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Show PAGE SEVEN THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Tuesday, February 17, 1948 NEEDLEWORK U. -- Haw McLVd Simplifies THE Waking Cernsr Cupboard NEW mziicjswii&iim fgreKrHEue fir Crocheted PATTERNS Butterfly-Pincushi- on Due (o an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time is required in filling orders toe a lew ot the most popular patterns, , Send your order to: anV ft, mr&fcl GDH3f7iTI.'J. lj ON THIS S3' 8FWINO CIRCI K NFFDLFWORK Mission St., Raa Francisco, Calif. Enclose 30 ceula tor pattern No S3 CROSS Hama TOWN Address- - B; Roland Coe HI11! E OTTTfltotTJj Mom, remember when I was younger and used to think there were other things in the world besides men? have to yOU dont about Could you tell me the date of your opening sale? know carpentry to build thing this cupboard. Nor do you need anything more than a few hand tools to turn out a really profes- By Ernie Bushmiller NANCY Harsti laxatives are fiOf necessary far most peepte sional looking job. ( -The full size pattern offered here prp- Tides a new, simplified method of building that s really easy to follow Being full eize, user merely traces pattern on lum- specified, saws and assembles where th cleverest thing you O ERES ever saw ... a dainty butter- ?Ler indicates patterns and numbered as sembly lllus'iations show exactly where is Joined, where to drive nails,, each piece size to use, and so on Ail materials can be purchased at your local lumber yard at half the purchase cost of cupboard ready made A fly pincushion crocheted in the pineapple motif. The four cushions are made in pink and blue cotton, the body or center is in yellow with the thimble pocket in white to match the wtng edges, a a cents In coin for Pattern No 38 to East Bild Pattern Co., Dept. W . Pleas- York. New antville. Send SO s LITTLE REGGIE A FEW DROPS OF VICKS By Margarita your name, address and pattern number. Ici'iifu-n- s (DOUBLE-DUT- na ? ASK ME NOSE DROPS) Y L-Jt-lJ- N f N fba 1 stuffiness. ol Buy, and. Mold. 7fmvt MUTT AND JEFF Mutt t V VEP' its a new did HEAR YOU GOT A S-- ScwingA. BondA K1HD OF By Bud Fisher it nAW its cheap) made 4 yep it's somethimg new; FROM ITH6 CHASSIS IS SOYBEANS you SEE THE SOY- - Trt6 BODV IS SOYBEANS AOCrt? JeNTiRE CAR evENTevr,RES ARE BEANS COST ACAR A a ASTI c 1 1 i MADE FROM sovbeamstj; Jq ,A feivj.ari tIPEKED, fb. a (b.(b, a 1. When nose And if used in time, Vicks helps prevent man; colds from developing. Try it! Follow directions in the package. 1A. V. Eliza crossed the ice in Uncle Toms Cabin," she crossed fk ol cold-clogg- (b. (V The Questions It's wonderful how a I little Vicks in each nestril acts fast to soothe irritation, ' and reduce General Quiz A .zrrS(Sr f ANOTHER ? LtiJO SNIFFLY, STUFFY DISTRESS OF open s s To obtain complete crocheting Instructions, stitch Illustrations and full direcfor crocheted pin up pincushion tion (Pattern No 0702) tend 20 cents In coin, The juice of a lemon in a glaaa ot water, when taken brat thing on ana-mg- , la all that most people need to insure prompt, normal elimination. Ne mere harsh laxatives that irritate the digestive tract and impair nutrition! Lemon in water la good for you! Generations ef Americans have tr ken lemona for health and generationa of doctors have recommended them. They are rich in vitamin C, urply valuable amounts of Bi and P They alkalimze, aid digestion. Not tea sharp ar soar, lemon in water haa a refreshing tang clears the mouth, wakes you up. it's not a purgative simply helps your system regulate itself. Try it 10 days. US! CALIFORNIA SUNKtSt tIMONJ -- VT MAX 01 ain't cha Y drive it? put C0MDRHE ) SOME KETCHUP ON rT AND 1'L.L prom SOVBEANS.1 The Answers The Ohio. 2. Nevada. 3. No. Many -- early Egyptians and Indian gods, were equipped t with halos. hundred and 4. One V 1 By Arthur Pointer 5. Thirty-twand feet per second. 0. Sixteen per cent. Thousand. ef happy J falka knew ihlal Good-touti- ng Beotfa Emnlaloa halpa roa ward off eelda halpa yox faatcr-efid halpa yea heap gat wall going atrong whan pear diet aarda aoera natural A&D Vitamins 1 Scott' la a HIGH ENERGY FOOD TONIC-ri- ch In MtonJ AAD Vitamin and energy -- baiM in natural aiL Try Hi Saa haw well row faL Easy to taka aad dlgmU Economical. Buy today at yout ' drag atom I then ust tonic ifi powerful nourishment! MORI two-tent- Although Antarctica was discovered 127 years ago and has since been visited by several thousand men on polar expeditions, no woman has yet set foot on this continent whose 5,000,000 square miles constitute S per cent of the worlds land area. HOMETMEAT, SEEDLESS . . L sixty-seve- n Womanless Antarctica REGLAR FELLERS abort good tasting SCOTT'S EMULSION feet. k, o JITTER ui many ild folks . -- 1. jr-- h TEXAS what river? 2. What state has an average rainfall of only 8.81 inches? 3. Was Christ the first person to be painted with a halo? - 4. How high are Niagara falls? acceleration of falling bodies due to gravity is what? 6. Milk consumption in the U. S. today is how much higher as compared to before the war? rr SMOOTHZM FASTtR '-:- i 5i MSiNOtl OR POUBtl S toil srvppvmsTtifis? thatk a job forZamf'and Minty By Gene Byrnes ...the 'iesootht' TiVIIIS MEHTHOLATUM GRAPEFRUIT from i Vi 4 Rio Qiaetda Valley k Direct from the grove in the Texas Rto Grand Valley come thezo Aristocrat Hooeymeat, so ceil ess grapefruit . . chipped to you by fad express the earn day they are picked. TouH enjoy good bring and good health when you eat Hooeymeat grapefruit morning noon and urfeL Every Arntocr grapefruit is uBceadtfronaUy guaranteed each is Government inspected; each is choice quality fancy fruit There s a world of dehaous. sweet Jusc (ne sugar nc eary) aid ntmin "C in each golden Anetoerat grapefruit Order a supply today and youll he back tor more. 4 SHDICSS HONEYMIATS ....$.4 Na. I U Ns. 3 , Sv. Ha. S SM. Crata ( Appx. lbs.). . Bxprased prepaid to yuvl . Apx. SO tb y (Apnx. SS fc ) ( 1 Quick MEHTHOLATUM When clogged -- up nostrils have VIRGIL 3 By Len Kleis for air, and your nose quick, reach for Mentholatum and Menthel&tum contains ing Camphor and minty Men- - Masping inthol, two famous, fast-actigredients that help thin out tnick mucus, reduce swelling, soothe membranes. Dont take head-col- d misery lying down keep Mentholatum handy, ng cold-inflam- RELIEVES CHEST-COLNASAL I1RITATI0N AMD ALSO TIGHTNESS CIAPP1NS 1 lEfDLKS MIGHT KID REDMEATS No. 4 V4 Bo. (Appx. SO tbs.) . . . $5 Ns. S 1 S. (Asps. SS lbs.) . . . . V 4 $911 Ns. ASM Crsts ( Appo. SS lbs. ) i t - i i T IH 'll (Kzprestod prepaid to you i-- i a- - illji SILENT SAM i Jf -- 1 ' - 4jJS)44lU ha kiM-li'- i jxwi ximv ... Ask Mother , She Keowi Clabber Girl it lb baking powder with the balanced doubla action Right, in the mixing bowl; Light, from the oven. - ... l"S f i |