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Show & ' THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH LEADERS OF JAPANESE THE FERTILIZER NEEDS SEED OATS AND SMUT NATION ReCeiqry on Muck Land Ordinarily Stable Acre an Ton ceives On Manure la Unexcelled. Fungous Disease Causes Serious Loss to This Crop. the Geneva station, recommends for early potatoes on good Boils 500 to 1,000 pounds combination, and Noticeable After an acre of a Trouble I Quit about the same late crop for the Plant Begin to Head Annoyance amount, but with a larger proporMay be Prevented by Uee of Truckers tion of acid pfiosphate. ItJIRAL VON TRUPPEL TELLS COMPATRIOTS HOW AMERICA COULD HELP ALLIES. Issue With Them on Subject of Submarine Warfare Against Commerce and Point Out Danger ,' trans-Atlanti- wide-reachin- g 'J ' 'Vw strained relationship between Japan ami China, this photograph showing the men who have the destiny of their country In their hands is a valuable and Interesting one. It was made on the occasion of tbo anniversary o t the death oLtho empress at Tokjo, and shows the Japhnes9 cabinet officials as well as the army and naval heads of the mikado's kingdom Left to right; Frfnx-- Tokugama; General Terautch, commander of Korpa; General Osiko; Admiral Rataeko, president of the Imperial university; Admiral Togo; Osaki, minister of Behind Minister Osaki is Kei llara, minister of foreign affair law, and the secretary of the imperial household and present boss of the opposition lu the cabinet. lu view of tin GREAT FR iNCH BY GUN THE YSER RIVER 4t ' r' at d. ' 3g 3 s i s , If the can continue their progress another week even the British press admits the Russians will have to give up Warsaw and with it the whole lne. Austro-German- s Is and Wife Indicted. Atlanta,. Ga. Victor E Innes and Mrs. Ida Innes, his wife, were Indicted by a' federal grand Jury here on charges of fraudulent use of the malls, based on letters alleged to have been sent to Mrs. Elolse. Nelms Dennis, formerly of Atlanta. you anything that you with. Call and tee at BOYD. PARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY FOUNDED 1662 SALT LAKE CITY Your home dealer aella Luxuriously turv .t uiiveniently located in th hirt distru i Kuo , city and in the1. shopping W Hh Voc. 7k- and private hathKei Toe at.- ( TO S State Street U I barrels or other convenient vessels in this solutionrStiP-rinImmerse well so that all will be thoroughly soaked. Four off the solution, dump the oats out and stir occasionally untU dry A nother method emplojed is to sprinkle the oats with the solution until they are well soaked, and then heap them up in a pile and cover with blankets or sacks Leave them in this pile for fiv9 or six hours, or even over night, and then spread out to dry. Stir frequently until thoroughly dried, after which they may he sacked and set Formalin aside until seeding time may be obtained from any drug store. Machines for- treating oats and wheat for smut are on the market. In these the grain Is passed through tank containing the formalin solution and then dumped out on the floor to dry. Sffch machines are not expensive and are very satisfactory. Formalin Is poisonous, but in this weak solution it will not Injure the hands and Is perfectly safe to handle. Since theorma-iivolatilizes rapidly, oats thus treated that are not needed for seeding may, after thorough drying and airing, be safely fed to stock. s - g t'rtc Bat Mwtg All Trains mevaxdwomfn Uiavrrn UMil I EM time to leamtbe barber . ti.'tii trait LUf. btrs to great demand, 4, rata now open for SO days. Only short lime ruu.rel. w h,tt commission paul Tools furnished and Slolt-Baher hcbooi ULonJ. Call or w rtte tnercial bt.. Malt bake City, Utah am-in- Quiet Maid. Some time ego Mrs. Smith was entertaining a number cf woman fnends, when a maid quietly entered the pah lor, did the, business for which shs was called, and just as quietly retired. Instantly several of the( guests were A. Ready for Market. Celery immediately available form. Nitrate of soda. gives splendid results with these crops. For Jettuce nothing is better than a soil that has been under heavy ma- nuring for several years. Commer- cial fertilizers are not widely used by market gardeners for it Muck land growers have used heavy applications of complete fertilizers, but the present RACK BETTER THAN TRELLIS tendency is toward lighter feeding, especially when it follows heavily-feor onions. Collapsible Device for Tomato Plante, plantings of celery Celery on muck land ordinarily reBushes and Vinee Fruit Supportceives one ton an acre of a complete ed on A.II Side. Some fertilizer analyzing about formula and appliA collapsible rack tomato plants, growers use a bushes and vines can be made of plas- cations may run as high as two .tons tering lath (chestnut lath preferred). an acre when extremely close plantunFig. 1 shows a complete rack put to- ing Is practiced. Stable manure Is excelled for home market 2 gardens. use. and for Fig. ready gether shows a collapsed half rack ready to store away. ANOTHER LARGE WHEAT CROP To make the racks,, cut cross-bar- s 16 Inches long of lath, and nail them Grain Should Be Stacked to Prevent to the uprights - with throe-pennSpoiling During Wet Weather and nails, using only one nail at each joint to Save the Straw. so that the rack will fold. The sections are fastened together, says Farm Unless some .unforeseen calamity and Fireside, with wire rods 14 Inches should occur, the wheat crop this year long, the ends of which are bent to fit will exceed the phenomenal crop of in- the rack. into screw-eye- s last year, and will probably be more Cultivate the plants thoroughly until than 700,000,000 bushels of winter 2 feef high before placing racks wheat alone. This means that the about them. When they are 3 feet threshing outfits, railroads, elevators, etc., will be crowded to the utmost and a great part pf the grain will stand in the fields for weeks. Therefore it should be stacked. ' Stacking will save grain and straw v which might otherwise be spoiled in wet weather. Stacking will put grain through a complete sweat which will improve quality. Thrashing from the stack requires less help than shock threshing, which will equalize the cost of stacking. Stacking furnishes good storage, with absolutely no cost, which would j fr The world need your help right now and you need Scewcrofls Never Kip' work clothes. Theyre Vmon made and guaranteed. Salt Lakes I.eadiag Family Hole! equipped with hamSotiu (i- -, New, Madera aad Ftreprooi. f Mix one pint of commenial formalin with 40 to 50 gallons of water in the-oat- s Help! ' Farmers! The New Hotel Rex lows. . favorably Impressed. You have been getting a new maid, Mary, exclaimed one of the party, her eyes following the domestic. "How long have you had her? Not very long, rather indifferently We got her, replied Mrs. Smith. about two weeks ago. She looks like a heritable gem, was the admiring comment of tha other. How nice and quiet she is. Yes, returned the hostess. She is very quiet. As a matter of fact, she doesnt even disturb the dust shea Philadeshe is cleaning a room. lphia Telegraph. Comment Caused a Coolness. The two bosom friends met fortuitously and rushed into a mutually fond embrace. Ob, dearie, cried the first to get her breath, I so wanted to be tha first to congratulate you on your engagement! How mean you were not to give your dearest friend a hint as to what was expected!" Well, dear, I Now, dont tell me you concealed things from me on purpose. I y -- Inne And that charming fiance Werent you perfectly sue know. of yours! I prised to death when he proposed!" I cant say I was. Why should I have been? Why, everybody else was. . A coolness has now arisen. Cleveland Plain Dealer. I Perfect Example. The paper speaks of a certain ar- gument as being tactfully yet said the young stefully phrased, udent "What would bq a good example of that? returned the father, My , son, can it be that you have never lent ear to yOur mothers able representations on the periodical occasions when I return home on payday?" forc- Explained.- - Parson (making a 'pastoral call) Why doesnt your husband come to Mrs. Gooding? prevent glutting the market at any church, he talks so in his Oh, one time. Magazine. The grain must be removed for early working of the soil. Stacking makes it A Dental Compromise. possible to plow following harvesting dis yuh' toof am mighty nlgk Boss, Early plowing is one of the greatest killin wailed Brother me! factors in increasing the yield. Diskmuch will it cots to have do ing the land early is the next best blame thing pulled out? thing. Fifty cents, replied the dentist But, loogy yuh, sah! I hasnt gd MAKING SEED ROWS. UNIFORM but a quawtah to mah name. Kalpt l pull it out half way for dat" Garden Rake With Attachment as Kansas City Star. Ghown in Illustration Herewith Will Prove Satisfactory. Knew Him in a Crowd. Describe the missing cashier, said A good way to make drills or seed the great detective. He had deducted rows of uniform width and depth Is to the everything to be deducted by have an attachment for the garden clews in hand. rake as shown In the sketch, writes He is 5 feet 8 inches high and Bert V. Verne of San Diego, Cal., in $6,000 short, replied the bank press Popular Mechanics. The device ident, who waa an eminently practical of a piece of tin or sheet metal man. Philadelphia Ledger. sleep."-Browni- Reading Concerns Win. Philadelphia. The United States district court rendered a decision tn favor of the defendant In the govern ment suit to dissolve the Reading company and to separate the New Jersey Central railroad from the Read . lng. . British artillerymen witif a gun, loaned to the Serbians by the British admiralty, proceeded to a position on a hill near the Drina and helped strengthen the effectiveness of the Serbian attack. Collapsible Rack. he&vy-caltbere- HARRY Bombs THAW-O- N WAY TO COURT Kill Noncombatants. Geu. T Coleman du Pont, who were Italy. Two people & Co the killed and five others were injured by bought from J P bombs dropped from an Austriau ae- controlling interest, fu the Equitable "Life Assurance "company roplane on the town of Cormons, Austria, near the Italian frontier, eight Deaths Touch Gentle. miles northwest of Gorizia. In the light of modern surgerv, there Is much to reassure our faith in the Archblahop Quigley Sinking. Y. provisions of nature to N. Rochester, Reports from the bedside of Archbishop James Edward protect all life from undergoing torImQuigley of Chicago indicate that he is ture as great as we may at times We may now believe possible. agine a rapidly sinking, following relapse. His death is expected almost momen- that death comes only with the satr.S Quieting hand that Is laid upon us as tarily. we sleep; that the summons, to join the innumerable caravan la never a Daylight Robbery In Frisco. San Francisco. Three armed men clarion call of tremendous conscious held up an automobile carrying $3,300 agony, but Is rather a quiet drifting, for the week's payroll. of the Pacific a gentle touch without sound or hurt, Coast Gars company in the heart of like a door that is softly closed. the factory district Immensity fjYeilow Empire. . Half Million RuasiarT Prisoners. The total area of China is estimated Berlin. Military writers figure that at 4,278,352. square miles. A census of the Russians from May 2 until June the kind taken In western nations has 27 left In the hands of the Germans never been attempted In China, and 1,630 officers and 520,000 men prisonthe nearest approach to a reliable esers and 300 field guns and 770 ma timate is probably the census of housechine guns. holds (not individuals) taken by the Chinese ministry of interior in 1910 Repeal Seamens Act. Assuming 5.5 persous to a household, San Francisco. A committee to which, by a test census in various draft resolutions calling upon Presi- parts of the country was found to be dent Wilson and congress to repeat a fair average, the population totaled IOOQOOOOOOCXXXXXXXOCOOOCOOGOCXDOOOOOvA.' the La Follette seamens bill, was 331,000.000, including 1.500.000 as the Harry K. Thaw (right) on his way to the courtroom where he Is on trial named by the National Sales Man- orobable population of Tibet as to his sanity. agers Association of America. Train Plunges From Trestle. Two years ago the prediction of war The 191a locust came. It was capCONVEX MESSAGE OF PEACE Tacoma. Three persons are dead tured and examined. On Its wings was based upon the letter W." and two are believed to be dying In of the the letter P, standing for "Peace. students the Beginners among New Storg la Being Told by Locusts, Tacoma hospitals as a result of a laboratory scoffed at the ide$ that a was clearly outlined Sahdusky, Ohio, Whose Wing Forecast the Pres-- , of Special to the Washington Post wreck when a train from Tacoma u ant European War. inwas and .Aberdeen" merriment quietly war, In at ,the expense of those Seems So. . Battier. - That warfare Is to give way to peace dulged w ho gravely shook their beads as they Church A man who has Invented locust is the brings. the message Fell From Ladder to Death. many wireless devices has succeeded Each year, according to students, of contended tu the contrary r.vpert, Idaho. H. A. Billows, living 1914 locusts were In interceptingmessages the of with needles The arrivwings hie whom of scores at E.weraon, near here, was. Instantly entomology, thrust tntoi potato. Ohio State university s market) "with a W. the at daily ing killed when he was knocked off a ladGotham It would seem. then, that on the Cedar Point ) Laboratory students this year, their der upon which he was working and summer laboratory locust hears a forecast Interest aroused by exp rience, await- a. potato is more communicative jthan the peninsula cipitatchl seventeen feet to the on its ed the coming of the first 1915 locust a clam. . . Udine, -- Mot-ga- . . par . -- wg ngs OggT-Ho- high jftid have four or five good pinch or cut off superfluous foliage and fresh growing sprouts. When fruit clusters get heavy see that they are. supported. by the cross bars of the rack,JTbis la the advantage of the rack; the fruit has support on all sides and does not break loose from the plant stem, as it often does when tledto stakes. When the season is over the racks can be stored in a small space ready for another season. fruit-cluster- s, DON'T' TOLERATE RED MITES g - 0 lior press bureau. piungetj-off-atrestten- cauliflower and related commonly treated with basic fertilizer, 4 For early crops nitrogen and phosbe readily availshould phorus to 1,500 pounds an 1,200 and. able, acre is jioL'too much unless manure Many has been used very freely. growers apply a ton an acr. The late crop may well receive 600 to 1,000 pounds of the same formula, but with a smaller proportion of nutrients In Cabbage, crops are the a fungous sease of the oat plant whie causes serious losses to this crop. This disease is very noticeable after the plants begin to bead, the flowers of infected plants being almost complete-lreplaced by a mass of fine, black, dusty stores Oat smut may be prevented by soaking or sprinkling the seed thoroughly with some solution which will kill the spores without Injuring the seed The most common solution used is formalin and the treatment is made as foldi- - Fighting in Dardanelles. London. The total Turkish casualties in the Dardanelles operations between June 28 and July 2 were 5,150 men killed and "15,000 wounded, according to an announcement made Monday night by the British official joa cab Dot be ntufied with out of jewelry, we cur make are required. ) d JiX Xv&JhtZ rJ'fe&ii Germans Endeavoring to Drive Wedge Irjto Russian Center. Two jof the hujfe guns used with sucltelllng effect by the French being hauled ilong the Yser river to Teply London. At a rate estimated at five to the German artillery attacks. These ere guns which have just arrived from thearmament work of the French miles a day, General von government, where their construction Is being rushed with all possible haste. forces are swinging northward in Galicia and Poland in a colossal and darBOUGHT THE EQUITABLE ing enedavcr to. drive a wedge into BRITISH ARTILLERY HELPS SERBIANS the Russian center and dislodge the Ru88ianafrom the Vistula river and force them back over the Bug, thus splitting the grand duke'k forces Into two sections, with thousands of acres of swamp and marsh land between them. Missouri n . U Mock sometimes apply as much as a ton an acre where large and erly yields - LINE IN DANGER. Macki-nzen- t y -- RUSSIAN Station loose mut of oats of Breach. Kaio-Chow- HlTrm.VSON. H (Hv Manufacturing department - Some Goocj Solution, Take Hare You Visited Our Dr. L. L. Van Slyke, of -- ' Berlin. Admiral Oscar von ..Trup-pel- , at one time governor of . the German concession In the Chinese provipce of Shantung, captured In November by the Japanese, contributes an article on Monday to Der Tag, warning hi compatriots not to underestimate the danger of a breach with the United States and asking them to weigh seriously' the question whether the value of Germanys submarine warfare agiinst British commerce is great enough to justify a continuanceof its present form at the expense of a rupture witn c the nation. The article Is remarkable not only for Its open statement regarding the effects which the participation of America In the hostilities might exercise on the future course of the war effects which Admiral von Truppel says are greatly underestimated in Germany but also as a contribution from a naval officer. All the naval publicists of Oermnny hitherto heard from have been devoting their energies to accelerating public opinion agalnBt any modification of the submarine campaign and endeavoring to prevent or to limit' concessions to American demands In the coming German note to Washington. Admiral von Truppel discounts the stories of earlier existing American agreements with Great Britain against Germany, explaining that this is most Improbable, owing to American diplomatic traditions. But It Is undeniable," he says, "In spite of President Wilsons unquestionable desire to reach a peaceful solution of the problems,. that the sympathies of a majority of Americans are on the side of England and that only a spark might be necessary under certain conditions to kindle this feeling Into a hostile ' outbreak. OF CROPS Dark, Dirty and Damp Houses Are Especially Adapted for the Breeding of These Insects. (By R yo'-al- con-sit- Just a Social Call. "My wife 'and I are coming around to see you this evening." Thats, right; but do me a favor, old man. Dont let your wife wear her new suit; I dont want my wife to Bee ft just no-wWhy, naan' alive, that '6 Just whJ we are coming. . WEATHERSTOXE ) I have known cases where sitting hens died while sitting upon the nest, traceable to no other cause than red mites, assisted in their propagation by flllbu. .ti bich bad .been .allowed,, to accumulate In the nesting boxes and the floor of the henhouses. Dark, dirty and damp houses are especially adapted for the breeding of these insects and offer favorable conditions for G. their rapid multiplication. By paying a visit to the henhouse at night-an-d being equipped with a good light, these pests .may be detected. If any are found, get busy, clean out every part of the house, averhaiil the nesting' boxes, burn up the nesting material, take down the roosts and paint them with lice paint or wash them off with a strong solution of disinfectant. , As a rule, it is doubtless safe to assume that a a moderate slope in some direction is to be preferred for orchard purposes, other things being equal, to one that is level. One having a. slope w ULusuall v have better soil and atmosphericdrainage than a level area. g . Cause of Leg Weakness. Marker' Attachment on Rake. haveing projections on one edge the width of the rows. The other edge of the metal is inserted between the teeth on the rake. Thus it can be easily drawn over the gar den bed to mark, the rows. After the seed has been planted reverse the tin and pse it as a hoe for filling the row. Hot Stuff. th Nobody appreciates me, said different unpoplar man. "It will be when Im dead and gone. Fv Yes," replied his neighbor. receptio doubt po youll get a warm then. Her Intentions Were Good. no. Where is your brother-in-law- , Mrs. Bleecher? asked a little wo on au Elmwood car. Oh, he went to the front with t1 first Canadian cotillon, retorted h carefree neighbor. Buffalo Express- Sitd for Orchard. site-havin- . Cabbage Worm. Emulsion. Kerosene emulsion, insect powder, -- black pepper and about a dozen ether things are used for cabbage worms. Kerosene emulsioh seems to be about the best. Some growers use a spray of arsenate of lead, which kills the worms all right, but we confess that we don't like to use it on cabbage - - Leg weakness in chicks is often due to the food being of a fattening nature, and bqdies in consequence become too heavy for the muscular strength of the chick's legs. A with One-Legge- d one-Ieggq- d Milk Stool.- - milking stool, made that fasten about the seat in place, simple, easy to make and handle, sanitary and comfortable! waist straps and-hol- 1 So Easy. T wish I had lived tn one 0? tho1 South American countries, said tn girl who a as trying to break in society. - W hy so v- - inqulred ber .Yriqh d It's so easy to be a DaughteF & th Revolution down there. - - The Explanation. Tlow can you afford to stay Lon Branch" every year, Jones? I told the hotel prices are simply entf - . mous." "They are. - I keep a hotel there |