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Show k,. ( Tuesday, November 4, 1947 To Relieve Ycirr : Cough, Mix This SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS (jatj One- 'IJard dpron for (jiftd Olever 2)ale drocL for Wisus at Hcnia Recipe?, Toull be surprised bow quickly end easily you can relieve coughs due to colds, when you try this splendid recipe. It gives you about Tour time an much cough medicine Tor your money, and youll find !t truly wonderful. Make a syrup by stirring 3 cups of granulated sugar and one cup of water a few momenta until dissolved. No cooking needed It's no trouble at all. (Or you can use com syrup or liquid honey. Instead of eugar syrup.) Then put Itt ounces of Plnex (obtain, ed from any druggist) into a pint bottle, and fill np with your syrup. This makes a full pint of medicine that will please you hy its quick notion. It never spoils, and tastes One. This simple mixture takes right hold of a cough. For real results, youve never seen anything better. It loosen the phlegm, soothes the Irritated membranes, and eases the soreness. Ptnex Is a special compound of proven Ingredients, tn concentrated n form, for Its quick action in coughs and bronchial irritations. Money refunded If tt doesn't pleas you In every way. well-know- That NANCY might; decent of 70a, eld man hat I'm afraid blades adjusted a bit 7o havetoo your for MT lawn!" high Fine fait Relief! 1 bouuKO HVLUSf By Ernie Biuhmiller Vitim Ftp ecnt rex mam rorrtN STKfAi kJOUY FTTTTFTrr m. With Curved Lines A YOUTHFUL, extremely smart date dress for misses with a g wealth of detail Soft gathers accent the curved lines on shoulder and hip, a narrow belt whittles your waist to nothing. head-turnin- Practical Bib Apron 'T'HIS pretty and A bib apron is fashioned from just one yard of colorful fabric in the smaller sizes. Bold ric rac makes a striking trim crisp ruffling edges the bottom. Why not put together several for Christmas gifts. Pattern Ne. IS and 20. of 39 or 1705 la Tor aizes 12. 14, M. Size 14, cap aleova, 3 yurda cconos SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 121 Mlaalea St., fan Eranclice, Call!. Encleae 39 centa In coins for each mill pattern desired. Pattern 1586 A 18, 20; 40, 42 and 44. Sira BOX MUTT AND JEFF Bt Bud Fuller If your china baking dishes have become slightly discolored, try using a little whiting to clean them. Rinse well in warm water. a Plain curtains that are still of good quality can be made to look like new by dyeing them a bright color. Or if you prefer, leave them the same color and applique splashes of bright coloring to the curtains. Bold colorings on plain fabrics Is a new trend in curtains. M-- SHOP aeer ee peer Mellbea 632, OCONOMOWOC, Wit. mm mvMw&mir OUSEHOLD TS hr Ml.i.ilhif THE RECORD come tn states 14, II. It. 1 yard el 39 r lfc yards purchased ruffling; rac. ric f yards Pattern Ns. Write fads ehw PeHwe. WaMn. W-m- e, foUbllllea, hff, AIMm. LTRY IMIS NEW 1!?? RED STAR tear- HOUOAV LUL" - " irr RECIFE Eggs with elean shells keep best. Wipe oil soiled spots with a damp cloth, but dont wash eggs until just before using. JITTER By-ArtKt- ar Pointer (D STAR MtWK MJtA TO wrench can be used as a lever for bending the various kinds of soft metal. A monkey k To make a ladder safe on soft ground nail a board across the ends of the legs to keep it from sinking into the earth. A furnace RAT HD that does not do the A novel effect can be achieved by framing small or medium size pictures in fabric instead of paper. A striking example: a pair of water colors noticed recently had mats of French blue velvet; the colors in the pictures were dusty rose and a dash of rich emerald green frames, gold leaf. Effect: elegant and original Txanwo mxo eooos a tt Bed Star. c...l.r.4 I00III IATIi'GH ITAI Mr e CnYL SrildMi hdb-- Mie ivlh. Veer tenltar job adequately often can be coaxed along merely by permitting a little air to get into the basement. Leave a window open. Furnace men will tell you that a poor air mixture often is responsible for incomplete combustion. cwfMf uutec,acmR- -) ' wW lew Sana, with HwwMe DOB OTAQ dciv vnnoT COMPTOMETED OPERATORS WANTED Tb Bnifutam sf tha ComptowMw offer m abort. Imtdmi.1t. ComptomrWr ovwilzt claaaaa. Gnuluatoa Sava fraa lifetim. Moraine, afternooa. thru arrrica piaeomrnt .ay at mu 141 arboola. School. imfed in all principal dtioa. Foaitioaa arai labia at aaoa aalariaa. Ba a Conptonwuo aparator. coon. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL It (Only antborlaad Cmaptooatar Waat Flrat South Saona 42t -- an School la Utah) Sail taka City 1. Utah the different brands you smoked during the wartime cigarette shortage? Thats when so' many people -- that Camels discovered-fro- m suit them best experience Yes, experience Is IVSil cAtmpeopk sav smoking s f:,x:nence is 'best teacher! . |