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Show f Serving Drager--t o n, Sunnyside, Sunnydale and Columbia. Combined population erton 6,uuu. Volume 1 To Appear In East Carbon Operetta GIVEN BY SCHOOL ne live. Per Copy Number 37 To Speak At the Community Church EAST CARBOH THE WOLlEtl The operetta, Tom Sawyer, to the public on Friday, March 19, at 8.00 p. m. in the school auditorium. There will also be an afternoon performance to be given for the benefit of the school children the same day. The operetta is based on Mark Twains story, Tom Sawyer, and the light, gay, adventurous incidents of Tom and his friends SPEAK . . . The girls of Mrs. Crawfords physical education classes had been asked to demonstrate some of their activtiies before the combined physical education teachers from District No. 5, which comprises several of the eastern Utah In their activities becounties fore our student body they showed very good progress in training. They made a beautiful picture dressed in their red and white uniforms. The group comprises about 30 girls. J 'f will be presented tre portrayed in the delightful peretta songs. Three acts of this show take you the past with Tom, Huck and i'oe Harper when they become Irtmtes, are involved with Injun V and his accomplices, and to picnic given by Becky, and The progress made with our petition has been gratifying. The response we have had shows us the women are deeply interested in this problem and have really gone all out to support us in this 4 ? movement. Here let us say it isnt our idea to convert anyone from coal to oil but let it be a matter of choice. The right of all of us to be free to choose that which we desire and to abide by the agreement signed with the company by the union officials giving U3 this right. We appreciate very much the publicity given us by the rious newspapers. We feel the comments in the county and state have been favorable to our cause ur fight for progress and for we believe is right, Now at this time we have over tw0 hundred women signed up with us and we are still contacting women daily to find out how they feel. We hope to have a meeting soon with the Union officials and our committee to discuss our progress and arrive at a satisfactory agree-boment for all concerned, Another point we wish to stress is this effort is by no one person in particular butby a gToup of us who wish to keep our homes as' they are. It has been a centrated movement by the wom-'webien because we feel we have a right to help make any decisions, so vitally important to our home On April 16 and 17 our annual music festival will take place at Price. We have a number of choruses that should make a good Grace Scudder and Reverend Leigh Irish vill open the showing in festival. Our band will be a credit to the community missionary convention that will be held this week at "the Community we are sure, dressed in new uni- Church. This group of outstanding speakers will hold a missionary convention for the people of East Carbon. It will open this Tuesday, forms for the festal occasion. March 16, at 7:30 p. m. and will last through March 21. The Com-wh- at In a recognized standard test munity Church extends a welcome to everybody to attend these in Algebra given at mid-yeour meetings Algebra classes comprising about 50 members made a very creditable record. All of them with the exception of six pupils rated higher than the national normal or average. These six children were the first step in the efforts to not far below the average and are Carbon county for funds to not failures in the course. , construct a new court house, when building conditions are favorable, From all indications we are and at the same time provide going to have a real year book remarkable memory plus money to take over the Price city for this school year. We have a action on the part of Frank hospital, and expand it to meet large group of good workers on Quick s- - Carbon day needs was taken this county deputy sher-doithe year book staff and all are i a by the Caibon county com- Sunnyside, Monday result- their best to make the book ed in the arrest of'Claude H. Wil-tro- missitiners.' The Vote 'to approve an outstanding publication. the 28, wanted in four states a contract agreement with Edward L. Burton Sc Co., Lin- - le- for crimes and various particuLast quarter our attendance rekidnapping and violations of coin Ure Sc Co., and W. G. Good-- 1 Next week we hope to make a port showed the East Carbon larly auto theft laws. hart Sc Co., all of Salt Lake City, report saying "all is well on the the national school at the top of the list. We man was appre- - to handle and work out the legal home front." wanted The had 9.7 attendance. We re- hended by Deputy Ellis assisted problems in connection with the ceived a prize of $15.00 for this William D. Collins and proposed bond issue was passed Deputy by 1948 record. , by a three to one vote, with Com- Deputy Charles Compagni. OOUtlieaSt According to Mr. Ellis, on the missioner Irvin Gerber voting the motion, against out was called before he j evening to investigate a disturbance which j The three bonding companies $50 , involved a fracus between the are now going ahead with the The Southeastern "Utah junior man and another indi tails pertaining to the election, livestock show will be staged vidual. Following the investiga and also providing the legal work from Aprll 30 to and including necessary td set up the bonds. STUDENTS: Win $50 00, $25.00 May l at Ferron, L. Darrel The commissioners also by a Stokes, secretary for the event, or $15.00 just by writing a 1500 unanimous vote decided to offer announced following a meeting of word essay on the subject: Why the property now being used for show officials held at Castle Dale the Private Practice of Medicine " Furnishes This Country With Ihe shops and the county road busi- -' on February 23. and Seated 0,1 Railroad. Finest Medical Care." These are for the show this Arrangements . . wiu the cash prizes being offered by identification as related on theEtreet for Baje The tbe eneral .j, was "firmed the notice wanted the Carbon County Medical Asby bids which wU1 be advertised supervision of Seely Peterson, sociation for the three best essays following day at the bathhouse for at once, and opened at the Ferron who is president of the from this county. These essays, f to April 8 meeting of the commis board of directors. Show arrange- This property will be menta wiu be under In turn, will be entered in the'man was takan int0 custodysioners direction some strange contest, where they will be Ellis stated that by replaced by the new building and of Kenneth Petersen, Emery, who coincidence he had oeen checking site recently purchased from Tay- has been applnted show maneligible for state prizes, which are the same as those offered in about 15 minutes before he re- lor Sc Richards on the Price-Help- er ager. the county contest. The winning ceived the call. The exhibition bam at Fefron, highway. Under the terms The other marks of identificaessays from the state will be enit is reported, will be completed comof a the the tattoo included a of tion advertisement, dagger tered in the national contest, within the next ten days if preswhere they may win $1,000.00, on the i ight forearm and an missioners reserve the right to re- ent plans are carried out. Work $500.00, $100.00, or one of three anchor on the left forearm. ject any and all bids, if they on the structure has been going $25.00 prizes. Contact Mrs. G. A. An indictment was returned by consider same as not satisfactory. forward intermittently throughMonnett for further information, a federal grand jury at Butte, Other business of commission- out the winter. including a bibliography of 1947 ers at the meeting was the apon 0ctober 17 thelMontana material suggested by Pernal Coleman i s up and of proval of 12 veteran tax exemp- with man violation the contest. charging of the sponsors Essays around since his auto accident must be handed to Mrs. Monnett the national motor vehicle theft tions to a total tax valuation of and will be brand new in a short not later than April 1, 1948. time. act and the federal kidnapping $21,150. , va-M- iss the people by town honoring Tom and "fHucktheforparty saving the life of Widow given 5c SCHOOL NOTES This Week FRI., MARCH 19 vfthe Leta all help to make our community a better place in which to i-nDu- Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, March 16, 1948 OPERETTA TO BE J o 1 j ouglas. The principal characters are as follows: Tom Sawyer Veloy Varner Becky Thatcher Patricia McCourt Huck Finn Ralph Nelson Joe Harper David Franco Amy Lawrence ... Gaye Fausett Mary Lucy Jiminez Aunt Polly Nancy Graham Frank Niitsuma fojun Joe The cast is made up of a host I other characters and will ar The operetta, Tom Sawyer, will be presented by the seventh grade chorus on March 19, at 8:00 P. M. in the school auditorium. Left, Nancy Graham plays the part of Aunt Polly; center, VeLoy Varner is Tom Sawyer and to the right is Patricia McCourt, who will play the part of Becky Thatcher. . DAVSOH ASKS OIL IIIDUSTRY TO in-lu- de the entire seventh grade horus under the direction of Mrs. nd con-pres- ent TAKE ROLE IH SHALE PLAII Ruby Mihalik. The school extends to the public an invitation to attend this worthwhile school performance. This is another splendid example f the excellent work being done by the East Carbon school. ek ng j ut, Sunnyside Ball Sat., March 27 The Sunnyside Gold and Green Ball will be held this coming March 27 on Saturday night, at the school auditorium. The floor show will start at The annual report of R. H. of the Utah In-- 1 10 00 p. m. and will feature the Austria commission," shows that crowning of the queen. Danc31 rail mines in Utah produced' ing and other types of entertainment Will be supplied for 7,153,657 tons of coal and truck mines 465.657 tons in 1947, com- -j the enjoyment. of .the people. Tickets are $1.25 per couple tons and pared with 5,796,072 with boys under 16 paying 75c 370,338 tons for 22 rail mines and 43 truck mines, respectively, in and extra ladies 25. 146 In 1947, the total underground Coal Output Gains In Utah Mines 1 1 employees were 3295 compared with 3137 in 1946. Surface employees totaled 1032 in 1947 as against 936 in 1946. Certified officials numbered 440 1947. im Daily production per' of underground employee was 9 25 Adrian Anderson, president ExMiners Carbon tons in the railroad mines and the County .39 tons in truck mines. The ecutive Union Council, at a meeteorres ponding 1946 figures were ing held on February 15, reported .43 and 9.01 tons, respectively. committee proposed by Fatalities per million tons in that the council was going to the safety 1.54 in were and mines railroad truck mines 2.21. In 1946 the rate revise the state safety orders and la railroaod mines was 2.58, with that any recommendations of one killed in truck mines. changes wanted by the various locals should be filed with the committee members immediately. Also discussed was the question 18 of organizing the wagon mines of Carbon and Emery counties and There will be a free show a motion that this move be endorsed was voted unanimously. given by the Welfare AssociaThe organizing is to be carried tion this coming Thursday, out under the direction of Wil-- 1 .March 18th. The double bU i a m Dalrymple, international 'will be, Yankee Fakir and U. M. W. A. representative, Homesteaders of Paradise The matter of supporting AmerThe afternoon show Valley, Federation of Labor locals ican will start at 3:40 P. M. and area was discussed and it in this M. P. at show 6:00 the evening was explained by Frank Fox, vice president of District 22, U. M. W. A., that the promise to aid by these units was given before the disaffiliation of the United Mine Workers from the A. F. of L. and that to our any further support given thank We want many friends and relatives for their love would have to be taken on an in- -! and kindness shown to us since dividual basis. our husband and father was taken The Son: Say, Pop, how soon from us. It is impossible for us to answer each one personally so will I be old enough to do just as please accept this message as our I please? thank you to all Jays friends and The Dad: I dont know, Son; buddies and to the boys who has ever lived that long played baseball with him. Ada, (nobody LaVae and Shanna DeAngeles. yet. Union Council Hears Of Revision In Safety Orders Welfare Show Thurs., March Thanks Expressed DeAngeles Family -- UP WE GO The suggestion that the oil industry take over the synthetic fuel program was made Wednesday by Rep. William A. Dawson (R., Utah). He told a reporter he is asking Chairman Richard J. Welch (R., Cal.) of the house public lands committee to call representatives of some of the major oil companies for interviews on the matter. The committee, of which Dawson is a . member, heard Interior Secretary J. A. Krug explain his new $6,000,000,000 proposal last Monday, The bureau of mines has been experimenting with western shale and with coal from several districts, on a pilot plant basis. Krug reported to congress the work is now ready for trial in a commercial-size plant. As I understand the scheme, Dawson said, the new government plant would sell its product to the public. Before the government goes into competition with private industry, I think we should do everything possible to get private industry to take over the property. He said the government might aid either by a grant to build the plant or by subsidies on the product. I have no objection to making private industry a partner with the government in this enter-- ! Dates Set For Utan Livestock Show MEDICAL ASSN TO GIVE PRIZE FOR. ESSAY ted , - Mr-stat- e ref-eren- ce prise, Dawson said. Air Parcel Post To 21 Foreign Countries Monday Stilt In Memory Lane Tho Public Forum A TRIBUTE TO DRAGERTON A little more than six months ago, we came to your commuto do your painting work. We Postmaster General Jesse M. nity had a great deal of pleasure have Donaldson announced recently th with the John W. working inthat air parcel post will be also 'Utah the and Co., augurated between the United States and 21 foreign countries Construction company, and appreciate their confidence in us. effective March 15. - a Gal-brea- In our travels throughout the The countries which will regreater part of the United States, ceive this service are: Austria, we have seldom seen a more enCzechoBelgian Congo, Bermuda, and industrous commuslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Eire terprising of your citizens, as Many nity. Gold Coast (Ireland), Finland, those as of nearby communi-- J well Colony, Great Britain and North- ties are with us, and they working ern Ireland, Greece, Iceland, are a splendid job. doing Italy, Netherlands, NewfoundThe community in general has land, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey and Union a prosperous and well kept apThe homes in many pearance. of South Africa. modAir parcel post will be accepted large cities do not have the the ern by enjoyed equipment for mailing at any post office in of Dragerton. Your hospeople States the United and will receive and you all available domestic air mail pital is a clinic in a service in addition to transporta- jneed only to visit to see how favorably it tion overseas by air. This new large city compares. to not does terriservice apply Very few communities of this tories or possessions of the United size, possess a business district so States. modem and compact, and DragerREPORT ROOF REPAIRS ton is very fortunate- in having a fine boarding house in which the All Dragerton tenants whose out of town workers may stay. roofs need repairing as a result We would appreciate the opporof the wind storm damage which tunity to remaiif with you for a we have suffered should call at long time. Yours Very Truly, (he Rental Office and report their ELMON A. ARTHUR, roofs. In this way no roofs will 195 East Center St, be missed during this repair Akron 4, Ohio. work. ' t : ; t-- V . ' ' M f i . ultra-mode- m, Contestants Out To Win In The TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST Glenda Lee Civish Helen Rowe Jennie Abeyta Robert Vaught Merlene Stark Pit Graham Vera Nuzio : .... .. 26,000 votes 22,000 19,000 22,000 12,000 7,000 11,500 - V iff fo- - j Back row, left to right, Mrs. Thomas Preston, Alton Blackburn, William Lipes, Sr., J. Bracken Lee, W. NC. Walker. Front row, LaRue Young, Betty Jean Poglajen, Commander Jack Dempsey, Angus MsLeod, James Thorpe. The above photo tan well be remembered by many East Carbonites. It was taken in front of the Utah Fuel company office at Sunnyside," and is reminiscent of the days of bond' drives during World War II. In the picture with Jack Dempsey,' are the bond peddlers, who carried the' load, and always put East Caibon over the top. Also conspicuous is our own Columbia deputy sheriff, Bill Lines, who was a pal of jack Dempsey in younger days. All of the local people shown are still here, with the exception of Angus McLeod, who, however, is still with the Kaiser Co., Inc. At the time of the picture, J.; Bracken Lee was still mayor of Price, but has now retired from that office. |