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Show Tuesday, November 4, 1947 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH Paare Two SCHOOL NEWS Fifth Grade THIS Our library table is .very nice now. We have two new books. Published Weekly (Continued from Page One) and a Picture Puzzle. We The Peterson Deer Pool is a Clay Theatre Sunnyside Office: Dragerton have some flowers planted in dirt closed book now. It turned out ' Phone Dragerton 1 Yesterday the teacher gave us that Arlan and Walter brought that there were six winner inbooks. We like We have made cats, pumpkins, Jack Clifford some spelling stead of four. Kent Johnson of Publisher them very much. owls and witches fog Halloween. Dragerton hopped in with the Noleena Mecham. Janice Brown. giant spread of 33 58 inches. Just matter Entered as aecond-claFourth Grade to show you how close the boys July 7, 1947 at the post office at ' -- Mrs. Morgan were running. Jack House and March Columbia Dragerton. under the act of We have studied about codfish. Tidwell turned up with an Eldon 1879. 3, We havd learned that codliver oil identical , Second Grades spread of 33 inches. They Pint and codfish. We studcomes from the sure were We are for the measuring them close. grateful very Dr. Co- ied Contributing Editors this in our Weekly Reader. In the second half of the pooi Mrs. records that phonograph Jean Crosby, lombo, Ernest Cox, Chereen Stout. Gantz loaned us. We have enjoy- that for the most horns Leon Fred Johnson, Harold Hanson, We have made some funny ed playing them on our new Stevenson of Columbia came home Vernon Lund, Orion Mortenaon, have puppets. They pumpkin with top money on a count of 25 Emery Olsen, Father Sanders. pumpkin faces. They have hats We have finished our ABC points. Amil Zupont, Rock AsBetty Jean Poglajen, George and we put them mi our fingers books. When we learn a new word phalt, and Byron Hanson of DragPerez, Joan Malaby, LaVae and make them walk. we print it on the page where it erton took over place money with Patricia Waring and Josephine Archuleta. belongs. a count of 21 points. Fern Peterson. We are going to sell subscripThis judging was plenty tough clocks Grade drew The Second Photographer John Blevln. tions for The Dragerton Tribune. to answer the five askand after the judges came out of questions There will be a prize for the room ed in our the huddle a few of them hid lessons. reading subscriptions. NEWS selling the most Terry Gunderson brought ap- turned stone white. The contest was just that close. Yesterday we made fossils, this ples for all of us. is how we made them. First we There is a very reliable rumor Fifth Grade Rooman-Johnso- n Nuptials cut down a milk carton and put a around that Byron Hanson going has fifth grade Erma Rossman and Alvine leaf in the bottom of the carton; Everyone in the had the widest spread any of the stones been and poems "Bus" Johnson were married Oc- then we poured plaster pans over about learning Halloween in preparation boys had ever seen. He got so tober 11, 1947, in Price, Utah. the leaf. After It set we removed for their party Friday night We excited after he shot it and wanted They are now located in their the leaf and found the leaf print all hope to have a good time at to show it to his wife that he home at 115 C Avenue, Drager-tc- n. We had fun making them. our party playing games and going dragged ft out of the canyon and ail the way home. In the process Fourth Grade through the Haunted House. ho broke off the horn having the Mrs. Blankenship The following were present at a By Ronald Bates. widest spread thus throwing him We shower goven in the brides honhave been drawing Sixth Grade spread. or Eva Guthrie, Evelyif Bowers, scenery, mountains, and distant The Dragerton Tribune is offer- out of top money on isthewhat ByVesta Sanders, Mina Hackney, objects. The other day Mr. Strain ing prizes to the one who sells the The boys all say that ron gets for running home as holiae a of Ava Maxey, Leota Boatwright, drew school picture most subscriptions for their paper. as he can and bragging , Hilda Keeter, Emma Higglnson, in the 'mountains on the black-bor- The sixth grade girls are trying quickly to his wife. The next it about drew We We Dawn. Wiletta call it Gladys Lindsay, Jones, for this prize.. he know better. " will time Kate Grenon, Bessie Day, Mrs. and cut out cats, bats, witches and By George Zooklakis. ROBLES ALBERT got a nice Clifford Palmer and Mrs. pumpkins. The Columbia School has a V4 28 iches with head, measuring Joyce Erickson. combination in 12 OSLER OLSEN nabbed points. their school. The F. Anselmo & a 10 point, 21 inch spread while Co. Store has placed one there on TED DEASON hit a 18 point, 26 Vi trial. If it is satisfactory, the inch head. BILLY COGGINS in school will buy it with the funds his first of deer hunting got so generously donated by the Co- a nice 14 year DRIVE TO COLUMBIA point buck. Good going, lumbia miners and other friends BILLY; you sure showed the old We FROSTED MALTS of the school. man up this year keep it up. By Jessie Lee Bell. Cups A Halloween Party will be held DISTRIBUTOR OF ARVl.N RADIOS AND PRODUCTS Old BEN went hunting. He night for the upper two swore he saw more deer than any Friday of Assortment A Big Magazines rooms. All the students are look- 50 men. Yes, they were all dead ing forward to going through the and on a truck. That was as close NOVELTIES IOUNTAIN DRINKS BLLR "Haunted House. as BEN ever got to having a deer. Hours: Beer Tavern, 11 a.m.-1- 2 pm.; Confectionery S p.m.-X- 2 pm. By Sally Beveridge. He had a good notion to swipe one but they were watching him Dragerion Tribune and THAT - ss I I radio-phonogra- ph. SOCIETY d. Dance Teacher Remodels Studio - Louise Danford the dance instructor has completely remodeled her home into a very lovely dance studio. In addition to her classes at Helper and Price she is now opening her studios for classes two days a week. The class will be held on Tuesday and not. The yams are worth a lar themselves. Specialize In Quarts 50o 5-1- 0c GEE.DRtj fHfVf Bitter ketone MOW CrRVE MEhWf Art A sez Every day, week or month la Irretrievably lost if you dont take those pictures of your children that youve been planning. Get your film and have your picture printed at CARRYLS PHOTO CENTER. They rive prompt service In photo finishing. (I aunt w if rMI 1 DDAGERTO; I SHOE REPAID BETTY JO MONNETTS husband, GEORGE, is not a very handy man around the kitchen, especially the electric stove???? vs M SEE US! Quality Service Work Guaranteed IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PETERSONS NEW OR USED CAR DRY CLEANERS BALE PETERSON Get A New Motor Or An Overhaul Prop. Have YoutPaymenta Reduced Or Extended AL SCHULTZ says he prefers golf to deer hunting because at least he can carry the golf ball home without exerting too much physical energy. Guess A1 juat hasnt been out in the WEST long enough to become much of an OUTDOOR MAN!! Since FERN PETERSON is the new DISTRICT NURSE it seems BARBER PETE can spend more tune telling of his wonderful dog and of all the hunting trips he goes on QHWELL with yarns like his to listen to it seems that the boys just come in to get a haircut whether they need it or 240 i PHONE 233 tmsesR PRICE E Main t ARROW AUTO LIRE IIIC. BUS SCHEDULE DAILY SCHEDULE Leave Price for Dragerton, Sunnydale, Sunnyside, Columbia 5:3 P.M. 2:15 PM. 1:00 9 0 A.M. LEAVE FOR PRICE 7:00 P M. 10:50 P .M. 5:15 PAL Dragerton ... 11:00 AM. 6:50 P3L 10:45 P M. 5:05 P .M. 8onnydale ..10:50 A. M. 0:40 PAL 10:45 PAL 5:00 ML Sunnyside .10:45 A.M. 0:65 PAL 4:15 PAL Columbia ....10:00 A.M. -- Special Saturday Shopping Bus9:15 Leave Sunnydale for Price Leave Dragerton for Price - - Leave Price for Sunnydale and Dragerton From Price Return AH. 9:30 AM. - 2:15 P.M. CHARTER TRIP SERVICE Buses chartered to any point in the State of Utah and return. Phone Price 94 r.lEriDERHALLS NAPA STORE RALPH BARTLETT, TOM DAVIDSON, HAROLD BIENZ AND OSCAR so and so, all had a good time at Elk Ridge the other side of Blanding. It was the first time Ralph had ever gone deer hunting. They saw 8 within 45 minutes but missed all of them. They were more frightened than the deer were. HAROLD BIENZ shot one in a canyon and by the time he got it back to camp decided that he would never hunt that far away from camp again. They of course had their share of trouble. The gas stove nearly burnt the tent down one night. On the way back the rear end of their trailer disappeared and they never did find it. The luck was only fair. At present the boys are having a CPA check their expense account to see what the few pounds cf too ' close. aeer meat, burnt hands and lost is who One hunter mighty proud trailer actually cost them. of his four point buck is COLONEL to NEIL. This was his first year hunt and he killed the deer on The stork keeps right on in- the first shot. Thats mighty good our population. He . . . probably some old deer hunt-- 1 creasing brought us three new babies this ers will say "beginners luck" but could be a few of them should, , . past week. . Mr,-anMrs, Boyer of Drager- take some lessons from COLONEL. ton had a boy on October 27. JOHN TOMSIC is another huntMr. and Mrs. Grant Christensen of Sunnydale had a boy on Octo- er who shot his first deer. Congratulations!! ber 29. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Collins of RUDY POGLAJEN AND ALDragerton had a boy on October BERT MENOTTI, the two "bad 30. luck kids on the deer hunt are going to try their luck again. This time it will be ELK HUNTING. Hope you .boys manage to get home with all gear in tow. By the way . . . BOYS are you still having HORSEmares????? ... E. BERTOT dol- radio-phonogra- FOSTERS COIIFECTIOIIERY STEEL CHANNELS DOOR HANDLES SPRAY GUNS COMPRESSORS PAINTS FOR YOUR NEEDS BRUSHES OIL THINNER S MIRRORS AND TABLE TOPS CUT TO PATTERN well-kno- Thursday. Mrs. Danford specializes in tap, acrobatic, and ballet Classes for beginners are being held on Tuesday; anyone interested can see Mrs. Danford Tuesday afternoon at 208 Rawlings. Mrs. Danford was bom and raised in Cache Valley. She studied dancing from the time she was a youngster and began to teach dancing at the age of 16. She taught in Cache Valley, California and here in Carbon County for the past six years. Mrs. Danford has two very pretty daughters, Valene, age 9, and Dixie Lee, age 3. The two daughters are very ardent pupils of their mother and intend to make a career of dancing or so they think at their tender age. SAFETY GLASS and AUTO PARTS AUTQ PARTS For all Makes of Cars and Trucks Your NAPA Jobber is a Good Man to Know Phone Price 505 - 62 North 1st St. MEET YOUR FRIERDS AT THE N Z Inn EXPERT . SHOE REBUILDING 9:00 A M. :00 P. M. MONDAY FRID Y 9:00 A. M. 12:00 NOON SATURDAY Next to Rental Office J. F. JO.IES Owner and Prop. NICK ZAKIS .Prop. Combine Your rBilla Or Payments Borrow Money Fog Any v Worth-Whil- e ' DILL WHITE on FELIX SADDLE SHOP Purpose DILL WELSH " Can Arrange Quickly and Confidentially NOW OPEN IN HE 17 LOCATION CRA7BSR filRDrARB Pl(Af8fAf(r RCOFAG PlAr-- BRACK' CEAfEfr Streamlined COWBOY SHIRTS Frontier Wear LOANS UP TO $1,000.00 I SADDLES RATES REASONABLE AND COMPETITIVE saddles made to your own specifications Pack Bags All Kinds of Riding Equipment Bridles, Bits, Buckles Leather Dressing Cowgirl and Cowboy Trick Rope for Hand-mad- e Open From D;00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Including Saturdays, for Your Convenience DONT WORRY ABOUT MONEY MATTERS GET THE MONEY YOU WANT AT THE Children We Can Also Do GUNSMITH WORK i ! KOTOR CREDIT COMPANY IN PRICE Just west of Home Lumber Building Price, Utah X"" " l I xiJ LUMPER CC Mutual .umber Co. Price, Utah |