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Show s I ' ' MOVING SUPPLIES FOR THE UNITED STATES ARMY O DRINK HOT WATER AND RID JOINTS OF RHEUMATIC' RUST i i: sufferers should drink phosphated hot water each morning before breakfast Why rheumatism and lumbago GOOD ROADS ARE NEGLECTED JLectures Read to State by American Highway Aaaociation New Jersey Took Initiative. RUST OF RHEUMATISM The American Highway association ret da the states a lecture on their neglect of good rouds There are 2.250, 0U0 miles of public road in the United States. The annual expenditure for construction and maintenance amounts to $260,000,000, Yet inadequate results are found everywhere- This is due to the luck of continuity of purpose, the luck of in management, and the general lack 0fCfintroL Qt the 2.250,000 miles of roadway, less than 10 per cent is really Improved. Inmrovement in most instances means a plowed furrow tor a drain and a wagon load of gravel In a chuck hole. In fact there are only about 120,000 4 kJZ. mhu - & vrxwwis..- - wvs--w s 4&i?"fZ n,,,i. ac The photograph shows soldiers traveling on trains loaded with ammunition. cluMTTirS THE RAID Just as coal, when it burns, leaves ach, liver, kidneys and bowels the prebehind a certain amount of Incombus- vious days accumulation of toxins and guns and camp outfits. BY VILLA r I I tible material in the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken day after day leaves In the alimentary canal a certain amount of indigestible material, which If not completely eliminated each day, becomes food for the millions of bacteria which infest the bowwaste els. From this mass of poiptomaine-likand toxins material, sons, called uric acid, is formed and then sucked into the blood where it continues to circulate, collecting grain by grain in the Joints of the body much like rust collects on the hinge left-ove- r e i3ii J V--- , In the Immediate foreground are the rtlns of the Commercial ,hotel I their bodice burned. On the right a soldier Is seen on guard. Concrete CAPTAIN Road In Indiana. miles of really good road in 'all the 48 states. The trouble with highway construction is that often waste and craft get together. The association has been doing some market figuring, and It finds that miles of rcul highway, around the centers of population, would reduce the cost of living as well as add to the enjoyment of living. A system is proposed whereby each of the states could undertake the construction of 600 or 600 miles of highway each year. Thus In twelve years or so, with the 120,000 miles of road already Improved, the nation would possess the nucleus of a fine market system. These roads, radiating from the centers ?f consumption, could easily be connected with the trunk highways that are now being constructed in all parts of the country, largely as a result of the activity of motor clubs. Concentration In Washington might mean .unity and but It would also mean Increased appropriations, The work belongs to the states. It was not, aays the highway association, until 1891, that the state of New Jersey took the initiative, and three years later established a department of public roads, Since then other states have followed In form, but hardly In spirit The association places Indiana in the list of lazy commonwealths. For all the fine grave) roads It possessed a few years ago, Indiana can, apparently, no longer be regarded as a leader in highway improvement. If this is true, It Is time that something were done. Indianapolis News. SMITH CAVALRY In which six Americans were UllednL. PURSUES VILLA ACROSS BORDER j j as ahmwn above. Me and women who suffer from lumbago, rheumatism or sore, stiff, aching joints should begin drinkinr, phosphated hot water, not as a means to magic relief from pain, but to prevent more uric acid forming in the system. .Before eating breakfast 'each morning: drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In Jt7 This will first neutralize and then wash out of the stom 'SURFACED ROADS IN In- A woman doesn't realize her strength until ahe discovers a mans weakness. ITHlifl! 4? E For sjjck headache, bad breath, If cross, feverish, constipated, give California Syrup Sour Stomach and of Figs. constipation. A laxative today saves a sick child - x; VNssrx ftWUw! This photograph shows the Thirteenth cavalry crossing the border line near Columbus, N. M , in pursuit of the outlaw band under Villa. VILLA DASHING AHEAD OF HIS MEN BSBBBSS Cascarets VV. put an end to the t; headache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness. sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse vour inside organs of all the gases and constipated matter which is producing the misery. A box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. No more days of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. All stores sell Cascarets. Dont forget the children their little Insides need a cleansng, too. Adv. 10-ce- One of the ofTicers of the Twentieth infantry ordered into Mexico in pursuit of Villu LIEUT. always get the desired results you with Cascarets. Dont let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable. Take bile, FINCH Even the man who is tired of this hurry to move on Aorld is seldom in a o the next To Georgia, 12.500; Wisconsin, Kentucky. 10,636; Texas, 9,700; California. 9.3SS ; Illinois, 9,000; Massa chusetts, 8.928; Michigan 8,859, and Missouri, 8,000 miles. In 1914 6,805 state and state-airoads were built, and 3H9SS miles w&e maintained with state aid. Tne total mileage of state and state-airoods built-- in ihe whole country up to January 1, 1915, was only 35,477 miles. 11,-50- d Roads Should Shed Water. Country roads should be kept In such condition that they will shed .every drop of water that falls on them. Roads. Bad roads are unprofitable. They put a farmer out of business and make so thing for any man. 60-ce- Potters are not the oqly people who make family jars. Build Up After Grippe, Colds BACKACHE, LUMBAGO An-ur- ic d Booster Never Quits. The good roads booster never quits. He Jalks good roads until he gets them, and then he .keeps reminding everybody what a blessing they are. erish, breath bad, restless, doesnt eat heartily, full of cold or has aore throat or any other childrens ailment, give a teaspoonful of California Syrup of Figs, then dont worry, because it Is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. 'A thorough inside cleansing is ofttimes all that is necessary. It should be the first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask at the store for a bottle of California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-up- s plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. Uric acid causes backache, patoi here and there, rheumatism,' gout, gravel, neuralgia and sciatica. It was who discovered a new Bad Blood Dr. Pierce agent, called Anuric, which wijl Take a blood cleanser and alterative throw out and completely eradicate that starts the liver and stomach Into this uric acid from the system. is 37 times more potent than vigorous action, called Dr. Pierces. Golden Medical Discovery because of lithia, and consequently yon need no one Of US principal ingredients the longer fear muscular or articular rheuGolden .Seal plant. It assists the body matism or gout, or many other disto manufacture rich red blood which eases jthich are dependent on urio acid wfthin the body. t feeds the heart nerves brain nd If you feel that tired, worn-ou- t organs of the body. The organs work smoothly like machinery running to feeling, backache, neuralgia, or If your oil 'You feel clean, strong and stren- sleep is disturbed by too frequent uriand uous. Buy Medical Discovery" to- nation, go to your best drug store TabAnuric ask Doctor Pierces .for day and in a few days you will know full treatment 50c, or send 10 that the bad blood Is passing out, and lets,' cents for a trial package of Anuric" new, rich, pure blood is filling your Tablets to Dr. Pierce, Invalids Hotel, veins and arteries. Buffalo, N. Y. 22,-39- . Unprofitable tomorrow. Children simply will not Get a box now. take the time from play to empty their No odds how bad your liver, stomach bowels, which become clogged up with or bowels; how much your head waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach aches, how miserable and uncomfort- sour. able you are from constipation, indigesLook at the tongue, mother! If coattion, biliousness and sluggish bowels ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev10-ce- Nvf - To Spend $3,CC0,CC0. Minnesota will spend (JJIOOOOO for better highways. To date this year the state has given counties for state aid $750,000 for' highways, which will be Increased to $1,500,000 before next January. George W. jCooley, engineer of the state highway commission, recommends a one mill tax, and making the 'state's share of the expense for , state roads one half. LOOK AT 50 j There are 2,273.000 miles of roads In the United States, of which 247.490 miles, or 10 9 per cent, are surfaced. Of surfaced roads Ohio has 28,312 miles; Indiana, 26 831; New York, . ul l. COUNTRY Ohio Leads With 2S.312 Miles dlana Next With 26,831 Missouri Brings Up the Rear. poisons; thus, cleansing, sweetening,, and freshening the entire alimentary canal, each morning, before putting more food into the stomach. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate costs very little at the drug store but is sufficient' to. make any rheumatic or lumbago sufferer an enthusiast on the morning Inside bath. Millions of people keep their joints free from these rheumatic acids by practicing this dally Internal sanitation. A glass of hot water with a of limestone phosphate, drank before breakfast, is wonderfully invigorating; besides, it Is an excellent health measure because it cleanses the alimentary organs of all the waste, gases and sour fomentations, making one Took and feel clean, sweet and fresh all day. J Those who try this for one week may find themselves free from sick headaches, constipation, bilious attacks, sallowness, nasty breath and stomach acidity. , All things come with the waiter who it May Bs. "I see jonquils ar.d daffodils on sale. serves an order of hash. How is it that the early flowers are To keep clean and healthy take Dr. always yellow?" Dunno. Guess spring is bilious like Piercea Pleasant Pellets. They regulate bowels and stomach. Adv. , the rest of us. Louisville Courier-Journa- liver, 450,-00- 0 r ' One of the subalterns in the punitive expedition into Mexico. Edison's First Clean-up.- " hen Thomas A. Edison soidjapers on trains for the Detroit .Erfce Press company, during the Civil war, a printer showed him proofs of iiext morning's big story, lhat ofthe battle of Shiloh, and Edyon telegraphed a bulletin- to ever uf newsdealer-alonhis route, bought hundreds ot copies of the edition and sold thepi at a good price, making what s knowu in as a big ''clean up," prob' " ably hi very first in : cim.i.i V 1 YlU '3.rriC 1, 1 lit jnod-rniarlan- Chief of the marauding bandits seen in a characteristic pose. . s . i |