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Show CV- - Qp OTWtt.V HCT itAtsmu. OTAfl BOUNTIFUL ikma Nine milas north f Salt . City, suburban a4 Davis Cwrnty, largest city inalactrie Kbta and watarworks, powar, ulsphonas, eaawt aurroaadad by 5 awo gardens and fruit landi, two two trie railroads with low faroe, railroads, boo tran yard, two banka, good businaaa houses, commercial club f1 and high schools, churches lodges. A good place to nra. woe w CEMENT STAVE rtda-walk- Silos a, . term Report cards for the fourth isued yesterday. A. large assortment of hats now The Freshmen dance, which was to have been given Friday night has been postponed on account of the circus with! Mrs. Wm. Page is suffering gall stones. we haven t what early you wish leave youpofdef. and we will get it. ' on display. circus will be given in the tomorrow afternoon by the stu of the H igh fwhooU Ad mission I dents G iioond liar: oe is clerking in the I will bo 10e and side show a' small fee. I Capital Mercantile store. Everyone is invited. m gym-naaiu- - If 1 Mis. TV il ford Builow has been qu. Dramatic club presented Fac- K sick, but is now on.,the improve. yU8icrt jn Farmington last y There will be a return The home of ClaAnce Eldradg was I night 31st. March scarlet fever. men t at haysville, quarantined Make Your Home Store Grow. engage-recentl- is very ill. .s suffering vith a nervous br.'a .he . Mrs. Joseph E. Hepworth n . ' rid-- 1 Joseph H. Grant may in his new seven paaeenger mg around ... be-see- various classes will hold of basebal games nlhenea The senior class will sutler (future. I the loss of Milton Burton as pitcher, . The n n(J -- ,, A Davis County High school day will be celebrated between the 1st and Mr, Otto LarraW and family of 10thl of April, here at Davis. There Salt Lake City, were visiting relatives be varous contests between the will include here Sunday. (three high schools, which con athletic and Mr. and Mrs. Eerett Nelson are re-- 1 speaking typewriting . I Hind tests. 10-- p ioicing ever tne anival of a I born on Monday. Milton Burton, president pf the Stud discontinued Thool of Salt Lake City, dent Body, has Mr. Wm. iU? H. U Wm. Doy, Jr. of th '! m aU will be glad show I atany time to what we have. you- - Kaysville Millinery Store tan t. OUR NEW PREMIUM OFFER h, the winter here, ranch in Park Valley Monday, eating. Free To Our Customers I Co. Stewart-Burto- n Mrs. John E. Woolley and son, Mar-jcu- s, of Centerville, moved Into the L. Geo. Thurgood residence the first of the week. HERBERT E. SMITH constipated or bilious. II ou have sick headache. you have a sour stomach. you belch after eating. you have indigestion. nervous or despondent. you have no relish for your When When When When When When When ated on last Thursday for appendicitis, is doing as well as can be expected. A special programme was furnished Tuesday evening by the M. 1. A. as the closing feature of the season. meals. ROCKERS IfOM Itatart. Eli Rodgers is building a residence probability a new president" will be and plumbing shop on his lot adjoining Llectej to ftu Mutts place. J the Union Lumber company.: Take Chamberlains Tablet! been epend-in- g When to Spencer ll.tch, who returned to his When yoii feel dull and stupid after Mrs. Angus Smedleywho was oper- Call and see them and get a punch card Phil When your liver is torpid. Obtainable everywhere. Adv. , COMPANY . How to Prevent Croup When, the child is subject to attacks Miss Patience Armstrong of this of croup, see to it that he eats a, light Woods evening meal, as an overloaded stora place, and Harry Hatch of I Lake Salt in the ach may bring on an attack, also Cross, were married was A reception watch for the first sympton hoars-nes- s, Temple Wednesday. of home the at same the and give Chamberlains Cough evening given I the bridegroom. Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse. Obtainable everywhere. Ad. South Davis Stake conference was held Saturday and Sunday in the Sac ond ward. Apostle Francis M. Lyman land Jos. Merill were the principal ? acspeakers. The Second ward choir, companied by an orchestra, furnishe ? some excellent music, which was Then by all means you should greatly appreciated by the targe come into our store and see the crowd in attendance. most artictic and perfect edition of 2000 classic and modern stanA few shares of FOR SALE dard compositions vocal and to Do You Play Do You Sing Myron tO. Thillips, Confectioner Ka.VSHJilie. I tab. Haights Creek water. Apply 2431. Phone Criddle, Kaysville, (James i -- Adv. Rank Foolishness. You occasionally see it stated that colds do not result from cold weather. That is rank foolishness. Were, it (true colds would be as prevalent in mic-rob- e midsummer as in midwinter. The in flourishes colds causes that of Owing lo the Scarcity Dyestuffs Prices are' . a damp, cold weather. To get rid of cold take Chamberlains Cough Remerecdy. It is effectual and ia highly it used have who ommended by people . for many years as occasion required, and know its real value. Obtainable (everywhere. Adv. 'Mar. AdvanongL instrumental any price. Electric Hansons ever published at Century Edition NOTARY PUBLIC Shoe Shop Utah Kaysville First Class te Works Our TELEPHONE 45-- J Quick and Motto PLUMBING! General plumbing repairing will receive prompt attention. Spencer Barton KAYSVILLE Oak-Le- Poultry Farm af CASH PAID FOR POULTRY AND EGGS. Agents for Conkeya Poultry and Stock Remedies. W. If you have been paying 2&c to $1.00 per copy for your music, get acquainted with Century Edition. Just as carefully written, as correctly fingered, as the most beautifully engraved an expensive kina and Only 10 Cents a Copy Come la and get a catalog FREE - ' ft Grants Place Kaysville, Utah Phone 41 Kaysville Exchange, PREPAREDNESS ! Layton Drug Co. We have made, Do you believe in Preparedness? We do. service better dunng the special preparations to give you to few days. a in sure begin Work that is rush Harrowaand Plows, whyPnot In your today? Bring Yes, Bhapc- - Don t Cultivators and have them put m effect at into be put policy should delay. The in the been have caught once Manys the time that you need that tools you broken with rush of e arly spring work badly. Don's let it happen this year, YOURS FOR SERVICE, PJviled4e SURGEON PHYSICIAN and 0ffica.ndRide-?,-- W Calls answered presspuy y J. , about right for dinner today, doesnt it? And if it is the right RdUlfiSOJi kind of a pork roast it will be just about right. If you want one that has an appetizing flavor, one that will be thoroughly enjoyed, order It at our market. You get honest weight at honest prices. Kaysville Meat Market Uscenccd Abstracts And Notary Public OSes F. C. A H-- Ed. w It sounds just of Quality- - ,. ss KAYSVILLE. UTAH. Co-o- p. G. V In Dr. S. Neilson and Son while Call and make your selections the stock is complete. The House WhitaKer , and Percales Toile-du- -Utility .GingKame, non& Devonshire Cloth, House Dresses, Childrens Dresses, Middy and will Blouses before the advance man tain, the old prices UTAH dentist Office fir-ela- . . . Finest Sheet Music do-it-no- We purchased our A. F. . KAYSVILLE, Ctk a bank account, satisfy yourself that there is no question as to the solidity of the Examine Our Condition and you will be satisfied that your money will" be as safe as the Pyramids. Do not wait to get a large sum of money, start with what you have today. Ban1 Jnion State t r BOUNTIFUL, UTAH. "T.G:rr, Predictor KnysrO t 6 0 ' |