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Show Tuesday, February 17, 1948 TIIE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE TWO White House Tale Retold Tvice-Tol- d John Adams Hung Clothes On Limb, Swam in Potomac V n l. - , A FRIEND IN NEED . . , Kathleen Brandi, 11, of Washington, D. C., won herself a staunch and feathered friend In this wild pigeon after "unfreezing it when she found the bird froxen in a snowbank near her home. Now her constant companion, it aits on her shoulder, takes food from her mouth. NEWS REVIEW South Threatens Split; Seif Rationing Proposed President Truman, who seems to 10 point programs, tossed another one to congress concerning the preservation and protection of civil rights and then stood aside to await the explosion. It came quickly Southern Democrats, hopping mad over atleast four of the 10 controversy points, began to talk seriously "of calling a Dixie convention io'split away from Mr Trumajion the civil rights issue. Foctis of the current disunity was ,x'diI1, up for approval by the senate laborcommittee, to create a national commission against job discrimination on grounds of race, creed or color. Sen Allen J. Ellender (Dem , La ) predicted that if the bill were approved m its present form the party would erupt into open warfare. Both foes and backers of the measure agreed that it would be a close thing. The four proposals that most Inflamed the southerners were the ones calling for (1) a federal law, (2) a permanent fair employment practice commission, (3) an end to Jim Crow rules In transportation and (4) outlawing of state poll taxes. Remainder of the points advocated by the President were- A permanent commission on civil rights, a joint congressional committee on civil rights, a civil rights division In the Justice department; tightening of civil rights statutes; home rule for the District of Columbia, statehood for Alaska and Hawaii; equalization of naturalization opportunities, and settlement of evacuation claims of Japanese-Ameriean- s. Because 1948 Is an election year, and a presidential election year at that, the program, which otherwise might be ignored, was certain to get hot partisan debate. In answer to Mr. Trumans firm statement that "something must be done" about the civil rights issue, southern Democrats replied that they were thinking of calling an convention to pick its own presidential candidate. Some thought that too drastic a step, but at Jackson, Miss , Walter Sillers, speaker of the Mississippi poses In 1930 tithing Itself was abol house of representatives, said he ished but the law provided that over flatly favored sucb a course in order a period of 60 years a sum should be to withhold at least part of the paid yearly until the amount con- South's electoral votes from Mr. sidered the tithe redemption fund to Truman. be the capital of the tithe on a given of had been SELF RATIONING: piece property, reached. Second Best That is what Farmer yaddell obManifestly stymied in its efforts jects to But he'll pay or get out. to get congress to pass rationing and he will never live to see the day and Trice control legislation, the ad when he doesn't have to support the ministration tried a new approach church against bis will in the form of an appeal fur nation- The Tithe That Binds Coming away from a debate on taxes I couldn't help feeling that the discussion, scholarly aa it bad appeared at points, and ringing with altruism at others, had offered a political potion, only slightly fla vored with any essence of economics How wilting is congress to depart from tha past, if such a departure affects political futures? - Pondering this, 1 came upon-- a dispatch In the London Dally Herald from Romney Marsh. Kent. It recounted how. In the lamp-li- t sitting wide self rationing room of a old farm, a Romania chose to change Its royal Greater public support ot an in farmer, Archibald Edpurple to pure red when it bounced tensified drive for voluntary food win "Waddell, complained to a King Michael But how nice, nobody conservation would have to be dethat he was a&out to be can tell him iie cant have the veloped if 1'ving costs are to be thrown into bankruptcy because he woman I love " the administration decided curbed, refused to pay 75 pounds and 3 As an initial step representatives " some in $300 tithes shillings A dentist now reports that he has of 18 consumer, producer and dis successfully transplanted wisdom tributor groups met with Clinton "I shall probably didmutter-Ing- , teeth in cavities left by missing Anderson, secretary of agriculture, Waddell said, against molars But did he transplant the to map details of the nationwide this wicked, cuswisdom? tom. program. For previous refusals to pay tithes, there had been four seizures TO from his farm: bullocks, sheep, pigs, farm implements, furniture, his clothing and his cart horse. My father," the old man concluded. who farmed for 70 years in Kent, paid 1,400 pounds in tithes, Science has advanced to the point and two of fhy brothers were forced researchers working on Many to emigrate 1 am fighting against a where, when you talk about taking military rocket powered weapons rope that has tightened around my a trip to the moon, people no longer believe that their work on rockets neck, and around the necks of so look sorrowfully upon you as one can be just as important for a who has been affected by the fabled many others who love the soil future as it might be for peaceful light from that lunar orb Few people realise that tith-tnwar From the aspect of motive An actual journey to the moon h of of the know that by the tune pament may become a reality sooner than power they product of the land, a custom one would have expected five years they can send a rocket halfway which comes down from feudal ago Right now, in several parts of around the woild they are kely to days when It was collected by the world, there are small groups of be within easy reach of the next the parish priests, and later the earnest experts who are quite seri- phase uitei planetary travel. Che'ch of England, is so modous That time may not be very' far about the prospects of travel ern. and that Its effect will be V 2 distant the between Present velocity of planets felt until the year 1996. One of those organizations Is the type rocket is about two miles a Originally the tithe was paid in British Interplanetary society, a second. The velocity required to produce, but In 1838 It became a group of about 450 members nearly send one to the most distant spot fixed rent still paid to the church one third of whom are rocket and on this globe is about five miles a In 1925, the taw was changed to supersonic research scientists An- second, and he estimated velocity make the tithe payable into what other third ts made up of mechanineeded to get a rocket out of the was called 'Queen Anne's Bounty." cal and electrical engineers, radio earth's gravitational pull is seven fund used for general church pur and radar technicians ryiles second. anti-soci- al JOURNEY FOR SALE caterpillar diesel elee-tripower plant. Used only 2S4 clock hours. Fully guaranteed Write or plume RENFRO FLECTRIC CO. Bex 701, Garden City, Kui., Phene (M. mayor of the bustling Mldwest- Lavier D. town, Humphrey puts' on his executive hat and, like mayors the country over, deliberates highway Improvements, tax rates, police affairs and garbage disposal. Then he switches to dungarees and an oil workers safety helmet for his eight hour a day Job as operator in Shell Oil companys refinery in neighboring Roxana Starting with the company as a laborer In 1933, Humphrey has worked up to his present job as an operator in the lubricating oil plant. Donning a worn bat serviceable baseball cap symbolic of his intense Interest In youth of thq town Humphrey turns to his third major interest, that of providing suitable recreation facilities for Wood River young-ater- s. He has established supervised playgrounds for youngsters of all agea and currently is sponsoring the conversion of a corn field Into a ball park and recreation center. The mayors fourth activity the one of which he secretly Is most proud Is his famed Junior club, first of its kind in the country. Humphrey and Police Chief Frank Starkey formed the club after youngsters caused $500 damage to municipal property during Halloween night festivities in 1944 Club members cooperate actively with police; they report parking violations, speeders, red light crashers; they unmasked a peeping tom always one look ahead of police, and they aided in detecting a gang of vandals who were breaking into the local high school Since the club was organized, Hallowten .damage has dropped to less than $25. Humphrey admits, however, that his fifth job is the hardest The coordination of all his activities within the limits of a 74 hour day Under a Shell policy encouraging employees to participate in- - civic activities, Humphrey often finds himself wearing the mantle of each of his Jobs at once Between sandwich bites during lunch hour in the refinery, he may hear a citizens complaint that his neighbor's children get up too early, study a report on speeders from a trusted lieutenant, review the latest set of ball park plans and even go ever his own refinery reports. Enthusiasm Is this young a contamain trait of rolled up gious enthusiasm sleeves, hard work and the deep satisfaction that comes from' accomplishment THE MOON 15-ac-re Charles F. Brannan, assistant secretary of agriculture, heads the new food saving setup. Originally started by the citizens food committee last fall, It has been carried on until now under the direct leadership of the cabinet food committee. Major emphasis, It was understood, would be placed on meat as the pivotal Item in the cost of living merry however, ether foods also would be covered in the voluntary program. Based on of the specific recommendations food industry and public representatives, it is theoretically designed to meet the twin problem of scarce food supplies and high prices. Biggest talking point the administration had In its attempts to solicit public support was the department of agriculture's somber prediction that the nation Is heading for a serious meat shortage m the spring And by way of emphasis Brannan added that mgat rationing by price already is In effect because many people cannot afford to buy. FOR SALE: Some Eggs U. S. government has hung out a "for sale" sign on 46 8 million dozen eggs that it bought last spring to support domestic prices. There Is one stipulation, however. Only foreign- users will bo- allowed to buy them. For the comfort of U. S housewives the agriculture department was swift to point out that these eggs are not the kind that can be used readily for home consumption. They were shelled, dumped into huge containers and frozen before the government bought them in the first place. Agriculture department decided to sell the eggs to foreign buyers when It was unable to sell them to bakers and confectioners in this country because egg production has been going up and egg prices down. - 1 I MOST MODERN AND BEST EQllPPEo cement block plant, south ol Silt Luka located In heart of Ouh f. stesi-g- i owing community. A real opportunity to get into never attempted previously anywhere In the world, has been hailed as a pattern for other states Sponsored by Pennsylvania Medical society, the project has been accorded an enthusiastic reception by some 840 physicians of small towns and rural areas "Students" attend one eight hour class a week In the nearest of six centrally located instruction cen ters. Teaching centers 6t present in are Allentown, Harrisburg. Johnstown, Oil City, Wilkes Barre and Williamsport The couise exIN WASHINGTON . . . Miss Nora tends for 10 weeks. Instructors are medical experts Martins (above), daughter of Brazilian ambassador Carlos Martins, from leading training institutions of was declared Miss United Nations Pittsburgh and Philadelphia They of 1948, proving that all diplomats lecture morning, afternoon and eves are not necessarily old in ning on the latest know-homedicine Practical phases of diagIN NEW YORK . , . Sam Yachter, nosis and treatment are covered, ina landlord, got tired of complaints structors explaining the best techabout inadequate heat and hot niques known to the medical prowater from his tenants, offered to fession. Of the 840 doctors who took the give them his building, got no course 580 were general opening takers practitioners, most of them from mall communities and rural areas Sixty-twwere specialists in inter-- , nal medicine, 61 were surgeons, 32 were obstetricians and gynecologists and 25 were FRUIT A NUT TREES Western grown Peaches, Apples, Pears, Prunes Plums, Apricots, Cherries, W ilnut trees grow best In your climate Vining and Cane Berries Strawberries 700 Virieties send for 48 page catalog Agents intedl Tsalatin Vatley Nnrseries, Sherwoo I, Orel VV TRAVEL Mineral Wells, Texas. Famous Health Spa Mild climate, reas. rates, excel Drink Mineral Water Tdke health acenirw b tth Write Southern Health Association. Box Like mayor s tha country oar, Lavier D. Humphrey finds many responsibilities attached to the lob ot being chief executive of the bustling little city of Wood River, IIL The routine of handling civic affairs, hotteter, ts reheted when he j called upon frequently to serve as peacemaker in settling neighborly squabbles. WANTED TO BUY WE BUY AND SELL Office Furniture, Files, Typewriters, Adding M ichines Safes, Cash FeMsters BAIT IARF DEK tfCHANGF 62S South Stats St., Salt City, Utah Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! A Works , Too BUSHMAN SAWA With Swedish Steel Bladey Losing his official dignity, Humphrey u known as "Humpy" at the Shell refinery, where he works in a section of the lubricating oil plant. Most of his uorking day is spent in front of a complicated control board bristling with dials, knobs and recording instruments ubtcb keep tab on the plants operations. Thousands of progressive farmers know and appreciate the numerous us?s of this all purpose saw Fine for cutting firewood, fence posts, tree trimming and general rough work. Razor sharp blade cuts smooth af high speed, stays sharp longer. 24. 30, 36, 42, 48 inch lengths "Insist on Buhmon,"nothing .lie ctaiparet. AT HADING STORES HARDWARE At Play T"1 Don't Despair RELIEF of ifour for itching skin have used many EVEN if you without relief for itching ot dry eezema or aimilar skin Irritation, externally caused try soothing, medicated Resinol. A comfort to four generations of users this famous ointment may be ichot you need! just For skia ctssnsing tut mDd Retinol Sotp .. On a of bis honor's favorite relaxations is to listen to his wife play the piano not the fast new swing tunes, but the old ones, Viennese ualtzes, Victor Herbert, Sigmund Romberg. Son Don, 1 3, and a daughter, Lantece, 1 1, also join the family group for frequent evenings of music. RESltlOf r AMO SOAP , Human, AfterA ll PILES TROW? For Quick Relief ANY LONGER! Now, a formula you can us at horn to distressing discomfort of pain-i- tch -- Irritation du to piles Tends to soften and shrink swelling Use this proven doctors formula. Youll be amazed at It speedy action relief Ask your druggist today far Thornton A Minors Rectal Ointment or Suppositories. Follow label Instructions. For sals at all drug stores DONT DELAY doctor rsllsv BACK ACII TOBTURi SORETONE Liniment Heating Pad Action Gives Quick Reliefl Back in high school, Humphrey set a record for the mile which lasted until 1947. He has been a man of action ever since. Rugged as he is, houever, he occasionally tuts from the strain at the refinery and city hall. When the Pact doe i catch cup with him, its usually in this living room chair. For fJt, gentle relief of chej from bclt nratn. muscle strain lumbago pein, due 10 fatigue use the liniment specially made to sooths Such symptoms Soretone Liniment has scientific rubefacient Ingredients that act like glowing warmth from a beating pad Helps attract fresh surface blood to Superficial pain area. derem Nothing ehe just lilts R vuick, satisfying results must be yours or tooney back 50c Economy sire SI 00 Try Soretone for Athlete s Foot Kills all J types of common fungi on contact! Get Well No Problem for Him "This program has proved that the general practitioner, especially BURLINGTON, VT Stricken Bift actual travel in space is still the typical country doctor, seeks to with laryngitis. Prof Robert S a secondary consideration After keep himself abreast of the latest Long ot University of Vermont man has succeeded in shaking of? progress In medicine, Dr Charles thought of canceling his classes earth's gravity pull with his rock W Smith, chairman of the medical Then he had a better idea .He ets. the first thing he will do is to society's graduate education com- whispered his lecture Into a record shoot a load of scientific instru- mittee, said In commenting on suc- ing machine which he carried to the cess of the venture. ments into space classroom and turned on full blast The visionary scientist sees himself sending instruments to the moon or to Mars Or arranging it so Farmers Neighborly that part of his rocket would beEL PASO, ILL. Strengthening a the farmers were treated to dinner come a satellite to one of the plan tradition of neighborliness between in two El Paso cafes ets Thus, through a development El The neighborly tradition began in Paso villagers and Woodford of television, he might see such 1914. when 160 farmers hauled 700 farmers launched county originally things as the secrets of the dark 33 years ago, 50 farmers aided tn loads of dirt into town to fill in the side of the moon village parks, then being developed cleaning streets and yards of debris as A wealth of research a recreation center for children literally left in the village by a storm out of this world- - would be opened of the community and outlying rural With tractors, axes and saws, the areas In 1918 the up long before an attempt could be villagers reciprofarmers cleaned up prts of fallen cated by made to beg n human interplanetorganizing shock trees, brush end twigs, hauling the grain harvesters during a farmtroop ary travel ladebris to a dump for burning Then bor shortage - QUICKER Frans Your Duo -- Strengthen ETC. SEEDSPLANTS, 100,000 fuddie-duddie- o c HELP INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION of skimpy milkers bv stimulating sluggish with Dr. LeGear s Cow Frets noappetites tion in their feed A cow tonic guaranteed to glv satisfaction. It's School HARRISBURG, PA The country doctor in Pennsylvania has returned to school to learn the latest progress in the medical field This new venture in medical education, EQUIPMENT FATTEN mfcS FASTER by stimulating their appeotes with Dr LeGear a Hug Hr. cripUon Also an ideal tonic for brood iowi and pigs Has helped increase profit tor million of hog raisers Satis guar. Country Doctor Prescribes for Self ELECTRICAL lorAH.parumlars 111 LIVESTOCK His Honor an Get Your Rockets Tuned Up one-tent- INVEST- - OPPOU. WNU features , ILL. WOOD RIVER, The mayor of Wood River (population 8,197) is a man of two titles, five jobs, unbounded enthusiasm and a complete disregard for the limits of a ern Analyit and Commentator. & a fastgrowmg business. write BOX 4I, PKOVO, day. Aa Someone suggested he might conduct a "back porch" political campaign from it Mr. Truman came right back with the remark that it was a front porch. That in a sense, is correct, for the southern facade of the White House originally was intended as the front of the building. Of late, the President has been 3 given to historical anecdotes he's "According to Adams diary a great student . . . 'She continues to make her" hisof American self noxious to many persons; and this tory tolerated by some and feared time he told us a by others, by her deportmant I which story and her books; treating all with have heard bea familiarity which often passes fore from presifor impudence, insulting those anent dential lips who treat her with Incivility, the White House and then lampooning them in "front yard of her books. Stripped of all her In other days. sexs delicacy, but unable to forthe time of Presifeit its privilege of gentle treatdent Adams, the ment to ethers, she goes about story goes, a calike a viragoerrant In enchanted nal skirted the armour, and redeems herself lowered edge of from the cravings of Indulgence the grounds, and by the notoriety of her eccenthat gentleman tricities and the forced currency was fond of slipping down to its they give her publications . . . banks for s swim au nature! in the early morning hours. Although Adams chronicled all There was, in those dsys, said unusual incidents while swimming. Mr. Truman, a certain female Jour and had referred to Mrs Royall In nalist who had been unable to get his diary, he makes no mention of an interview with the President So the supposed meeting of this woman she slipped down to the canal bank while swimming at dawn, waited until be was imWhile Adams lived In the White mersed, then sat on his clothes and House, Mrs Royall was a resujeht stayed there until be answered her of Washington, but travelhjd-'abou- t questions, decently draped in the most of the time She waj known as Waters. an author at that tlme but not as a I repeated the story on the air as newspaper woprfn Her journalistic Mr. Truman told It and-lthe next career after began two year from a letter mail received days Adamr'retired as President In 1831 Mr Daniel J. Kelly Jr , of South the established a newspaper aptly Bend, Ind., who is a collector of. named Paul Pry, and later she historical newspapers. early founded another small newspaper, Mr. Wrote Kelly; the 'Huntress ' seem pos"I enjoyed your reference In a sible that AnneIt does notcould have Royall recent broadcasttouie newspaper interviewed President Adams, at woman whosat on President least in her capacity as a Journalist. Adamsclothes until' he agreed to give her an Interview. "Adams was mentioned In The President Adams was John Paul Pry Just ence, on July 28. 1R33. There are references to Quiney Adams, and the woman him in the August 1, 1810; Aunewspaper reporter was Anne Roy-alHowever, the story does not congust 20, 1842; December 14. 1844; form to the facts, and you might February , 4847, and the March mention this to President Truman 4, 1848, Issues of tho Huntress. the next time the stofy is brought Mrs. Royall also mentioned i up. Adams In her Sketches, p. 166, "John Quincy Adarrfi was an arand In her Black Book, p. 126. dent and accomplished swimmer But nowhere did the woman and he enjoyed a daily plunge- into who' was supposed to have been the Potomac even while President. Involved In the Potomac shore He was also an ardent diarist, and Incident ever refer to any Interhis diary contains many a mention view with John Quincy Adams. of hia dipa in the river. "The still Anne Royal! was Adams Washsupposed Incident a vicious makes a good story, and especially. ington contemporary I suppose, when newspaper men are writer and a malevolent Journalist. In 1829 she was convicted of being Interviewing the President, and when news is somewhat dull Howcommon scold Her first contact with Adams was in 1824 when ever, 1 cannot believe that any of she called at the White House to de- the known facts can Justify the truth mand a pension as a Revolutionary of this old story." war widow. Adams mentioned her But, 1 insist, its a good story and in a very uncomplimentary manner I, for one, will not disillusion any in bis diary. President as to its authenticity. BUSINESS Department Theres IIo Limit to Work Day For Mayor of Many Interests 24-ho- ur By BAUKI1AGE Nnu WASHINGTON. At a recent press and radio conference, one of the reporters ribbed the President about the balcony he was building on the White House, which the Washington fine arts commission objects to as destroying the architectural beauty of the building. TClassified IN THESE UNITED STATES Tradition Cough to Cold FY,QHoneAT,r pm I ULLI O Cough Compound WNU W 0748 GIRLS! WOMEN! try this If youre Oa CERTAIN DAYS Of Mout- hDo female functional monthly disturbance make you feel nervous. Irritable, so weak and tired out at such times? Then do try Lydia E Plnkhams Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Its amour Jot this! Taken regu- Ptnkham'a Compound help larly build up resistance against such distress. Also a great stomachic tonic! irm f.mmirsssmsi f |