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Show TmS WLL1LY KEFLEX, EAYCYILLE, UTAII The Free 7b IFire'! Fpse l MACHINE I TEE FREE. the MEE Club, $2.00 Per Week. Cash Price $35.Q Office JCours 2 Phone TGdg Join WE GIVE avt GREEN Mfi - . The Free TRADING STAMPS is guaranteed for your lifetime, R. Kaysville, Utah Farmington Office, Alexander Residence. -- Office c WE GIVE Phe, Hours 10:30 a. m. to D, p itledjfe PHYSICIAN and SURCFn Office and Residence on Locust I ' near Bamberger depot Sb9C GREEN TRADING STAMPS Calls answered promptly day or . : : Kaysville " t a Itanner 8c ROBICON Physicians and Surgeon ' saving of time and energy Runs lighter, runs faster than any other machine-- A to 5 p, 12-- i , and in addition, should your machine be accidentaly destroyed or damaged within five years by fire, water, lightning or toronado it will' be replaced, in whole dr in part, without cost to you. ' S, Gardner, C. . LAYTON, UTAH CLINTON and HOOPEH, I r Phones, Kaysville 99-- J Ogden R. J. HAMMER 1. J. SHEFFIELD & SONS Department Cash Store, Kaysville No Experimenting UTAH KAYSVILLE, "THE MOST OF THE BEST FOR THE LEAST CASH TELEPHONE NO. 1 Voice Builder An Absolute, Definite Met.nd Phone KAYSVILLE The largest city in north Davie County, fine place for residence. Kaysville Boiler Mills, vegetable and fruit canning establishment and great brick plant add steadily to the wealth of the city. General farming, fruit and vegetable grow ing for shipment and canning are Has the important industries. Davis County Central High school, churches and new opera house. City water and electric lights are inducements for investment. Home of The Reflex and its printing plant. up-to-d- t The Kaysville Cannery started on its bean canning campaign this moving. Mr. Samuel Flint has been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Webster. .Ralph Openshaw has gone to Idaho where he will work on a farm until fall. Misses Myrtle Jones and Bessie Larkins are spending a few days in Preston, Idaho this week. It is reported that one of sents s fine appesrance. The streets of Kaysville are now in better condition, bo far as grass and weeds are concerned, than ever before. Most of the' citizens have complied with the request of the city council and have Dr. and Mrs. Claud Q. Cannon and cut the weeds and grass along the Mr, and Mrs. J. George Barnes and sidewalks and side streets. families of Salt Lake City spent MonGeorge D. Williams of this place day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. is building some additions and makJohn G. M. Barnes. ing improvements on the Williams Miss Julia Boerens of Ogden and home in Kaysville Tor Mr. and Mra. Miss Silvia Flint of Hooper spent the Joseph Jarman of Ogden, who will reFourth and the following t week with side there in the future and will rent Mr. and Mrs. John A. Webster and their home in Dgden. fumily of this place. The bee swarma in Kaysville ward are swarming a great deal as all well John G. M. Barnes attended a celeconditioned colonies of bees should bration held by the survivors of the in warm weather. On last Satswahn whom with he from returned party his mission to England several years urday evening the Junior swarm sold e candy at the movie ago. The party was held in Salt Lake fine show at the opera house and closed out City. thef entre stock. Two swarms, as went to Lake park Glenn Curtis, who has been in Ida- yet ho for the past two months, working near Farmington for a dip in the lake on a farm, returned home in time to and on Saturday the Turquoise and celebrate the 4th of July. He will re- Blue Bird swarms will conduct a cake main until after the 24th, before re- sale at Sheffields store on next Saturday morning at 10 oclock. turning to Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hill of Logan are spending a few days in the city with their family, visiting with relatives. They came down in their Buie k touring car. home-mad- d, has resigned with the Utah Power A Light company on account of ill health. He is now up at Hon. and Mrs. John R. Barnes and the sheep camp of Hyrum Stewart in daughters Martha and Mary and Lester Gleason motored to Kamas this Morgan county recuperating. M. S, Barnett of Farmington took morning. of the ' Kaysville market for charge Miss Maggie Layton departed Monthis morning. Mr. Adams day for a visit to Alaska. She will Barnett Brothers, the market several conducted visit the great glaciers and other notis well acquainted with and ago years able attractions. the business. J. W. Thomlinson, the J. R. Gailey, cashier of the Barnes retiring manager, contemplates going bank, is reported suffering from a to Salt Lake City. cold and was not at his accustomed Edward Layton entertained a numpost this 'morning. ber of friends with an auto ride on Kays-vill- es leading, citizens is contemplating the purchase of a Pierce Arrow. Nicholas Bonnemort his position as book-keep- er HAROLD BISHOP TELLS OF WAR to Zion just as soon as the war is over, so a number of pork shops are for sale and I am thinking of getting married; then I will take over one or two of these shops; so dont expect Bishop home until he has made his fortune. The war is still progressing and neither, aide seems to be winning. a and everything is getting quite high priced, but I dont believe it is as bad as in England, although you cant depend upon anything unless it comes under your own observation, as the papers tell everything but the truth. It was reported that and air raid on Hull resulted in five killed, few injured and very little damage done. I received word from an elder in Hull, and he states that there were over one hundred killed and dont know how many were injured and that lots of houses were wrecked and burned; so we dont know what is going on. The Mormons used to be the worst people but the tide has turned at last. Its all the Kaiser and the Germans, but we go around and still remind them we are still alive. I fear I have written too much, or rather it would take up too much in your paper, so I will close for this tilhe. I remain Yours truly, Food-stu- ff H. KAYSVILLE, Greatly Reduced Prices -- ALL ON See MILLINER Y- - Attorney and Councc'or at OR MADE TO ORDER All Kinds of New Strapping. Any thing in Strap and Harness at the Kaysville Harness Shop NATHAN CLAYSON, P.0p. CO. STAFFORD MILLINERY Utah Washington THE Is None Too Good. Are, Ogden, J. E . G3E1ST 'Rb'BIJVSO) S Liacenced Abstractor And Notary Public Davis County We Always Bear This In Mind At Office F. OUR SODA FOUNTAIN C & M. Bldg. - Farmington, W. KEELEYS ICE CREAM ! - Whitaker , i Office in Dr. EVERYTHING STRICTLY SANITARY Grants Place Kaysville, Utah THE KAYSVILLE PHARMACY "YOUR HOME DRUG STORE Utii DENTIST "Best by test 78 iiU HARNESS REPAIRING money. 2455 Law. llBlIlll. before buying nnd save ua UTAH T. McClure Petarj Qur stock is the largest in the city, including Summer nnd Outing Hat, Panamas, etc. .No reservation, all goes in on this special sale. J. BISHOP. Hollybank Road, ONE SPOONFUL GIVES Dublin, Ireland. ASTONISHING RESULTS June 10, 1916. Kaysville residents are astlonished The Weekly Reflex, at the QUICK results fronTthe simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, Kaysville, Utah. be ar Editor: This remetc., known as Alder-i-kI am just beginning to think 1 edy acts BOTH upper and lower bowel should Bpend a few minutes to let you and is so THOROUGH a bowel cleansall know I am still alive and enjoying er that it is used successfully in apmyself in dear, old Ireland. 1 receive pendicitis. - ONE SPOONFUL of Aldrelieves almost ANY CASE the paper regularly and it is a welMrs. Emmeline Openshaw and Monday evening. The party went to come guest' at all times, as it gener- of constipation, sour or gassy stomdaughter Marie of Salt Lake City Ogden and visited the Alhambra thea- ally gives all details of all items of ach. ONE MINUTE after you take it the gasses rumble and pass out Kaysspent the glorious 4th with friends tre. Those in the party were Mollie interest. and relatives in Kaysville. . I have labored in Dublin for five ville Pharmacy. Adv. 2. Barnes, Leo Ware, Fay Sanders, Jomonths and it has been seph Clive, Arnold Barnes and Hazel and The big sweet cherries, for which South Davis M. I. A. day at Saltair an enjoyable period. Tracting is rathBishop. Davis county is famous, are now at on er disagreeable as the city is mostly Wednesday, July 14. John R. A number of young men of Kaystheir best. The crop is heavy and the extends a cordial invitation Catholic we do are and to unable Hampton anyville have signified their desire to bequality is exceptionally fine. M. to I. A. of North Davis to join the will not with as them they come members of the Kaysville Vol- thing receive any tracts and what few Pro- them in the outing. Reduced rates on Misses Claudia Cannon and Bereunteer Fire company, which it is protestants we find are of an ndifferent railroads. nice Barnes of Salt' Lake City are posed to reorganize. A meeting will spending the week at the home of be held with the fire committee of the mind concerning religion. I have only been invited to two or three bouBes Presbyterian Church, Kaysville, Utah their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John city council at the city hall Friday Rev. W. M. Porter, pastor. Preachand four months the G. M. Barnes. during night for the purpose of reorganiza- and we oclock every Sunday for a week at a time with- ing at 11 go Grain harvest has commenced in tion. out getting a conversation, and have morning, to which the public is corthe Kaysville neighborhood. The first Frank L. Layton is placing the lot knocked at 140 doors and get out 7 dially invited. Services at Clintoa: grain was harvested last week. From east of the L. D. S. tabernacle in cult- tracts. Nevertheless, we have a fine Sunday school at 2 p. m.; preaching at all appearances the yield will be un- ivation and has thus rendered a ser- branch here. We have eight families P usually heavy. vice to the entire community. While of Germans, all pork butchers, and Get a can of Conkeys Fly Knocker two other families. I have learned to Among those who went to Weber not in use the lot became over-ru- n the Layton Drug Store. Get It love at them to very much, .They attend canyon to spend the Fourth of July with noxious weeds and presented a Adv. their duties Last well. religious vety were Senator John W. Thornley. and bad appearance in a part of the city our attendance was near most The average year frequented by strangers. family, Jesse Flint and family, W. E. WANTED Horses to pasture. Call crop on the land is looking exceeding- the ninety per cent mark and from Gailey and family. 1 ly well and presents an inviting ap- what hear, if is the best tithe pay- on or address Charles Barber, Layton, The people of Kaysville and those pearance. ing branch in the British mission and I Utah. Adv. of the north end of Davis county spent believe I am safe in saying there isnt FOB SALE Bing and The Bamberger electric road is put- another branch or stake in the church, the 4lh of July quietly at home or by Cherries. y Large in size and fine in through Kays- 'according to the number, as wealthy. going to near-b- y resort points. Many ting its flavor. Call on or address C. H. Hayes, in fine ville weeds I condition. The and decided have to went the Lagoon, but that resort the pork business was crowded to capacity and the danc- grass have been removed by cutting is a great paying proposition if run Kaysville, Utah. Phone 2411. Adv. shovels and the street pre- - right --and these Germans are going away-witing was not as enjoyable as usual. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. , ' Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock. Noon, Monday, July 12th, 1916, for all labor and material required in the erection and completion of a gymnasium and auditorium addition to the Davis County High School at Kaysville, -Utah according to plans and specifications for same prepared by James L. Chesboro, 920 Boston Block, Salt Lake City, Utah, associated with William Allen of Kaysville, Utah, archi-ectfrom either of whom plana and specifications may be obtained. All bids will be publicly opened and read at said time at the office of the Board of Educaion of the Davis County School District, at Farmington, Davis County, Utah. Each proposal, in order to be considered, must be accompanied by a certified check on some responsible bank for five (6) per cent of the amount thereof, made payable to the -I undersigned. Bids must be on forms to be obtained from the architects. The successful bidder will be required to give a satisfactory bond in the sum of fifty per cent of the contract price., Cater IDmuinScITIainiTflCEa The tune required to complete the work must be stated in each proposal OGDEN, UTAH The time required by the contractor to complete the work shall be stated in each proposal The right is reffOff YTCXfCATm served by the undersigned to reject any and all bids, or to waive any technical defect or informalities, proposal Signed, The Board of Education of the Davis County School District, Farmington, Utah, July 1st, 1916. By HENRY H. BLOOD, 109-- W or . Phone 41 Kayaville Exchange, 96-Bountiful for appointment A IfilUIR NOVELTY a. & MACHINE Work Now for er-i-ka Crack-a-Jac- Suits k nos. inn, LAYTON I : , : : f. UTAH one-ha- lf They are going better every season. j Shoe Shop to $28:50 $15-0- 0 one-ha- lf LATEST MODELS sparkle! zesi vimljoy order from ' jany - THOMAS President EHTIIIAMS, Omk. Up-to-da- te SNAPPY PATTERNS Co. Stewart-Burto- n We Utik continue to post specials for Saturday :Go lo PAITIIll G. F. for your Stove Pipe nil size lengths; also get your Tinware sal Waih Boilers bottomed. I am prepared to make stacks for chi J neys and cave troughs of tin or gT vnnized iron. Call and nee me befar going elsewhere. 1 J rt s, Kayaville - - Utah and First Class Quick ..Work: Our Motts TELEPHONE 45-- J Kayaulle, HARVESTING MACHINERY right-of-wa- the really enjoyable summer beverage Electric We have them made especially for yoti -- Ox-hea- IllansonV McCORMICK AND JOHN DEERE Utah- - Kaysville, Oak Leaf Poultry Fan: GRAIN CASH PAID FOR POULTRY AND EGGS. I Try a can of Fly Knocker or Ii Liquid and rid your stock poultry of summer pests. Agents for Conkeys Poultry and Stock Remedies. HEADERS AND CORN BINDERS KAYSVILLE, We sell the famous RED TAG BINDER TWINE, made from the best Mexican sisaL You better buy your twine ' 14 WaamrikakM. " C- -l Ur;:r3 d Tb P , r I The mint makes it and under V terms of the CONTINENTAL COMPANY you can secuivj at 6 per cent for any legal on approved real estate. Terms tall us your wants and we win operate with TOIL PETTY & CCIIPANY MC-G- I I LAYTON, UTAH t MONEY7 I BEX C SNYDER, Agent VV-- V - Layton Drag Store as harvest will soon be on & MACHINE CO. u UTAl Ml rrmdn. far nm. ar Ccm . Vtjy hu to day as it is on the rise CONSOLIDATED YAGON Hearty 2, flOC etawdid ut KDIYIOX," ttmmir ebacattrierimk "eXKTVBY Place your order for harvesting machinery . ... 613 DENHAM BUILDING. DENVER, COLO. Vmm who ho vo boodaebo Anti-Pal- a I Bis rv r. trw tfi AGE |