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Show 6 lP(QyTv70p 3eKind the dough RUTHENIAN USE GERMANS AS CHURCH It) WORKSHOP NARROW rood luck AX vfl Grocers. 200 PULES Compiled tot the Benefit' of Visitors ' jtil persons are prohibited from ir you are playing with the animals dont recognize your friends monkey, ( il the soo. Fraternizing with the animate is considered a serious offense, no matter if the animal shows more Intelligence than the one trying to torment him It shall be unlawful to stroke the shiskers of Caesar, the male lion, or to pull the tails of any of the lions at nny time. Visitors must not interfere with ihe food thatis given be-1 ions or put their hands Into the mouths of the beasts. Making eyes at the baboons and Shaking hands with the monkeys are Visitors not permitted at any time must not pull the horns of the buffalo or strike the ears of the ostrich. Children are warned not to ride on the backs of the deer. Violations of these park regulations win he punishable by solitary in the dog pound for six months Springfield News. l. ll -i- no slit "Oil (ountrv 1 see ' Hie A h g(lt!l s ,m i p i- i f inii btlnxts m i k i i thit berg t'luai luatiii an cturili in Galua Ubod in tin t,. rnun ...i lilts hint! . v - a ,.k In, ,t j , i. the gnat drive uu I m w i I O l CZAR Great Scheme. Lawsou llcw do tin itjenkaob man age to go aw a tor three nionthb ever CONFERRING WITH GRAND NICHOLAS DUKE I t i r g in J I III O' II I i i I i I Moigms jurposi w nlo summer? ll k il ml a ibilaiis pirsunde Moi gui Uts to- - i wistfully. The young officer looked puzzled for a moment and then took the gentle hint Next day the bill was settled. KAISER COMMENDS HIS OFFICERS for You From Headquarters ! New Under the Willows. Because the European supply of willow rods has been largely cut off several American manufacturers of willow furniture and baskets beve asked the department of agriculture for the addressee of persona In this country who have taken up willow For some years the depart growing ment has distributed willow cuttings' of- Imported varieties with a yiew to developing the production of high grade willow rods In the United States The usual Imports of willows come chiefly from England, Belgium, Holland, France and Germany, but these sources have hern practically closed . for aeveral month. - Post Toasties for Breakfast An Aggrieved Relative. lost a couple of chickens last night, said the man who lives In the I A delicious food different from ordinary corn flakes." FwcK flake has a body and firmness doesnt musb down, but keeps crisp when cream is added. i New Post Toasties are the tender meats of white India?! Corn, skilfully cooked, daintily seasoned, and tnaaf-vThey come to an appetizing golden-brcw- n. j ages in ready to eat with cream, milk or fruit.- wax-wrapp- tight-seale- d, ed pack- Nev Post Toasties , the Superior Com Flakes grocer has diem now. ' Well, boss, replied Mr. Erastus Binkley. I specks 1 knows who found em. I done.tol my brother Sara bout i!cm chickens an requested him spe em alone tell 1 gits my Emperor William In his automobile praising some of his officer for the c:al toofflet next Galicia. Wednesday. night work of the German army in the recapture of Lemberg, capital of I in the crotch of landed TREE youth had reached the middle of the and tree. Sosquarely did hla body betightly Hermit hill when the wheel of his the come excesbetween the branches from the wedged skid Wheel Pitched Him Into Branche. bicycle began to fifteen it minutes work that sive required speed Whore He Waa HeldFlfteen TUtter fouiidtharheWaBtnah!e to on the part of the park guards before Minute Before Released. YOUTH CYCLED UP A J momentum of his wheel and tried to steer It to one side of the lane to avoid a collision with an approaching motorcycle. With a sudden s verve the .bicycle was sent bounding over the brick gutter at the marg'n of the read and hit the tree with such force that it was crumpled into scrap Iron. Ritter was hurled Into the air Check the While coasting down a steep grade on Hermit lane, Wissahickon. Joseph Rftter, eighteen Tears old, Philadel-phia,w- ar 8 Yrrr suburbs. severely tnjored when he lost control of bis bicycle and collided srith a tree. He was taken to SL Timothys hospital, where it was found Tc bad fractured Lis left arm. The be could be released Euchred. Jabereon must have married Into a very pious family Why, what makes you think so? Didnt the wedding announcements UhlUdelihia rublie say No cards? Ledger. t iii u n ik i lie i l In tog oi a t altl Unti' A. Kh lar'iid on agteement Gt an le and Ogiliit J ok in A Idaho line running item (gdi t to Preston Idaho A i kiinltm t ii e nt of th In .1 piV-dd- Nat ion. il imlg (uteri' a'toi hit Ion, that wind and lamb in.ukits are the In 't in Mars, and indh alums are that ttio u'i remain that way this ea l Hied l.atsiy of Garfield? 16 earH nt age, d.ed at a Salt Lake hospital as the i Milt of a tull t wound in he abdomen, inflicted bv accident in f celt-l- July it south-eatder- n Utah this and summer, in one wok 32.ooo acres of land were hunted for homestead in the dry farm sett ion, A fire at lnBon which destroyed a barn containing thirty tons of l seta of harness a new wagon and tunny farm tools , was the result of work by a fi year-olboy with nuvti lies Report of the entral finance board of Salt !ike charities covering trans-h- i lions since its Inception last October to July I shows that total conJ. P. Morgan, who was shot by a tributions paid or pledged amounted crank because he is chief fiscal agent to $22 04S fiS. The Odd Fellows are preparing for o' the British government fer the shipment Of munitions, the assailant a big celebration at Salt Lake on July 9, it tn ini? tbe fiftieth anniversary of asserted. the .order In Utah. At least B.OoO munitions of war members are expected to take part Yu stop shipping abroad, and thus hasten the closing of the celebration, the world war, The normal rainfall for June was Mrs. J. I. Morgan and the Morgan exceeded by ,G7 of an Inch for Juno children were to be held as hostages of the present year, according to the in their own home and killed with monthly weather report Issued by the dynamite If J I. Morgan1 refused to Balt lake office of the United States use his Influence to atop the exporweather bureau. tation of war munitions, Holt told the Governor Edward F. Dunne of Illinofficers ois, his wlfe and two daughters, members of his staff and officials of the MARSHALL THREATENED. ha,-severa- d '..Vi He said the threats rams to him while he waa In Washington. He added that he was more or less a fatalist. He did not notify the secret service department. A Message HtlHiehiC a lrelj,ht Fully boo new Settlers have come intc the San Juan countrj lu bration. Mr liili'O t'o'li so pell ill at lort. Receive Anonymous Letters Containing Threats. Ft. Louis Thomas R. Marshall, of the United States, hss been threatened with death In more than a dozen anonymoua letter which he has receJved during the last six weeks. Vice President Marshall made this statement to newapaper men here Sunday. Mr. Marshall waa here on hie way to Hot Springe, Ark., where he participated In an Independence day cele- Specially posed photograph of Miss Anne Morgan, who hat recently opened a camp tor working girls in Established under the protection of solidly constructed railway arch, Sterling forest, Greenwood Lake, N. J. the Serbians are bombarding the enemys position with comparative safety Miss Morgan is the daughter of the late J. P. Morgan. Or the (otirse of a Fourth Vice-Preside- wmt 4 'tig MORGAN f sh L' 1 ' eVI ypung-Rylti- I Mi't ipolii! mi' an 'or V ai Jii'y u .1 k Force of Habit. i at al debility lke etr at 1 4 'ii il, bill 1I'I L Ipi e mi) ,i'-- , i i, h id ill' .Is I u lo d ov I PIERPONT J. Dawson U in haven t ou noticed The give up he old flat in the spring and take a new one in the fall ,u. une ''('I pioneer hotel eteran of the I -- lion ail I i,ii I Vi " i lull mote sliHTp'v dnwiiw ot tin lippi r ll ('11111.0111 'i h - ass, po 11 l -- I i i lull l biftf hrbt 1 oven-fres- h, i and rs ot liu j hier county pl('' at plil'pects for I'lj i 1 he suniti has lut, hi giant ti, Hu .i in ,u all point ot view. I nl, 'll i lit a riiltnn (Huiuftor, wlu i ioi. ii w.i' 'n Ki!t lake, wa-- n'l M1 it 1 fit ltd ilrtel To (nnug to Europe? going to Havel in .1 ( I no First t I in a con-tnsine- to you k, in, i l t , tiilli'ls Mm u nt ll .Hi d liw ii p in i i u Mi r hi ah i mu I, e In i luu k i ra1 Ini, and wi m It tuuiHi i i .f ii o'-- ! d, ot i nun i in i' i . d a i wa tid .imt 'lit ig Ctie So I i M Ti h, butt.r ll i M dud nf - Ibulah -- u Hi t'ordt ha. the knife one girt gues another will not cut triendshir and the odds are it wont phu cut S - -i i i. ni'M Til bet that judge used to be a l street car tondtu tor," said the bride ' f' V groom as they same out of the office of the justice of the peace . What makes ou think so?" Sbked the bride. "When I handei him his fee for One Good One. Patience What do you think of manning us, he asked me if wanted a transfer? that new young man boarder? . Patrice Oh, J think hes all right Of Far More Importance. Got good eyes, hasnt he? v. Pat and a friend were reading an one hes eye good got tell, account of a shipwreck, in which they One'good eye? Yes, one seems good; hut he was were greatly interested Pat, said his friend, in case of a winking at me'wUh the other during shipwreck, presence of mind is worth the entire meal." ' everything else Prisince of moind, e say, replied Talented. Wasnt your. wife Bomethihje-q- f an Pat earnestly. "Faith, and I dont ' ' iTli 4 irj, elocutionist before she married yod? agree wtd ye In toime of shipwreck. since of body is of far more impor asked the man who had just returned Na from an extended stay abroad. tanfcSsthan prisince of moind. She Is yet, answered the other tional Monthly. This photograph, the latest one of the czar of Russia, show Imn in conleiences with the Grand Duke Nichsadly, thinking of her oratorical efforts olas, the commander in chief of the Russian forces The Little Futher of the Russians amt ills chlyf military Hintbtd Its Work. on the occasions' when be had come aid are planning the next movements of the Russian armv. Plans and details of t tie country are tnfore them, and When the borne late from the club. officer, op magnifying glasses aid them in the study of the physical conditions of the tountry The attendants are awaiting dered to the front, called on his tailor orders. . , to get a fresh outfit, the tailor could Interested. not forget that there was an' unsetTour name, please, miss. FRIEND OF WORKING GIRLS tled account. Iona Carr. INGENIOUS POSITION OF SERBIAN BATTERY But he felt nervous about broaching Oh, you do? What make? the subject. I see the enemy, said the young Slots' cut part way through, the blade facilitate the work of a new hoe officer, has had a check. tor mixing mortar and cement. said the tailor, .Lucky enemy! Prices for footwear are going up In England and retailers find difficulty lp getting stocks. i' ' t'n I nti i nth annual reunion of pi uple of Utah anil adja-- : I' an ti rritories will be held a' Killali mi 'I tie'll , July 13. .It'- - I cl i i! i,i No. See U. I n i Orink Denisons Coffee. Aiwa s pure and" delicious. iildlit I, le'late Kwis I ii 1 1 i i , melted Haines has been chosen to suc-IA-- Merrill as sec tt 'an i r t ho state conservation com- I i nu-Mi- 'ii KC every tune. Sugar beets can grown in Ireland Who Without F'roper Guidance Might Get Into Trouble . it J hh doLbL it OF MARGIN bv st A;as& n Cv c and 'Hu But er Confesses That Hr Pi.ii.rd Bomh Exploded m the Nat io' 1 Capitol chanect of fatlurrmt 1 i i mke good vault, doubly WJ in-- reasing its water supply. . , There w ere fifty four prisoners in thq city jail at Ogden on July 4, and this is declared to he a record Bum. her The last of the steer to bemused Irf he extension of the Orem' line from luiM to Springville. was laid on ATTEMPT TO KILL BANKT-- AT HIS HOVE FOILED BY bt P. of Brigham City will sink a number ells in Mantua for the purpose of eU Javorte wcipe and the Yoo y of material, and make it carefully, the Oven may be just right, yet you will have a failure if The Pw behind the Doughu not the right one to leaven it property and make k light, digestible, wholesome. Good baking without good baking powder is out of K CBa.4,nfPta.k rkdCTtui nd tk T the bowl and to oven OS STATE " state department, numbering In all , will visit Salt Lake Friday morning, July 30. Peter J. Tallon, mayor of Park City, and one of the best known and moat popular men In the great silver camp, passed away at a Salt Lake hospital on July 4. Mayor Tallona death waa caused by appendicitis. Emil Iho, a Finlander, 40 years ot sge, Is at a Salt Lake hospital in a critical condition as a result of having drilled into a missed bole while at work In the underground workings thirty-one- of a Bingham mine. One of the old original mule cars that served for street transportation In Salt Lake In early days will be a feature of the parade to be given during the JA Izard of the Wasatch carniHUERTA 8PENDS FOURTH IN JAIL val week. July 21 to 24. funds for the Disbursements In Placed in Cell on Charge of Conspire month of June from the office of the acy to yiolat Neutrality Laws. state treasurer exceeded the total reEl Paso. General Vlctorlano Huer- ceipts by $364,411.60 and the total balance cash on band in the treasury ta, of whom Rear Admiral Mayo demanded a salute to the United States June 30 was $1,214,962 46. William Jennings Bryan, former fljg. spent the anniversary of American independence In the county Jail secretary of state in President Wilhere Imprisoned with him were three sons cabinet, was in Ogden with Mrs. former Mexican generals and two Bryan for twenty minutes on July eoramanders the former executive. wks reticent concerning national They had been 'placed In cells late and International subjects. , Saturday on charges of conspiracy to Mrs. Earl Stewart of Salt Lake violate the neutrality laws in attempt- charged w 1th shooting David S. ing to launch a revolutionary move-- , Emery, aged 9, when he and three ment In Mexico, after failing to se- other boys were stealing green apples cure bond. from the Stewart place. The Emery boy was only slightly wounded. ; T,Escape From Submarine. sentence Indeterminate the That With nine dead sailQueenstown ors stretched on her deck, eight men statute enacted by the legislature ot 1913 Is invalid and unconstitutional. lying below wounded, and her sides considered to be the effect of a Britriddled with shot and shell, the - Californian decision rendered by Judge. F. C. ish Anglo steamship Loofbourow at Salt Lake In granting steamed into Queenstown harbor writ ot habeas corpus in the case after having withstood of Sheldon C. Mu tart, a prisoner inf the attack of a German submarine tor the state penitentiary. four hours. The harvesting of grain In Box ElWin 15,000 Auto Race. der county will begin within ten day Omaha Eddie Rickenbgcher won on dry land farms la many part ot the $15,000 automobile race the county. Irrigated grain is later. held on Omahas new board speedwa Is scheduled to start In Threshing Monday. E. O'Donnell was second about a month in many portions of Tom Orr third, and IL Donaldson the county, especially in the higher fourth. e 1 , - 300-mil- e farming sections. Fabre Wins Marathon. Elmer Gllgrea. 6 years old, probably will have hla leg amputated at the MontBoston. Edouardo Fabre of real on Monday returned to the scene kae as the result ot aa accident ot his American marathon victory th occurred at Began when he tried three months ago and won easily from to climb into a passing wagon and fast field In a twelve mile race. Hla (ell Into the wheel The childs leg waa torn nearly off. time was 57 minutes 7 seconds. Unless the state hoard of pardons Berlin View Works of Art. Id terrenes In his behalf Joseph Hill-itroBerlin. The Grosse Berliner Kunt convicted hf murder In the for 1915, Germanys first atansstellung degree for the killing of J. Q. closest equivalent to the Paris salon, Morrison In a hold up of the Morrison U now to full swing and is to remain storey In Salt Lake on the night of openT luring Julyrand a part" gust. irAu January, 10, 1914, must' y pa-ic- rx r - "expiate- crime by suffering the death pc Present-daElmer L. Dewey, convicted of TraveL clde November 14, 3911, for the states Salt Lake City. Twenty-eigh- t were represented by automobles on M Police Sersreant Henry Jc the streets of Salt Lake Monday, In Balt Lake City, July L, 111 addition to a number of autpmobiles fenced to Ft rve feurte"' has carryirg Kerne numbers of man penitentiary, ' towns throughout the UFited States. aoard ot T hj ";. |