7 TO2 XKZZLi lETLOt kAYgrtlLC, UTAtl HOE Because Buster You Stand, Straight Brown Shapisg-Lasts-- Rt the Feet No Run Over WE GIVE MX.' WE GIVE HVC No Ugliness . GREEN GREEN TRADING Buster Brown Shaping Lasts are Right Room for each Toe. TRADING STAMPS STAMPS Wrong Last Make cramped Toes. Mr. Father, Mrs. Mother Ask for Buster Brown Shoes H. J. SHEFFIELD & SONS DEPARTMENT CASH. STORE, Telephone No. KAYSVILLE The Most I farming; fruit and vegetable growing for shipment and canning are lias the important industries, Davis County Central High school, churches and new opera house. City water and electric-- lights are inducements for investment. Home Reflex and its Some bargains in laces and other state. The capital stock of the assoApril Conference is coming soon. your orders for hats now. We trimmings at the Kaysville Millinery. ciation will be $10,000. Adv. expect to be very busy. Kaysville MiFOR SALE The best cenllinery. Adv. 3 23. Lorenzo Barnes, of Downey, Idaho, trifugal pump on the market. CapaciSeed Potatoes for Sale I have accompanied by his wife, are visiting ty 185 gallons per minute and will ihrow water equal to a fire hydrant,. Early Ohio seed potatoes for sale at friends and relatives in Kaysville. Call on, phone or address W. P. EpChoice my home in West Layton. 120 acres good dairy farm, $30 per person, Kaysville. Adv. Rtrairt and clean stock. Francis Bone. -- AU. acre, including improvments; located Miss Estella Criddle has been honat Syracuse. "Herbert E. Smith Co. Mrs. Emeline Openshaw, of Salt orably released from her labors in the Adv,, It. Lake City, was a Kaysville visitor mission field and is expected home in Doctor Rutledge is offering $1Q re- time for Conference. Miss Criddle has Friday. She came up to meet old friends at the annual Relief Society ward for the return of his Airedale been located at Omaha and Lincoln, dinner. terrier, which has been missing for Nebraska, most of the time. v days. sevejal The Kaysville Millinery will move Miss Temma Blood, daughter of Mr. ii to the west part of the Kaysville Paul R. Thomassen and wife have Mrs. John IlL Blood, has been and hotel about the firsts of April, The returned to Kaysville from"- Cornish, called to fill a mission for the L. D. S. place is being fitted up to meet the Idaho, where Mr. Thomassen was sta- church. She has been assigned to the millin- tion agent. requirements of an Northwestern States mission, with ery.30,000 acres Uinta Basin lands, $10 headquarters at Portland, Oregon. Mrs. W. B. Major, of Bountiful, to $20 per acre with water. First exvisited with the family of her son, cursion, March 29th. Do you want to Uruce Major, Monday and Tuesday. go? Call Herbert E. Smith for parShe is now visiting with other mem- ticulars. Adv., It. Located in the tpidst of fertile bers of her family at I.ayton, where fields. Excels In production of milk, e for Setting-RosComb Rhode Egg she was joined by her husband. tomatoes and' sugar beets. Haa the Island Red eggs for setting from imfactory of the Layton Sugar ComContractors Hyde and Sheffield ported prize winning birds. Price, pany (now building), cannery, roller mills and creamery. Good opporconstructed 475 feet of cement ditch $2.00 per setting. Mrs. G. D. Ruttunities for. those seeking suburbfor the Haights Bench Irrigation ledge .Kaysville. Ady. an acreage for fruit growing, company last jeek. The improvement truck gardening, chicken raising Wm. T. Clark, of Idaho, Falls, who will be the means or saving a conand dairying. On lino of Salt Lako has been visiting here for the past A Ogden and Oregqn Short Lino. siderable amount of irrigation Water three weeks, has returned to his home. Has electric lights and waterworks. to the company. Mr. Clark is in ill health and came .Write Layton Commerial Club for information. The Geo. Besley electric light sys- here for medical treatment. tem has been extended to the home The Jefferson day banquet which of Harvey King, located about a half Merchants hot lunch at the Layton will be held at the Hotel Utah on the mile northeast of the Beesley homeAdv. of April 8th, will te attended Bakery. stead. Electric lights was the only evening of Kaysby a considerable Adams Brothers loaded out two thing to make the King home thor- ville Democrats. delegation loads of hogs toTt.. car modern. oughly Miss Emily Brough who has been James Criddle has about completed Fresh Bakery Goods every day at on a mission for the L. D. S. church, the improvements which he has been the Layton Bakery. Adv. is expected home next week. Miss making On the property he recently Mrs. W. D. Cummings, of Brigham been laboring in the purchased from Mrs Taylor at the lo- Brough , has Western mission States with headCity, is visiting with her mother, Mrsj cust and Sixth street. The improveDenver. at quarters Joseph Adams. ments are marked and the apiiearance of the plaee greatly improved. The directors of the Kaysville Parcel Post Service. Telephone or Miss Emily Brough, who has been Cemetery association held a meeting write us your wants; don't go without laboring in the Western States mis- yesterday and deeded to incorporate the medicine or drugs you need. Call the association under the laws of the 105W. Layton Drug tore. Adv. 2 sion, will return from Pueblo, Colo., on Tuesday, and Miss Estella Criddle, who has been laboring in the Nebraska conference, has received hter reand expects to return home lease Iave i The largest city in north Davis County, fine place for residence. Kaysville Roller Mills, vegetable and fruit canning establishment and great brilk plant add steadily to the wealth of the city. General of The Kayyille, Utah of the Best for the Least Cash up-to-d- printing plant. Mrs. Geo. Swan is reported ill with mumps. - are The canyon streams higher than in years. reported te Mrs. Walter Stewart, who has been ill for some tiftie, is reported better. Miss Schofflelds sister, Emma, is in Kaysville and will spend the season with her. Miss Vera Ronnmort visited her sister, Mrs. Charles Hurt on, at her home in Ogden this week. FOR SALK for seed. Kaysville. Club Hurley, suitable James Criddle.I'hone 2413, Adv. Mrs. Remey, of Salt Lake City, a former Kuysville resident, attend the Relief Society dinner Friday. FOR RENT The Taylor cottage to the right party. James Criddle, lhone 2413, Kaysville. Adv. Mrs. A. J. Curtis has returned from 1,08 Angetes, where she has been visiting for the past two months. Mrs. Surah K. ylor, of Irovo, visited' with her sister, Mrs. Seth Jones, at her llovvnlt home the lirst of the Week. Hen Webster of West Kaysville, received a call yesterday to go upon He wdfdepart April 12th for the Northwestern States mission. LAYTON 2-- John W. Hurton has joined the ranks of electric light users through it will cost him considerably over $100 to build the pole line by which to get the juice. April 1st. Miss Gladys Cowley is back to her only somewhat scarce but fearfully The company is indeed old position in the Farmers Union expensive. after enjoying a two months vaca- fortunate in securing seed. tion. ' , Those in charge" of the store of the Miss Elizada Adams has returned Davis County Furniture company rehome after a three months visi; with port many visitors during this their lier married sis'.er ir Lngham City- opening week. There is every prospect for a good, prosperous' business 120 acres good dairy farm, $30 per for this firm which is carrying a big ' acre, including improvments; located stock of goods. at Syracuse. Herbert !. Smith Co. Will I. Layton is still on crutches, Adv., the result of breaking the ligaments Stevens Brothers, the Layton butch- in his ankle when jumping to avoid ers, want alf the chickens they can get being hit by an auto while in Los Anat 15 cents per pound. See or phone geles. He is not suffering much pain, them if you have chickens for sale. but is giving his ankle every opportuAdv. nity for gaini..g its accustomed ' , Bishop Gilbert Parker, of West strength- Point, ist now driving a .Dodge car The dancing party given by the which he purchased from . Lucius Blue Bird girlS last Friday night at Laudie. the Farmers UnionwaS a social Charles Nalder, son of Mr. and Mrs. success. The refreshment room and Wm. N. Nalder, will be married to the hall were decorated in green and Miss Robinson, of Peterson, on Wed- the color was carried even to the color of the ice cream served. Twenty nesday, March 29th. were in attendance and they The entertainment, social and dance couples danced and danced and danced, until 4 given by the Relief Society of Lay-to- n oclock Saturday morning. ward, in La Tonia hall last Frifine was well and attended a time day Aaron Call of Syracuse wishes the is reported. statement corrected which was made Nyals Baby Cough Syrup, just in last weeks Reflex to the effect the thing for children, an affective that the foundation of his new house remedy for coughs and colids, gently would have to be1 torn out, owing to laxative, 25c the bottle. Layton Drug the fact that it was put in in. cold tore. Adv. wpather and froze. Mr. Call wishes it known that the job was done by Hyde 30,000 acres Uinta Basin lands, $10 & Sheffield and is a first-clajob. to $20 per acre with water. First ex- The house is now ready for occucursion, March 29th. Do you want to pancy. go? Call Herbert E. Smith for particulars. Adv.,1 A novel plan. to provide the local tosser.s with classy new unifirms tall There will be a large attendance at hi.f en suggested and is now the base ball dance at the La Tonia It was proposed that eleven tomorrow evening. The proceeds .'f Lay on business men donn-- e the suit The Sugar company is distributing ard tlu.t each so doing have their beet seed to its growers and the farm- name placed on the suit so furnished. ers are preparing their land for seed- Ther are more ' business houses in ing. The company earnestly recom- Layton than suits needed and there mends --great care in preparing the ma be some squabble among the land for planting as beet seed is not merchants to get in on the suits. It ' ss 1 -- ns-s;n- d. r THE EDDY DRUG CO., Props. XCURSI0N R. C. LUCRE, Mgr. The Kaysville Pharmacy "Your Home Drug Store" To SALT LAKE CITY - Patent Medicines, Nyal Line Rubber Goods, Magazines Stationery, Cigars, Candy, Toilet Articles, . Drugs, t . f 4 for SAFETY FIRST Buy your drug wants where your doctor buys his! - The Kaysville Pharmacy Prescriptions Our Specialty Kaysville, Utah. D. S. Conference x Prescriptions. AT L ' a r . v. Bamberger Electric Lines ' , i v One Fare for the Round Trip from all Points. |