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Show Tuesday, February 17, 1918 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH E. C. Basketball League Gets Off To A Good Start Plenty of Action Shown at the Wrestling Show PAGE FIVE From what Ive heard the cast Perry and Gerry Dees, twin party after the Pep Club and boys of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence play is going to be quite an affair judging from the amount Dees, of 162 Berkley Avenue, that Shirley O. has collected from celebrated their second birthday-othe cast members contributions. February 12, along with John L. Lewis and Abe Lincoln. Along the Let-term- ROWK East The Carbon Independent Basketball League got off to a flying start last Monday, Febiu-ar- y 9, at the Drageiton Gym. The took the SmokSunnyside ers by a scoie of 65 to 36. Tne boys Sunnyside certainly had their shooting eyes with them. The Dragerton and the Polecats put up the beri game but even thcie the scoie wasn t too clo-Drageiton detrated the Polecats by a scoie of 35 to 21. The E C Alumni took Columbia by the lopsided tally of 56 to BY IIELFN ROUE EAST CARBON DEFEATS PRICE en e. i 16. J Rock Asphalt Seeks State Road Aid (Continued from Page One) 4 with many orders on hand for1 further use this year, Las Vegas, Nevada has become an impoitant purchaser of this fine road build- -' mg material The work in mining this material is seasonal and has to bp carried on dunng the summer pionths. For this reason efforts are going to be made to get early assistance in the construction of this highway so that mining can start early in the summer The' ' road, when completed, will be a county owned project and will not only provide access to the as- phalt company, but will open aj wonderful scenic and recreational area for the entire east Carbcn district and particularly Sunny-- 1 side, which is the nearest adjoin- ing community to the operation, ' S. and weic DONALD CULLEN JOHNNY PALONI with 10 po.nts each The score of the game with thi was E C 36, Pi ice 26. The high point man for this game was BURTON REYNOLDS, with 9 point-,- . The game was the most exciting one we have had in a long time. Next W'cek E. C will pltiy Helper for second place in the sihool league. Be suie and see this game. It will be in the E C gym at 7 30 on Thursday evening nf rX 1 1 t , i X 4A " J a The Round Robins Tournament starts March 1 and continues through to the 3rd. Season tickets can be purchased. This tournament is put on by the Carbon Letterman club and is held at the Carbon Gym, It is a tournament between Price Jr, High, Helper Jr. High and East Carbon Jr. High. The winning team will receive a trophy to present to their school. The players will be chosen for their ability to play and will receive awards. DONT MISS THIS! the spectators and you will get a bit of an insight into human nature. The spectators were all The Utah Construction has hireyes, ears and mouths during the entire evening,. East Carbon turned out in large numbers for ed some new help and they seem to be working very hard, (that the bouts. Over 500 attended. is) they look like they have been working very hard when you see able1 at the Dragerton of Cruz Theatre. Mr., and Mrs.Lucio them at noon time. These boys pragerton had a daughter on ae Alex J., Bill Hr George B", " " . , , Also at the 'Rental Office. (Continued frdirt Pae"One) In Sunnyside a box will be Tuesday, February 10. and Frank R. Keep up the good enter this big Tribune contest available at the Wasatch Confce- -' work, fellas! Enter your name today. Get new tionery. subscribers to cast their votes Votes will be tabulated each Wonder whats been keeping a for you. . . . The list is just Saturday, and will be listed in certain girl home from school starting .'. . many more will be The Tribune on the following nose", lately, maybe Waunema added this week. . . . Even then Tuesday. huh? The it will not be too late. . . highest number of votes will name TOWN The Senate Sweetheart Ball the winner. was a big success, the decorations THE BIG SLOGAN FOR THE Mrs. D. C, Porter, Mrs. D D. were really beautiful. Im sure DRAGERTON TRIBUNE IS A gon an(j Mrs. George everyone had a wonderful time IN EVERY EAST were 01nt hostesses at the (including Toni and Junior). The ;ship CARBON HOME. of Mrs. last Porter home Senate Sweetheart was Mildred Friday . . is an It easy assignment Haycock from Spring Glen. She and blue get in the contest now. Get these evening at a pink was presented with a compact and new subscribers ahead of some shower complimenting Mrs. a locket. else. The big prizes are nold Muhlestem. The gifts were MODERN Muhlestein to in Mrs. MAYBE presented worth going after. Gummer, what were you lookGET YOUR NAME IN THE a pink umbrella and favors were ART DOES REPRESENT tlFE-IT- S JUST AS HARD miniature umbrellas. Rummy was NEXT LIST. ing for Belles mother for Thursday night. Could you tell us, Jack Clifford, played during the evening with TO UNDERSTAND Belle? Blankento score Mrs. Contest Manager, high going A vote ballot box will be avail- - ship and low score was won by We make life easier with our courWhats the matter with our Mrs C. Don Waring. Lovely reteous, efficient service . . . and it school president, Reuberv Jiminez? freshments were served at the costs you no more. We havent seen him roaming close of the evening around the East Carbon halls for about two weeks now. Ray, did you lose a corsage of red roses somewhere? If so, just WORLDS call at 170 C - Avenue. P. -- S. (theyre in the refrigerator). Two pictures to show everybody tyhat a red hot time was had in the old community on January 30. A..W. Anderson certainly was in there pitching right along with the wrestlers. Andy rngde quite a referee. Take a good look at the faces Feb. of hunter.. .a SATURDAY with Barry Fitzgerald, Diana Lynn and Sonny Tufts j MINER BROS ARIC EUbCE BENNHT TOM D ANDREA-0tu3- t Friday Saturday, Feb. AGNKMOOREHEAO OAYfS-jtwalo 20-2- 1 UUlYbli m: The startling confessions of a man whose ruthless loves rise to condemn him, ..In his desperate jury 1 plea for his life I . DALE FETERSON Prop. 4IIIIIIMI1IIIIIIIMIW - Jkjhfoit ALTERNATE FIRING We TWIN Get ccsd semes and GffRYStSd CGRFGRRTfGf r.icrcn farts for E0:SE .. . Designed for Your Home . . . Traditional . . . of wallpapers exactly right for yqur decoratExquisite patterns, lovely fresh - FLYI.103T1I A 7 r i I Produced tp JOAN MAitt&ON Wm Me ft JOMAlHAN UlUrtt land m to Nvy ftp DOftOOM m: euOOMIU TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTf THURSDAY, FEB. - Double Feature K. is expecting a "certain sailor home very soon now. Heres hoping that he gets here soon, Marjorie. The first period English class discussions had a few round-tab- le Friday. They were really interesting. , k THE 19 POLICE 1 CURSED THE CUNNING f 1 THIS BOLD Whos ring was Jimmy Fowler wearing Friday? Would you know Marjorie? dodgeH TRUCKS 16th Youll find our choice colors to bring artistry to your walls. 01 hear that Marjorie iiKi mi ne ... . ? ? screen by Blanken-SUBSCRIB- PETERSONS Is your home Modern SVEXUtO roar aerial is ABOUT ... DRY CLEANERS . 22-2- 17-1- 8 a spectacular . Ar-o- . Sun. - Mon. Feb. 3 Tha hunted become the , m ing scheme. Tues - Wed. you Contest Entries for THEATER DRAGERTON What happened to Norman and Ruby in the free show? I hope it wasnt anything serious. Norman said it was her fault but Ill bet theres another side to this story. .. . one year. Since Jan. 27, 1947. We appreciate your patronage. We are proud to be members of this community. Our desire is to expand with our com-u n i t y. We are 100 union. SALE New pianos and organs. Piano tuning and reHouse of Music pairing. Price Theatre Building. FOR brought to the tv U Century French 1 The dance Saturday night given by the school for valentines was surely a success. Eveiyone had a good time, Mary Ann and Burton enjoyed it too. w omuun immitim with pleasure ' We have heard that Donald Cullen has to go to Canada for a while Is this true, Donald. Burton and Waldo were of this information It seems that it is some sort of a joke, but I dont know the story (yet). j served '.3 dfSeS ie ha d tley Algebretic Fractions And if everyone Eari Carbon derstands them as well as I do, night beat both games against Price then they know just how the man The score in the fast game was ln the (DARK AGES) felt. E. C 31, Price 18 The high point men for E C. Tiimsnw en Have en Imagine a motor that develops 2.5 O.B.C. certified brake h.p. at 4000 r.p .m.; that has ALL fine features including Johnsons Per t, fected Alternate Firing, Revelse ; weighs only Ask About Our Budget Payment Plan Co-Pilo- 31 Iki.-CJ- AA 71-cos- ts 0alV only Alto four other treat model. JOHNSON Eastern Utah Sea-Hors- es Electric Co. Price, Utah Bunnell Garage Dodge and Plymouth Dis- tributors for Eastern Utah PRICE - HELPER GILBERT BRENT ROLAND JACK LA RUE -- PEDRO DeCGRDOBA |