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Show PAGE FITE ON, UTAH Tuesday, March 16, 1948 i Vaughn Justesen, Spring City; a tesen, Spring City and Benjamin granddaughter reared by Mr. and Justesen, Dragerton; three sister. Mrs. Justesen, Mr. Fay House- - Mrs. Clara Beck, Spring City; Salt Lake City; three Mrs. Leah Strate and Mr. Alda holder, The Dawson bill, which makes brothers, Joseph and Ernest Jus-- 1 Faux, Provo. it possible for coal mining companies to lease"more coal in any me state, was stepped up by the louse committee the past week. The bill, sponsored by Congress-na- n William Dawson of Utah, has vital concern in Carbon and Imery county coal fields. It will illow companies to hold double he acreage they are now able to ibtain under government lease. ;t will step up lease holdings from 2560 tto 5120 acres. This bill was introduced in the last session of congress, but its committee approval was withheld Our customers keep coming back to us, year pending an agreement between east the coal holders of acreage in after year. That means weve pleased them . . , Carbon section. JCOAL COMPANIES !get more land , JUME9 by the V,0 customers we liee;P tiofL 1 MElIDEIIliALLS OF PRICE FOR SALE Band, instruments accordions, guitars and musical gifts. Sheet music. The Price HOUSE OF MUSIC Theatre Building. Distributor s PHONE CAMPBELL'S TRANSFER X STORAGE ' MOVING -- T ' 'L RACKING L r SHIPPING 309 H. CAKbCN AVt. yu'll Certified to Haul Any Place in UTAH and COLORADO Complete Moving Service . . . We Pack, Pick Up and Deliver . love every sip of our refresh- ing soft drinks. The perfect drink to quench your thirst and cool you ENTRY BLANK 2ND ANNUAL lflWANIS TALENT NIGHT BLUEBIRD BEVERAGES Ask for it at your favorite grocery store 11 1HS IOIL LAH FLAVORS . ADDRESS PHONE 24 SOl'TH 2nd FAST PRICE, UTAH t NAME Eastern Utahs Finest Amateur Show. No entry blanks accepted aftenMar . 25 Tales! Night Shew rr- - wlU be presented at the Price Civi Aadltcriaa WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7TH 8:M P. U. Family Basketball it means that weve delivered fine automobiles Championship Set aJ Dragerton backed by dependable, A basketball game for the Fam of Utah will ily Championship be held Saturday, March 20, in This the Dragerton gymnasium. the is between Lindsay game brothers of Carbon county and the Woodbury brothers of Cedar The Woodbury brothers City. line up will be Jack and Darwin at forwards, Gail and Max at guards and Charlie at center. Four of these boys are lettermen of Branch Agricultural college and they are favored over the Lindsey boys because of their college experience and also their age as they are younger than the local team. The Lindseys will line up with Odell and Boyd at the forward posts, Ammon at center and Ollie and Pratt at the guard positions. ADDITIONAL CASH FRIXK8. Mail or leapt your entry blank at Tn Piuca TxaaTBt. Additional blank aUo available at or Price Theatr. Suk-Avoc- Price- - O O U tah 00 or at Sun-Advoc- ate Sponsored by the Price Kiw&nis Club Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn lx. fVoudn'f Se ff ieejo for 45,000 MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE IP I COULDNT GIT TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 16-1- 7 Funeral services for Charles R. Justesen, 72, Sanpete county farmer and cattleman who died on March 2 of a heart ailment at his Spring City home, were conducted Saturday at 2:00 p. m. In the Spring City chapel of the L. D. S. church under the direction of Reid Allred, bishop. Burial was In the Spring City cemetery. Surviving are his widow,- two daughters, Mrs. Rutberfcfd 'Osborne, Spring City, and Mr3. Preston Mitchell, Riverton; a on, - All the friends of Mrs. Rex and her family deeply sympathize wiiiuthem in the loss of their husbaffif and father. The McFarlanes have lived in Sunnydale most of the last five years and have many friends here. Rex died on Friday, March 5th, in the Dragerton hospital. He was buried Tuesday, March 9th, in Cleveland, Emery County, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. James Cassano were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McClurg In Green River, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Orme spent three days of last week in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Helner and Bab Armstrong of Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. James Thorpe, and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Nyman of Castle Gate and Mr. and Mrs. James Cassano of Sunnydale had a very enjoyable time at the Country club Jn Price last Saturday, March 6th. Frank Colette and Tony Ungaro of Somerset, Colorado, spent the week-en- d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Colette in Sunnydale. Mr. Ungaro is Mrs. Colette's brother and Frank Colette Is Henrys youngest brother. Mrs. June Lucero of Somerset, Colorado, was a recent guest for at the home of Mr the week-en- d and Mrs. George Rush. Mrs. Simmons of Wellington spent last Monday night in Sunne 8BC0ND PRIZE 50.00 cash, Reund Trip to Salt lake City via Manarch Air Line, and Radie Appear aaee. SBVHN DRAGERTON THEATER Sunnydale News FIRST PRIZE 450.00 cash, Reund Trip te Salt Lake City via Menarth Air Line. and Redle Appearaaeee ea gtatira KALL. Pioneer Bank of Eastern Utah UNITED MOTOR COMPANY . 280 East Main Price, Utah Saturday Services Said For Mother of Dragerton Resident FEATURING JIMMY DARTS BAND FIRST IIATI0I1AL BAI1II economical service. ANOTHIR N Z Inn nydale with her granddaughter, Mrs. Dot Orme. Mr. and Mrs. James Cassano left for Salt Lake Thursday, BROS. ? WARNER V VJt ARTHUR DWAYNE KENNEDY MORRIS ttM,toCMMUI6aAYUNrttN,to0BtRTE ,NT TTVTTTTTVTTTTTrrTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 19-2- 0 tells it the 'KILLERS' way! I f- - r i M4 ta Mil MX I UMtKXWWWIWAl ttilKL 8 0M TTTTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTrTTTTTT? ntov 1 Ir KWW HUM aw SUNDAY, MONDAY, MARCH 21-2- 2 March 11th, and planned of boat tha fl Jaap MANY OWNERS way a that farmer especially, and it ihe one machine they find more useful than any other. Come in and let ns how you bow the Univerel "Jeep work all year as a pick-utow truck, light tractor and mobile power unit. Till UlimXSAL p, VILLYS 01) To) !TErOU!lTAn;!!;C. Distributor $ Dial 333 So. 3rd East SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Immediate Delivery 1 NICK ZAKIS,Prop. 5-13- 02 in the capital dtjf for the rest the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Odendahl entertained at their home on Edgehill Drive Saturday evening. They had four couples for dinner and cards. Their guests were 'Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Vem McCabe Mr. and Mrs. George Rush and Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jeffs and Scott spent Sunday, March 7th, in Castle Dale visiting Mr. Jeffs parents and friends. Mrs. Lois Odendahl entertained the bridge club Wednesday eevening. Special guests of the evening were Mrs. Alice Faddis,' Mrs. Florence Cullen and Mrs. Veren Avery. Prizes were won by Mrs. Margaret Heers, first; Mrs. Hazel Morgan, second; Mrs. Alice jKloster, low, and Mrs. VI Lind-- 1 sey, traveling. ?Zouj A LOVE STORY SO BEAUTIFUL MOM SET IT TO MUSICI HTEffiE ( PH Q IIEPBUflilllEllltEID QODT. WALKED 41 '0! A CLARENCE BROWN Production r ll I 7 |