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Show OLD SUBMARINE GOES TO THE JUNK !. COMMITTEE HEAP .. T SERBIANS TO AID SAILS MERCY OF . I A a GREAT bEKEFIT TO FARMERS Three-Ho- Trip to Town Cut Down to ur Gaeolln Motor Car. (By L, J. OLLIER.) t 4 - , 1 .h u W ... The prosperity of a state depends largely upon good roads. They mean cheaper transportation, better living conditions, and happier homes. Quick communication ranks as the great factor in the universal dissemination of knowledge. Where good roads abound sectionalism cannot exist The desire for good roads leading to a city that (hose with automobiles could have a greater pleasurable tour lng radius first brought the matter prominently to he fore as a good roads movement with automobile back fj iii r r "s c Hi .c ar m 8 n t J a c t t 1 1 , l 1 t VJ t i VL y it' V: V &3rLVSi Gradually the farmer; antagonistic At first, began to take an interest With good roads And an automobile he could cut down the three hour trip . to town to perhaps thirty minutes. The famous old American submarine Holland No 9 was sent to the Junk Good roads brought the doctor the other day, being utterly of out date and useless. It was bought by the United States In 900 for (150,000.heap quickly at a time when minutes were precious. Good roads and an automobile took the, family to town in the ACADEMIC PROCESSION AT YALE UNIVERSITY evening, something unheard of before, or to visit a friend or relative in distant part of the county. When farmers learned that other farmers were doing these things, that good roads and automobiles made them poa sible, then they, too, desired good roads for their own county. By means of the telephone end quick motor truck delivery the faruei Is now able to top the market He can ruBh his produce to market at th( right moment to command the best price. But he could not do it were hit goads not well, built and in good re pair. Consequently the farmer Is now most active in the agitation for good roads and Jealous of any legislative power delegated to Irresponsible au thorities. While in time every road should be a good road, yet all the work cannot he done at once. Therefore the au thorities who are building road should see that each one is linked to another to make continuous highways. The advantage of this lies In the fact that the main arteries of travel will then first receive the attention of the The academic procession at the Yale commencement Behind the mace bearer are Timothy It will also fagood roads builders. Dwight and President Hadley. At the right of the picture are 8upreme Court Justloe Charles B. Hughes, who cilitate tourinfc, in itself a valuable received the degree of doctor of laws, and Prof. William Howard Taft, former president of the United States. asset for any community. It is Interesting to note that In 1913 Ohio had the largest mileage of imHEADS ADVERTISING CLUBS MRS. J. M. THOMSON IN BRIDAL GOWN proved roads of any state in the Union with 28,312 miles. Indiana was sec Jnd and New York third. Illinois was aevsnth with 9,000 miles. While New York can claim the greatest progress in road building from 1909 to 1913, having built nearly 10,000 mtles in that time, I feel that the work California Is now doing probably puts that state in the lead. I have Just returned from California and am am axed at the j1 yt Professor Pipln s Columbla UniversUy expedition to aid Serbia, known as the Committee of Merry, photit sailed from Nee York. At the. right is Prof. Elbridge Colby of Columbia, ographed on the steamer Themlstocles-aare Ur. George Baehr, Dr. Peter Obitsky and Dr. Henry Poltz, sho went with active head of the committee; below : s - , li'V lng. v 0 v. &, Thirty Minute by Advent'of ' the expedition. BUTTE ELEPHANT DAM IRRIGATION . rM-$- ITAUAN ' ' ARMYS FIELD NEW SHE REPRESENTS GlIN ELECTRA v' 4, A - yv-,Vvr- . S i e-X- J eT ' Within the next few months agricultural land of as great an aera as some of the smaller states will be added to the wealth of the nation through the opening of the Elephant Butte irrigation project in New Mexico In the valley of the RIo Grande river. The United States reclamation service is now putting the finishing touenw on one of the worlds grea(est-,'damin. that river about 150 miles north of the Mexican boundary line, and .when the water fills up behind this great wall of masonry a lake 45 miles long will be formed, covering 40,000 acre 61 land, and with this water reclaiming. 180,000 acres of what Is near an arid desert The completed dam will be li feet thick on top, 215 feet thick at the bottom and 1.200 feet long. ' t V J tv ' " 6 if I;?: i a Mss rtif . ' Gravel Road Near Richmond, Ind. wonderful way in which this state is taking hold of good roads work. Three years ago California approrouds. priated $18,000,000 for good The various counties each ' appropriated in addition from (250,000 to for the Improvement of county roads which are feeders to the main Los Angeles county has highways. over 400 miles of Improved roads. By September one will be able to drive Genevieve Clark, daughter of Speaker Clark, who was married on June from Lob Angeles to San Francisco by 30 to James M. Thomson of New Orleans, photographed in linr the coast route and return by the val- gown ley route over continuous good roads a boulevard 1,000 miles In length. IV The same agitation that brought NEW California its appropriation for good roads is now being waged elsewhere throughout the West, in some places actual work is in progress. The state of Utah has passed favorably upon an Improved road that eventually will be part of one all the way from the Yellowstone National park to the Grand canyon of the Colorado river in HYDRO-AEROPLAN- E IS TESTED Herbert 8. Houston, hrnimmiiiniiifii t of Duubledgy,. Page Co., who' president of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World at the recent convention In Chicago. Mr. Houston was born in Illinois and has been in newspaper and magazine work all his business life. was-electe- Censor Requires Interpretation. The mysterious German word Zu gel recently produced trouble In a family residing in Coethen. says s Hamburg dispatch. A son serving in the German army wrote bis parents that he was returning home on a leave of absent; He added that he would stop over luxjtrussels and asked for money to enable .i m to return to Germany. A few days later the family received a telegramSend too marks to Victoria hotel.. ZupMv The parents hesitated to send as this was noi their name. They made inquiries at the office of milttarKpffl cials. The answer came; Zugel ho bunko sieertr. Ton can safely send (he moneys ; Zugel ia an abrevlatton added by. the censor, meaning xugelasseu tp8sed)," d feature of this new Italian field gun so as to afford wide range of fire. A OUR Arl-con- i ct a t X Cft t C i f t ctls about j CARRIER Miss Florence Cassasa, selected pose for the figure of Electra in design that is to be the keynote of nation-wid- e campaign preceding celebration of Electrical Prospei 29 to eeembei week, November More than 100,000,000 copie of design, on posters and placards, ' be distributed all over the land. Lives .After H earl Stopped. Harris lived 20 minute arf retained consciousness after his h had stopped beatin. Harris, merchant of Los Angeles, was strict en in his shop and was rushed to u the receiving hospital. where 'Dr. W, Hiller said he was dead. Then Harris opened his eyes ( began to talk. For 20 minutes spoke at Intervals. He was able tell his name and address and scribe his sensations. During this time his heart did beat6 perceptibly and powerful h11 stimulants failed to bring any ( sponge. - Aim. X, " "On the .cattle 6hip on which roy friend worked an ox got loose on This big ot a new type was tested recently on the Poto- the vovaxe and roamed about before mac. near Washington, by A. S Richardson (left), its tnveutor, and A! C. they could capture it" Richardson (right), its. builder, it is capable of carrying 20 passengers and Maybe the oz was looking for the has four planes, two steeraee" two ind pontoons. engines hydro-aeroplan- CaSc . ; His m v - . Easy Transportation. When you consider the question has had so PrtiaIIy?BcttP:JotMng much to do with .the advance of as transportation. It has affected economics in almost every branch. The feeding of nations, the growth cf business, civilization itself re "7 rtzU upon the fundamentals of r : tzi aasy transportation the T ttarportatkm that has bemt 1 r tbs last 50 years. MAIL be moved H. G, the'-ipone- In the East New York Is working ont its good roads plan and I am interested In the efforts Illinois is making to Improve its roads. - the base, which can I 5 Work' for Convicts. If set to work on our public highways the convicts In our prisons would go out into the world after their sentences are fulfilled .better qualified to take their places as men and stronger mentally, morally and physically. This aspect of the good roads- subject is receiving constantly increasing attention. WOMAft ONLY Is e From Youth te Middle Age, The moment when one first feels acutely that he is no longer young truth With all the agony of the star- other eoe. tled call of a child at night, the heart Atlantic, cries out, "It cannot be; It is not so." akin to consternation. For it is like a flash of lightiTividne a black sky. Life no across ning longer is. all before one: even more dreadful thought. It may be mostly gles In Its dying Uke an imprisoned bird. Others, even those pear and dear are older,, are even old'; we can see that But how can the stubborn facts be true as to ourselves? Very gradually, little by little, fighting its beh in d I After the first keen realization way inch by inch, the truth prevails there follows a bewildering sUteof and gnaws at the heart though only mind due to unwillingness, yes, to an intermittently, of course until time actual puzzled inability11 to accept the i numbs this emotion as it does every thing f R L. Raymond, la the Hawaiian Planters in Hird Straits. Owing to the difficulty of securing skilled workers, the high toqt of land and water, and the increased cost of labor, rice production in r Hawaii (which has been averaging, over pounds annually) la decreasing at the rate of about 10,000 bags a year, ft is oatimatod by a Honolulu paper that the 1115 crop win he te.ooo hags leas than that of 1909, Not All Kinds. Dont you think, after all. war . the only woman mail of a tonic? carrier in the something Inuedtates is here BeenXelivering mail to a fanner. Her route U 30 not T it if Perhaps may be, its and she mi" long covers it each day. tonic. Baltimore American. JVarc cf Manhattan. Kan y HIGH LIVING FROWNED ;ht told him that he ehould take hls Juries to a first-cla- a plica to eat which he interpreted to mean a Jurymen In Certain Localities in Not to B Provided place, but that the Floyd county With Life Luxunea. board of county" commissioner turned down the bill on the grounds that Jurors on duty in Georgia will buv at was good enough .for them was their own chickens and oysters and good for the Jury, and they other brands of expensive food Meals were enough to manajf.ng enough to eat that the people pay for most not and stay on the Job get for 25 cents. And cost more than 25 cents each. Such now the whole matter will hav to was the statement made, by the density court The sheriff on duty In the city ad T , ON Gftor-gia'Ar- wke--- - Ccl-r-vl t t I. ' ; I - e j 50-ce- the Jurymen cant quit Should be made the i liberal Interpreution o! der, and It now seems special Jury will have ment upon the case. Not the Proper Thing. "Tour partner ia late for this pointmenL" "Well, ha 4-- takes his time. It to SB rtht" formrr-mankstta" is t ( |