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Show I ' - I 4 PAGE TWO Tuesday, March 16, 194s THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Peasant Table Built From Full Patten D SEcREESiti Released by WNU Features. 1 i By INEZ GERHARD FvONMacLAUGHLlN'I Jim Brent of Road of JU stone has gathered plenty of j moss. At the age of ten he had gone to nine schools, in almost out on this gayly as many states; by the time he NINE Peasant 1 Life," is an ex-rolli- who deco-rate- easy-to-buil- . . . Although preBOSS sumed dead Ion; ago, Frau Gertrude Scholtz-Klinbead of the women's branch of the Nazi party in Germany, turned out to be very much alive. She was seized by U. S. agents in French zone of Germany. SHE-NA- k, NATURES CHURCH . . . Towering, vivid-re- d limestone rocks sit bouetted against a glorions sunrise sky of red, blue and gold create an setting for the annual Easter sunrise service in Colorado's Garden of the Gods. awe-inspiri- HOW THERE WAS . - .S ( t 17 yr Easter Sunrise Service Set In Church Carved by Nature CAMPAIGNING FOR HENRY . . . Henry Wallace might not be the next U. S. president, bat you cant convince his backers of that. Here, getting together for a conference in the newly opened New York headmovement are (left to right) quarters of the campaigners Jo Davidson, famed sculptor; Rexford G. Tugwell; Sen. Glen H. Taylor (Dem., Ida.), prospective running mate for Wallace, and C. B. Baldwin, campaign manager. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. Just as on the sunrise of the first Eastern morn when a magnificent hope, confidence and faith dawned upon a discouraged group of men and women, so will some 30,000 worshipers gain renewed hope and courage from the 28th annual presentation of the Easter sun-risservice in a church fashioned a million or more years ago by nature the inspiring Garden of the Gods near Colo Wallace-for-Preside- nt In 1921, the Rev. A. W. Luce of the First Christian church (now rebred) was walking through the Gar. den of the Gods, his Bible In hand, AMBITIOUS . . . Because Dennis trying to get an inspiration for his Corbett, of Evansville, Ind., Easter sermon. Opening his Bible wants to three, be a lawyer, despite the to the Book of John he read: "Now fact that he was born without arms in the place where he was crucified and legs, friends have formed the there was a garden there they laid Service, Inc." to Jesus While reading this his eye "Underprivileged aee that he gets an education, as fell on three gigantic shafts of rock well as physical aids. which closely resembled cathedra) spires . a Y !'M.v V A Marmalade Baked in Easy! Try em for Sunday Brunch 1 cup sifted 2 tablespoons flour shortening 44 cup sugar 244 teaspoons 1 egg baking powder 1 cup Kelloggs 44 teaspoon salt y cup orange 44 cup milk marmalade Cream shortening and sugar thor ouglily. Add egg and beat well. Stu tn and milk. Let soak ung most of moisture Is taken up. bill flour with baking powder and sait Add to first mixture and stir onl, until combined. Fill greased muflu. lf full. Press tablespoonpans ful of marmalade Into top of eacl muffin. Bake in moderately hot oven (400F.) about 30 minutes. Makes muffins, 214 inches in diameter, or 12 small muffins. From eight to nine, EST, Sunday thats the time tp nights on ABC sit by the phone and listen to "Stop the Music," the big new show whose prizes afe all for home kudience par- ticipants. Name the tune just played by Harry Salter's orchestra and you win something worth at least $250 Then name the more difficult mys- tery tune" and fabulous gifts will pour in. Switchboard operators pick names at random from all over the ' country. an actress 'Constance Claire Trevor and Kay Francis, for example cant scream satisfactorily. Lauren Bacall can, not only for herself, but for others. She was on the "Key Largo" set when Miss Trevor had to do a screaming scene, and let go with a sample that startled Humphrey Bogart and John Huston. So youll hear her screams, not Claires. ... BOMB HEAD Col. Kenneth D. Nichols has been appointed to succeed Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves as chief of the armed forces special weapons project which developed tbe atomic bomb. probably have heard Arthur singing "The Thousand Islands Song Well, Mayor Mitchell of Alexandria, N. Y., feels that Ar-- 1 thur has done so much for the Thou-- . sand Islands that he's given him You Godfrey one! Three of the countrys leading disc jockeys, Dave Garroway, Jack Eigen and Peter Potter, will be fea tured in Columbias "I Surrer, with Gloria Jean anc der, Dear, David Street. Don McGuire has the comedy lead. PINHEAD . . . Marshall T. Newman, associate curator of physical anthropology at Smithsonian institute, measures skull of an original "pinhead, a prehistoric Indian infant whose head was deliberately deformed. one-ha- I I Americas most famous natural I laiatno j j I try a bowlful tomorrow. I cereal CSYG M4XS towns 7?y lemon m ffafcr--& ooeeforvov The juice of a lemon in a glass of water, when taken first thing on arising, is all that most people need to insure prompt, normal elimination. No more harsh laxatives that irritate the digestive tract and impair nutrition! Lemon in water is good for you! Sanorations of Americans have taken emons for health and generations doctors have recommended them. They are rich in vitamin C; supply valuable amounts of Bi and P. They alkalinize, aid digestion. Not toe sharp or sour, lemon in water nas a refreshing tang clears Hie mouth, wakes you up. Its not a purgative simply helps your system regulate itself. Try it 10 days. US! CAUfOKNIA ... BOTTOM RUNG REVISITED Fifty-fon- r years ago a youngster with nothing but a little hope and the ability to play a lot of baseball boarded a train caboose at Pittsburgh and bummed a ride to Steubenville, Ohio, to seek his fortune on the diamond. He was Bonus Wagner, now 74 years old, who became one of the e baseball greats. The first Hollywood producer to Here, on his 74th birthday, he the caboose incident. add a helicopter to his standard studio equipment is Samuel Golc Wyn. It will be fitted with a specie i gyro camera mount, to which a regular camera will be affixed I.Goldwyn predicts that it may opei entirely new techniques in film prL duction, largely replacing the over head crane and making advances in various shots possible. . f all-tim- veronica lake is one of ODDS AND ENDS Ronald n serted notice that he util do no guest appearances other than on the faik Benny show. . . Frank Sinatra utthdreu his ICC application for permit to build a radio station at Palm Springs. . . . The mou Fngluh-sounmg Englishmen on 'T he U An tie ar, 'mtially played by Tom Collms uhj bat neter been uithm 4,000 miles o ls:lvnd . . . I utor Moore ,j ot4, Durante show Iter, dancing Edd,e Marf,e d fj: aj ONE OF THE LONG BOYS . . . Following returns assuring him of the Democratic nomination lor governor of Louisiana, which is lent to election, Earl Long, brother of the late Sen. Huey P.equivaLong, cans messages of congratulation with Mrs. Rose M. Long, widow of his brother (left), and his wife. Longs victory in the Democratic pnmary returns the Long dynasty to power after eight years. j bmy Z only six L u, u?e)v I J Sor " !de yelnTgl'uh - '..informed erh ; &eood loxToovh RDU Bridgeport, Conn, McKesson CIU.0X i ... If At ONJ ts Col-ma- wl SUNKIST - Warner Bros will send a special camera crew to New York, Chicago and Rio de Janiero for special backThe Fountainhead grounds for Gary Cooper will star in the film version of the popular novel; King Vidor will direct bedsheets. parachute infantry , DECIDE? Reports During the critical days of the Each of the sheets presented to Battle of the Bulge m 1944, Colonel the villagers was marked with the ?a Mrrison may leave the Hanlon had promised the villagers name of a Winchester donor. More Jemple university Owls to become heaJT6stba11 coach unhe would discharge the debt after than 600 sheets also were a'e presented to the old people s hpme of nearby confirmed by Morrison. Said be: tiiey Jsad given their irreplaceable The only fair thing for me to say bedsheets to camouflage his para Bastogne. is no comment. r All-Br- d; ed chute infantrymen who had dropped onto the surrounding fields Colonel Hanlon credited the villagers sacrifice with saving the lives of many men in the 502nd All-Br- Norman Brokenshire did tbe first radio interview with movie stars Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pick-forstill recalls how she fainted away, from mike fright. He is credited with a lot of radio firsts originating the daily serial style of program, doing the first philosophical show, etc. He now is climbing to the top again, with "Theatre Guild on the Air and two NBC morning Sheets Repay War Kero's Debt to Belgians Hem-routl- . Clifton Webb, famous as a dancer In Broadway shows before anyone knew he could act, has made his name in pictures es an actor. But he returns briefly to dancing in "Sitto do a rhumba with ting Pretty, Many Bennett, Installments snow-covere- Bran Muffins with the rs full-tim- e - j time keeper, hotel clerk, deckhand freighter, English teacher and writer. 24,-00- g MASS WINCHESTER, Repaying a wartime debt. Col. Johry Hanlon, Winchester's war hero, has presented each of 24 villagers in with a pair of Belgium, x ... Court Levies Tines earth-shakin- a DON MacLAUGHLIN The historic 1936 Olympic games are presented in "Kings of the OlymCAPACITY TO BOUNCE BACK This Is a scene of courage. A pics, recently released by United visiting basketball team of paralyzed veterans from the West coast Artists. Originally comprising 0 beat anaUter team from the Bronx Kingsbridge hospital by a 29-2- 2 feet of film, it was acquired from score. All the players competed from wheel-cbaiand put out a brand the alien property custodian by of good, bard basketball throughout the game. Leonid Klpnls of Wcktpott Interna-ti-ina- l, then edited, from the work of 800 cameramen. Hitler presided over the games, tbe last before tbe war. g One-Legg- st w -- z Maureen OHara v The Inspiration came to him that here in the beauty, splendor and solitude of the Garden of the Gods was the Ideal place to gather for worship and to observe the day In which Christ was resurrected. On f on a rado Springs. a Acoustically, and to the eye, the church which nature carved out in the Garden of the Gods is more This inspiration became a'reality magniAcent than any since erected and the first Easter service was by mortal man. The spectacle of held with some 700 worshipers at30,p00 people, massed together In tending. The audience has been this natural, setting, growing ever since, now estimated 1 a colorful, Incredible sight, lendto be more than 30,000. In addition ing true religious significance to to the thousands who receive inthis Eastet sunrise service deep in spiration from actually attending the heart of the Rocky mountains. the service, countless others are Founded 2 Tears Ago. able to benefit spiritually from this The Colorado Springs Ministerial Easter message by dialing the serv alliance, founder of the Garden of Ice on their radio. The noted Dr. S the Gods Easter service 28 years Parkes Cadman once stated that ago, again will sponsor the rites. unless a person were to go to JeruThe service wilt be carried to radio salem where the first Easter actuworshipers Coast to coast over the ally occurred, he could find no more Columbia network from 6 30 to 7 appropriate setting than the Garden a. m., Mountain Standard Time, of the Gods, with thousands of peooriginating from Station KVOR of ple massed together in the natural Colorado Springs. valley surrounded by towering peaks. As in previous years, the Garden The Garden of the Gods was a of the Gods service will be predomiof part musical. The Colorado when It public domain until 1878 nantly was bought by Charles E e a cappclla choir Springs will be featured. The choir, under Perkins, an eastern railroad tycoon. He intended to build a home tnere, direction of Frank Gilles, is nationon moie leisurely Inspection, but, ally famous, having won first' place decided that no v ork of man should In the National Choral society conspoil the beauty of this natural test several times. Traditional, with the service for many years is tenor Bernard Ves-sewho has been singing on the Easter sunrise services for more than a quarter century. Vessey came to Colorado Springs from the COLO'-Taking their East for his health. His solo, "Open cueDFNVER, from the dollar down and dollar the Gates of the Temple which he a week book, Judges Hubert Henry sings every year. Is a favorite of and Frank Hickey have inauguthousands of music lovers. Mrs. rated an easy payment plan for Verda Lawrie, Colorado Springs, is fines assessed in municipal court organist. The plan in one month brought in The Garden of the Gods, spamore than $1,800 that otherwise cious garden of overturned limemight have been paid off in jail stone rocks, was revered by Ute sentences. Indians as a holy place for their The system works like any other god Manltou long before the credit plan. A 'mans financial status coming of the white man. The Is Investigated before credit is albig rocks, according to the Inlowed. However, if an offender runs dians, are barbaric hosts of giup' his bill by coming back on a secants which In prehistoric times ond offense before paying off the threatened their domain. The first fine, he automatically goes to Utes prayed to their god Mentjail. ion who lived at the top of Holy Mount (Pikea Peak) and who Vet Serves answered Ihelr prayers by causing the giants and the monrWith Fire Department strous beasts accompanying them to turn to stone. WORCESTER, MASS Although Geologically, lheexpIanation is he has only one leg, Frank A. Reno much simpler. In prehistoric times, 32, serves as a member of the same movements the Worcester fire department that formed the Rocky mountains Reno, who is the father of two chilcaused an upthrust of limestone dren. was appointed a fireman which extends underground from vhile serving with the army in Canada to Mexico. However, it is Frame He later lost his left leg only m the Colorado Springs Garbut, after clearance by the civil den of the Gods that this limestone service department, was given a segment upthrust shows predomi- job as opeiator of the fire alarm nantly above groqnd. telegraph svstem. k f ery, acting as farm hand, factory e. Dick's sermon. n vArg 4BW WNV features. con-aue- rs Send 25c for Peasant Table Pattern No to Fasi Bild Pattern Company, Depart-men- ! W, Pleasantville, New York. y A GARDEN Here, in setting of immcasur- able beauty, amidst the towering limestone shafts of the call spires looming to fantastic angles of more than 300 feet, with the brilliant red of the rocks bathed in a golden light of an early Colorado sunrise, and with majestic, snowcapped Pikes Peak serving as back drop, the Rev. Thomas Dick Jr. will give the annual Easter message. "The constellation of ideas gathered around the Easier faith it 'almost r( in its daring. . . , Truth it stronger than falsehood; good evil, love it stronger than hatred; human beings are of worth and dignity; God iron unfailing source of security; life it victor over death" 1 he ie thought t constitute she theme of Mr. d finished college he had attended four Table. Ideally suited for use in universities. His radio roles range lawn or dining room. Full oorch, from cowboy to district attorney to but his trade ca ize pattern simplifies making and famous doctor reer Includes working in a goldfish lecorating. User merely traces pattern on lumbi-- t specified, saws and assembles exactly a here pattern indicates No toe s ar skill required. A matching special bench, suit able (or use on lawn or porch, nade from Pattern No. 57. trappers TRAP WITH SHUR FUR rv is a sait (not a scint). suno nUMANTttO ((SUITS M TM TMWN Of AMT fU(AEA(INO ANIMAL LASTS fOt MONTHS M A!N Ol SNOW. HU 1 ftAH fO fOJTAOl MtrAID. IHU SHU W FU MFC. CO. fOATlAHO IS. OSLIOOm |