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Show : a Tuesday, March 16, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Womans World New Slipcovers Will Relieve Jaded Look of Tired Rooms Associated Easter 7 1 you are plan- ning them as part of a redecorating scheme or using them to cover new furniture pieces done in muslin, are an important part of a dramatic decorating scheme, so its a good idea to create styles that will enhance their surroundings. Today, many newcomers to the homemaking ranks prefer to buy chairs, sofas or chaise lounge with only the muslin cover so they can use their own choice of style and fabric for either a traditional slip cover or a permanent slip cover to resemble the upholstery. Even though you may be new to sewing, don't be afraid to tackle a slip cover project The size need not overwhelm you as there is not much difficult sewing essential. And, if you want professional advice, theres a lo al sewing center w'hich can give yi i latest decorating tricks and si irtcuts to making them. Plan Style, Select Fabric First First decision in a sewing project of this type will be to decide the style you want to follow in decorating. After that you will know what to ask for in a fabric since patterns differ depending upon modern, 18th century or colonial. Fabrics, you'll find, are plentiful, and theres a wide choice of floral, striped and plain designs running and youre we ran think of for spring fever. If you're the conservative type youll stick to blue jeans, but if youre the hardy pioneer we hope you are, you'll switch to the red jeans that made their debut last summer and the green jeans that are brand new this season. Youll see them In the stores, lurking behind the Easter coats and suits. The r length jeans, complete with workmanlike rivets are the very newest. pedal-pushe- "In company he is amusing enough, but at home it is money Its Yor Move Theres a new blue denim jacket that will make you the cynosure of all eyes. Being the cynosure isnt as had as It sounds, either On the back of the jacket is painted a red and white checkerboard and on one of the button holes hangs a key chain full of little red and white plastic checkers, When the crowd feels like playing a game, they simply tear the shirt from your back. money money. This attractive skirt and blouse combination Is neat enough for office wear and feminine enough for an after-wor- k date. The ruffled blouse is of soft, washable, spun rayon made of Avisco rayon yarns. The skirt is navy blue raon crepe which goes with any of the new spring blouses. one-deni- er Select Cover By Furniture Type The classic slip cover with flounce is always popular for Select fabrtc to enhance furniture . . . practically every type of furniture However, if your sofa or chair has a the gamut from miniature to overstreamlined appearance, you might size designs as well as the old standtry a straight flounce with practical bys in plain color minus designs of ly no pleats at all or a straight skirt any kind. Pick your fabric accord- with inverted corner pleats. For ining to size of the furniture piece; formal rooms, early American set suit the type of room as well as the ting, use a gathered flounce tin 6ize of the furniture to be covered. chairs and sofa in keeping with the . It would be inadvisable, for exam- general atmosphere of the room. ple, to use a large, bold design for If your slip cover job is limited a large, overstufled chair when a to antimacassars or miniature slip plain, small printed design would do covers that cover back and arms o( more to minimize the chair size. chairs, you'll follow the general pro Classic styles are nice to use when cedure used in slip cover making your room is of moderate propor- You will, however, have to give addi tions, and here, when you do not tional thought to fabric selection for have too much space, its wise to the project since most of the original select solid colors neither too bright furniture piece covering will be in nor bold. plain view. Avoid color or texture Bold patterns are ideal for setting clashes. off plain wall backgrounds. Another bright note in todays fabrics Procedure Given are the colored, coordinated designs For Actual Work After youve decided on type o that enable the home seamstress to cover, take measurements to esti mate yardage. Consider width ol fabric selected In the final calcula tlon. Generous estimates will give best results and three inch tuck-i- r allowance where fabric receives strain is essential. You will need e r inch allowance foi seams. Follow measurements for cutting and leave generous seam allow ances. Be sure to follow the grair of the fabric. Keep lengthwise on uj and down; crosswise grain, cross wise chair. Seams should appear wherever there is one In the original uphol stery. Otherwise, the finished cover will not fit with the precision it as well as the room. should. mix stripes, floral and plain designs and still carry out the general color Finish With Trim Of Cording or Fringe scheme in the room. Before joining the sections of slip You might And it effective to carmake trimming for seams a in cover, out a sofa fabric, striped ry another chair in plain and still and bottom edge. Applique cut-ou- t flower clusters across back, seat or arms will have decorator appeal. The zigzagger 'attachment on the sewing machine can be used for this Be Smart! stitching job. To give a corded finish to slip covers, make a welting and use it to join slip cover sections and bottom edge of plain box finish. Welting is a cotton cord covered with a bias strip of material. Cut bias one s f and to one and of an inch wide, depending upon cord used. Place cord in center of bias strip. Fold strip over, bringing the edges together. Stitch close to the cord with cording foot attachment on sewing machine. The same fabric as used m the chair or sofa can be used for this finish or it can be contrasting. Closings for slip covers should be slide fasteners. Insert them at side of back leg, applying it as you would on a placket. Mother calls them polo coats and grandmothers name was Touch of Elegance travel coats but call them anyone A touch of ruffle either for day cr still choose, theyre thing yon of the nicest coat styles of any evening is good and currently the vogue. It's beipg seen In abundance season. Big and comfortably enon petticoats, dressmaker swim veloping, developed In many suits, blouses and new print dresses coatings and lovely, gay The ruffle may be self fabric, crisp colors, they depend on line and white organdie, embroidery, lace or details such as collars, pockets, andor cuffs for their smartness. contrasting solid color. box-pleate- d three-quarte- -- one-hal- soft-surfa- we know taking care of that with a ballerina suit and topper. But how about your new A playclothes? dose of denims Is the best remedy V another chair in plain with either floral or striped fabric for trimming. If you have a very large couch you might cover that in a solid color and the' pillow in floral "or small stripes that are used elsewhere m the rpqm, thus holding the decorative scheme together. y A Easter wardrobe Spring Rayon Blouse If- - 2)aij timer for IfJflatronA Smart 3rocL 3 Simple Sewing lAJinning. finery Is only one part of 7 CLIP covers, whether Features DENIM DELIGHTS Features a teenager' lrlta WHU Newvpper By NANCY PEPPER Cut Expenses Down and Save Money WNU Sewing Circle Patterns "GAY GADGETS" Kathleen Norris Says: Bel) Syndicate. PAGE THRE3 three-quarter- NORRIS HUSBAND has one fault, By KATHLEEN rY es . CHEERFUL EARFULS You can't talk about teenagers without mentioning phonograph because teens and records stick together like two sides' of a peanut butter sandwich. If PetriUo doesnt mind, wed like to list the. platters that now make the best listening. Polkaa Preferred It all began with the "Too Fat Polka by Arthur Godfrey and that Papa, Wont You Dance With Me disc. Now, you , teens are, coUeetihg whole albums of polkas, such as the "Jitterbug Polka," the Grasshopper Polka, "the Jellyroll Polka, Rain, Rain, Rain Polka. " Slap Her Down Again Polka and the Hey Bob a Rebob Polka. Ask for them at your neigh- Marcia Green. But it is so serious a fault that I am seriously considering leaving him. We have been married 11 years, we have one son, a lovely home, a nice circle of friends. Bob is successful in business, although admitting himself that we always will be more or less in a rut, for he is only one employee in a plant that employs thousands, with small chance of bettering himself. red-ord- s, -- "Hb doesnt drink, gamble, play a about with other women. He devoted husband and father, popular and friendly. Well, then, what is 11? I'll tell you. Bob thinks, talks, dreams of nothing but money, whenever we are alone. In company he is amusing enough, but at home it is money money mbney. He feels that he doesnt earn enough, that we don't save, that I am ex- u i travagant. $1,000. Among our friends, some- what similarly situated, I think we would be considered unusually fortunate and completely solvent. So why this eternal anxiety about expenses? Must we buy that, dear? Is It necessary to paper the dining room? The boy has to have rollerskates, I suppose? Thats what I get day in and day out. Parents Were Poor. Bobs people were very poor. My own were not, I had a lovely home, and my father still is employed and independent; mother died years ago. Can you give me a few good suggestions as to how I can cure my husband of his penuriousness, or do to you believe it is too deep-roote- d cure? It seems to be growing on him. In our early married years he was much more generous, and when we were engaged I actually had to scold him for his extravagance. But of late he grows less and less willing to spend money, and the result is that our home atmosphere is uncomfortable and strained. Feeling that this may be the result of early nhibitions, I have asked him to go to a psychiatrist, but he rejected this suggestion utterly. Years ago, when you wrote that money was the most important element In marriage, I did not believe you, but I do now. What shall I do? Slimming Frock CREATED especially to flatter the slightly heavier figure, this charming afternoon dress has slimming lines and nice detail on shoulder and hip. Make short or shaped sleeves, and use a pretty printed fabric in an scroll or flower. three-quart- er all-ov- er Pattern No. 1741 comes In size 38, 42, 44. 33 or 40, 46 yards of and 48. S4, 38, Sues 36, 3H School Kids 6 to 60 1738 U for tee 12. 14, It, Size 14, yards of 39 of 20. Send your 4. 4rder to: , SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 21 Million St., San Francisco, CatiL Enclose 23 cent In coins for each pattern desired. Pattern W Address. The time may coroe when the law makes people from 6 to 60 do school work, a group of teachers said recently. borhood Wax Works, Their reason: A good education Just as Its is the worlds best defense against Opening Number customary to end a party with war. The prediction came from a Stardust," so its becoming the style to start It off with Dance, commission which looked Ballerina, Dance. Hope those boys over the public school system for in the corner can take a hint. of the American Association Every season School Administrators. Whacky Waxes The commission said grownups brings in its silly symphonies, such as last season? Open the Door, should continue studying sO they Richard. This year, youre listen- can keep up with the new era of ing and laughing to Sinatra do the world events which .suddenly has Dum Dot song and you think "Im been ushered in. -- is a riot. In fact, crazy about It Or are you My Own Grandpa youre Pattern No. 18 And 10-m- travagant. Now, the point is. Im not exI keep a nice house, with only one days domestic help every week.' I dress economically, and while Bobby goes to a private school, he has twice won scholarships that cut that expense down to $100 a year. Food, of course, is a big item; we are all healthy eaters and we entertain moderately. We have one car, used mostly by me. We do not save money, but our bills, all added together, would not total 8 With Full Skirt A SIMPLE yet extremely smart dress for misses thats bound to win applause on each wearing. Very easy to sew, too, with brief cap sleeves and full skirt. Tie a narrow belt softly in a bow. Quickly Relieved RATHE tender para with the pure, fluffy, gently cleansing lather of bland Resinol Soap. - Then apply toothing Resinol Ointment. Skillfully medicated and beneficially oily, it give untold comfort to fiery, smarting sltia. Get both (ion any drat atom today - , nesinoLs crazy from it? less he has exceptional and extraordinary capacity, he will not rise in that employ. Hundreds of fresher young men are ahead of him in the race. Hundreds of others will move out into separate enterprises of their own. Bob cant either rise or escape. So, at 40, he sees himself trapped. He is not saving a cent. His home expenses are increasing with the inexorable need of the times. You are expanding into luxuries whil hardly able to manage necessities. Problem Is Common. Your problem is not unusual. It is safe to say that in all our cities there are blocks and blocks of small, comfortable apartrespectable, ments whose breadwinners are as anxious as Bob. Where does the money go, what the dickens do the women do with it? The car is an extravagance beyond the reach of note that figure all but 1 per cent 1 per cent of the men and women of Europe. Private school, beauty parlor, cleaner, flowers, drug store, telegrams, ice skates, Minnie's services at $1 an hour, ice cream for the company dinner. How these little foxes destroy the vines, and add those becoming gray streaks to handsome Bobs hair! If you really want to help, Marcia, move from that $85 flat to a plain little cottage somewhere on the outskirts of town. Put Bobby in public school. Do your own hair. Cut down, cut down, cut down, so that $150 of that $500 a month can go into government bonds. Talk solvency, instead of spending. Talk freedom from debt instead of how to pay bills. Tell Bob that if anything happens to him you and Bobby can manage splendidly, what with chickens and an apple tree, and a child or two to board. In other words, pull your weight of the load. Relieve him of worry and he wont mind plain meals. Stop trying to impress your richer friends, and impress Bob with the fact that he has what the old books used to prettily call a helpmate. Bob knows we have stormy weather ahead. Get ready for it. Shorten sail. How Do You Feel? The answer to that one la I Feel So Smoochy, ever since the King Cole recording of the song of the same name hit your town. Now everybody has It, everybody sings it and nobody, we hope, really means It! Gild the Lily You've seen those heavy gold plastic specs, haven't you? Well, you can transform your own by qovering them with gold effect, paint. Try a with the bottoms of the frames and half of the aides left their natural color. -- V GR0-PU- P CONTAINS ABOUT .AS MUCH F00O AS FIVE CANS lf J, 1vqj vjj thsanurfiyl For sound feeding, give TV,. your dog tasty Oro-Puonly Ribbon- w type dog toad , . . ha a 23 nourishing In-Oro-Pu- p Is $2 tool gradients. Thrifty, p, Mad by Kadogai VJ. food by dry weight (many canned food are 70 water). - Take My Word for It! By Frank Colby WHATS THE ORIGIN? m- for Gomy end fnty0 h - fhafi a job vemss MI.CTTICLATU?.1 settle a dispute, please tell us the origin of bonfire. Is it fire or bon fire from barn-yarthe French bon" meaning Q. To d good? W. W. Sorry, neither is the correct origin. The word bonfire has a decidedly grisly origin. In the Middle Ages, ravaging plagues occurred frequently In Europe. Bodies of the victims were burned in huge funeral pyres called "bone fires since no trace of the bodies remained save a few bits of charred bones. Its hard to believe that your simple and fragrant backyard bonfire I think this situation, Marcia, of autumn leaves is a funeral pyre arises from a conditioh that is prevaof human bones, but it's true., lent in our American domestic scene Q. How did the jack, the face card, today. And I think the cure lies with get Us name? U. T. C. you, rather than with Bob. A. By false association with the When you married you felt that If and queen, many persons asking a and had nice home, you paid your sume that the jack represents a bills, that was enough. Perhaps it prince. But the jack is really a servwas, then. But it is not now Bob ant or soldier, for the word jack feels the changing temper of the was once a slang term for a man altimes; apparently you don't. Bob or boy of humble position, and still ways ha worked hard, he knows the survives in such expressions as value of money. You never have Jack - of - all - trades; learned it. lumberjack; steeple jack. Bob is in the employ of an imFurther evidence of the modest, mense concern. He knows that un- status of the jack is found in his other name: the knave, a word that 102, She Still Quilts originally meant "a young male VIROQ&A, WIS. Mrs. Lucy servant; a menial." Q. What la the origin of the exGrubb, Viroqua'-- oldest resident, reof the first water? cently celebrated her 102nd birth- pression day anniversary and it didn't Inter- A. E. C. A. Among diamond merchants fere with her established routine of water housework. designates the limpidity She washesdishea, helps cook and and luster of a stone. A diamond of the first water, or of finest wasweeps floors. In the summertime ter is one that is pure, transshe helps in the garden. and flawless. In much the Quilting is her hobby and she parent same way, the term river Is used. now is piecing a charm quilt for Extra river denotes a diamond of her daughter. Mrs. Grubb has lived finest quality. the in Viroqua for 99 years. Bel) Syndicate. WNU Faatur. A. ill ift g two famous, ingredients that help thin out thick mucus, reduce swelling, sooth membranes. Soon soreness eases up, head starts to clear. Dont take head-col- d misery lying down use Mentholatum. fast-actin- Quick MENTH0LATUM When head-col- d misery make you gasp for air, and nose feels raw and tender, reach for soothing Mentholatum and Mentholatum contains comforting Camphor and minty Menthol, cold-inflam- ALSO RELIEVES NASA! TIGHTNESS. CHEST-COL- IRRITATION AND CMPPINS c 5 - s Atlc Mother, She Knows . . Clabber Girl h the baking powder with the baloeeed double action Right, bi the mixing bowl; Light, from the oven. ... (sum -- |