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Show 'V Tuesday, February 17, 1948 TIIE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH print in Crotorfut IJoko Sm&rlj lAJearabfe 2)atjtime JrocL u to Shorty bust it ii it Legs, or it busts you. It was undoubtedly very tough would case. Sheriff Shorty first have to prove it accident or murder. If murder, then hed have to catch the murderer. And if he failed anywhere along the line hed have to resign. But that was the way Shorty-W- orld War I veteran had asked for it. There had been so many unsolved murders in Dry Creek county that Shorty ran on his word that he would resign whenever he failed to solve a case. The name Shorty had given when he first came to Scenic City came from the fact that he actually had no legs. There were barely enough stumps below Shorty's powerful body to enable him to do wbat be cheerfully called walking. "Im blowing like a winded horse, Shorty said, glancing back over the boulder-strewway down I says yELL," v "this No-Yo- No-Le- n have stayed with medicine or law. Barbers are always skinny. Id hunted with him many times, and seen him climb around in the mountain lots, but now he amazed cyea me. Be was driving hard on this case. W clambered up to the high ay just as the ambulance arrived. s "Take him to Docs, said But we found out, after a breakfast, that the Doc didnt find any trace of drugs or liquor on the body. "Maybe he went to sleep, J said, Now "Maybe, agreed Shorty. Just prove it and I can resume my disturbed slumbers. I couldnt, of course. "Who found him? I asked. "Doc. Cornin back from a night call over In the hills somewhere and noticed the broken guard rail. "What do you think I dont, he said. I aint got nothing to think on. Theres got to be some other angles. No-Leg- long-delay- PWS that now. He never seemed to have to ask questions. Hed just wait the other guy out sqeeze him dry with the weight of dead si' ing lence. I -- could see the pressure on Rhodes. Like everybody else hed A 7 ( a lot rather would fire questions than just stare. Forced on the defensive and obviously angry at having to explain further to the legless owl before him, Rhodes started again. You see, I came out on the train for a deer hunt while Lefty wound up our business. He was to meet me here today and wed go on together. He ground his conversation to a stop. No-Le- i BMW. both surprised "Chick and me with his next move. He twisted his wrist and the big gun in his hip holster moved into Rhodes stomach. Youre under arrest for murder, he said. Rhodes soon recovered from hi I surprise and grinned wickedly. ''- f .74 '' :a. sure No-Le- t i h-- Mr.. 40 t 1 ; 1 v r , 6 ' 3ySy. i V'! "Hfc v: m 8183 Fruit Puddings Are Mouth-Waterin- Spring and SummiJ brimful of Ideas for imanU summer sewing. Free knitting direriionsj tree pattern printed inside the book. II cents. Dont miss g! (See recipe below.) Fruit Puddings LYNN Dessert lovers everywhere enjoy fruit puddings with their crisp crusts, their fragrance. The grand thing about them is that you I may have them at any time during the year, but durespecially ing the months when fresh fruit is not so readily available. First of all, there are canned cherries, plump, red and juicy. But dont t atop there, for you may like to use apples or figs, pears and apricots, and even some of the citrus fruits. All of them are happy Inspiration for meals that you want to be filling and hearty. Another thing youll like about The roadster had been moving on tho steep down grade toward Soenlc City when it failed to make a these desserts is that they are simhairpin torn and Jitterbngged lta dance of death down the almost aheer mountainside. plicity itself to prepare. Use them What do w do now? can provo I wa back up In the hills often for economys sake on days which be had slipped - and slid to where the battered sport roadster "Nothing. When youre hunting for a week until an hour ago. I when, you use the oven for the rest and the mans body lay. of the meal. geese tha first thing to do Is stay In couldnt have done it. Several hundred feet above looped the blind. Then if they don't fly In said "Thats right, Special Cherry Cobbler. the narrow concrete ribbon of Blue to you after tq long, you try to "But you probably helped engineer (Serves 6) Wa on crawl of River paas highway. The roadster ain't stayed It!" Over Rhode them. suit threats up had been moving pn the steep down In the blind long enough yet. ... and vengeance, had him I No. 2 can tart, pitted red cherries He waa right. Soon after dinner locked up. H cup angar grade toward Scenic City when It failed to make "Lete go to Rhode hotel," he g tablespoons cornstarch hairpin turn and a smallish fellow showed up at to cop milk Jitterbugged Its dance of death down Shorty office. He wa In hunting .said, without giving me a chance to, 1 cup prepared biscuit mix the almost sheer mountainside. togs and would have looked like Lit- ask questions. Arrived in "Chick's 1 cup shredded American cheese mopped his face with a tle Lord Fauntleroy If it hadnt been room, he began digging in suitbug bandana and began a pain- for beetling black eyebrows and the cases. "Her they are. He said it Drain the cherries and heat the staking search of the wreckage. vicioui looking cigar ba wae crook- Just like he knew theyd be there. to boiling. Blend sugar and juice on were There wasnt much. The dead man ing. insurance They policies cornstarch enough water to wore rather flashy suit He had "Im Chick Rhodes," he said, the life of George (Lefty) Ellitto. make a thin inpaste. Gradually add on yellow shoes, so new that match "and I wanted to talk with you Twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars in alL this to the hot cherry juice and cook scratches in tht instep of the left about tha wreck out on Blue River "That dead man ain't Ellitto, until thick and clear. Add the cherone could plainly ba seen. Cigarsaid. "I think Ellitto must pasi. Heard about it at the cafe." ries. Place in a shallow baking ettes, odds and ends, and a picture kept Rhode talking, then have done the actual murder. dish. Add the milk to the biscuit of the dead man and a little geezer finally tossed the picture he had But that still couldn't I get it mix and blend well. Roll out into an man on to tha evening met me in the cafe evidently named "Chick, rounded taken from the dead piece, y inch thick. Sprinout the inventory. desk. Three words were under it and gave me the dope. Rhodes had oblong kle with shredded slices of cheese and ElChick." said was like I confessed. said. "It "Lefty "Somebody, roll up like a Jelly roll. Cut "That Lefty all right, Rhode litto killed him. You see Ellitto and and Vi inch "could have got this guy drunk or slices and place them Into drugged, driven him to this curve, said. "And thats me," pointing to Rhodes found a guy In Chicago that around the edge of the cherry mixheaded the roadster for the railing, the other figure. Taken In Chicago looked just like Ellitto. They ofture. Bake in a hot oven (425 deand stepped out. The pavement juat before me and Lefty eold our fered him a good proposition to go for 12 to 15 minutes or until wouldn't show any tracks, h add- pool hall and headed for California. West with them. Up on the pass grees) biscuit the pinwheela are done. ed sadly. Lefty wat going to be drafted, and Ellitto stops the car on a pretensa run could I couldn't the I place myself. Fig- of getting the other fellow to drive. Peach Honey Cobblers. "Shorty," I say, "maybe back up this ured maybe I could handle a sandcarry 'you (Serves 6) he knocks him In the head, Then, I could see he was wich stand in California for the stows him behind the wheel and mountain. cap strained honey duration. ready to leave. Vi teaspoon cinnamon maneuvers the car over the cliff. You could never tell from looking We "Yeh, he snorted, giving me a S teaspoons batter, melted tell whether the fellow couldnt backhanded slap In the midriff with at what he was thinking. had been hit in the head or got the 1 No. 2 Vi can sliced peaches, on of his "Me weigh- He'd spread hi stumps apart, roll drained bump In the wreck. ing 160 without legs, and you weigh- his eyes up at your face and stare ws to see. "Rhodes to I began Combine honey, cinnamon and ing 133 legs and all. You should at unblinking as an owl He was docollect the Insurance, meet Ellitto butter. Add peaches. Place In IndiIn Old Mexico or some place and vidual custard cups. Us the fol- live happily ever after." Then I lowing at a crust: got out the question that had tor1 cap sifted floor mented me aU afternoon. "How did - 1H teaspoon baking powder you know the dead man wasn't Ellitto?" teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar said. That was easy, 2 tablespoons shortening guys dont scratch Grace Noll Crowell cap milk matches on the bottom of their left do that Right-handeshoes. guys . Sift dry ingredients together; cut in shortening until it resembles coarse meaL Add milk, stirring until Cone Flesh and Mitallle to seek a crowd to find delight. mixture is damp. 1USEDthh and they gv Used for Artificial Ears Drop dough onto prepared fruit; brief song, evenly to spread made flesh bone and Metallic Bright powdered wings that dusted of ia Bake the edge. from tantalum are providing new flight, in a hot oven nerve tom bubbitd-beautand ear rehabilitating And nothing Luting long. is crust and other tissue for thousands of until Bis once I found a pathway down my heaYt: browned nicely repersons. Dr. Clarence W. Balk A dins, untie versed way 1 had no known. Serve warm with ported to American Chemical soI walked it timidly, thing apart. cream or hard ciety. Bewildered that I found utyaelf alone. auce. Artificial eare have been grown of In place on frameworks of tantalum wire, apricot peaches, But aow 1 eeek that beautiful retreat. and more than 5,000 skull Injuries halves or plums And find tuck tool, deep peace, such ahter have been repaired with tantalum may be used. delight: plates. Cold spring of water welling at my feet. Apple Pudding Thousands of severed or Injured (Serves 6) Kara White flowers white by guiding by day, ... sound made been nerves have again 2 cups floor sight. with tantalum foil, and literally The old crowd'! laughter fills upon my tv S teaspoons baking powder mile of wire have been used for 1 am exploring, and 1 d aot hear. H teaspoon salt reBalk Dr. turgical sutures, V4 cap shortening ported. Is called blologically Tantalum j, V acceptable since body tissues ad- LYNN SAYS: here to and grow over the metal. Heres What to I). Both tantalum and columbium are With Leftovers to living completely Poultry that is left over can be tissue, and they are not made irritn salads, served as pot glamorized tating by pathological or disease pie with biscuit or mashed potato condition within the tissues. crust, or creamed on toast. Scallop Implants of tantalum gauze are with macaroni, noodles or rice. used where muscular or other soft Cooked vegetables may go Into tissue is either milling or has been salads or soups; or, cream them and removed. Final repair of recurrent serve in toast cups or croustades. hernia and closurt of abdominal Use with meat, poultry or fish In walls Sifter cancer removal are out- one of the leftovera suggested for them. standing illustration. deep-dis- mouth-waterin- No-L- No-Le- No-Le- No-Le- No-Le- No-Le- No-Leg-s, pick-a-bac- k No-Le- ham-hand- s. SoufauL vsy No-Le- "Left-hande- d d "Jr Ay" r g its FASHION CHAMBERS rt. MENU A Ham and Noodle Casserole Harvard Beets Tossed Salad Bran Rolls Beverage Special Cherry Cobbler Recipe given. cap milk 2 tablespoons bolter, softened H cap firmly packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 quart sliced spples cup strained honey 2 tablespoons butter Vi Sift flour oncte, measure; add baking powder and salt, then sift to- gether Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add milk all at once; mix until all flour Is dampened. Turn out on board; knead lightly, then pat into a rectangle about V inch thick. Spread with softened butter, sprinkle with apple and brown sugar and cinnamon. Roll as for jelly roll and cut in 10 pieces. Place apples in a buttered Casserole. Add honey and butter. Place rolls on top of apples. Bake In a hot oven for 50 minutes. Serve warm with plain or sweetened whipped cream. If you want to save flour In a puds flake pudding, you might ding, made with apples: try-thi- Flake Crunch. (Serves 4 to 6) 6 cops pared, cored and sliced apples 2 tablespoons brown sugar H cap orange juice H cap brown sagar 3 tablespoons butter H cup corn flakes H cup flour H teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon grated orange rind Apple N Pattern No. 815a Is for sizes 12. 14, 18. IS and 20 Slz 14, 3Vi yards of 40 18, 18, 20; IS or made S183 and comes In sizes 12. 14, 42. Siz 14, 3 yards of pattern desired. Pattern n every day in milk and drink plenty of water. If you are not satisfied after 10 days, send the empty carton to the Kellogg Co., Battle CreeK, Mich., and get doubi.3 YOUR MONEY BACK. Order KELLOGGS today. all-bra- Nam Address- - last Relief At N ForYourCougji for KIDNEY SUFFERERS so-call- CREOMULSION -- r 7P 'NT, if: c.!U ' 4 i ed Backaches, leg paint, broken aleep, painful usually goto much auicker if you witch FUla Ibey to Foley (the new kidney-bladdeeturmlatesiupgiAh kidneys, then.ALLA) BI.AD-DL- K I IIRI1 A X ION. 1 hat the eauaejof most paine, achee, urgee ones thought entirely due le relief iutneye Bo i or quicker, longer-lastin- g soothe bladder aa well as stimulate kidney action. Do this: use koley (the oew kidney-bladdeFills: they nUo have direct eedative-uk- e action on bladder At your druggiet Unleea you find them far more eatufactcry, DObBLE YOUtt HONEY BACK. for Coughs. Chest Colds. Bronchitis -- COMFORT SPEEDED-U- P TCreomnlslon relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of tbs trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell yon w bottle of Creomulsion with the ua- derstandlng you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you an to have your money back. b i 'if"", v""- -' ,1 : I' Cyfh7 fe.p.Y ! r ; v rvf! - Vv' 6 7s tow? butter my break- all-bra- n ounce of Kelloggs si, ' kellcggs fast cereal and it proved to be a real regulator! If your diet lacks bulk for normal elimi nation, eat an SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 330 South Weils SL Chicago 7, HI. Enclose 25 Cents in coin for each cup top. Work brown sugar and Combine fruit, molasses and pices. Add sifted flour and salt. Dissolve soda in cold water, add and blend thoroughly. Turn the batter into a greased lid or doubled parchment paper tied snugly. Steam for two hours on top of stove. Turn out and serve with hard sauce or softened ice cream. I used to have to take 3 or 4 pills regularly for constipation. Then I satile, brief sleeved dress. Vi Steamed Cranberry Podding. (Serves ( to 8) 1 enp raw cranberries, halved 1 cup finely diced pineapple H cap mixed citron H cap light molasses Vi teaspoon cinnamon V4 teaspoon powdered cloves Vi teaspoon nutmeg ltt cup floor Vi teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 tablespoons cold water of Constipation With Diagonal Line. fANE of the most popular of the seasons styles the attractive diagonal line. Shown here on a verPattern No. MWMfliiriftsc toyw fyocfaons Horn oujvirvM-Eti- bumrs p e w. aocerdtef te Potiee Chirf AnrcaOHmoo, Wt Hr, Pa. When you go visiting for a week end . . . there are step to take before leaving. Often vour departure will be after dark and you will need a flashlight to "check and double check. Better be sure your flashlight is powered with Everead batteries... powerful, dependable, they outlast all other brands! POLICE OF ABSENCE. Many communities require it; but, in any case, police want this cooperation in order to give you NOTIFY bt protection. -- OONT LEAVE ." Cancel newspaper and milk deliveries. Just two days accumulation is a hot "tip-off- '' to prowler. LOCK ALL WINDOWS AND DOORS. Take your "Eveready" flashlight to inspect basement windows (a favorite entrance for prowlers), garage doors, the yard. If youre careful before you leave, you can b carefree while you're away. -- tnofl...lt A, laboratory.. .In "EVEREADY yoat .wo Boihlight... OUT1AST ALL OTHER BRANDS! Released by WNU Features. Leftover dried cake? Make an BUTTERIES ice- box pudding, baked pudding or toast and serve with Jelly or custard Brighter light, longer life! Thats what you want in a flashlight battery and thats what you get with Eveready brand batteries. Laboratory tests prove it. And the best laboratory" of all yonr own flashlight - sauce. Rice makes nice puddings, meat balls, croquettes, spoon bread or Spanish rice. Try it also In soup or as a casserole with meat and gravy. Stale bread may be made into crumb for toppings, extender or for rolling goods before frying; use at french toast or melba toast; croutons or bread cases; bread pudding or brown be tty. i Ends Bad Case day-lon- Arrange the apples in a greased baking dish. Sprinkle the two ta- blespoons of sugar on top; then pour half of the orange Juice over together. Add corn flakes, flour, spice and orange rind and mix until crumbly. Spread on top of applet. Sprinkle remaining orange juice over top and dot with remaining one tablespoon of butter. Bake in a moderately hot oven (375 degrees) for 45 minutes. Serve warm or cold with cornstarch thickened lemon sauce or cream. Want to use cranberries? Youll like this steamed pudding If you make it in an attractive mold. m extremely becoming yoke g charm. frock for Youthful and slimming. the proves it! Thats why Eveready batteries Outsell all other brands because they outlast all other brands! Yba laetmn Amrdit tm He Camd-P- a latermisteae Stearlente mrhiH most eietetf AsteriMan, rpate TetP el SheAmeriram smdaets NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Cats et Vaiaa Carbide ad Crrbem Corporation E33 Y c |