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Show n t THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. MTAH I All HI o know ' hi I'rH'o ffioTt Monul.' tlii t I '"I I r '(Hr-- . tin i mat W ii ov .1 u Ili1 lo( vi.rll hatl.i i j the 'In rt pH II. , . vim s. Fault, a recent police an old Irish woman IninipOiH h the prisoner's lawyer ft'k( il her a question she began talk-Hj- c an it t.dkiil a ml (diked ami talked Mop '.top' nrif rtd Hie h in n i run; on 'it-- . desK It ' I'ut.tli aoiiiHit Mill t liked oil II. ii vo n, the u It lie-- -, box do In limit ndi.'iil the iinwtrate iv i .in i -- 'in fir i to ip ii it ' n in1 11 hi nt on iii'ii i i t i i nu ill ii. ti I, in witne-ts-i- n Makes Hard Work Harder pftsi- - wh- - tmirt ho w In lx - w tl hero the mqn ntil (i ip M -- One i IruT a rrtii"k I ui A had back dikai a ! v1. watk twice as hard. Backaea uaUr cornea from weak kidney, headaches dizziness or urinaryn(j aj. order1), are added, dont wah.tt help bt fore the kidney ihU) takes a grip before dropsy, grave) or Bright s disease seta In. Doans Kldnev (ills have brought new Ufa and new strength to thonsand of working men and tfiomen Vaeg and reronitiu nded the world over. i FOR YOUR HAIR. CARE I -- i i went Cwticuri TruJ Free SnjmpiCi du V Help it VV i tom h. Ti .I, irt ' I. '! I til I - f I i I u t 'I n to V ll' on -- . ,) - I K , .1 - H.h . j Arnold Banger er W isjds Cross, i t rrnf t says. th Ipless In . it ti -j i V t on 1 It i t I t I, III 'i,l h t Fi ' I. i, In j l I i . i In -- i tl -- lolnta ' wolli n A ttiini. d v i t i h m l 1 . i do It tl p , i " Wiv Tin-Vi. o,t I mt to Mlt ll tl hlomle ho to till 111, ( will M IOMiIi t'n ill i i h - puli li ft( t hi li ui In fio It i i ill ' I ti i Im a Bss toll, T. CO., BUFFALO, N. F0STER-M1LBUR- t i tt ' SOe DOANS y.liV of It u h.n nut1 . I i Dntni st Ant Stors, Get i gained I e pound nns and aches tney sufferer twiitv-flv- In'll III were In and After me Hoana Kidney t ho I I was kidney trou-- i and rheumatic ! couldn't rnut h rent and I meill, lne ll i J b Ins i - 'i ! l , Wt t I"! I , tl t 111 I . - H ' .111 ii it -- I . f ' I - I i to - 1 ' . I , I I i i , h W. 1. U.. Salt Lake N CityNh. 28-19- 19. Children Cry For 17 Wet Contents 1$ FlaLl Drachms fj.'WirTTrrri! m CflSTORlA mi I NT Al OtIOl -- .1 .WrticlabU- 1'iYp.imlumlorAs - Finn Miiiiljiftnlhi mulltctjiiln ling the Stom.Mh.xaud llowds of ttNFANTSCHliDREN What is CASTORIA Prcnikili-- DniislunU lucrfii! ness mid Hi st ( oiibuiks neither Opium Morphine nor Muurnf. s Cnatorfn Is n harmless unbstltate for Castor 00, Pore (jorle. Drops mul fsoothlnir Syrnps, It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narootio Not NAitooTir. substance. Its ago Is ltd guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd nllays lVverixlincKS. For more than thirty years It lias been In constant into foe tlio relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and ' Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, nsslnilluteg the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend, jUapttfwtZ m iULPfiiytat StmpJum AOs Nmm jhxkii WJ$ S4t A forth biu-- i tly perleil Remedy loiTHmsUpn-tlon- . Soiii StumailLDmrrlkkH, Worms. Feverishness and 1 pearl-fishin- rai Simile - - -- d pearling Modern Methods Have Supplanted - the Old-TIWay Once Considara( Good. m At Snook Arm. on the east coast of scientific 'whaling Newfoundii nd 1 as the great well at station. Here, Iceland and Nor of stations whaling specially constructed ateamera are employed, equipped with every flevise. appliance that akill can A small harpoon la no longer hurled In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind Yoju.Have Always Bought the-fishe- l. TODAY of .mow -- IS Dears the Signature of NKW YORK. nnrssm com-fortabl- y IT Slgnalmv ALWAYS The Ckmtauh Comkuci ries of Ceylon or those of the Persian gulf, Columbus and, .those who followed in his wake often found uncivilized natives wearing pearls of great value. Indeed, so many pearls were found off the Venezuelan coast that early explorers gave the name of "El Gulfo de ias Perlas" to .certain waters where the pearls ap peared to be plentiful. Today the pearl fisheries of Margarita Island, off the Venezuelan coast, become active each au tumn, when hundreds of small boats present a scend not unlike that of the pearl season of Cali fornia or Ceylon . Many of the expert divers of Venezuela have engaged themselves to an Ecuadorian company" Which is developing pearl fishing along the coast . of that country. Near the little port of Manta have the results quite satisfactory, and proved eight or twelve persona. The men during a recent year about $20,000 worth of wear few clothes, and each man takes a turn at pearls were shipped to European markets diving, for all of them appear to be experts A About the Bhores of numerous islands in the rope with weight attached is thrown over the of Panama there are pearl fisheries One of Bay side of the boat, the diver attaches himself to these islands, to which the name of Pearl has the rope, and his assistant lowers him into the been given, has long been supplying pearls of water. Other divers plunge downward unassistgreater or less value. The work about this and ed. Around the diver hangs a bag, within which Islands of Panama bay is carried on like other he places the bysters as rapidly as he can pick of Lower California. One of the great diffthat them from the sea bottom. iculties encountered is the heavy .tides of this On the Mexican coast, of which La Pax Is the, section of the Pacific, which prevent steady work general rendezvous, the method of pearling Is There are various other sections of the oceans much the same as In Ceylon Many of the vesthat supply fine pearls, such as the shore of sels used are larger, and the modern diving suit Queensland (Australia), the Red sea, New Guinea is more in evidence There is usually a large waters, about the Island of Madagascar and sailboat called the mother, and probably half a elsewhere. Generally speaking, an ordinary flsh- dozen smaller ones termed Sluggers.?- - The lat lng boat party expects loT secure several tons of ter are manned by a crew of six or eight men. shells a day, and possibly one shell In a thousand one or two of whom are divers. The small boats contains & pearl. The Mexican waters In which transfer their catches st frequent intervals to fishing is done are from 30 to $0 feet deep, and the larger vessel standing by. where the shells the fleet is active four to six months In the year are opened and carefully examined for pearls beginning operations In the autumn. A pearling' What is a pearl? Before considering other expedition as equipped for the Mexican waters often costs $10,000 to $15,000 to outfit, and pospearl fishing grounds, especially those of the Americas, it may be of interest to know Just how sibly at the end of the season the catch may not But if no be worth half the amount expended. the pearl (s produced; that la, so far as the scienOne of the shortest tific reader Is concerned. mishap occurs to any of the little vessels the and most striking definitions is that suggested supply of mother-o- f pearl shells obtained should be of sufficient value to repay the general outby a French scientist, who says a pearl is the Others go brilliant sarcophagus of a worm. fitting expenses. One of the allied industries of pearl fishing is more into detail and declare that the growth of that of obtaining valuable shells, which we know the pearl is often associated with a possible deThe latter are found generas mother-of-peargree of annoyance or pain. The tiny deposit that with the finds Itself within the ahell of a mollusk or oyster pearl fisheries; and often ally along when no pearls exipt within the oyster the shells may be introduced accidentally or purposely, as themselves- may be of considerable value. we shall see later. The foreign substance within Motherrol-pear- l the.lnternaLna-.- . is. defined. la believed., to irritate the oyiter and ... shell. molluscan This shell, of the creous of with a series thin cover it to lining he begins layers as is well known, is in general use In our homes, of calcium carbonate. Little by little these pewhere It Is highly prized for toilet articles, for culiar layers are formed, and in a few years a handles to knives, for buttons, and countless beautiful pearl may be the result, or the formaservices where a high polish and lasting other worthless tion may prove absolutely Pearl-formin- g mollnsks are widely distributed qualities are desired. The monks and other inhabitants of Bethlehem are said to be among the over the world, and they may be univalves or world's most skilled workers In mother-of-pear- l bivalves; in the former shape we sometimes find the beautiful ornaments that come from in classification In the shells; latter conchs and them in that ancient city are highly valued in leading clams and oysters. The subject in various ramicities of Europe and America fications has proved interesting and fascinating Pearls in the Americas, as in other countries, to investigators; but this story Is only a general now be within the reach of those of mod' should are details scientific the and talk about the pearl, est means Today in world markets of London, left to thoee who make a serious study of the ornament. Bombay, Paris or La Paz the pearl Is selling tor nature of this famous and much-prizeabout half its ordinary value Salt-watpearl fishing in the Americas has It is said that pearls from water of the Amer- been pursued from our earliest history, and while are to be seen in the crown of most Euro-leas waters may not be as ancient as these AS CASTORIA GENUINE LossofSleeiv g g WHALING Hstvrr A our little steamer sailed out of the harbor of Co-- r on,ho, hound for the pearly shores, for as anchorage a few miles off the port of Arlppu, near which place the fleet was to begin operations at the rising of thevsun. In Ceylon the oyster beds are under government supervision, and about March of each year a great expedition hovers over the waters .of the Gulf of Mannar. The personnel of the fleet is made up of Malays, Arabs, Indians, Slnga-lese- , and those from various other branches of Indias teeming, millions. Th experience of the stranger with the 'ihou- fleetJsnot dlsappointlHgrTBesfght ofunique sanda of divers from hundreds of little boats, plunging into the .water or riding downward astride heavy weights, rising with their treasures, others returning to the watery depths, the .babel of strange voices combine to paint a picturesque and lasting impression up6n the mind of the visitor. The waters around Ceylon and those of the Gulf of California have the richest pearl producing oyster beds in existence. Situated on opposite sides of the earth, It is interesting to compare the work of the pearl hunters or divers, so far separated, yet pursuing many methods in common In the search for precious gems beneath the waters In Ceylon upon a given signal the diving begins; the boats are small and hold pearl-fishin- W W from the hand of tome trained Eskimo, but an immense iron bar, more than six feet long, with great wings, or flanges, a few feet from the end, like tbe bar of cro, iceptUikt they are folded hack dote to the main shafts ia now fired fromta cannon on the ship There ia a large projectile at the end. filed sharp aad pointed to as to penetrate the whale' body. It i loaded with combustibles that generate volumes of gas. The work done by the whaling ship is mathematically exact The vessel zv- -' w One of the most valuable pearls eve?, obtained in Mexican fisheries was sent to Paris and there sold to the emperor of Austria for $10,000 On another occasion the government of paln presented to Napoleon HI a black Mexican peRrl valued at $23,000. The combination tints of black, blue and green are quite rare and the Mexican and Panama nearls often combine these colorings, and apparently Jiave reached ' pearT perfection" The Venezuelan fisheries produce annually more than half a million dollars worth of pearls Many of the world s most beautiful gems have come from that country, and It is said that in 1370 King Philip of Spain obtained from near Margarita island a pearl weighing 250 carats, which' was variously estimated to.be worth from The most perfect pearl in $40,000 to $100,000 the world is said to be La Pellegrlna. a rare gem that is preserved in the Zoslma museum In Moscow; It weighs 28 carats, is globular In form, The and originally came from Indian waters. worlds largest pearl is Jn the Hope collection in the Victoria and Albert museum, London. It weighs three ounces and has a circumference of 4 Inches. One of the world's leading authoritle on pearls .la Dr George IV Kunr According to. a recent writer,, the former says that a pearl of the finest grade should have a perfect skin, fine orient or delicate texture, be free from specks or flaws, and be of translucent white color, with a It should be perfectly iridescent sheen spherical, or If not. of symmetrical shape. White or pink pearls are the finest, owing to their dell cate sheen. In China and Japan the mention of the pearl occurs in the history of those countries as early as ldOO B. C. Pearling industry in both nations has passed down through the ages, and even today it gives employment to many workers, Visitors to Japan will be skilled and unskilled especially Intereated In Miklmotos pearl farms at Argo bay; they are marvel of icientlflc accomplishment In the propagation of pearls. The methods pursued are more or less as follows The young oysters are brought from the water a serum is injected Into the shell; this substance sets up Irritation within, and the oyster, it seems, then, begins to. coal the offensive foreign matter with layer after layer of calcareous deposits. A few years paas and the same oyster is fished work ex from the waters and bia amined. Possibly a beautiful pearl may have been formed. pearla seen today are bnt imiMany tations of the genuine article, and tome of them sub-dye- d -- pearl-makin- g -- Wearisome Proposition, said Mrs Ilosbi-shel- l "Well; Mlrandy, to her cook, ,1 hear It rumored that you are going to be married again, this time to Joe ".N'o'ni, I aln t gw lne git nuthrled again. Miss Lucy, replied Mlrandv. 'Tin very fond o Joe, but aint gwino mahry tiling "WIiHtH the trouble asked Mrs Dosbyxhell Aint no trouble, Mins Lufy, said Mlrandy, "but n xee I done been mahrlod throe times already, an HI! yo de truff I'm gittfn mighty llahedx payin' out good money to dein undah 1 takaba. .Grand Prize at Panama-PaerflExposition Awarded to Walter Baker A Co. Ltd. c A woman diets for fat, a man for his stomach or aome other organ. Little Willie Evidently Had qt 8ome Time Beheld a Slot Machine in Operation. , Drink Denlaona Coffee. Always pure and delicious. The Grand Smaah. Them are some very funny things an auto How arw !So a big storo beside you along? getting girls sny about the floor walker or "On crutches It fantle the ribbon counter boya have about the peixoriallliex of buyvon own mu hoistforwturrfiTtw ers and head of departments Try Mur me tied, Wtk Wt mf No EMartAMC and VyeUdN The other day a Itifrt Kyrt Otttulon Write for Hook of Bf0 For, instance bmaiI Murio Ummodf Uu., tWnfv small lad, with an unmistakable stamp of the rouutry, was trailing his moth -- Cacophonous Item, er along tlir. ng h a big store ie-w"She sings like a bird." was and she back, pulling hanging Yes. Incessantly." Philadelphia The boy never had been in a big Public Ledger. store, and the place was full of many mr ior-rhrat- time that contained K good pearls. x quarters and the whale happen, to be young, with tender, thin bide, the harpoon fliea through the body, the rope holding the wounded creature fait, and men- - are' dizpatched In boats to" spear the prisoner. The whale ia towed into the harbor and moored, to be dragged by steam power and logging chains up the slippery, slanting wharf. flash air-Wit- h you" the-matt- lllllllllllllllll LookForThis Name MANY WAX ZONK Olives ' -- and Pickles antiaircraft shrapnel. entered fivt refrhif mt ft comfort tnd prevents the fettme tired or-D nt teewt ny footaor Try It TODAY 25c For FREE two titute Soid Ereryyrhar Alien S OtmaUd, LrRoy N. Y Adv. pt ftddros ' - Whst Sh Would Say. Bashful Student What would you ay If I were to throw a klas at you? Miss (bluxhlngly) Id say you wrer the laziest fellow Tv ever met C lumbia Jester. On Advantage. Traded your motorboat for an aertw plane, eh? Whats the Idea?" Well, theres this about an aeitw plane even if the engine does break down, you're bound to land Pi o , lull an IMyi al your fracrri. MNei!l Libby Chicago Ta kaet aaaWatane ttl eot eetl a talar aajthla Allocate ai enne pelt tar at aw. areeaira. a. ts A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to pe you re laying out a tennis be dissolved in water as needcJ Read Backward. l earn M Meal, - I C.FrSLAL-F'WFvr;VCG-frV- we eeeeotw A Lawyers Admission. First LAwyer Hows business? Second Lawyer Ob, very bad. lAtow tomxi. ut No clients in tofcn? Net a one Where are they? Most ..f them are in jail Just I Roofing local Mem or heeihcr Sealer Uertala toed Hoof a,, HTeet , tnhHoi It ream to If the thtexaeae. at accept atttwplni tetauum I M22J5&2S2S: 1 , " Hu DAISY FLY KILLER court Hi your yard. I didn't know you For Douches In tbe local treatment of woman's Ehh played the game. as lenoorrhoea snd inflammatxm, be I don't, but you tee I wont have such douches of Fax tine hie very etbeae tc mow that part of the lawn after J No woman wbo has- ever seed medtoaU I 1 douches will fail to appreciate the cteos take the turf off.. - UertGin-fced- malarial" regions, wO Snd Tatt'i Pale the BMt petal tlva er eMcred the A Saving. The General Says: Toa the dnrmhla " ahr rto mt that ia raaaoa Ineua jr (peptic, now L,nmmn tk o U the AeMUaUd, whether 4 tiM.i it week etaMirMi, Artak er Th eeiri Libbv Sweet, Sot six Dill pKkk are ptquanl and bn. Year Himmer anil and facBC buket are not complete without them. Libby HOIPITAL Allen Foot-E- o the entleeptM powdr Jor M monc thy ccflva!cot tr (ffe Shftken Into tne hos or dtuoivi Hr th toot Foot-f- c m4 batn, Allan H x required to see the deception. River Or fresh water pearls are found quite generally In temperate climes of the northern hemisphere, especially in the British isles Sax--' ony, Bavaria, Bohemia, Canada, and tn many states of the Union. In several of the rivers of Ohio, in those of Wisconsin. Illinois. Arkansas, Tennessee. Kentucky, Texas. Michigan and other states, mussels have been found from time to you-bou- In wonder All of a sudden hi pulling snd lagbecame a stubborn and proging CoThe Orn1 Prize for mipernri'v of m! Chocolate ptcfiHratioo co hern nounced utter stoppage lia, awarded to M nlti r (inker Ar To I 01 . 'Tome ok, Wjille, said the mother Mm Till, farnoux old liouae haa re eliedki Jilfcheat Award, at the leading "Aw, maw, wait, begged tbe boy In Kurupe and America. Adv exposition No, protested hi mother "What with - Vocal Carpenters. lawk !" cried the boy He was Hazel What is that scraping noise pointing to a young man leaving an out front? Dawn Must be the chorus girls fil- employee's time clock, which the young man had just punched. ing off the stage Wait, maw. continued Willie, I After passing the spring chicken want to see what he wins! age a woman makea a goore of her- self. Shrapnel in Warfare. Shrapnel is most effective against from prone skirmisher at range 1,000 to 3,000 meter, when burst twenty-eigh- t to twenty two meters short of the target, and against stand lng skirmishes at the same ranges to forty five mewhen burst fifty-siters short of the Urget Black also point out that a single shrapnel from a light field howitzer produces a greater number of hit when the point of burst is favorably situated than one fired froTir a fletd gah. Shrapnel is alo placing a most ini portant part in aerial warfare, and of kt a quality mark (or exceptionthese antiaircraft shrapnel, all of ally good table daartm which embody the same general esCur' Maazaaiila sod Qucca Oltvea, there is perhaps none more sentials, tbe faaou bom or ate Muled, plain effective than that known as "Ehrhardt Spain. are v, cleverly constructed that a trained eye i VMrrV, MB MAMV, WANTED TO SEE THE RESULT d and the great hurled thrtrugh - tje harpoon anerring aim It plunges into the whale's side, the wlnga on tbe cross bar suddenly flying horizontal and tbe exploding projectile generating great volumes of gas that keep the , body Afloat Death le very speedy and without suffering if the range ia Building of the New York barge not too close. canal made necessary the construction When the cannon ia fired at close of 49 dams. i- THI MNTAUR - peau rulers. teams within a hundred yards of the whale. A man wtth steady nerves and quick aim ia at the cannon, and in an inaunt there is a Iml Cop, of Wrapper Jack How did you come to get interested in that novel you are reading? Marie-lked the way It ended. i ft 11 healthy condition Pax tine produce C prompt rehet from aoreeeM l-and which follow, it ue.Thi!' poasease lag and tuc"tor - he- For ten rear Pinkhsm h. ? ommended private Pi; Tem ('V ftvri-.- ftTL tIaV ority, -- t I "i core-me-n, TV1 Different. Do you like the Boston hop?' ' . say tUevl WeWht H r , i I. U j . M kt -- art r |