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Show ? f Dragerton Tribune Per Publisher quite a few of the younger generation are taking enforced vacations from school. Ill bet the kids aint sorry. Snooping A round Columbia Published Weekly Office: Dragerton Theatre Phone Dragerton IS Rates: $2.00 Tuesday, March 16, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH Pajft Four I was sorry to hear that Shanna Year; 5c Per Copy is quite ill. I hope she DeAngeles Jack Clifford Words to the vise: The only is feeling better by now. Heres difference between stepping stones to a speedy recovery, Shanna. a and stumbling blocks is the way I wonder how them. use many of these you classy, Carbon High Juniors from I see where Louie Veltris store Columbia are planning to attend truck is doing(Jouble duty. Since the Junior Prom at Price next (John Cobb) Farlaino Friday. From the little I can George wrecked his Buick be has been hear I guess they all have some making his rounds in the Willys pretty heavy dates for that night. Jeep truck. Betcha it don't ride It seems that Suits, Gals and the like a Buick. Well, tough luck, Old Mans car will be the order of the evening. George, better luck next time. FOR SALE Buescher Alto Saxe- -' phone, B Flat. Leather case and metal music stand. $95.80. In-- 1 quire at Rental Office Attention, Ladies - GUARANTEE.. v tr The spring unit used in this SPRING-AI- i MATTRESS R is guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of fifteen years I wonder what two legged insect in Columbia is trying to derive satisfaction from poisoning peoples pets? It will be no consolation when he finds his efforts were wasted. Thank goodness we recognized the,. symptoms to save our dog. (I hope! I hope!) See BILL WHITE or BILL WELSH For A Low Cost Loan This last week the young people met in the community building for their usual Saturday evening social. Spudnuts were included in the refreshments. Never a dull moment! New- - games are added with plenty of the old ones. Saturday week the social was at the community building with Mr. and Mrs. William Breedlove in charge because of the absence of Dr. and Mrs. Voss, our supervisors. I am sure that everyone enjoyed the hot dogs served that WEATHER STRIPPING ALL KINDS OF CAKES made to order in my home. Decorated Mr. and Mrs., Donald Braby birthday and wedding cakes a have brought their new specialty, Mrs. Walter Whithome from the Dragerton Mrs. Steve Thomas and Mrs. Or-v- al burn, 187 Grassy Trail. hospital. It is a darling little girl Peterson. I hope she enjoys that tips the scales at seven her stay as much as we enjoy Several local residents spent pounds and whos name will be us. , last weekend irr Spring City. They Taunie. Dont let the grandmoth-wer- e: having her here with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Allred ers spoil it, Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pitts of Sunnyside, Mr. and Mrs. R, N. last week in Price visiting spent Mrs. William Lines is entertain- with Mrs. Pitts Allred,' Ben Justeson, Bill Blain parents. Gosh, Odell Blain. and ing the Bridge club this week. We Doug, couldnt you have found a wonder what Bill will do during better week to visit? I imagine Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee and the evening, fioy! How the men the roads coming to work were have club left Sunnydale to live hate night. family pretty rotten. ' , in Salt Lake City. Mr. Lee hast I purchased the Centennial Market Chickenpox is making its an- Joe Harvey is teaching a first and aid class nual rounds of Columbia in Salt Lake. at Columbia. Quite a nlimber of our young boys have IS decided to become splint and bandage artists. Good luck, kids. PERSONAL LOANS By FAYE EUSSELL NOW BEING INSTALLED John W. Galbreath 8c Co. is in evening. Lawrence Holliman has been We wish to remind the young suffering the rigors of bachelor- the process of having the front hood for the past week while Mrs. doors of every house in Drager- people not to neglect the- Prayer Holliman was visiting in Salt ton weather stripped. The work Band which begins at six thirty Lake City. I am glad to report is being done by a company from on Sunday evening, that she is now back home in Price. Tenants should not call at the Rental Office about weather FOR SALE New Columbia. pianos and stripping or about their houses Piano organs. aqd ratuning Mrs. Overson of Cleveland is being missed on weather stripHouse of Music pairing. visiting here with her daughters, ping until the job has been Price Theatre Builfling. Mrs. George Foster claims that her trip to California was really invigorating. So much so that she thinks it would be a good idea to send George down for his ' health. iinrso pmnncmG r ran BESTooo Youth Activity school has been for April 1, for those planned who have been unable to attend those in the afternoon. It will be held at the Catholic Church Recreation Hall from 6:00 P. M. till 9:00 P. M. Mrs. Mary Black of the- - Utah Power and Light Co. will be in charge. Next weeks paper will give complete details of the A cooking $54.50 jjj-ti- All lamas mad Quickly and Confidentially. On (top at oar offlos eempletes tho transaction. No rod Up and no delay.' Now Caro Ftnaoeed on the 0 plan. By now. - Ill be back next week. Glenda Lee Civish, Faster Sudsing sudses the soap in less than a minute, saves washing LOANS UP TO $1,000.00 r.TOTOH CREDIT 1M EAST MAIN STREET COMPANY PRICE UTAH BOTTLING CO.. Price, Utah P After the stork took a one week vacation and delivered not a sin .ibaefe,., year glq babyt bv strong and delivered an average of one a day for the next two j weeks. The, stork certainly works hard at times. Two babies were born on March 1 one to Mr. and Mrs. Mel Marquez of Dragerton and one to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Muhlstein, also of Dragerton. Both were girls. On the 2nd, a boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Durrant of Sunnyside. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Cromwell of Sunnyside had a boy on March 3. Three babies arrived on the 6th. A girl to the D. E. Brabysj of Columbia; a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snyder of Dragerton and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. John Zuganos of Price. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harris of Sunnyside had a girl on March 8. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McGill of Sunnyside had a girl on March 9, while Mr. and Mrs. Filodelphio Lobato of Sunnyside had a boy on the same day. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Madrid of Dragerton on March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cowan of Sunnyside had a girl on March 14. Two Dragerton families had babies on March 15. Mr. and Mrs. Aston Swasey had a girl and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chavis had a boy. WCTi I .- $129.50 . . . Traditional . . . 16th Century French . . .? You'll find our choice of wallpapers exactly right for your decorat- ing scheme. Exquisite patterns, lovely fresh colors to bring artistry to your walls. JiMtilsijlUlLlfiaill r I L. quarter????? T now looks and now porformanco. (SZY4f0XfX0rlfff in Comfort, Convonionco and Safety. GIVI YOUR CAR A NIW LEASE ON TUNi-U- 1 Sedi- Bowl, Clean Air Cleaner, Test Fuel Pump. LIFE Tune-u- p Include Check Points, Spark Timing, Condenser and Coil, Spark Plugs, Distributor, Clean Ra-o- ll ' SPPUCIUP CHICK-U- P P Our Engine We Will Check OU, Headquarter for Tire, Wheel, Upholstory Cleaning, New Floor Steering, Brakes, Engine, Transmission, Clutch, Rear Axle, Radiator, Mats, Seat Co rerm. Rust Removal, Appearance Repair, hack Aheorbere. Wash, Polish. Ark About Our Budget Payment Plan Features that make the Thor the worlds most advanced iron -- er . . . FEET IP AND STORES IN JUST 114 SQUARE OF FLOOR SPACE ALL IRONING FOULS BURREL GARAGE AWAY Dodge and Plymouth Distributors for Eastern Utah OPERATIONS NOW MOTOR POWERED AND CONTROLLED BY SINGLE EASILY-OPERATE- LEVER KNEK , SHOE TILT NOW LOCKS PLACE. ARROW AUTO LIRE IRC. QUICK ACTING LEASE BUS SCHEDULE -- DAILY SCHEDULE Leave Price fee Drarertoa, gnnnydaW, Sunn? side, Colombia :M 8:18 P.M. 1:31 TM 1:M LEAVE FOE FEICI 8:15 ML 11:11 ML T:M TM. Drmgarton ....11:00 AM Sana y dale ,.1I:S8 A. M. 5:85 P M. 11:41 P.M. I:5 P.M. 5: P.M. PAL annysid ..IMS A-TM Ml ll:il 11:11 AM :1 PAL Colombia 1 11 TM Ait Special Saturday Shopping Bus Leave Sunnydale far Prise Leave Dragerton far Prise Leave Price far S ana y dal From Price Betnra l:li l: and Drayeriaa TABLE SAFETY EXTENSION LN RE- - WINGS OPTIONAL. For immediate delivery. S99.50 A.M. AA. .1:11 FAC CHASTER TRIP SERTICI Buses chartered to any point in the State of Utah and return. Phene Priea M 004 AVAILABLE TOR DELI Wsll givt your Dodgo orPlymouth v ment jrour home Modern -'I Faster Rinsing Now you can rinse right in your Thor. Get a quick power rinse that removes every trace of scum and soap. Faster Draining Thor electro rinse automatically pumps all dirty water direct to sink or drain tub without spilling. No leaky joints, no wet, slippery floors. F rom T ub to Line in Fastest Time GET TOUR NEW TIIOR NOW and Ib - .' t Carburator We were all relieved to have gotten over our quarterly exams of last week so are now back at having our usual fun on the bus. Mr. Thayne hasnt discovered a solution to keep the boys from shooting their squirt guns, has he J Billie H., Louis C., Johhson Q., Fred C., Martin R., and funny thing Robert A. never says anything. The girls try to show their appreciation of the long bus ride home by singing everything from1 classical to boogie-woogi- e; then' Helen F. ends up with How Soon", for her cousin" Art in California. Bell and Candy always just have to sing Beg Your Pardon." Bonna H. thought a better idea would be to bring crocheting. Do you have any plans??? Every Tuesday we make our and customary trade of buses, take East Carbon's cold bus for our warm comfortable one. Couldnt you students possibly persuade your bus driver to put in a heater until we can think of a better substitute? We all miss RandydPulmer end wonder why he dropped this last - I9 ' A HELPER FUIUilTURE CO?,IPARY ' Designed for Your florae . . . ' 10. ( 7-U- time and wear on clothes. ' Jpf? B ooooootooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi EASTERN UTAH ELECTRIC Phone 55 PRICE UTAH |