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Show r Tuesday, November 4, 1947 THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE. DRAGERTON. UTAH SHOPPERS ELBOW STARS AS FILM IS SHOT IN MACYS any time, but during the season, it became an almost impossible matter. Cameras were set up a long time before the store Opened for business each morning and the shooting beThe trend for greater realism in gan as soon as the customers stait-e- d pictures was considerably adarriving. When the crowds bevanced while Twentieth Century came too dense, the technical was w Fox making the comedy uas t moved t another 6 n Street " of the store On the c? the day scupt co-- s aureen O Hara and tailed for the mam floor to be hr.lmed. the crowds wore so dense, ?hP";'ng n t was impossible for them to move day). For the scenes in the de- - at aJ1 partment store, where most of the story takes place, the studio did Fx not construct a replica on the back lot as is usually the case Instead, fj it brought the actors and technical A crew to the actual scene, which f was Macys Department Store in IE New York City, and filmed the ZT "" y' , picture right there. The thousands of shoppers who T h e Worlds Largest visited Store daily were completely unaware that they were actually 1 2ov scenes being made in for a motion picture It was no easy matter to film any part of this woi emporium at Columbia Records pro-cedu- Crosbys Classics 2. Theme Songs 3 8 Shades of Blue By Woody Herman 4. Frankie Carle at 1. the Piano 5. Rhapsody in Blue Oscar Levant 6. Rendezvous Morton Gould EASTERN UTAH ELECTRIC GD. PItICE PHONE 65 The scenes in the employees locker rooms posed another difficult pioblem. The aisles between the lockers were so narrow that special rolling platforms had to be built so the cameras could be mov -ed Several times dunng the shooting, the intense heat of tne special lights set off the sprinkler sjstem and covered everyone with a fine spray In filming one scene in which several bundled people we e watching Santa Claus on Macys seventh floor, a number of custo-r- r ers got themselves unawares into "Miracle on 34th Street and when an assistant director handed each of them a ten dollai bill und told them they had just been in a pictuie with Maureen O'Hara and John Payne, they weie pleasantly surpned. They did not ie know vhis was the customary when people appeared in a motion picture accidentally. When the film- company first started shooting inside the store, a buyer was assigned to help the pioperty man in getting whatever he needed for the picture. When he wanted something for the set he meiely voiced his wishes and in a few minutes a messenger arrived with the things he requisitioned. Mountains of toys, rooms full of furniture, sets of dishes and silverware, dozens of lamps and everything else that was needed appeared as if by magic. The thousands of people watching the famous Macys Thanksgiving Day parade didnt realize they were on the largest set ever filmed for a motion picture. To film the parade, Produced William Perlberg stationed fourteen cameras along the line of march and recorded every phase of toe annual event The parade started at 77th Street and Central Paik West, where four cameras jvere mcated to catch it fiom all angle' On the way downtown, other cair- - RADIATORS REPAIRED, CLEANED and RE-CORE- RE-BUIL- D T STAIIFIELD RADIATOR SHOP 57 West, 1 St. North Phone 521-- J PRICE, UTAH COMING Chitter Chatter tulvciiriicoLoni V. ' Uvs asdsr By Corene Miller The EAST CARBON PEP CLUB appreciates the recognition in the column ALONG THE ROWE, by HELEN ROWE. Thank you, Helen S 50-fo- tropic stare! Lotte rttyttim! gay, exciting -- i .OCEiM t , 1 Tablets of penicillin were developed last year which could be taken by mouth in doses of 50,000 and 100,000 units, according to the About Encyclopaedia Britannica. three times the dosage is required when the drug is taken by mouth rather than by injection. Coiort . ADr.iinm Two of the nicest couples in Dragerton who aie liked by everyone (ESPECIALLY THE KIDS) are MR. AND MRS ROYAL N. ALLRED AND MR. AND MRS. BOB BRUSH ESTHER Vy-O- RADIOS and PHONOGRAPHS f Combination Consoles, $134.00, $189.00 and $299.00 WILLIAMS Say Pat, what were ful little things that we used to see you crocheting m the theatre And BOB, Ive every night??'? been wondering if youve found your coat yet or have you looked in all the closets in Dragerton including your own? The new employees that have staited to work m the Dragerton Drug Store since school has started are really swell and courteous to everyone. They are: Mrs. Louise Summers, Mrs. Mary Byers, Miss Mai ion Ruth Preston, Mrs. Louise Miss Beryl, Ruskauff, Castilles, Mrs. Fern Doty, Miss Darleen Cox and Faye Russell. CKAR1SSE rMTOOlO MKT IMS Electric Heaters for those underheated CTO KIM TAM1RGFF those color- rooms. New and Modern Living Room Sets. j Latest in Chrome Dinette and Kitchen Sets. Bunk Beds and Bedsteads. A AND INTRODUCING ' MOliTALBAH' (He's tta sereees nmmmtlc hwiUmII r fc--i f fcatopiphei ii TECHNICOLOR ori,iProduced Directed by RICHARD THORPE w by cr. JACK CUMMUGS CLEARANCE SALE ! Now Going On- Come In and Save Hctera A COMING - maafcaai MEN FIGHT FOR GIRLS AND GOLD! .o DEVIL-MAY-CA- Say MINNIE WHITE, have you lost your best boy friend or someIf not, lets have some of thing those big smiles. OKAY? Shorty is the nickname given to a certain tenth grader of E. C. S She has been a resident of Dragerton since it was staited She is real cute and has a wonderful personality. Her name is BRACE. WOW'!1'! Have you seen that new hair do of Helen Rowes and Donna Woodruffs? Its so cute that even the boys are getting tbens cut like that onl ya little moie so. (Is that right, kids?) FLASH'"'! Watch your eyes pop out when you see ALICE ROBLES new gray coat SOME STUFF. REPAIR SERVICEl Someone to repair my poor broken heart preferably GEORGE BAUER. Signed, HELEN ROWE. ly.TMff TC BOOM TOWN out 1 -- S. C. Harvey & Sons PHONE PRICE 258 . BOOM TOWN 76 NO. 1ST W. - zzasa J8S lAIHAM 4 - BOOM TOWN CAHD0;i FURNITURE CO. M O' LA-RAI- J V,Xi, BOOM TOWN FIRST NATIONAL BANK M f-'l'TC- OCJ Pioneer Bank of Eastern Utah 4 great pictures in ONE! Scram Ploy by JOHN IH MAHIN - GRANT Oowd m o Srary by JAMES EOWAIO Price - - Utah - - Produced by SAM ZIMBALIST Directed by JACK CONWAY o o 00 INDIAN SUMMER In youth, it Was a way I, had, To do my best to please And change with every passing lad, To suit his theories. But now 1 know the things I know, And the things to do, And if you do not like me so, To heck my love with you. By CORENE, LARAINE, MER-LEN- E, DONNA, HELEN. Who is it that REUBEN doesnt like?? l . . TartuTMTliin in NAME ANY PERSONS YOU WANT ... Member Federal Reserve System AS BENEFICIARIES OF YOUR Ol INSURANCE - THE CHOICE ismdure Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corpn torrNowf -- gsn JIMI-NE- Z Ill bet I know. HELP WANTED (MALE) Help, Please Women are driving me nuts. Signed, Jimmy Zubal. To bad that Mr. Albert Robles had his new 1947 Fraser damaged by a hit and run driver. Thank goodness there wasnt much damfor correct Inlormbtlon eontaot your uer age VETERANS ADMINISTRATION offioAsk Alice Robles and Corene PETERSO; GROCERY O 22 CARAT GOLD hand decorated t AUTO PAINTING AND $ BODY & FENDER SHOP Dragerton Zella CROSBY is really going places in school this year. Keep it up Zella. What is it that MARY ANN RODISH likes so much about BURTON REYNOLDS????? Why is it that some teen agei s when they get balloons act like elementary children????? Could you tell us GEORGE BAUERS, TOMMY MILLER AND REED BRACE? Boys will be Boys!!!! I wonder. I THE FINEST LINES OF GROCERIES ALL OF YOUR FOOD NEEDS CHIM TABLE Deena . . . lamp with personality." Smartly styled and trimmed in the modem mode, it lends dynamic beauty to any interior . . . at a price that astonishes. with Pleated A Parcholaaa Shad, Height 24". Only CompUt j j AT LOWEST PRICES LAMPS An Outstanding Value... The subtle magic of the designers art is meticulously expressed in this f DRIVE DOWN AND SAVE hub peterson; prop. Ptl HELPER FURNITURE & HARDWARE DRIVE OUT AND SAVE AT TWO MAHIIATTAIiS FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES o- eras were placed in apartments Miller what happened to the Juke and office buildings and at im- Box in the Drug Store. j portant intersections such as Cotricks were A few acrobatic lumbus Circle and Times Square. Octo-Four mre cameras recorded the shown at Ihe Rotary dance,uncon-scio- !us 9 by .Mr, Clifford. The her parade as it swung into 34th Street ft him lying split he did-lein front of the famous store where be helped about to low he and had Miracle on 34th Street took for a few days. He is now back place. on his Laundry and Dry Cleaning PICK UP EVERY TUESDAY PETERSONS BARBER SHOP Budge Wilcox, who two weeks! ot embank- -' ago went over a ment, ending up over a hundred feet from the ledge and came out with any number of broken bones, found his eye glasses in perfect condition. Not even, a scratch. Oh! for the life of a pair of glasses. IV.JUaST MUIICAL SPECTACLE Notes feet again. PRICE STEAM LAUIiDRY Par Flrt THE ij IBMPfflEiSOBES For All Makes of Cars and Tires ORE KAISER CUSTOM ' O i Were nnloaded Monday night and are now ready for immediate shipment. The Manhattan is equipped with factory installed air conditioner, defroster, heater, and overdrive. DE LUKE MOTOR CO. GET YOUR CAR READY FOR WINTER DRIVING WELDING : tugs STEUEfISOirS BODY & FENDER E.ucnHCiin SHOP All Work Guaranteed ONE BLOCK NORTH OF 1 Price, Utah NICKS CLUB DBAGERTON PHONE Dragerton -4 G. R. HOLT Owner and Prop. 24 Month Guarantee : $12.50 30 Month Guarantee $1345 & 136 West Main SisTci Price |