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Show mi Reflex print the ot Dari Covmty each week, along with State u4 National The Reflex ha the service lx Ike etWa,hothlZ oreiga. rawiandLF Nr. REACHES EVERY NOOK AND VOLUME X On next Sunday, July 11, Salt Lake nd ail Utah will pay homage to the nations precious Liberty - bell - as h traverses the state on its first trans-- . - , CORNER-O- KAYSYILLE, LAYTON AND FARMINGTON THE STORY OF THE UBERTY . BELL---TH- P DAVIS COUNTY. UTAH, THURSDAY. JULY 8r 1915 have round it the words from the Hook of Leviticus: 'Proclaim liberty throughout all the. land, unto all the inhabitants thereof. continental journey to .participate in The model decided upon was Great the worlds greatest exposition ! San Tom" of Westminster, which Henr. Francisco. 111 ha d uist and hung m the .link tower as a memoiial to Edward the Happily appropriate, peculiarly is this, the longest and the Confesor. The commission was duly most extensive patriotic pilgrimage executed, hut fortunately, not well. It ever made by the Liberty bell, it-s was. foreordained that the belt-- , after-- , from the mother city of the re- ward to become famous as the Liberty public to the Golden Gate to glorify bell, should be essentially American, acheivement of the worlds greatest riot English. engineering triumph, the completion Instrument Is Cracked. . of the Panama Canal. The bell arrived in America on the The bond of patriotism which unites ship Matilda or in Authe east and the west the highway gust, 4752. But theMyrtilla. members of the of commerce which unites the Atlan- assembly expressed themsehes as tic and the Pacific! these are given deeply mortified when the bell clacked benediction by the silent but eloquent with the stroke of the clapper and presence of the bell and its proclama- without any other violence when it tion: Liberty throughout all the land was hung to try the sound.. It was unto all the inhabitants thereof, broken up and recast in Philadelphia Glorious is the history of the Liber- with a mixture of one and a half ty bell, always the voice of freedom. ounces of copper to each pound of the were its peals. They old bell. But when the new bell was called to the state'house, and after- rung its tones were not clear. The wards to Independence hall, a .far people criticised and the two workgreater concourse of people than that men, Pass and Stow, insisted on anwhich assembled there July 8, 1776, to other opportunity, and in June 1753, answer its summons. No occasion the bell was recast and again hung in stands forth in history, however, as the steeple. Pass and Snow produced In Amerimajestically as that. ca the bell which every American . People Were Serious. j holds sacred. But in the olden days And yet at the time of occurence it there was nothing sacred about it. was of no great widespread interest. The people were not quite satisfied No great multitude gathered behind and another bell was ordered from the state heuse, around the platform London. When the "new bell arrived which had been set up in the northwas found to be about ' the same it east corner to observe the transit of as the one made in America. The Venus. Fancy and fiction have paintAmerican bell remained in the steeple ed the scene in high coiprs; fact made and he second passed out of history. it sombre. The little throng breathed Called Noted Meetings. the atmosphere of seriousness, solemnity, gravity. Its thoughts were too The bell called the assembly toprofound in study how liberty could gether to many sessions during which be won against apparently insuper- the foundations of American liberty able odds to become ecstatic over res- were laid summoned them in 1753 olutions. Through the vista of years to the meeting at which it was rethe words of Jefferson seem divine in- solved to continue the issuance of spiration. The throng which convened Province money and again in 1755, at thfe bells call received them rever- when the assemblymen informed the ently. But its thoughts were on deeds proprietary governor that they would rather than on words. maintain the right to judge for Love and reverence for the Liberty ourselves and our constituents of the bell have, of truth, been evidenced utility and propriety of laws And nevduring only a comparatively few of er will oblige us to make laws- by the. later years of the bells exstence. direction. It convened, the assembly In its early days it was merely a plain which, in 1757, bU and regarded as a bell merely, home to England to secure redress was not considered a very good one. for greviances; it called the assembly Its authentic history is brief. Annals together in 1764 to receive th$ notifiand legends have been woven to amp- cation from Massachusetts bay that lify facts. Yet the dry records made the colonists tHere were determined to in the days when the nation was in oppose an English stamp act and, its formative period weave themselves again, when Pennsylvania joined with in the light of present day affection the Bay state, it called the legislature for the bell, into a story which thrils together to prepare for a congress of the colonies, and a little later to act every American. In Philadelphia, seat of government on parliments decision imposing of the British crown province of Penn- stamp and other duties on his majesylvania, the assembly had been con- stys subjects in America. The odious stamps came into port templating, s the mid years of the eighteenth century were passing, a aboard the Royal Charlotte, and in building for its regular meeting place. October, 1765, the bell, Jmuffled and In due course of time the building was tolled, called together the town meetcompleted, and as the years passed it ing which resolved that the stamps was further determined that a dis- - should not land in Philadelphia. But p act was enforced,- - and so tinctively assembly bell be provided to muffled the bell, again, tolled the supplant the ordinary bell brought from the mother country. And so, death of liberty, the people meanwith little thought that history which while burning the detested stamps. In all the world would read was being September, 1766, it convened the asmade that a bell was about to be sembly which voted 4000 pounds sterl-provided whose peals would sound ing to the king the last large aparound the globe, and yet with a pro- propriation made for auch a purpose. Announced Tea Party. phetic prevision the legislators ordered in 1751 that a bell should, be At the call of the bell Philadelphia cast in England and that it should merchants assembled in April, 1768, ut Iii'wc m ,1 In- - tnoprrugmially across the same and through Iff i,l. l,ilii.i. lovqig hand low- - the north gate of the park to Third the vi ito house bell it 'West street, from which point they pile the piojilieti.- in will disperse as rapidly as possible. Iibottv .ind it w.isj The foregoing movements of the I, unued fioni t hildi-eU ,1. k will be supervised by the t ami Is. Vunitmuoe utul a sufficient number of limb I,,?, be, onjp'iu Ifii ..impotent asiTants to insure order ll.l letllgo m .mti ihunh, i ln.i ihiI until after and rapidity of execution. 1 lu general public is Monmouth. requested to lrl.cn inu k to the state j time its viewof the bell from 11 to wh. it now o lock on, and to approach t,he bell tlu' n.UumV on l'ourth South street. The con' IlMll'. hilu-venience of all wll be advanced if , do not adult-ot Detail. accompany children unReception. is necessary for them to do less it 'Ibe I'li'ci.im for the .lay on whnh the lit', i '.v liell will.be in Salt Lake do so. The general public after leavthe platform, is requested to pass City m not fully ni.iUi'Oil, foi the rea ing along Third West street to Third -mi tb.it nil inloi nulion mve-aiSouth, leaving the park entirely for la - ihi.1 y.l been i.iened. the use uf children. I lie spiit.il ll. till over the, Imon Excursion and Recital. t Mini ami r.iiiln' line eui tlii'i ..U baud I'omcrt will be in progress loin the iitv ol thil iileliil.l H due I. limn' lu lake City at tt at the paik near the bell during the o'. Ii k in the nnuiiirig and - to leave t mi it is on v lew. 'Ibe governor ami committee will Salt Lake t ity at 3 o'. I.m k tn the leave Salt Lake City by special train at let noon. I' poll, the ttmvul of the train with in the morning to meet the visiting the bell a salute of foity-eigb- t guns committee at Ogden, accompanying will be tiled by the buttery of the Na- the visitors from there to Salt Lake tional Guard fioni Mime convenient Uty., Parade at 2 Oclock. point not fur rdistant from. Pioneer The The National will Guard propark. parade will move promptly at vide for the bell the guard of honor 2 o'clock. The route of the line of of one oiheer, two march will be from Fourth South officers and ten pi i ales. Two of the Street on State street north to South officers or privates Temple street, west on South Temple will be selected from each of the street to Main street, south on Main 1 -- - - I World-importa- nt other than the battery. street, .turning at the intersection of Fourth South and Third West streets, there passing by the bell on Third West street to Third South street, where all local organisations except the escort of the guest will turn east on Third South, and there disband, taking the most convenient street ir so doing so as not to cause congestion Progress of the Bell Accross the This guard will be with the bell from the time it is received by the representatives of the city until-i- t leaves. As soon as practicable after the arnval of the car carrying the bell, it w,ill be" switched to the spur track west of Pioneer purk and placed at the southwest corner of the park and there it will remain until time to make up the train for its departure. Convenient Platforms Arranged. 1 - - the-stam- Via. The 1781, when it wav lowered and rehung Chestnut street on its way to Virginthe tower in ia, It sides parted,' its voice became islation by parliment. Then followed mute ami it entered with the great exthe bell's call for meetings to petition Announced Distinguished Men. pounder of the constitution into sifor repeal of duty on tea; to denounce Here the Libeily bell announced on lence. the buyers of such tea as enemies of October 24, 1781, the surrender of Home in Glass Case. the new country, and to express de- Cornwallis and freedom from EngToday the bell is guarded with intermination that the detestable tea land; it welcomed His Excellency the care. Its home is in a glass cessant over which the ship Polly brought Commander-in-Chie- f and his lady in should not be. funnelled down our November, and itT April, 1783, it pro- case in the hallway of lndejiendence throats with parliments duty mixed claimed peace. It sounded the alarms hall, but a few feet removed from the on which the Declaration of Indewith it. of war in 1812 and rang for peace in desk was signed, and from the pendence Historic occasions then crowded 1815. The Liberty bell tolled the funof The courtyard where, on Jucomer each other.The belt announced that eral knell of "Washington; the port of Boston had been closed, welcomed Lafayette to the Hall of In- ly 8, 1776, it was proclaimed to the while the bell, when he returned to multitude assembled and then that the battle of Lexington dependence in then the tower, rang out the freehad been fought; it summoned pa- America in 1824, and, proceeding un- dom of a nation. triots to the memorable meeting of der arches wreathed with flowers; it Seven times has the bell made trips June 7, 1776, when Richard Henry ushered in the fiftieth anniversary of from Philadelphia; this is the eighth. Lee offered his desolutions, that the republic; it tolled for Jefferson to Allentown in 1777; New went It these United Colonies are and ought and Adams when they entered into in 1885; Chicago in 1893; Orleans measslow tone wto the its deep to be free and independent states and rest, as such they have and of right ought ures of its tolling giving a very sol- Buffalo in 1901; Charleston in 1902; emn impression; it rang in sorrow Boston in 1903 and St. Louis in 1904, to have full power to make war. What a contrast it afforded between And then it convened congress for again when Charjes Carroll of Carrol-- , town died, and when the great Lafay- this, the bells triumphant journey to consideraGorf of a declaration of the Pacific, and the first one it made and .on July 8, 1776, in- ette passed away. stead of July 4, as popularly accepted, But once more it was to toll for a from the security of Independence it sent echoing around the world the great American John Marshall, last hall sanctified cradle of patriotism! proclamation of American independ- survivor of the great characters who The first journey was one of preserence. Then the statehouse bell became made the nation. -- He died in Phila- vation; the last one of patriotism. the Liberty belL The bell became an exile on that delphia, July C, 1835, and on July 8, Then came the war of the Revolu- the very day of the anniversary of first journey. The Battle of Brandytion, the flight of the bell to Allen- the proclamation of independence, as wine had been fought; the British town, and its return to Philadelphia the Liberty bell tolled solemnly while triots determined to save the bell from and its old home in the steeple until the funeral cortege moved down capture and possible destruction. Be-- to protest against the restrictive leg- lit-hp- ? its-pea- ls ' Continent. Thousands of persons went to Inhall in Philadelphia on th dependence A platform nearly the height of the 4th of to bid godspeed to the LibJuly will behe constructed the night car bell which started across the erty So when is car the in that fore, poIt was the largest crowd sition there will be a walk around three sides of the ear. This platform that has visited the hall in a single will We reached by an incline on day in many years and all lingered Fourth South street and inclines from for an unusual length of time s they the platform will be upon Third West passed the case containing the treasured relic. street. It is intended that the children be On July 6 a great wave.of patriotism that withstood even a pouring given the first opportunity Jo 'view the bell and for their convenience the rainstorm, greeted the Liberty bell at A double line of white-cla- d following arrangements have been Chicago. children stretched many blocks from made, of which D. H. Christensen, suthe station and patiently awaited the perintendent of the Salt Lake City $eUs arrival in the rain. public school, has charge. Even after the line had been in mowill Children assemble in Pioneer tion for more than an hour and severTurk aCiiilD j,m, So far as practicable they will ap- al thousand children had viewed the diminua-tio- n proach the park on Third South street. bell, there was no apparent in its length. The gate at the northeast corner of More than 30,000 people saw the the park will be used exclusively for minLiberty bell during its forty-fiv- e entrance to the park. The gate at the northwest and ute stop at Fort Wayne. Aa the bell was drawn umler twenty-thre- e elaborsouthwest comers decorated bands arches, played of the park will be kept closed during ately the time children are viewing the bell. patriotic airs and the erowds cheered heartily. Instructions to Children. Children iri viewing the bell will Special Excursions from Davis County Points on Bamberger. puss out of the park by the south The people of Davis county will gate; thence will proceed west on the sidewalk on the north side of Fourth have an excellent opportunity to view South street to the southwest corner the old bell, as the Salt Lake & Ogden of the park,- where bearing- railway (Bamberger Line) ftas deter- the bell will be placed; thence to the mmed on giving a half fare rate platforms constructed on each side of from all point on its line to Salt Lake the car; thence from the platforms to City, and will furnish sufficient equipthe sidewalk on the east side of Third ment that all who desire may have an West street and along the walk to opportunity to participate in the great the west entrance of the park, di celebration. - ids . -- -- the-ca- -- r- Lake & Ogden Rv. --The Electric Way FARE From All Davis ' NUMBER 44 NATIONS MOST PRECIOUS REUC E jour-ney- i . New THE' BOUND ounty Points. SUNDAY, JULY llth. II in Salt Lake City at 9 a. m. Sunday, July 1 1 th, and will remain until 3 p. m. This perhaps, is the last time the precious relic will ever be taken from its home in Philadelphia, and all who can should see it. Every child in Davis county should see the Bell which pealed forth the message cf c - nations - 'independence. One fare for the round trip, Sunday, July 4 1,4915. The Bell will arrive --- - -- - JULIAN BAMBERGER, President and General Manager, : Salt Lake Giy: r |