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Show Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Brown of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charley James of Knight-villMr. Carl Oberg and Miss Hazel Duff of Provo Were visitors at the home of and Mrs. Tuck on Monday and Tuesday. FARMINGTON . iw cur tirichct d at, fertile of O4 ut Hon -- i of rE5y C.s in row' for residence.' Has A fine light. Amasa L. Clark, new bishop. career last official yg public the over Sunday presiding jjs counselors are J. J. 'Tfnd John J. Hess, formerly Bishop Robinson. elors to at . Sunday evening, beginning tkwk, will be held a public meeting of former bishop Robinson. rlr Davis now president of South . program befiitting the and it will be being arranged Ippy meetipg, long to be remem- who participate. by all V. L. ROSE SERIOUSLY .INJURED AT LAGOON. M."L. Rose of Farmington, smarter of tcars on the scenic railroad at met with a set ere accident while at his work last Sunday night. Mr. Rose was struck by a car as it came down the railway with just sufficient force to throw him to the ground, a distance of six feet, where he fell on one of the foundation timbers of the structure, breaking Lour of his ribs. Dr. Gardner wa called and after re- lied and there are hopes of e y. the Host Goods For tu re-- the Mosey Call Phone - The hvnnth ol dull j YOUR MONEY BACK QUICK HALF-GAL- brick GET 36 h STEPHENS BROS. TilARKET A UTON Dliri; t'OMlWY , 60c. I GAL $1.00 ( CAN NOW l.AYTON, t'TAIl Prescription Druggists' w.i gient sjtvess. Mrs. James Netille i .pute ill She is suffering from ertMpelu Mi Dexoiak ot Sill lake Aits Now is the time to buy . Sidnedu Msitmg ille of llelbiuos.i Mi. Laura Idaho i iiMting with herntotftei fi tends here wa AN j Mr Hollo ook M v Thorn. i wa aMe.lo je. 1110 her work in the Union I undue F coni pan ollici1 Tuesday, after an at tack of quiiiA. 1iofessor Kml J. Pack of Salt J like was the pruuipal speaker in meeting Sunday afternoon, lie poke on the Word of W isdom-frosclent the Mose standpoint. FRUIT Later in the. season the price will advance r latlcy I. Sessions of (igth'in. the V F.'ther Sessions of this 'died place, July 3 at the Dee hospital A few days pnor to his in Ogden. death, Mi, Sessions wa operated on foi appendicitis and it was belnwed (hat he had reeoeied,"wlien ht had a severe ihokmg .sjiell, aiul wn. nishisl 111. to the hospital, whete be died sou of Mrs. The Reflex herewith produces a fine photograph of the concrete silo recently erected by John Flint in West Kaysville, the first erected in this part of the county. The silo is what is known as the concrete stave type and was erected by the Intermountain Concrete Construction company of Ogden. The staves are three inches thick and are set in cement mortar, held in place by heavy steel bands or hoops. The structure is 12 feet in diameter and 30 feet high and has a capacity of 112 tons of ensilage. An ensilage cutter, provided with an elevator, driven by a 7V6 horse power motor, will be used to prepare the en silage for the silo. Mr! Flint has .a 12 acre field of corn now growing which will be harvested and placed in the silo as soon Is It is ready. j An average of 12 cows Are milked on this farm and the milk is marketed Flints home. moulds. Gel Our Prices Before Placing Your Order WOODS CROSS The first station on the 0. S. L. and 1). & R. G. railroads north of Salt Lake City. Farming, canning, gardening and stock growing are the principal industries, lias metal culvert factory and brick yard, lias fine homes, electric lights and water works, good schools. A progressive community in the artesian belt with some of the richest land in the world. Web-ster-a- The well flows 60 in Mason, Economy and Golden State. Economy caps and cIamps,xMason caps and rubbers, self sealing Mason caps, jelly glasses and Sessions was boin in Hountitul, 37 years ago, but Inis lived in Ogden several years. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Bessie Goddard Sessions, and five children. Funeral services were held in Ogden Tuesday. through the Geni Dairy company of Layton. Mr. Flint is one of the most enterprising farmers in this part of Davis county and enjoys the success which comes to those who reach out and work for success along conservative lines. Mr. Flint has commenced work on a gigantic irrigation well, 20 feet in diameter, which he proposes to curb with concrete staves. The curbing is constructed and excavation is commenced. This week Mr. Flint has succeeded in securing a fine artesian well. The well is located in his west pasture near the home of James about a mile and a half from Mr. We can supply your wants Co-o- p. Kaysville The House of Quality and Popular gallons per minute from the top of the llenry Moss came home from Wacasing seven feet above the surface of satch to spend the Fourth. (he ground, the water standing seven Miss Olivia Meyers is a visitor at inches above the casing. The well is Woods Cross for a few days. 400 feet in depth. Mr. Charles Hatch is home from his ranch until after the Fourth. A communication was read from tbel! Mr. and Mrs.' Joseph Bodily have morning and afternoon Mr. Edwin Mitchell hall a homeState. Road commission on the 1915 been visiting in Idaho for ten days. coming of his married children on the tax levy. Kaysville delivery Mr. Fred Williams of Salt Lake Fourth. Commissioner Hess reported that Mias Edith Eldredge, who has been acthe O. S. L. crossing at the Shep- City motored out here on Sunday, Jo- at Wasatch on ih Deseret Live Stock his 'Mr arid father companied by herd lanf was in a dangerous condiJarman of Kaysville. They vis- ranch for the past month, has re- tion, and it was stated that several seph turned home, other road crossings in the county ited with Mr.and Mrs. Henry Williams Mr. and T. E. Mrs. Williams. The West Bountiful Sunday school and needed repairing. Referred to the gave quite an interesting Fourth of county attorney. July program in Sunday school, SunJanitor David Hess asked for and day morning. A very large crowd was granted & two weeks vacation. was in attendance. The usual list of claims as per list Erastus Noble and family just file on were allowed and ordered paid. moved into the old Susan Grant home 1915. to Adjourned July 9, at this place. lie will prepare to LAYTON The Relief society members enjoyed! run a milk dairy on the Grant ranch, a social hour under the trees on Tues- - Mr. Noble .will also take charge of day afternoon last in place of the ord- - things while Brother Grant is in meeting. Ice cream and pake ho. A prosperous farming and rich were served and a program rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Ilepworth are community in the northwestern portion of Davis County. Fine There was a good number present an$ spending aK few days in Logan, visit-al- l No. 7685. farms and homes, wide fields and REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK had a good time. ing with Mrs. Hepworths people. high grade stock are important OF LAYTON AT LAYTON, IN THE STATE OF UTAH, AT will soon return to Woods Cross estabtwo Has features. They canning 1915. One of the Japanese working on THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 23, home which lishments, artesian wells, North ve inU ,new Davis High school and beautiful George Paynes place met with quite h resources: been re,ldy for re",oded a serious accident when one of his orchards. Branch of O. S. L. railLoans and discounts (notes held in bank) ..$136,985.67 someLitne pas 6.04 way from main line to lake shore horses became frightened and the Overdrafts, unsecured furnishes shipping facilities. Dr. F rederick Pack and family have U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 25,000.00 team ran away with him. He was Securities other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks) thrown from the wagon and became Pnt the past week visiting relatives $85.40 owned, unpledged Williams has returned Lionel Mr. It is re-- n Idaho. They made the trip by unconscious for sometime. 85.40 Total bonds, securities etc. Idaho-af- ter of three a from on is he stay the way to re-- 1 auto, covering 600 miles. They vis- ported that Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve Bank $1800.00 ited Professor E. David Mann and weeks. Less amount unpaid .. 900.00 900.00 All other same on family at Malad, Idaho and returned stocks, includin premium premium Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tree have Due from Federal Reserve Bank 2,200.00 The Mutual concert on Friday ev-- 1 j,y Way of Holbrook, visiting all the Due from retunned from Gunnison after a ening was a great success and an ex-- 1 Grant ranches approved reserve agents in other reserve cities.. 6,407.63 Due from banks and bankers 13,875.03 weeks stay. . . cellent program was rendered. Misses -- $41.94 Outside checks and other cast items Sarah and Gladys Hanks of. Clearfield I Three Registered Uoistien Fresian 63.60 21.66 Fractional currency, nickles and cents Mrs. Delbert Criddle and two childin a very pleasing man- - Bulls, to "sell or trade. Ages 3 years, 4,312.95 Total coin and certificates a ren have been visiting relatives in sang duet 510.00 Lgal tender notes ner and were recalled. Miss Hart of 8 months and 3 years. This stock Is Idaho for several weeks. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 Salt Lake City played the violin, ac- - from A. G. Adams herd. Also Goose 1,250.00 per cent of circulation Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Barber are be- companied on the piano by Miss Ash- - Feathers and Vacuum Cleaners for I Cole-a..$191,596.32 Total ing congratulated upon the birth of ton of Salt Lake City. She delighted sale at reduced prees. G. II. her hearers and was encored. Mrs. mere. Adv. 1 tf fine baby boy on Wednesday June a LIABILITIES. Jesse Flint of Kaysville recited in an 23. $ 25,000.00 Capital stock paid in excellent manner and was recalled, as 5,000.00 Surplus fund The Fourth of July was celebrated was Miss Zipporah Layton, who sang $3,336.72 Undivided, profits very quietly here. A few people two pretty selections. Cecil Call re$4,036.72 700.00 Neservedfor taxes 3,287.36 went to Hooper and Roy and a few cited and was encored, and Bishop Less current expenses, intesest and taxer paid 749.36 25,000.00 to Lagoon. Circulating notes balder gave a recitation which was 1280.97 Due to banks and bankers Individual deposits subject to check $70,476.08 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker, Mr. unusually appreciated. All the num-e805-0Cashiers checks outstanding were excellently rendered and and Mrs. Roy Sessions of Ogden mo70,781.08 Deposits requiring notice of less than-3days tored out here the. Fourth and visit- greatly appreciated. 5,255.00 Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days 55,991.91 ed with Mr. and Mrs. James Walker. Deposits subjecto 30 or more days notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. : :z:.IZIL----r...319196- 2 Mrs. Orel Sessions and baby moTotal Sealed bids will be received by the tored out from Ogden on Tuesday undersigned up to 12 oclock, Noon, STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF DAVIS, as: 7 with her parents Mr. nad Mrs. Monday, July 12th, 1915, for all labor I, L. E. Ellson, Cashier of the above named bank, do wear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge Charles. Barber. She returned in the and materials required in the erection nd belief. . and completion of additions and alterV e. ELLISON, Cashier. evening. t ations to a Public School Building at also Subscribed and sworn to before me this SOthday of Layton, Davis County, Utah, and PubBishop and Mrs. F. H. N alder en- for DAVID E. LAYTON, Notary Public. additions and alteration! to a tertained the bishop's counselors at a lic School Building at Syracuse, Davis CORRECT ATTEST: E. P. Ellison, Alex Dawson, John H. Layton, Directors. small dinner party Thursday evening. County, Utah. Plans and specificaTim evening waa pleasantly spent tions may be found at the office of William Allen, architect, Kaysville, with music and social chat. All bids must be accompanied with Stoddart Brothers of West Point certified check for 5 per cent of the 7 Lf a succeeded in getting a flowing well amount of the bid, made payable te west benefit when misfortune cemea. Then it for Peter Christensen. It will be ap- the Board of Education of the Davis save Jen are thankful that foresight prompted a penutent effort to District, as a guarantee preciated as he has hauled water for County School bidder will miter successful the that here, a dollar there." culinary purposes for years. into contract and give an approved to i week after said work OrS'AVtnjt Apartment olfay-- ready etrtieyott. Horton Fisher, late of this place, boftd within one Cashier the amount of otherwise 10 5N R. is GAILEY, awarded, ' . BARNES, President was married by Bishop Nalder to Miss check to be forfeited to the said Board Cashier BRUCE MAJOR, AssL L. S. BILLS, Alice Yates of Salt Lake City on Wed- of Education. All bids must be adnesday, June 16. They will take up dressed to Tbe Board of Education of the , Davis County .. School .District, their residence in Salt Lake City. Farmington, Utah, and marked on the d corner Bid." Tbe The Mutual gave a party in honor lower reserves the right to reyJTA.lf J undersigned of Mrs. Charles Earber at her refi and all $55,759 )bids. PROFITS, and ject any SURPLUS lITAL, $25,t:0. dence on Monday evening. There Signed, The Board of .Education of - the Davis County School Distwere 36 present and the evening was W. GaH R. Barnes, rict-, Farmington, Utah. July L. S. E21 a, soReyal C. Eame and with Jjhn games pleasantly spent Henry . H"Can Dai, 1st, 1915. Jha G. U. Barnes cial chat. Delicious refreshments were HENRY EL ELOCD, By ro served. Mrs. Barber was president wt p, m T.we DcrvdU. ,We always have IUey Pred-U- i. af ti ci Bill pzjtli in ail the T. I -two ter EL of the about Hstrtl THOUAS C.r.k. years. VTILLLira, , ' 1 B No. y u 6 to have the State road through Kaysville sprinkled. A motion was passed that the county would pay for said vFork if the city would furnish the water. Cook and Hatch voted aye, Hess not voting. E. P. Ellison verbally petitioned the board to help pay the expense of graveling the road leading to the sugar factory. Referred to Commissioner Hess for investigation. of Mr. Famstrom action what asked Lake Salt City, the board had decided upon in regard to the matter of building a bridge across the Jordan river in the south end of the county. Referred to Com missioner Hatch with power to act. The report of the committee of the whole in regard to the drain ditch in Gentile street, Layton, was that Jcer tain conditions be modified. A communication from H, S. Jo seph was read in regard to Salt Lake City making a new sewer leading into Davis county. Referred to Commissioner Hatch. leMu.-itu- r-sf- . ,t don't' satisfy you - . c Bluff road be closed. George Swan, representing the citizens of Kaysville, verbally petitioned FOR 15 DAYS : houses, commercial club, graded and and high school, chunhe lovles. A good place to he ral- the meeting of the county commissioners was held with a full board and County Clerk W. W. Evans in attendance. E. Fisher and Mr. Thurgood of Syracuse gave their reasons for wishing to keap the present Bluff road open for public travel. The road not having been keept in good condition they said, accounted for the farmers having to go a greater distance. A petition from W. W. Steed and 41 others was read, asking that the July For a COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING Banking Co, Kaysville C -- transcontinental railroads, ard, two bank., good and was removed. that the. conditions fcun i peculiar, nothing like it come under th. observasurgeons at the hospital. After the operation the patient J. R. GAILEY notary public. Jf. i ducing the fractures left his' patient in apparently good condition. Oil the fnilowig morning the doeti wai again summoned by Mr R wiU of the injured man, and found the patient in a critical condition. Ihs doctor rushed tbe patient to the L. D. S. hospital where an operation was perfumed. The operation revealed that the left kidney had been broken in Hess, infant son of John the late Eleanor Udy Hess, i June 30 at the Farmington gnd was buried July 1.' Mrs. died at the time of the childs three pieces and the babe has Vi last February It is said since that time. The were most Gjjy declined Qigte cause of death was an ab-L- a ever having on the brain. tion of the , tnd i Barnes Nin miles north of Salt Lake City. Suburban and residence towii, largest city In L'nvu County, ha electric lights and waterworks, , Iow-ersidetelephones., cementwalks, surrounded by rich- market gardens and fruit lands, two electric railroads with low fare., two f am- Location of the Ud electric - Ut Miller the ts coU"' resort. r, . oi Conley's Fly Knocker Try BOUNTIFUL- - e, Fences. Known Everywhere As The 1 BEST VERY Floor - SYRACUSE Ida-inar- Made of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in the most modern Mill Packed in the Neatest Manner. EVERY DEALER HAS IT. y 1 SAFETY! Above s Everything I the principles of food banking is that of SAFETY. It is the one thing of .all In I I 1 , ll 1 rs 0 7-- others that should influence the depositor as topladng A BANK ACCOUNT We call attention to the recent sworn' statement, as to condition of this Bank, and know that it will convince the of the you safety of your deposit with us. Jnion State BahK BOUNTIFUL, UTAH. -- Vd&wWtM A CARNIVAL OF nil limes JOY! BEAUTY! MIRTH! Hall Car On All SdlrNM u MUSIC! 0 l. a.'dtngs i 9iy Iccounl u Vice-Preside- nt ., . left-han- : liD 1 r Mi pmdl Ci - - l DAZZLING ELECTRICAL PAGEANTS MILES OF GQRGEOUS FLOATS Thrilling, Son.ati.n.l Carnival Attraction. RIOTING, ROLLICKING. SURGING THRONGS OF REVELERS E3ANDSI BANDS! BANDS! PORTLAND SALT LAKE BASEBALL SERIf-- 3 J |