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Show Tuesday, March 16, 1948 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOR. BUHL tEVELRT Choice location. A little mint. (3,000, hurry, BUHL, IDAHO HAY, GRAIN, FEED. ABOUT 100 TONS of wire-bale- d alfalfa hay, first and second- cutting, C. A. ROBINSON Twin Falls, Idaha LIVESTOCK Den't Taks Cbaaces With Calf Beoara . . . of which are caused by vitamin deficiency. Prevent and treat nutrition scours in calves with Dr. LeGears Calf Vitamins. Easy to give, effective and economical. 90 POULTRY, CHICKS & EQUIP, Start Baby Chicks Right ! Use Dr. Le Gear's Poultry Tabs in all their drinking water for effective, economical medication. Satisfaction guar. Be ready with Dr s Tabs when vour chicks arrive! A-- at A-- WANTED TO BUY WE BUT AND SELL Office Furniture. Files, Typewriter!. Machines, Safes, Cash Registers SALT LAKE DESK EXC'HANGF Add-ln- ( S.atb Stale SL. Salt Lak. Citr. Utah Z You Can Be a Partner Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! FOR FASTER RELIEF OUGBD Filial EQfsUjma! Quick! Use These Special Double-Dut- y Nos. Drop A little Vicks Va-tro-In each nostril relievo head cold distress fasti And If used at first warning sniffle or sneeze, actually helps to prevent many colds from developing. I Try It Follow directions In package. VISKS VA-TElO-ri-Gl fafaftiai 000103- - tmiumbnmt! Recommended by Many. DOCTORS Scott Emulsion ia a great HIGH ENERGY IhOOD TONIC for all ages I Help tone op adult systems low in A AD Vitamin. Helps children build sound teeth, strong bones. G0E UP TO reminde JITTER By Arthur Pointer SOME C.R IM 60WTO MARCH MID V OPFICff AND SAY "LISTEN. Y3U nY Slavs drnes. Too can't crack BED WITH as that the and TO OtT Quickly INTO BEP A LM6 WHILE LATEJ? COMES down wrmxrr much on to 3ay he can't find his pajamas IS TOLD THEY'RE ON their usual hook and to put his wrapper on instantly tic WHIP AND MAKS ME JUMP THROUGH A HOOP ANYMORE fM ONTO VOL J t' TASTER SMOOTHER vgaEP.3, AS rHEvee 10 REGLAR FELLERS WRVPe 0MW htircly wRpceSs WITH him To pE For Quick Relief DONT DELAT ANT LONGER! Now a doctor's formula yon can use at home to rellov distressing discomfort of pain Itch Irritation due to piles. Tends to soften and shrink swelling. Use this proven doctor's formula. Ton'll be amaaed at Ita speedy action relief. Ask your druggist today for Thornton A Minor's Rectal Oint-mor Suppositories Follow label By Gene Byrnes GETTING UP A TROOP AND WE BY TO ASR M3UTO BE OUR SCOUTMASTER PILES TROUBLE? C4A5 For aale at all drug stores. f SPEEDED-U- P COMFORT for KIDNEY SUFFERERS so-call- ed A VIRGIL Backaches. log paina. broken sleep, painful pu-agusually go so much quicker if you .witch to ioley (the new kidney-bladde- r) Fill 1 bey tunul.ta.lufgmh kidney., then ALL A Y BLA IRRITATION. 1 hat 'a the causa of most psins, aches, urges ones Uumght enlirdy due lo kidneys Bo for quicker. longer-lastin- g relief, oo(A bladder as well as stimulate kidney action. Do this: use Foley (ths new kidney-bladdeFills they also have direct sedative-hk- e action on bladder At your druggist Unless find them far more satisfactory, DOUBLEyou kOUH By Len Kiel MONEY $VNU THAT HELPLESS Jenny and Benny BACK. W 1141 CELLING TRAILING by Art Winburg TJtAYIL The Saij has a , . . pay Ileal Business Prepesitien Ter Yee Find out about thia TOPortunity by reading the detailed booklet. Life in the Peacetime Navy." Ask for your copy at tha Navy Recruiting Station. & |