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Show PA.(IE FOUR 1HE DUAGKItt ON TRIKUNK. DRAGERTON. UTAH Dragerton Tribune f Published Wkly Officer Dragerton Theatre Phone Dragerton 16 Rates: $2.00 Per Year; 5e Per Copy Publisher Jack Entered , as ..Clifford matter November 11, 1947 at the po.t office at Dragerton, under the act of March T- second-cla- ss 3, 1879. Contributing Editors Dr. Co. lomobo, Vernon Lund, Betty Jean Poglajen, Patricia Waring, Fern Peterson, Dr. Calkser, Louis Veltri, Agnes Jeff, Faye Russell, Mark Hanson, Helen Howe John Blev,n Photographers and Frank Fullmer. men Aadaca Tit Trujmo, Tony Casillas, Dan Pachico, Genaro Martinez and Miss Julia Lopez A splendid way to prepare rice ls to USP. j CUp r!ce 2 cups of water teaspoon1 of salt and aj Pece f butter. Place on unit,' tuin to medium until it starts to' boil, then turn to low for 43 min-- 1 utes This can be as a substitute for potatoes and served with tomato sauce Use left over rice for pudding By Mary Biacit Utah Power Si Light Co.'s Hofne Service Advisor, nrrn occIX K v V . and prducing food to alleviate the worlds food shortage. As part of their service program this year SThe Stout Citizen at Work WYV " V xx ms iiot.ie mrn ms cauximnr IN MIS NATION iNmsmmzD the-Uni- as Commission FOR SALE 1936 Ford Sedan in at thelr first February meeting, good condition. Inquire at 370 Two of these being Class A John ctnses which call for sale in the Sunnydale. package only and were to Carbon Bridsley, Jr. Grocery and Petersons Grocery, both of Dragerton. The class B license giants the privilege for dispensing draught beer, and selling over a bar, and it was .to J. O Peterson and B. W1. McMahon, and will be used in the new tavern under cbnstruction in DragA cooking fur demonstration erton. was ladies Februheld Spanish Other licenses granted by the ary 10 at the home of Mrs. Dan 111 last week were, 3rd commissioners Pachico, West, Food "was cooked to ihow the Class A to Miners Club, Helper, proper use of the electric range and Carbon Country Club, Car- and was served to the ladle after bonville, and for Class B to the the demonstration was over. Rlveira Club at the Blue Cut Attending were the Mrs. A. to 26 the total licenses L. Jones, Elifor Serrano, Jose L. This brin issued by the county for the sale Duran, Florencio Sanchez, Pete Martirtez, Aniceto Chavez, Car- - of beer. County COOKING SCHOOL HELD FOR SPANISH LADIES ARROW AUTO LIRE IRC. SCHEDULE Special Saturday Shopping Bus THE ARI2UAL BOY SCOUT DRIVE HELPFUL is now on in EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE CARBO.'l EMERY BANK Price, Utah Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Insurance Co'rpn east carboii D D. Bon, East Carbon district chairman of the Boy Scouts is cout heading the annual Boy financial drive which gets under way this week. Boyd McKean is the. financial chairman. East Carbon salutes the Boy Scouts in their worthy cause. More than 2,120,000 members of the Boy Scouts of America throughout the nation observed the 38th anniversary of the organization during Boy Scout Week which opened Friday, February 6 and continued through Thursday, February 12. anniversary was celebrated in every city and town and most villages and hamlets throughout the nation and its possessions It is young Americas largest birthday celebration. The theme of Boy Scout Week this year was The Scout Citizen at Work in his home . . . m his community . . in. his nation in his world. Scoutings activities for the year beginning with the birthday celebration will be related to this theme. The nations Boy Scouts are engaged m the program of saving The ... . ... . It 1 ted . Three beer sales licenses were granted to the Dragerton area by Carbon es - IfCKICCC new county superintendent, Mont Haimon, was the principal speak-- er Other board members weie piesent and talked to the people. These board members were End Duirant of Castle Gate, George .Otkey of Price and Ellis Peacoik , r;f Wellington. Tre Buy Scouts are holding then meetings every Wednesi ly evening in the Community Center There are 12 boys emoltod and they are having very good meetings but theie are many mm o beys vv ho should be there Miss Eva Dean Waite was hon- each Boy Scout is expected to ored at a bridal shower at the sav a bushel grow a bushel, , home of her mother Mrs. Wal- sha re a bus el of food. ' Each Cub Pack, Boy Scout lace Waite 11on Wednesday evening, Miss Waite is to tap Febiuaiy Troop, Senior Scout Unit, will man it J on Monday, February 16, share in a "Report to the Nation members The committee in that will tell of their community1 e or Catholic building dj last year and their ' HowdIike Boi- gram for this vear. The report fund aie 11 T- MurPny Ellls Ikmard will be made to the president of reS' T. Goldbaugh and Anecito Chu- the United States, to congress and vez AH these men have dance to Nations. tickets and raffle tickets and if In addition to conserving food1,, do not contact you and you they Mr and Mrs Servando and natural resources, the B yl want tickets look one of these Scouts will emphasize safety and, of Sunnydale had a men up. fire prevention, home repairs 3nd Abe Lincolns on birthday, Book Cliff Club personal health. Through theirl The womens e ruary their first February meeun World Friendship Fund of volun-,'- 1 tary gifts the Scouts have sent last week in their club rooms The more than 3,000 tons of supplies PI0fiiam uas on education and fOR SALE Band instruments, under the direction of Mis to help Scout organizations over-jw,accoidions, guitars and museas to rebuild. This aid is to be John Nalor. sical gilts Sheet music The Sunnyside P. T A. held continued throughout 1948 House of Music Price TheScouting is having a rebirth in its February meeting m the school atre Building. many of the countries ravaged by house Monday, February 9. The the war. The Boy Scouts International Bureau in London reports a world membership of 4,409,780 boys and leaders in 42 nations. World peace and mutual underBUS standing is an objective of scoutDAILY SCIIFDULE ing. Through world scout jamIaave Pi ice for Dragerton, Sunnydale, Sunnyside, Columbia borees and the resultant expand11:00 5:30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. 2:15 P.M. ing interest in friendships, underLEAVE FOR PRICE standing and personal relations 7:00 P.M. 10:50 P.M. 5:15 P.M. 11:00 A.M. Dragerton these through correspondence, 6:50 P.M. 5:05 P.M 10:50 A. M. 10:45 P.M. Sunnydale aims are increasingly being met 6:40 PJV1. 10:45 P.M. 5:00 P.M. Sunnyside . 10:45 A.M. The Sixth World Jamboree last 6.05 P.M. 4:15 P.M. Columbia . 10:00 A.M. summer brought 30,000 Boy Scouts and leaders together in France Leave Sunnydale for Price 9:15 A.M. from 38 nations. Leave Dragerton for Price 9:30 A.M. is The Boy Scouts of America Leave Price for Sunnydale and Dragerton the largest group in the World From Price Return 2:15 P.M. Scout Brotherhood. Its 2,120,000 scouts and leaders are members CHARTER TRIP SERVICE of 68,500 units They in turn come Buses chartered to any point in the State o t Utah and return. under the jurisdiction of 545 loPhone Price 94 cal Boy Scout councils which provide carrfping experiences, pro-,ny- GRANTED FOR DRAGERTON the Sunnydale News Sun-servic- - 1 Tuesday, February 17, 1918 -- leadership training, scoutcraft activities and courts of honor to mark individual growth 'through the grades of the various pro- MIKBEflllALLS RAPA STORE AUTO PARTS grams. lit observance of the anniver- sary here an Eagle Court of Honor will be staged by the North Carbon district next Wednesday evening at 7 30 p. m. in the Price Moose hall. Moose troop 281 will be the host and will prepare a program for presentation. Two life and two Eagle badges will be awarded during the evening in addition to Star and merit awards. All troops of the Carbon district are also invited as well as the general public. Mr. and Mrs. John Traylor of Dragerton had a boy on Friday, February 13 I AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP MOTOR REBORING BRAKE CLUTCH RELINING REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM TURNING Piston Rinl Refitting and Resizing YOUR N. A. P. A. JOBBER IS A GOOD MAN TO KNOW 62 N 1st West, Pjrice , , FIRST HATI0I1AL DARK Pioneer Bank of Eastern Utah Price- - - Utah .. - fuvr ooo la Member Federal Reserve System r 1 ' 1 ''far Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn BOTTLING CO., Price, Utah 7-- UP LOAN PAYMENTS REDUCED ! Effective Immediately NO BETTER TERMS ANYWHERE GIVE YOURSELF MORE TIME TO PAY - s CONSOLIDATE THOSE SCATTERED OBLIGATIONS MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE N Z Inn Rttchen will help you stay young looking and young acting.. An Automatic Electric Range will give you extra hours out PAY THEM OPF IN CASH AND OBTAIN EXTRA MONEY FOR TAXES, GIFTS, HOME NEEDS, REPAIR BILLS, ETC. . . . of the kitchen for it enables you to place an entire meal in the oven, set the automatic clock, and go out for the day, An'N returning at meal time for a perfectly cooked dinner. Automatic Electric Water Heater, too, will save you time and Make Only One Small Monthly Payment to work. An Electric Refrigerator also saves you time as protecting food. the motor credit golipahy " III PRICE Your kitchen need not take toll of youth and nor dim your buoyant spirit. An electric beauty - as well These three Electric Servants, together with an Electric Dishwasher and Garbage Disposer along with many other smaller appliances make life more pleasant for any homemaker. See RILL WHITE OR BILL WELSH FOR A QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL LOAN UP TO $1,000.00 NICK ZAKIS, Prop. UTAH POWER Horn Ownership -A & LIGHT CO. TAX PAYING COMPANY - local Control Phone 506 ; : |