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Show Tuesday, November 4, 1947 TIIE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE FOUR G. K. Memory Back SNOOPING Interesting Persohalities CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Monarch Coal Range and an Estate Heatrola. Both, $50.00. 140 Grassy Trail. New Booklet Tells Story of Utah Mining The for the State To U, S. AfterJZruise AROUND from Page One) (Continued from Page One) G. K. Memory, aviation were Mrs. Jessie ChristenBuffmlre spent little time 'mans mate, second class, USN, Taylor son and son of Utah. his mother D. Payson, 178 of for in that county, Street, Dragerton, Utah, FOR SALE Avalon Oil Heater died three days after his birth, after a seven-mon- th cruise aboard greatest need . and a two unit Electric Hot. and his father was Mr." and Mrs. Neilson and chilUSS Antie-taUtah the carrier as we look ahead is the aircraft of Plate. Both for $70.00. to rear an infant son of such duunit of Task Force 38, which dren of California were guests of development of basic industries offering employment to a larger bious health. Refusing to allow took him to Hawaii, Australia, the Mr. and Mrs. Nevl Nelson. number of individuals. ' the tiny babe to be taken to an Marianas, the Philippines, Japan This is the statement of Dr. A. orphans home, the hired girl, Jane and China. Clyde Roberts is probably boastRay Olpin, president of the UniverEllen Timothy, took him to her Task force 38, or the Pacific ing again, he said If. anybody sity or Utah, contained in the LESS OF ONE MORE forward of a new booklet The home to. be reared in the outdoor Mobile OF TIIE OTHER! Striking Force, must be cant get along with my office Mining Industry of Utah, which of her parents ranch. atmosphere in must of there be something ha girls prepared for duty any part It has been said that as a man been released by the minbroke of he twelve, the age tha area. It conducts training and wrong with them. A very nice ing just of the Salt Lake committee gets older he tends to slow down hisAt, first horse and by the time he makes cruises to various parts of compliment, girls. a bit , , . that he is not able to get i City Chamber of Commerce. was sixteen, the entire .herd, of th? Western Pacific. The booklet, containing 64 pages, out of the way of accidents as fast cattle was turned over is beautifully illustrated ana tells Frotto and DeAnge-ie- s Sunny as he did when he was younger. Timothy Jay 2,000 Approximately green asked that a story of the mining industry of to him to manage, er As a result, an they be mentioned Utah in a pollywogs, comprising most of and the important part that the men and officers of the Antie-tam- s in the paper. . . . mine is more likely to be injured. HE ENLISTED IN the industry has played and is ' playing in the development and crew, were initiated into the However, this brand" of rea- -. THE MARINES TheiFreeman moEllett progress of Utah. It is available of Order family the when Royal Deep" A sharp, ambitious lad, he had sorting does not always seem to be free upon request. Following are to tored Provo to visit Sunday true. A recent monthly accident definitely decided on a future the ship crossed the Equator exexerpts from the booklet: with relatives. at Dateline. the International Some day industry must come report of one company operating with animals and had begun to actly j to the source of supply. several mines showed that the,' gather knowledge of the veterin-young- ej The .Antietam held memorial Based upon this premise a new They tell that every time Louie men had almost twice as arian trade when the United States services for World War II dead calls Betty, she answers: of industrialization is sweepsurge when force the task cruised War. World many accidents as the entered the First past what did I do????? Western United States, and it ing its because a a man mediately he enlisted in the group Guadalcanal and later took part is being established upon the firm gets older he uses his head more whose posters read "First to in the Philippine Independence foundation of natural resources. Harry' Birthday, Perry Fry, and " Much of this movement is and his feet less." Thinking ahead j Fight, the United States Marines, celebration. pre also for: -- the 'one dicated upon Utah's resources. Her to prevent accidents instead of de- Both men and officers look back and congratulations He drmed at Mare Island and onlyhair on your chest of copper, lead, zinc, gold, silver, coal, pending on speed to jump out of Quantico,- - Virginia, in the 6th with fondest remembrances to- iron and steel and vast array of A the path of danger when they do twenfyoneyears of the 2nd Division. He Sydney, Australia. The reception catch for some growth.girL good' nonmetallics provide the nucleus Regiment you lucky happen is a good idea for for Western growth. spent some two years overseas, that the Americans received there really didnt empty all those botand the hospitality shown by the and saw plenty of action. tles, did you, Perry???? Some He returned to the Timothy Australians was called Phenome- party. ranch following his service days, nal by the visitors. Many Ausfor a short time when he found tralians slept out in the open so Lets help our school and subthat he had a real brother in the that they would be sure not to miss scribe for The Dragerton Tribune vicinity. Realizing his true iden- the arrival of the task force the from our own boys and girls salesmen. . . . Im sure we all want a tity, he left the cattle business following morning. and went to live with the long-lo- st copy in the home. Gus Buffmire, who was liv-,iCHILDREN PARADE in Royal, Utah. Young Lou A TIP, GIRLS! Tommy Far-laiWINNERS started his mining career as a and Larry Stella are in the loader In the Castle Gate mine, The following children won market for a NEW CAR, and who and soon advanced to a machine prizes in the miniature parade wouldnt go for a new car. runner. contest: Realizing that he may stay some Patty Bonaquisto, Georgie and' Thora Oviatt, 1st prize. Frankie jtime in the mines, he studied for Compagni stirred up some Ronald Rose, 2nd. his mine foreman papers and proexcitement in Columbia. They de ' Ronald Ruskauff, 3rd. x ceeded from holage boss to mine cided to be explorers and started Adam Gabreilla. foreman at the Mutual canyon We'll give your Dodge or for parts unknown to them to look, Bobby Hackney,. mine in Carbon County. He spent for polly-wog- s. were lost Plymouth now looks and They nine years at Mutual, six years at Louis Duran,. now performance. for .five hours, but were okay, Bonnie Keele, Rains, and then came to work for only tired and hungry when they Dorothy Henrie. the Allen & Garcia company when were found, Joan McKean. they opened up the Horse Canyon Robert Larsen. mine, where he has remained William - Wild Bill in Comfort, Convenience Baucom Frederick Rossman. some six years as one of the shift after off work from an inbeing and Safety Janet Adams. foremen. jury will return Monday. Glad Lonicio Lopez. to see you are getting around Enjoy double satisfacLIKES FIRST AID WORK Renee Anderson. tion by giving your car again. But his activity Is not confined tune-u- p, check- -' the to his work alone. He has become p treatspruce-uThe Columbia up, held well-knoPrimary id the community for . . . NOW! needs ment it Halloween their party Wednesday, in his active participation Boy Oct. 29. Each child received pufCATHOLIC CHURCH Scout activities and in first aid fed . rice balls and apples from - ' - Sanders Father training. the teachers. There was a very his youth he was an admirMasses! Sunday good turnout of about fifty. The able horseman, having ridden in 9:00 a.m. In Dragerton. children - came dressed in coscirwestern of 10:30 rodeo a.m. the In many Sunnyside. tumes of every kind. cuits. He is still an active rider Weekday Masses: and one of the best in the county. 8:00 p.m. In Dragerton Mon. Mrs. Byron Hixon (Madge) He also is an ardent fisherman Tues., ancTWed. held a Halloween party Tuesday and hunter and is very Capable 9.00 p.m. In Sunnyside Thurs. for her Primary group. The little with rifle and rod. Fri. and Sat. elfins were dressed in uniform. He is married and has two Games and goodies were enjoyed daughters, both of whom are atDODGE and PLYMOUTH DRAGERTON COMMUNITY all. by of Utah at the tending University CHURCH Distributor for Eastern Utah the present time . I caught my boy friend Rev. Constance, Pastor PRICE, UTAH 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. I caught mine that way too. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:45 p. m. Young People's Mnwiuimnuuumi minium Meeting. from (Continued 7:45 p. m. Evangelistic Serv-Tc- er Page One) " 1 A TALL TALE Bible Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. KENNETH H. One time (many years ago) I was completely sur- Study and Prayer. rounded by lions, tigers, pantheis AT TtN A MAN IS HUMQJ and all sorts of animals. LATTER DAY SAINTS . fclCAUSE HFS ISNCftANT BURTON R. What did you Orion Kay Mortenson, do? AT SIXTY HIS KUMBie . Presiding Elder. I got KENNETH off the tCCAUSE HE'S WISE-.- !9:30 a. m. Aaronic Priest-- ! Sunday d. hood Meeting. Radio reception is now better, and MY THEME 10.30 a. m. Sunday School. now is tbs time to get that old 6:00 p. m. Sacrament Meeting. r By the East Carbon Girls Price, Utah set tnned up and pnt in first-clas- s Im just a simple lassie L. D. S. Relief Society, Wednesshape by experts. Only the best Theres little I crave day, 7:00 p. m. materials are need here. Perhaps a yacht, a car or two . Thursday, 3:30 p. m. Primary And a boy to be my slave. Member Federal Reserve System Meeting. My wants are really modest Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn A.mink a silver fox, , PATRONIZE DRAGERTON A simple diamond bracelet TRIBUNE ADVERTISERS And some nylon Bobby Sox. He just cant understand But my dad is simply awful So I settle for a quarter And "you know a bird in hand. ' JESSE JAMES Tuesday DRflGERTOrJ THEATER m, Safety Sam sez Tuesday, Wednesday, November 4, 5 He's a Hit with the Misses . . . They Go for his kisses . . . He's the Woman's Home Companion! old-tim- . j old-time- rs. , I ! all-min- firwait stmtaf EDDIE BRACKEN - CASS DALEY 1 e VIRGINIA WELLES ( with JOHNNY COY VIRGINIA FIELD PictRre SPIKE JONES and His City Slickers Thursday, November 6 Only DOUBLE FEATURE ng no Ullll RANCHERS IFIRE RAIDERS! ...as flam- ing terror A- sweeps frontier! - ; ' Vs zrimfMfr J -- S. f Church Calendar Use Oar Liberal JPayment Plan fla ROBERT -- OUnilELL kUi SKSi Friday, Saturday, November 7, 8 GARAGE Jfliliti ALONG THE ROWE HELPFUL EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE ! cargo; emery bark merry-go-roun- HESTER SEA FOOD MARKET t ;x tc . . tnmational tar ef "THE STRANGE WOMAN" in htr leNU dramatic triumpliadoptnd tha Now York Hag kit Tfc to vtlkk ran or momm! - kTVT1 Sunday, Monday, November 9, 10 FRESH & FROZEN, SEA FOODS Oysters - Crabs - Shrimps L I All Kinds of Fish j 410 East Main, Price 57 Er-Fir- st South Price On presentation of this ad to the theatre., Mary Marakia of lumbia will be .given two free tickets. Co- |