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Show WILL RAID AND MURDER BURNING NO MORE BODIES OF RAIDERS VILLAS BRIG. GEN. J. J. PERSHING Placed In command of troops capture Villa and his band. MAJOR ; V " 7' . V' ' ;' - y ::; ' - " 4C; - The picture shows the burning of the bodies of 37 Mexicans who were the Central killed in the raid. In the foreground is the gafvanlxed coping-o- f hotel, allthat remained of the building after it bad been burned. cid - . V ;""r'TSw- -i - - FOR t' MEN yr.v, j the flight from Columbus. COLU MBUS FELL AT WHO jv jf in v av .ywA.w. w,wrv. X Xvwv. . x w.W . JcaRv v x .ywwwt v.vrt.s',ANkVyjl . V , !. 'm t, S-'- a?,j Tw 4 s a, " v '" '2. vaa.Xv Newton I). Raker, the new secretary of war. and General Scott, chief of staff of the United States army, conferring In the war department. 4fr ifcy3 i ....v. iy vwyijvAViVA . GENERAL SCOTT PLANNING MOBILIZATION OF THE TROOPS - FUN ERALS ERVIC ES , "J vuX United States cavalry viewing the dead body of a Villa bandit killed huifci'nT ' ' fhk v y' ' 'V a . ,,; i ; VVCPRWOOD 1 4 4 " 'V" " . ; ' U Chief of staff of the United States army who la in charge of ths plans for ths pursuit oi Villa. BRIGADIER GENERAL DAVIS USING THE FIELD TELEPHONE , Last rites being performed for the United States soldiers who were killed in the fight with Villa's band at Columbus, N. M. U. S. SOLDIERS USING THE LATEST STYLE TRENCHES Q t tv- -' t ' ? w;; i... j.;', " y4V a? M v L- ,v- -- - ' tr sgr-- C. -- 1 V ' . .t -- 1 5. h' . JXy A 1 ' ftt whk '? ' rf W.ww.wi iu'.Ml imii . - inn M 3 Brig. Gen. Thomas S. DSris In com mand of tbs Sixth brigade of Infaa-tiin th advance into Mexico. T WOUNDED AT COLUMBUS I ( ; ? COMMANDS 0 " wvjrti , , 1 4 T, HERE PUNITIVE EXPEDITION WILL HUNT jjjT AERO SCOUTS -- r;-- v ' 'A ' SPnT !- J ' JA Y f-- p? s iH ff' ' 7 f MEN WHO LEAD TROQPS IN MEXICO K' ;3, . ' V s''' VAUwvyAv li&'y ' v,-- -. .- 'V- - C. f x xbrrA A$r $;$ ' vi4 'jr! fr rv . - -' v,,A pNs V--- ; ,A- . -- ((-'4 Second Lieut Clarence. Benson, Thirteenth United States cavalry, who waa wounded' in Villas raid on Columbus, New Mex., laid the foundation of his military training in McKinley school, Washington, D. C. The picture shows him in the uniform of a cadet captain. For two years he has been on patrol duty on the Mexican border, stationed at Columbus, Arts. - 1 II D. Foulois in com Captain and Colonel Perkins, In command of infantry In mand of Benjamin the aero scouts with the the punitlvk expedition into Mexica. United States troops in Mexico. Colonel Loughborough - r Unforgotten. Has your wife a good memory?" Splendid. Weve been married Chihuahua region to be pierced by United States troops bent on twenty capturing years, and shes still .remindnnrderers of New Mexico citiiena and soldiers; arrow Indicates where ing me of all the promises I made point Alcrmon colonists are th peril from Villistas. when we were courting." smr2 |