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Show TIIE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Tuesday. February 17. 1948 PAGE TIIIIE3 Strange Storm IL10USEH0LD Buffets Liner EREKsRj(0 Released by WNU Features, By INEZ GERIURD on AL JOLSON goes inright the enmaking history tertainment world. His radio show, which has been placing consistently in the first 15 in Hooper ratings, now gives him the highest rating of any singer on the air. His record album has sold Its millionth copy fiist time an album, made as one, has sold so many And the Gallup i,yn' g jfK A'- ttdP i MUW 'vy-y- - AL JOLSON poll of movie goers, the only one that quizzes the public, reveals The Jolson Story as the most popular film Give A1 time and he'll top the television stars! Merle Oberon, co with Night Song star of RKOs Ethel and Dana Andrews, reached New York to find that some of the critics didnt think much of it Which doesnt mean that the paying customers must agree. Bent on a Europe in vacation with her husband her plang included a week in England, a month at St Moritz, and a sojourn in the south of France, then England again After that, back to Hollywood, to get to work on htr next assignment at RKO as yet unannounced Barry-moi- e (, Victor Young, who conducts the CBS Star Theatre programs, is very conscious of that old saying about people who throw stones, now his that hes finished Beverly Hills house Yes, the walls are of glass Vic says he can always see everybody in the house. The Golden Eafrings composer works in a music room so large that two grand pianos are almost lost in it. Wien yon see Bette Davis Winter Meeting, dont think its a mistake that an extra player goes through a crowded street scene with a full two Inches of her slip showing. Bretaigne Windust, lately of the Broadway stage, making his debut as movie director with this film, refused to the scene, saying that when so many women wear slips at least one is bound to show! ot Mrs Walter O'Keefe, Mrs. Harry Spears and Mrs. Murray Wagner, wives of the star, director and announcer, respectively, of Double or Nothing, have been attending all rehearsals and broadcasts of the show, questioning engineers and taking notes Also, they have been imitating their husbands gestures The husbands swear they don't know whats brewing. will see a number of radio stars in "The Naked City Howard DufT (Sam Spade") stars, is supported by Ted de Corsia, heard on Inner Sanctum, House Jameson, lather of Henry Aldrich, and three well known stage players, Adelaide Klein, Enid Markey-t- a silent films star), and Nicholas Joy, who have frequently appeared on 'Theatre Guild of the Air. You 4 Sublime landed on Its spot after a thorough try-outhe sponsor of this series of life tried It oat stories of small-tow- n for 18 weeks in California and Texas. Cliff Arquette and Ben Willett, the Hollywood radio actor, head the cast. Point Sublime is heard on 80 ABC stations. Point coast-to-coa- st t; Stumps Veteran. NEW YORK, Although I v wintry gales and pounding seas are not unusual in the North Atlantic, a freak storm which bewildered even veteran mariners was described by Commodore Harry Manning, master of the United States liner America, after his ship docked here 14 .hours late on a voyage from Europe with 794 passengers Commodore Manning said he had encountered "ominous and ugly seas during the Americas crossing At the peak of the storm the liner hit heavy swells that reached a height of 40 feet Speed was reduced to 10 knots, less than half the normal cruising rate. I never encountered weather of this kind before, the master, a veteran of 35 years as a seafarer, declared, adding that although there was no wind to speak of, there was a violent movement of the entire area In a northeasterly direction at a rate of about 40 knots. Lasts 20 Hours. he con1 couldnt puzzle it out, tinued. It was most annoying It lasted about 20 hours. The glass was falling all the time. It was raining pitchforks but the temperature was never low. It ranged between 45 and 50 degrees. The heSvy rain and the turbulent sea were most depressing, Commodore Manning added He estimated that the storm covered a circular are 300 to 600 miles In diameter. Because of the unusual nature of the disturbance, the commodore said he would write a special letter to the weather bureau about it. He pointed out that winds of about 25 knots normally would accompany sea swells of intensity. Commodore Manning said he could have arrived on time if he had maintained cruising speed. "Fm not interested in the schedule, he remarked. Im interested in the safe arrival of the passengers. I didn't push the ship The strange storm was encountered when the America reached a point off Nantucket, about 300 milei from New York Actor'a Mother Dies. Mrs Mary Matthews, 69, of Nottingham, England, who boarded tha America with her son, Lester Matthews, an English screen actor, died in her cabin of natural causes, according to Dr. John Sheedy, th ship's surgeon. Her body will be returned to England. Ships en route to New York that were delayed by heavy weather included the Cunard White Star liner Queen Mary from Southampton with 1,419 passengers. Another vessel affected by the storm was the United States army hospital ship Mercy, carrying paThe tients from Bremerhaven. army transport Thomas H. Barry from Bremerhaven was three days behind schedule. J f v - iU Goldwyn's Every bandleader A Song Is Born" began writing a tune called That's Life" when he was engaged for the film, that was its original title But just when they all had their numbers completed the title was changed. William Sherry, Bettes husband, startled her by getting into his wartime sailor costume (he was a pharmacist's mate,) tossing a seabag over his shoulder, and walking on as an extra m the subway scene, in "Winter Meeting . ODDS ASD ENDS Everything is set for the Hartest of Stars to mote to Wednesday nights on April 7th; James Melton will still he featured. The rumor is that Fred Allen's . . new sponsors are so happy with bis drama proshow that their hour-lon- g gram, uhtch has not always been too Peggy Ann good, will be dropped earners new doll is named Susan " Peters, since they made Sign of the Ram" together; the collection includes Dorothy McGuire, Joan Fontaine and Joan Crawford, among others, commemorating Peggy Anns various pictures. . . . Warner Bros, employees call fob. larh Carton " the bit. oOen-face-d w,r . Vtfaifcfsn-,- ; COLLEGE-BOUND.P.S . . . Two Estonian girls, Silva Mardiste (left) and Asta Tamm, were first displaced persons from Germany to receive scholarships to U. 8. colleges. D J ... A ' t WINTER OLYMPICS GET UNDER WAT . . . This is a general view of the ceremony at St. M or Its, Switzerland, marking the opening of the fifth winter Olympio games, at nearly a thousand athletes took the captain of the Swiss Olymplo oath. Bibl Torrianl, famous hockey team, led the gathering In the oath. Young Evangelist Preaches, Sings and Plays Accordion '4 UNWILLING . . . Just 10 years after he sailed away on what he thought would be a brief visit to his native Germany, Johannes Koch, naturalized U. S. citizen, returned to his home In Cloquet, Minn, He had been forced by Nazis to serve In German army. y CAMBRIDGE. he Where do most of the stars come from? he asks Joe DiMaggio, Dom DiMaggio, Ted Williams, Ralph Kiner, EweL Blackwell, Joe Gordon, Johnnj Pesky I could keep on all day. Whj Is the Coast league surrounded bj big league scouts? They are thickei than ballplayers. I asked Casey who were the besl tmen coming up this next spring. You can keep your eye on two, he said. Chesnes and Fitzgerald, both with Pittsburgh. Chesnea can pitch, play the Infield and outfield and hit plenty good. He is one ol ballthe most valuable players I ever saw. The only hitch Is that he finished last season with a sore arm. That wont hurt him In the Infield or outfield. Fitzgerald Is a fine young catcher who will Improve and oon be a star. These two players cost Pittsburgh plenty. I believe Chesnes and Fitzgerald, under Meyers, will be two valuable men. ' h v a 1 - x In NR (Nature's Remedy) Tablet, there are no chemicals, so mineral, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablet are different net different Partly vcgt table combination ol 10 vegetable formulated over SO years ingredient go. Uncoated or candy coated, their action it dependable, thorough, yet have gentle, at millions of NR proved. Get a 25 box. Ue a directed. MiMMUt fai ALRIGHT Alttr2. kLWAV . I CDICKRELILF Qlill FOR ACID For Quick Cough Relief, Mix This Syrup, at Home are out to J? for IT OUT AND YOULL PREFER THIS The new owners In Pittsburgh ge a winning team and given a little time I know theyll arrive. It probably wont happen this year, with the Dodgers, Braves, Cardinals and Giants In the way. Til give you a team that can wla Heres an old home mixture your that National league pennant, mother probably used, but, for real effecCasey said. I mean the Cardinal. results, it is still one of the most du to If they get only fair pitching this tive and dependable, for coughs colds. One tried, you'll ewear by it. season, they still have the beat ball Its no trouble at all. Make a syrup club In their league. They can also by stirring 1 cups of granulated sugar use one more good catcher. Their and on cup of water a few moments until dissolved. No cooking Is needed. pitching wrecked them a year age Or you can use corn syrup or liquid so blew when Pollet and Dickson honey, Instead Of sugar syrup. badly- - Theyll have a better staff Now put V4 ounces of Ptnex into a this season and will be hard to beat. pint bottle, and fill up with your syrup. Another club that will cause a This makes a full pint of splendid medicine, and gives you about lot of trouble will be Cincinnati. coughtimes as much for your money. four Blackwell alone can upset a penIt keeps perfectly and tastes fine. nant race, even If he cant quite win And youll say Its truly excellent, one. This Cincinnati team isnt bad for quick action. You can feel it take ' If loosens the phlegm, hold at all. Neither la Boston with Spahn soothesswiftly. the Irritated membranes, and and Sain around. They were great helps clear th air passages. Thus tt pltcheri when I was managing the eases breathing, and lets you sleep. of Pinex is a special compound Braves. They are even better now. in concentrated The race in the National should be proven ingredients, n for Its quick action form, one of the best In many years. bronchial irritations. on throat and Stengel is quite happy on tha Money refunded if not pleased In coast, and his jousts with Lefty every way. Pinex In Quick Acting! ODoul have lured In many a customer. All we need at Oakland, Casey said, is a ball park about twice or three times as big. Wed fill it. V k a mSCN Prospects for Season s ' f. f BATTLE WAGON GOES LAST MILE . . . Her fighting days at an end, USS New Jersey, once ranking among the greatest of American fighting ships. Is shewn passing from the Esst river as tugs sn hauled her from the New York navy yard on her last voyage Ignominious one in the light of her past achievements. The battleship Is bound for Gravesend bsy, Brooklyn, to be broken up for scrap. the , well-know- SOLDIER OF FORTUNE1. . . Russell K. Haight Jr., I. from New York, arrived in U. S., still wearing hia Indian turban, after serving for two months as brigadier general In the free Kashmir rebel army. ex-G.- ifA V; !yC , . llliiilLr--. , Value of Concentration r - The long cavalcade of golfers, which started from Los Angeles, will cover terrain from the Pacific to the Atlantic acros Arizona, Texas, Louisiana Into Florida then up the coast through the Carolina and finally to the Masteri tournament in Georgia. Ite a long, long hike and a tough way to make a living especially for 80 per cent of the parade who must pay their own way and dont cut Into the money any to often. Every shot can be worth from 8100 to $1,000, Those with a chance to ? l Z 3 m r ni A DIPLOMAT . . . Robert D. Murphy, chief political adviser to Gen. Lucius D. Clay, U. S. commander in Germany, was expected to be appointed to handle Gercontrol of American-occupie- d many under a new state department setup for the sone to become effective July L MAYBE . . . Excavation of this stone structure EARLIEST CHURCH at Newport, R. I., may prove it to be the earliest Christian church In the western hemisphere. Research now is being undertaken by the Preservation Society of Newport to investigate the claim that it was built by Norsemen more than 100 years before the arrival of Columbua. Counter contention Is that structure is simply an old windmill built In the 1660a by Benedict Arnold, then governor of Rhode Island. . The toughest part of the trip if to keep on concentrating, one of the leaders said. You can concentrate only just so long, then something snaps. For example, you come to a shot that calls for a No. 3 or a No. 4 Iron. You are not certain which. The right thing to do it to say this needs a three Iron or a four iron and forget the rest of it. But the odds are you'll be undecided when you hit the shot maybe trying to press a four or spare a three anyway still wondering. The pressure is terrific, Locke added. Recently I had two 70s four, under par for the first two rounds. That Isn't bad golf. There is nothing wicked about it. Yet I was eight strokes back of the leader, who by then was 12 strokes under par. There are times when you get a feeling of hopelessness of whats the use? four under par yourself and eight strokes from the top. Too Many Good Ones There are lew golfers In this pack who can approach the old consistency of Jones, Hagen and Sarazen on big days. But there ere any number who suddenly can turn and rip Ben Hogan, a course to pieces Demaret, Mangrum, Dutch Harrison, Snead, Furgol, Palmer, these and many other who suddenly can get hot and burn up thing later Rev. ... In the glittering vestments of his exalted clerical rank. Mar Ivanies, leader of the Catholics in India and archbishop of Trivandrum Travancore, called on President Truman at the Whit VISITOR Hons. and cool off. This concentration hits yon hardest on the short side, one veteran With five maps and accom- campaigner7 said. On short pitches, AHOY, SHE SEEKS PIRATE GOLD panying explanations that ahe Is confident will lead her to the treasure, chips and putts yon need tonch and Mrs. Bula E. Croker, widow of fabled Tammany Boss Croker, Is timing, foil control. If yon are a looking forward to recovering a cache of pirate gold estimated at 76 Utile Jerky here, yon are gone. Full million dollars. She says It was buried In the years 1781 to 1783 Just 40 shots dont bother na too much. Ite miles from Pensacola, Fla. Maps originally belonged to a Spanish sea those short ones that demand captain. 'smoothness and touch. ... VERONICA lake win know It. : Retired Minister Reads Complete Bible 50 Times Benjamin Beers, 71, has read the complete Bible 50 times end the New Testament 115 time. The retired minister of the United Pente costal Council of the Assemblies oi God makes a piactiee of, reading the Bible two or three times n day tor a total of about two houri. ? A Little Marjoe LOS ANGELES. year-ol- d Gortner, three and one-ha"preacher." Is the talk of Los Angeles evangelist circles The curly haired son of the Rev. and Mrs Vernon Gortner, both Long Beach evangelists, made his pulpit debut at a local downtown meeting and since has given several sermons, followers say His average sermon lasts about 10 minutes He also s'ngs and accompanies himself on the accordion. Marjoes best sermon, ssy his backers, is The Last Roundup, m which he comes on singing, dressed in a cowboy ault, and concludes with a short message on the general theme. MASS.-T- i d Marauding Wild Elephants Cause Big Damage In India NEW DELHI. To various minor tribulations of Free India now are added problems of marauding wild elephants and the approaching extinction of the scaly anteater. The anteater At a pet of farmers because it devours destruatlve white ants and does no harm. Both of these odd varieties of natural history are occurring in agricultural areas of the United Provinces, according to newspaper reports from there Wild elephants, the slaughter of which has been banned for several years, have multiplied greatly. They are doing so much damage to crops and fences and even attacking village that the United Provinces government has issued special arms licenses for killing elephants and Is planning to hire expert hunters. a! ' 4 lf m When using excelsior for packing china or glassware, dampen, the excelsior and as it dries it will itself to the article, thereI 'HE Pacific Coast league bellevet shape by forming a protective frameit is a major league and shoulc work. be so recognized Part of this belle will come true in a day not too fai Fress pleats in skirts and trouAt least. n sers often so you can use the origiaway -one can jfeny tha nal crease for a guide. Frank Lefty ODou When making pie ernst, place of San Francisci and Casey Stenge the shell in the refrigerator for of Oakland are bi about 30 minutes before baking. managers Chilling increases flakiness. league belter thar slightly k i 1i the Before you clean or examine an I average brand Casey believes th electrical appliance, be sure to L V the electric y l Pacific Coast shouk disconnect it from I be set up as an in outlet. '1 j has. dependent big league. STENGEL Lack of Gales With Heavy Rain and High Seas six-da- y inFL airnr A Crossing Ocean roomefv. Stollyw Bridgeport. wbo p,der. ' UOO- - CRLOXVosV Ossh And Your Strength and Energy ! Below Par tt bat b CAQAAd by tftordw ef kt4 oua iI functloe that prreiu pottos u Foi truly many wmaiA M a ecu mul tirod, weak end oleerabt poopl wbeo tbe kidneys (All to remove exoeeo eida mod otbor waom metier from lb fl blood Yoe my ouffot ftetflni bftekeebe, rbeumetif pome, beodechee, duzineeo, getting up otghiA. leg peine ewelling Sometime frequent and twenty ano or tioo with emartmg nd burning ie sign ibt eometbini ie wrong with or bladder the kidoeye There ebouid bo o doubt tbit prompt treatment It wieer then oeglect ' Leo Doan e PtlU It I bettor to rely os medicine tbet boo woo eountryntde then oo oomothing lorn lavombiy known ea e boot been tried end teeb Are nt 11 dntg etor od many year Got Ooo no today J -- |