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Show 'Jv Eggs. Efywthetlo GUARD Y0Lv, Austrian scientist of - Grax la DRIVE BY IS GREATER to have been making synthetic PejllNa protects, He haa been able to extract the coughs, coin of against blood albumen contained in the bronchitis, catarrh of the GERMANS CHECKED bullocks, sheep, plge, and other III MEXICO liver and kidneys. It is conaumpt-tionanslaughtered for human to relieve a case of catar. form a sure In such It to present el the bowels as it is a case of cata that It haa no trace of Ita origin, As atuell prepared of the head. thar in taste o GENERAL FUNSTON ASKS .WAR ATTEMPT TO FLANK VERDUN Oh by bis avstem, it Is s coarse, yellow Anyone suffering from catarrh, THE WEST AND ARE MET DEPARTMENT FOR MORE MEN he has given the severe or mild, acute or chronic, in to wjhich powder WITH FIERCE RESISTANCE. TO AID PERSHING. " the human name of haematalb His process has any organ or part of already been applied In a number of body, should at ofice get a bottle of German and Austrian abattoirs, and IERlNA. Field Operations in Campaign Against On River Somme the Germans Entei haematalb is In ysc in rfianv hospitals British Trenches, But Are Driven Villa is So Extended That It As soon as the value of Pfruna as a substitute of Central the empires in every houseR to Russian Cut and Germans Deemed Advisable Send tr dissolves in water, and is fully appreciated Toregg ' and a inforcements. a as both Fighting In Lake Region. preventive can also be used In the prepai ation of hold, affections, catarrhal from relief pastry and other dishes Laiiu1c.ii - In their attempts to flank San Antonio, Texas - General Fred tens of thousands pf Hies will be on Verdun Germans war the the west, tlie ernk Funston saved and hundreds of thousands Barred Out. depart ment on Tuesday for more troops to having smceedid In working their way Husband Have you called upon of chronic lingering cases will be Mahvneourt wood and Lbo4 through-th- ts send tatty Mexico, on!v after long new people yet prevented. Fergna, indeed, is a of the ad usability of ecu Avocourt wood, have begun a heavy Wife No, wu can't associate with household safeguard. bonbarjnu nt of the village of Esne-- i them. 1 was saved from doing' it itv tinuing the opcra.lons against A course of Peruna never fails Villa with the fori elf now com about light miles northwest of Ver the nick of time. to bring relief in such cases, since Gen dun, and Hill "3 4, whhh lies about a manded by General Pershing Husband hat happened r there is no remedy like it, ast ral Pershing bad suggested that an mile and a half north of Fanes Wife Why. by the merest accident All women ought to know the wonderful effects of of people have testified. thousands arid sent be are to The Freiuh, however, other ng'ment him, vigorously heard that they run an open tar all ow available r Tablet Perunw General Funston asked the depart contesting a further advante which w inter Judge. km taking Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound even on In rvnveuleut Mua. an u as German he not would terized harat aone mentfo hat bring the those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: T line near'r the fortress, bu spreading adequate force H0W WONDERFULLY 'RESIN0L It a as announced at General tanltkc noitheastward. wou'd put ir Perm. SOOTHES ITCHING SKINS! Harrisburg, When r headquarters that the Fifth cav jeopardv the Frenrih in the region ol gjngle I suf- rered a great deal from fbmale jweakness ia Fort one because at Mont Homme. Le of ahft'h squadron airy, my work eomrie lied me to stand all daj. I took Nine times in ten when the liver ia If you have ecxeraa. ringwprra or So gfpat has tie n the eounteroffen .Mjert Va another at Fort leaven the stomach and bowels are nghL Lyuia L. 1inkliams egetable Compound for that F"ort destroynght other thesleep third Itching, at burning, French guns that after aorth, Kan, and the give ot a made stronger by its use. After I was t 111 , wou'd be CARTERS LITTLE to the debouching from the woods the Ger ing skin eruption, try Reslnol brought Sheridan, married I took the Compound again for a female and lteslnol Soap and see lyiw LIVER PILLS border xl once and sent forward along mans were unable to launch an infan trouble and after three months I rassed what the the Itching stops and the trou- gently but firmly com and line of eoimmini a are quickly General lack being Pershing's try prtsuinably doctor called a growth. He said it was a miracle ble to catiou heid h?rd to their newly gained lines disappears Reslnol Ointment Is pel a lazy liver to that it came away as one generally goes under also an excellent household remedy do its duty. reason for The strengthof thi east TiMhe ninth and Vifdun only given tne knifeto hae them removed. I never want to Cures Conening General Pershing's fortv(. known cannonading has been only intermit for dandruff, sores, burns, wounds, stipation, Inbe without your in house. Mrs. the uses Compound J.or chaflngs and for a score of other by the public generally to be consider tent, 'n the Argonne forest,-i31 trank Knobl, 1042 Fulton digestion, bt., Harrisburg, Penn. ably more than 4. Job, was that bis Held rajlno and In upper Alsace tlie Krencji where a soothing, healing application Suit I of opei atiotis had become so extended guns havtf bet n nitne against German is needed, Headache, Move! Reslnol contains nothing jot a harsh, and Ditlrett After Eating. his mam line of connnunb ation posit k us and niarihing columns On that Albert lea, Minn. For about a year I had sharp pains across and the "subsidiary lines a ere uiuth the jner Somme the Germans eh'erod or Injurious nature and can be used! SMALL PILL, SMALL DOW SMALL PRICE. my back and hips and was hardly able to move around the house. Weaker than they should he a Itritlbh treui h, but ue Immediately freely eyen on the moot Irritated stm Genuine must beLr Signature Mr head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After Reslnol sells face. druggist Every but. driven taking Lydia E. lhnkhams Vegetable Compound and Liver I ills, I FAMOUS OUTLAW CALLED. There has been lively fighting be Olntmept and Reslnol Soap. Adv. meling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months twetn the Russians and the Germans olu and am doing my work all alone. I would not he without Member of, Cole Younger, Former your Woipcn never criticise the grammar west Jacobatadt along the Dvina of remedies in the house as there are none like them. Mrs. ft E. Jesse James Gang, is Dead.' of men who pay them compliments In and 611 river between the lake Water Yost, .St, Albert Lea, Minn, Molorns Cole. Lounger, Ilvint-- and Vlina withregion the Russians the famous outlaw of border days, died PRESCRIPTION on the offensive. generuly at his home here Tuesday after a linMm.na.p... While Perlin these attacks reports Pittsburg, Penn. Your medicine has helped FOR WEAX KIDNEYS gering illness. He was'72 years old as having been repulsed, with heavy mo wonderfully. hen I was a girl 13 years old I and unmarried. osHt-sthe admission is made that a was always sickly and delicate and suffered from , Cole Younger was one of the last of salient near Lake Narocz was A medicinal preparation like Dr, KilQrrinan (Q) li Three doctors irregularities. the members of the notorious robber withdrawn in order to gave me up and said mers en the Hwamp Root, that haa real curativs And escape Iwould go into consumption. I took Lydia E. the for Yocr Territory bands that infested western Missouri Agency value alnioHt sella itself. Like an endleta Circling Are of the Russians. Plnkham 8 Vegetable Compound and with the third and after the civil war. He Car recommended a Free Get and chain the during ayatrm remedy qualify to make 13000 Near Rutzltlsckl, midway between bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular L was a member of the Quantrell band Dvinsk and by those who have been benefited to those to $3000 a year and up In the Automobile A Postal brine full details of this great Vilna, the Russians have who are in needof it. and I got strong and shortly after I was married. of guerillas and with his two brothPres Auto Oder. Write quick before your advanced German trenches, Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am Dr. Kilmers Bvfarnp Root is s rrltorlarteken. Address me like this --4, H ers took part with the Janies, boys" captured and just south of Dvlnsk, In the region able to work hard every day. Mrs. Clementina prescription, lit has been tested In hank and .train robberies in Mis BUSH MOTOR COLLEGE, Ine. s of 34 Npvo Alexandrovsk, have repulsed for years and has brought results to Gardner Duerring, bt,TroyIIill, Pittsburg, Penn, souri and neighboring sJAtes that net- a saw. ot - anas owu-anumbers who havs suffered. German on counterattack positions Nertli Clark Strati and CNIcat Area, C Meat. HL All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Plnkham Medited the looters moreiMm $100,000. The success of Dr. Kilmers t taken at Velikoieaelo. cine Co, Lynn, Mass, for special advice, it will be confldentlaL LOSSES SURELY PREVENTEB The Russians in the Caucasus have is due to the fact that it fufills almost ev- TRAIN BLOWN FRIM TRACK. nd BLACK Cettw'a glaaklre pill. OTercom,n kldne?line"Beveralm'lleanca"rer 7.YUh.in thrown their Her idea. nUabui; pnfme ky Explained. corrects urinary troubles Wai Mocksm bMauaa tw "Do you think Cholly Primrose ever . The Ancient Mariner shot the alba, Cyclone in Indiana Plays Strange Treblzond, on the Black sea, after fur- and neutralize the uric acid which cues rtkw rewtaaa (alt for baoklut and laMlotonials. ther fighting with the Turks. Trick. , rheumatism. tross. thinks? . l Pllla ka. pit Do not suffer. Get a bottle of Swamp-RoI mistook it tor a neutral canary," aka. iinkta pm a.te Ispahan, Persia, baa been taken by If he does, he takes pains to bide Marion, Ind. Three coaches of the Vm any tn)rior, but Cuttar fcaai. from any druggist now. Start treathe explained. Cull products Is dus to sm IS Clover Leaf passenger, train No, 5 the Russian!. It" In ot sad Sara sis taly. ment yawl ysrlaalat spcUliiin today. were blown from the track live miles Cuttar a If ardor dlroet. VILLA HAD PLANNED ATTACK. if wiah CUTTIS first TNI LABORATOSV, this to However, test Swkaiay, Calllarala you east of here by a cyclone Tuesday send cent Dr. tea to great preparation nlghL Twenty-sevepassengers were Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. V, for a FARKERd on board the train, but, according to Had Boasted to American That HAIR BALSAM ample bottle. When writing be sure sad . Would Force Intervention. SkallaS of them hare isapnratlua f ntaril mention this paper. Adv. railway officials, all Balp te aradlaat dandraC El Paso .Texas. Villa boasted three been accounted for, and, while a numFn Reatariaa Celev and Faded Hair, BeMtyteGrarer Girls 'will be girls if they cant be ber suffered minor cuts and bruises, months ago that he would force inter tap, aad t teat ltrarriata none was seriously injured. A num- vention in Mexico by the United married women. ber of roofs and stacks in Marlon States, according to a story told here Os Marla aftn Kxgaaara h Calg were destroyed by the storm. One by Harry Williams of Chibauhua, an American mining man. Wiliams as- Cutting Winds and Dual. It Restore. M man was killed at Logansport. mHpsa. Brief lit eowpleta Ss by well SI Refreshes Promotes Eye Health. serted that he had heard Villa make Good for and all Eye that Need Care. Oeady reelpee Ms. M Bandwicb reetpee lko. ill the boast on December 13 last, when Murine Eye Remedy Co, , Chicago, a r. M UKlGiiB, AHPEBB, M. A AVIATORS LOST IN DESERT. Sands Eye Book on request be was a prisoner of the bandit CLEAN LECmMATEf Had Three Daye Rations When They Man is a mister; woman ) a mys- eerh I femlah epr of ad and IntonnaUua M Another of Allens Killed. Disappeared. puetpald. B. U. Oil A UX, ATLANTA, UA. Rpanoke, Va. Jack Allen, brother of tery. Columbus, N. M. Two lieutenants All ENTS WA.aTEO A forty dollar waak of the First aero squadron are lost Sidna and Floyd. Allen, leaders of the Fraa. Other make It. propoalllon. Hampla Off Colds sad Prevent Grip. Throw ran If you . Writ now THE C. If. that officials assassinated of the We roe feel e sole eoealng on, lake LiZi somewhere in the desert foothills of gang CO.. KINSLEY. KAN. , OI PROOltT HHOMO failed. OUININB. remora It eene of the Sierra Madre with but three Carroll county court at Hillsville, was five Efficiency built the Panama Canal, after inefficiency to mak AGENTS Chaoea Marbis money call-iMrs. the at ot killed home Blrt days rations and two small canteens on automobile owner Get our The efficiency of the Panama Canal doubled the effective, near Mount C. N. Will tin, Airy, of water between them and starvation, Hup.Ca..iaol f'!oKirnas,Tax. ness of the U. S. Navy without adding a ship to it. it However, many of us are for any who, waa with Allen and who it waa officially made known atfmili-tarfto York New from of the Uw Lake City, No. fashionable. W. N. brand reform out miles of Salt trip thats took over 8,000 immediately after the headquarters here Tuesday. disappeared between London the was highway shot is and heard, ftan Francisco changed being sought Army officers do not credit reports in Columbus'that the two lieutenants and Australia from Suez to Panama. Wiyes CutJjy Bandits. may have fallen victims of snlpers.morio- n- produces Hie uN Texas. Following hard on El Efficiency insures against lost Paso, finest product, at the news that the Mexican telegraph TEXAS TOWN DESTROYED. most service out of equipment and yields the and telephone wires between Juarez the least cost Over Thirty Blocks in Ruin ss Result And Casas Grandes had been cut, Ret Gratetts IS Fluid of Fire. word came from polumbua Tuesday Tor Infants and Children. PsrJs, Texas. Fire, which started night. In a dispatch passed by the cenCei-tain-tee-d In the warehouse of the Long Trans sor, that both wireless and ground ports tion company and which spread wire communication with General Per-to the Paris Cotton Compress on sblng had failed. Tuesday, caused over 12,000,000 damGlass Workers Wages Raised. age. over thirty blocks of business Pittsburgh, Pa. Four thousand embuildipgs and residences being in of tbe Macbeth Evans Glass ployees fifteen of out more ruins. than Only , were notified Saturday of as company 140 business were left stand buildings offer used b . -- n money and machinery can in wages amounting to 10 per Increase ing. cent effective April 3. ALCOHOL-- 3 PER CENT Dropped Dead In JaiL Afegc tabk Pit paatloniw Ammunition Being Smuggled. tbc Food pod Seguin' Chicago. David Vollrath, former H Stomach And Bowels at El Texas. Ammunition is be Paso, (ind the" St. Marcus of Lutheran treajnrer Evangelical church, who pleaded guilty ing smuggled across the border into j'tafttik. (knhiia 2 a few weeks ago to having forged Mexico dally, according to a statement hero trade an from h-authoritative nbl. notes aggregating about $50,000, dropIVomoks Digesikm,Qicrffu-nrs- s bu,bt Thi dw insure r and RrstXontains nrithrr ped dead of heart disease in the coun- source. was nor Mineral treasVollrath ty jail Tuesday. OpiuuUHbrplunc Salvador Indorses Proposal. OTPld lo Mlect .d bUnJ U urer of the church Tor eighteen years, Not a Washington. Salvador has gone on "I CERTAIN-TEE- D during which time he forged named of MtesfWDeSVltUHTma record, 4n favor of President Wilson's notes. to trustees its W- , their watchful Ctrc proposal for treaties between the ' nations for the mutual guar-Revenue Agents Accused. I Amm certain-tee- d New York. Chargee of collusion be- antee of their integrity. tween agents of the internal revenue blend of oft asphalts. pr p Reumania on tho Verge. coatcd with a blend of harder department and manufacturers of ciAthens. The Impression prevails in gars and cigarettes, who are alleged A pcHrri Remedy for Constipacircles at Athens that high political to have been evading the law, have Sour SlomadiD'wrrhPca, tion. Roumania will abandon her shortly been brought to the attention of govWorms. revcrbtuWss and of in of policy favor the neutrality ernment officials. Loss Sleep. entente allies. Favors Armor Plato Factory. Sfijnaiuiv of Enlistments Doubled.' Washington. The TUI man bill to of lani G&tAffZzL 2 WdiJ. Washington. The first weeks reTEED ler provide for the erection or purchase under the recent cruitlng resolution TMt CXXTAOR COHWOrr, by the government of an armor piste the enlistment of 20,000 NEW YORK. factory at a coat not to exceed $11,000,-00- 0 authorizing men residence or; was passed by the senate by a 1U to bring the regular army .up to full for fighting strength has added i euarant vote of $8 to 23. more than 500 to the ranks. Vance Brother Safe. League to Enforco Peace. El Faso, Texas The three Vance New York. tThe first national con brothers, believed to have been killed vention of the Bsaat Cwr 4 Wiapoar r. League to Enforce A month ago by Pan&o Villa when he Roofing Peace sill be held at Washington oa began hi march northward to attack May 20 and 27, it wan announced hero Columbus. N. M., have arrived at CoTk. AutomnUc Burf lar Alarm la Callfarnla Mtacral fNSbtitwq CWA .Former Saturday, President William AGENTS lon la Dublan tbs sruataat oroooaltloa on the market. R vfar told, silver, brass, eta II a proSts H. Taft a 111 preside. tails for oaly I' fa Get aamol Writ today a a. tun. men or women. Pnirpie lf potiq REIIEVO ! H)RCE DED :-HEE- anl-mal- a d -- Now "inr Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Say. it is Household e- at-ke- Doctor Called it a Necessity. Miracle. Fran-usc- o 1 Fy Make the Liver Do its Duty Funs-stow- s - y3 Oint-tneu- Casas-Grande- s n Hardly Able to Got This FREE M Three Doctors Gave Her Up. Magnificent "XTbush 0J , MotorCar I BuM-nea- a. phyni-eian- a tlil count-tea- Swamp-Roo- Low-fnt- h, - w - ot LLu III n SALAD SECRETS mMe a i tr-- ns propoal-Standa- rd , y 13-19- 18. t mr - Llothsrs Know That - Roofing Genuine! Castoria is an efficiency product .Always Bears the JrrS&Tr ss?? S f,, Signature, of -- Narcotic. into n In 1 Uso For Ovbt of c mrj Thirty Years LJ I iSiO I Ut I SAKS BUHL. INOIANArOLW, f IXU. Address BOX It EbCO.NDIOO. CAU. |