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Show PAGE EIGHT Tuesday, February 17, 1948 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH y 1 r O' if ; , u A rJ$s,V-- 1 A - 1V-C- - '' ' 70c 35c 20c 20c 60c Vegetable Bowl , . , Ice Water Pitcher Tea Pot Cream Pitcher Sugar Bowl Bread Box, 2 Compares . . BLUE, CREAM, .$2.69 $3.00 Pequot Sheets, 81x108 Pequot Cases, 42x36 $3.95 RAYOII HOSE d Elastic top, Regular 63c. 100 doz. to sell at this low price All Sizes, Sleeve Lengths 39c $4.50 HEW Cannon Sheets, 81x99 Cannon Cases, 42x36 TAN-an- WHITE SHEETS and PILLOW CASES $1.75 $1.75 89c $1.25 SATURDAY OIILY Mens in Rayon Light Weight Bright New Spring Colors and Designs $6.95 to $10.50 Chenile Spreads $10.95 to $24.95 98c and up 60c Platter, HEW SPRIRG SHIRTS ,1 BED SPREADS OPEfj STOCK CHIRAWARE Plates Cup and Saucer Pie Dish Dessert Dish Soup Bowl dkfr' st&v'-- ERAS White Broadcloth 3.95 Wide Stripes Pin Stripes and Solid Colors 3.95 69c 75c ''jc&rrt- N Columbia RECORDS We invite you to come in O CURTAiriS Popular and Western Music Steel Company . Lace Panels, Each $1.95 to $3.95 WOMEIiS HOUSE DRESS 3 95 to $1 95 V AI.tES REfJI CKI) TO f.EK SO ONJ.Y ... .. . MATTRESS PROTECTORS 2.50 $1.00 Set $4.95 Novelty Curtains Cottage Sets . .$2.49 and $2.95 Plastic Shower Curtains. .$3.95 Both Room Curtains ,....$3.95 21c CREAM CORH, Garden . can 21c GREER BEARS, Woods Cross 21c TOMATOES, T.loon Rose1 can 25c PEACHES, Hunts . . can 32c IiLUUlX PRESERVES 29c KARO SYRUP, Red 5 lb. can 68c APRICOT 24 oz. pkg. SALT. 5c 53c SARDIRES, Sea Lion . 2 cans 33c SALMOH, Calvert . . tall can 55c RICE, S 6 W fancy . 3 lb. pkg. SPRY. V 3 lb. can 1.49 T.1AZ0LA OIL . BISQUICK . . .qt. can 55c Ig. pkg. R.D.C. SHREDDED WHEAT CORH FLAKES, February 161b, 17th and 18th Come In and Inquire and drapery materials. STAPLE FOODS AT BARGAIN PRICES SPRIRG GARDEH PEAS can YOUR CHILDS PIIOTOGARPII We also have a good selection of curtains r Kelloggs . 47c 18c .21c 49c CREAM OF WHEAT . Ig. pkg. 32c PUREX . qt. 17c l2 gal. 32c White King Toilet Soap 2 bars 17c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER . . 10c 1 qt. 54c AEROWAX UEL . Ige. pkg. 39c SUPER SUDS . . . .Ige. pkg. 42c PARCAKE MIX, Sperry 4 lbs. and see the newest thing in Costume Jewelry, which is manufactured from the best quality of stainless steel, purchased from Carnegie-Illinoi- s c ic 2 r |