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Show 4 Tuesday, March 16, 1948 TIIE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Fruit Cross-Stitche- d Design for Towel Million Irishmen Attend Largest Political Meetmg FICTION QUESTION CF ANGLES A TRIANGLE? Sure, If you think in geometrical figures. But counting Mary Hill with the three men you'd have a square, wouldn't you? Anyhow, we were on the Wild River bridge job. A nice change it was, too, with Barret Falls Center only a mile away; no construction camp In this picture. You could get room and board in somebody's house or you could take a room only and eat out. And the boys who hadn't been too quick in grabbing a room and board took their morning and evening meals at the Elite Lunch that is, those who had got a peek at what was inside the three-s,de- d counter, I did myself. And Mary Hill was very good for the ejes. Fresh and sweet and g she was in her white rig, even on the hottest day and lovely to look at. I figured she was 28 or 29. That steel crew, though, was a new breed to Mary Hill. A y bunch, as ready for a scrap as a frolic, working hard and playing hard. One night when I was almost the last to leave Mary said: "I suppose the danger you fellows are in all day makes you gay and when you get away from it. Men fall sometimes, dont they? Not often," I said. "It looks worse than it Is. A man is carefuL You get used to height." By this tune the competition for Mary was all but general. I was on the side lines, you might say. Being field engineer, I was some older than most of the boys not so much, but enough to make me conscious of the difference. Jack Benz, Clem Sask and Dave Johnson seemed to be favored. Benz, a chap, eventually Marys time. Dave Johnson was the quiet, genesis krnd, end an A- -l bridge jack. But, now that he seemed out of the running, he quit coming altogether. Clem Sask and Benz were not talkcool-tookin- Ep?; happy-go-luck- ptATUfiDflfr ("JAY little fruit designs done in V1 cross-stitc- h for a set of kitchen one for each day of the towels week! Plums, grapes, strawber nes, golden pears and a pineapple cherries and big red apples are all done in natural colors. Motifs are also suitable for breakfast cloths and luncheon mats. To obtain 7 transfers, color chart foi working the Fruit Designs (Pattern Ni 6020). Send 20 cents in com, name address and pattern number jour Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time is required in filling orders for a few of the most popular patterns. Send your order to: SEWING C1RCI.K NEEDLEWORK 530 South Wells St Chicago 7, Enclose 20 Cents for Pattern. 11), - No Name Address. BACK ACHE TORTURE? SORETONE Liniment's Heating Pad Action Gives Quick Relief! Fdr fast, gentle relief of aches from back strain, muscle strain, lumbago pain, due to fatigue, ex posure, use the linimem specially made to soothe such symptoms. Soretone Liniment has scientific rubefacient Ingredients That act like glowing warmth from a beating pad Helps attract fresh surface blood to Superficial pain area. Soretone is different' Nothing else "just like Quick, satisfying results must be yours or money back 50c Economy size SI 00 Try Soretone lot Athlete 't Foot Kills ag i types of common fungi on contactl Older folks soy its sense . LE LAXATIVE In NR (Natures Remedy) Tablets, there are no chemicals, no minerals, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are e different act different Partly a combination of 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over 50 years vegt-tabl- ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of NR's have proved. Get a 25 box. Use as directed QUICK RELIEF FOR ACID IKBIOSTICS GIRLS! 170METJ! try this if you're rJERMOHS 0a CERTAIN DAYS' Of Mont-hDo female functional monthly disturb- ancea make you feel nervous. Irritable, eo weak and tired out at such times? Then do try Lydia K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's famous for this I Taken reguPlnkham's Compound helps larly build up resistance against such distress. Also a great stomachic tonic I urupmmrsssss And Your Strength end Energy U Below Par U may bo etoood by dloordor of W Day fuocttoo that pWmiu poioooooo wasta to accumuiata For truly many paopla fool lirad, weak aad suaarablo whoa tba bldoaya fall to raraoTa axcaaa oeida and otbar waato mat tar from tba blood You way raffor uafftog baekaeba. rbaumatia pains, baadachas, dlsaloeas fattiof op aigbta, lag paina, swalhogo Sonatina fraquaat too scanty oritb amartiog aad burning Is siga that something Is arooi aitb tba kidaeys or bladdar Tbara should bs oo doubt tbot prompt traotmaut b viw tbau uaglact- - tas Oooos PtlU ll to battar to reij m s madiclne that has ooo country wida a ou somatblag laas favorably Eravai tbau Doaas bast baao triad aad last od many yaara Aru at oti drug atoraa Oat Damn today mms asked for his time which was just as well. A few days later Dave began to eat again in the Elite. And I quit staying late to look at Mary when she wasn't constantly on the move. A few weeks afterwards we were practically finished with the bridge; half the crew had jeft. Onenight I went to the picture house and saw Mary and Dave sitting a couple of rows in front. I figured that Dave was making up for lost time. After the show, while on my way to where I slept. I crossed the street just as a car popped out of a cross street. I got it in the right leg. Evidently a busted leg wasn't too much for that little hospital in the next town; anyhow thats where I landed. Dave was waiting when they'd got my leg set and in a cast. I had been wondering about him and Mary, but he was no talker. But I was sure I'd find out something from Mary, if I could see her. And I did see her the next afternoon, she walked into my room, not a minute after visit-timbegan. But e is off. Hes getting crutches for you. Now I have it all figured out. I have a perfectly good house and oodles of room, and nobody in It but myself except when Ann James is there doing housework and thats where you go from here." "Listen, Mary. I put in. "Youve been an angel of kindness. But there's a limit, I know what these small places are, Mary, and I won't have you talked about on my account . . ." "I see what you mean. She looked down at me, and her eyes were dreamy. Of course it would be nice I said nothing, and she wagged her head and looked at the celling. My heavens! Did a woman ever ... harder for a man?" That didnt make sense. man?" I said. work You! sake?" Who else, What for goodness Listen, Mary," I said. I felt all inside. Dont kid me not about that. Im not kidding anything but." hollow light-hearte- d good-lookin- .wise-crackin- ing. Working from both ends, we were And Jack toppled to follow it down to the river, All of him bat his now almost ready to join steeL Jack legs was off that six by six platform. and Dave and Clem were together on the down river truss. They'd put the head of a strut or a diagonal in the only news she let out was that She reached out and grabbed my Dave had heard that Jack was get- hand. Charlie, you are dumb! Did place for the riveters, then go down to bolt the foot. Dave was on a ting on all right but would he laid you think 1 was a district nurse, or a something coming here every hanging platform below when Jack up for long time. For three weeks Mary came day? went down, leaving Sask to tighten ;t the bolts, Jack had no sooner every day. ,, JBut- -r, j! could hardly speak. T well, with Jack and Then the crew was through with thought hadnt stepped on the platform time to anchor his safety belt the bridge, and Dave, making a Dave , . . when Clem Sask dropped a spanner. last evening visit, was as dead-pa- n "Business, dear, she cut in. I Clem let out a yell But that seven-poun- d as ever. That puzzled me, and I own the - Elite Lunch, so why spanner was on its way and banked on Mary being less' shut- wouldnt I build up good will with bounced off Jack's head. the customers? You never asked me mouthed. out And Jack toppled to follow It of her, I realized down to the river. All of him but his AND, thinking Not because I didnt want to, I once out of the hospital I'd said. But all those fellows. Jack legs was off that six by six platform. see little of her. I had that on load But that was as far as he went beand Dave my mind when she came next aftercause Dave had grabbed a susShe gave a kind of snort. You noon She as Punch. looking pleased pension line and had thrown himdidn't think a woman would be inhow me told had bid her the gang self across Jacks legs. Then he terested in the only man around good-bybefore. the day reached down the other hand and who didn't seem interested in her. Then she said, I had quite a took a fistful of Jacks over-al- l and No. So I had to find out all about whatever was underneath It and compliment last night, Charlie: you from those others. And you had to Dave me asked him. marry pulled Jack back. And It all hapto go and get ypurself hurt tor me pened while you'd be striking a Congratulations, Mary! I said. to get a good chance at you." "match. Dave is a grand guy." And I Listen, I said, A minute ago An ambulance took Jack to the meant it you said you wouldnt marry anynearest hospital, a small one in Hell body who climbs bridges. "Yes, he is, she nodded. small town twenty miles away. I make a fine husband for some girl I know I did, she admitted. guoas they felt at the hospital that who wants to worry about him But your climbing days are over, this job on Jack was too much tor while hes climbing over bridges. Charlie so Doc says. them because they delivered Jack But I had to turn him down. I'll That stopped me. Still, I could alto a big city hospitaL marry nobody I have to worry ways have a good berth In the plant about at the start. Thats that. Now We put it down as an accident. or some other plant. My tongue But 1 wished it hadnt happened be- look, I just talked with the doctor. seemed tied, but I managed to make Would you marry me, tween that particular pair. The He says you can leave here In two It work. news got to the Elite before we did, or three days, but you'll have to go Mary? She was off the chair like a flash and Mary shared the general gloom. easy on that leg, even after the cast and sitting on the edge of the bed, holding my hands. Hes said it! she laughed. "The dumb bunny has actually said itl Would I . . . So after all, you might say that the affair turned out to be a pentagon. e common ALL-VEGETAB- Later Clem FARM ' By FREDERICK SKERRY Cotnev J PAGE SEVEN 'T'HE ancient and honorable game of golf is looking for a standout one who can be labeled the champ. So far no such person has propped himself against the skyline of fame. with the Los Angeles winners of this years tournaments have been Ben Hogan, Lloyd Mangrum, fv , , Bobby Locke, jjDutch Harrison, Demaret J Jimmy and Sammy Snead. J ,( Close up and threati ening we have had Skip Alexander, J Die Metz, Johnny Palmer and sev-- " w ho eral others Sam Snead have ripped the hide off par to no avail, with winners beating the Old Man by 15 or 6 strokes. One of the thrills was to find Snead locating a long-loputting touch, which brought him the Texas open title in 261 for the 72 holes, just 20 under par. Wherever he finishes, Snead still carries a big gallery, having the type of swing big galleries love to watch full and free with complete lack of effort, and Snead, Hogan, Demaret Locke are the gallery favorites, being possessed to a large degree of that indefinable ingredient known as color. Color is something the galleries or the crowds like, something with a definite human ' appeal. There must be better definitions, but well let you think them up. Ruth and Dempsey had it to a greater degree than anyone else. Locke is playing as well as he did last year, hut so far he hasnt been able to leave the pack behind. The pros will all be in Florida at an early date and from Florida the trek' will be into the Carolina! and then to Augusta, Ga., for the Masters, which should be a nectarine full of juice this season with so many possible winners playing over a championship course. Probably the largest political mass meeting in history, says Colliers, was that called at Tara, Ireland, on August 15, 1843, to hear the Irish statesman, Daniel O'Connell, demand the repeal of the union between his country and Great Britain. It was attended by more than 1,000,000 people, a number equivalent, at that time, to one person in every family in Ireland. SAVA (BUSHMAN Swedish Steel Blode yWith Beware Coughs Thousand of progressive farmers know and appreciate the numerous saw Fine foe uses of this cutting firewood, fence pom. tree trimming and general rough work. Razor sharp blade curs smooth at high speed, stays sharp longer. 24, 50, 36. 42, 48 inch lengths Insist Buthmenealhlnf alia temperas. frea csaaca edds That Hang On be Creomulslon relieves promptly cause It goes right to the seat of the loosen to trouble and expel help germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. AT HADING rtUSitt- CREOMULSION STORES HARDWARE - '!. vWAiHIN Read the Ads for Couzhs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis st Gmiewsiectihb lofor PUTT-FU- PURR OAR! rr Ride off with a noise like a epeed cop I Easy to get juet tend 151 and one Rice Krispiea box top (end marked top) to Kellogg Co., Dept. 94, Battle Creek, Michigan. WSFIFS fcmswmBsmssim) GGB8CE SrCSUIKlG"? ask him about SAIO, ffts safer cigarette with Then IBP.GC m Keep Swinging Recently we visited here and there with a number of leading professional golfers. The idea was to milk 'them of any helpful 'advft-- ' that might remove a few strokes from the scores of any readers. Here was the consensus: "The idea la to keep- swinging to swing every clab. Many golfers seem to think the game Is divided Into three elements wooden club play Iron play and putting. This Isnt trne. Every golf stroke should be and must be a twinging motion. "You certainly swing your wooden clubs. Many figure the iron shot is a hit. It isnt. Any Iron you use must be a swing. This is also true of putting. You must swing the putter riot use it to stab or jab. Watch Horton Smith or Locke putt. The trouble most bad f putters have 1 that they dont swing the putting blade. You can get twice as much power from a swing as you can with a hit or a punch. This advice came from such golfers as Locke, Hogan. Demaret and Snead. Snead has been swinging every club except his putter. He was jabbing and stabbing with this moneymaking blade until he hit San Antonio, where he started a smootn swing in motion. "When you get the puttin miseries you are a lost soul," Snead told hole he had just me. On a driven more than 320 yards over a baked-ou- t terrain. His approach with a wedge had stopped eight feet from the cup. His first putt ran three feet past and he blew the next one a five in place of a probable Enamel-Coate- d three. Thats what Sammy meant Tin Cans the puttin miseries. by Play Pari in Atom Role . The toughest part of a big In experimenting with radioactive one veteran golf tournament, chemicals from the atomic piles at said, "is still trying to concentrate through 72 boles. There Oak Ridge. - plant scientists of the are times when It is hard U. S. department of agriculture to concentrate on one enough have stopped using the familiar clay bole. pots and jars in their greenhouse experiments. Instead they are using Ethics in Boxing inexpensive tin cans costed with There Is one rlng dlvlslon that enameL After each experiment they should have set any number of rec; discard the cans and soil that con- ords in place of cracking up. This tains the radioactive material! and is the middleweight bunch. It was discovered that Rocky bury them deep In the ground to get Graziano, acting as a soldier, had rid of them. The reason is simple. In checking deserted the army, serving 8 or 10 tor 'this escapade. It also the action of the radioactive chemi- months was that he had boasted of charged cals moving out of the soil and into out of service and earning and through the plant, the scientists breaking many dollars. Which be did. make use of the delicate tracer As far as Graziano is concerned, method. Counting instruments detect and record the passage of the main argument has been along two lines: charged molecules a they pass No. 1. Granted he was guilty, through the plant tissues. It is necwhich he was, he has served essary to have exact knowledge as bis sentence and has paid the to the radiant energy present at the laws penalty. Isnt that enough? start of the experiment. This is posWhy punish him further? sible by using fresh soil, a new conNo. 2. A war deserter should tainer and exactly measured quannot be allowed to make a $250,-00- 0 tities of radioactive chemicals. killing by running away. His But if a clay container bad been penalty should have been death used previously, tile pot would have before a firing aquad or at least become at least slightly radioacd 10 ycara in stir. A court let , him off too easily. If tive, and so would add some unmeasured radioactive energy that many young men find In time of would complicate the experiment. - war yon can desert aad ceme back for a clean ap, why hang It would disturb what the scientists around? term the "control af condition 0ikfi"PirIh-PL'!t-" I? infc7)! mil a Not Seaos - IV Substitute Naf Medicated scientific process cuts nico- m tine content to half that of ordinary cigarettes. Yet skillful blending makes every puff a pleasure. FLEMINO-HAL- Z wrapt J. TOBACCO OO. INC. T. nets yonder bronde L baft m centtmcSne root DOCTOt ... KNOWS ABOUT SABO CKAttTTtS How to help your sick child -- er urn EflS!ER. a a . at recommended In the Interest of child welfare by ROSI O. ANDERSON, Ph.D, 01 rawer ef The Psythotopitel Service Caeler, New Vert la The of your child's illness ere often more Important than the illness itself. Pampering, catering to whims, oversolicitude teaches a child to dominate through weakness. after-effec- ts kindSuch well-mea- nt ness may prolong his convalescence. 420-yar- , . -- weak-minde- 2. You'll be smart to help him smuts bimull. Give him something which doesn't require an adults constant attention. Give him your "Eveready flashlight ... or get him one of hi own. If he n V" if- - tires of fleshing the beam, or flicking out imaginary signals, then r 4 3. Show him how to cat designs or figures from tiff paper end how to ) A- 'J a iae throw their shadows oo the ceiling or wall. Moving the figures will make them dance. Watch hit pride in what he's doae. Watch him get well faster because hes happier! froof !...la ths laboratory'. .la your own flashlight... 'EVcRBW'EWrTERIES OUTIAST other elands! ail Thats what light, longer Brighter life! you want in a flashlight battery and thats what you get with "Eveready" brand batteries. Laboratory tests prove it. And the best "laboratory" of ail your own flashlight proves it! Thsts why "Eveready"batterie$ outsell all other brands became they outlast all other brands! Ito itfiitflKd pmMfllf NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. 30 East 42nd Street; New York 17, N. Y. Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Cerporuion E33 Cenrret-Purpose According to the 4 Ohm IntrrmUlmS Toti" devised by the American Standards AtsociaSion, tabteb motS closely approximate! age me. , |