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Show Dr ie I Servini Drater-to- n, Sunnyside, Sunny dale and Columbia. Combined population 6,000. Volume Lets all he!g to make ear com-inanity a better PLANS MADE FOR Per ESTABLISHING A Number 19 This andi That. ... ROWE SCHOOL LIBRARY Copy 5c Student Patrol of East Carbon 194748 Along the . place In which to live. Dragerton, Utah, Tuesday, November 4, 1947 1 . , BY HELEN ROWE PARADE IS CALLED HUGE SUCCESS i The children of the elementary school of Dragerton proved Halloween to be a gala occasiort on the afternoon of October 31st. Ail along the street you could see costumes of every description imaginable, making their way to the school house. This was the day of the wonderful parade everyone had heard so much About. There were witches' in gruesome black, carrying cats and riding on tricycles, white eerie ghosts, gypsies, animals and even B. O. Plenty put in an appearance in his bewhiskered unkempt rags. Ev- eryone was dressed, either for humor or beauty, and a group ot children in costume makes a colorful sight long to be remembered. The parade started at 1:00 p. m. Everyone marched out of the building two abreast. Four judges were placed on the outside of the building as the children came out. The long procession was led by the drum corps of East Carbon Junior High. They went in back of the shopping district, circled the hos- pital for the benefit of the sick and went back into the school and on into the gym. The judges decided the, winners and presented them with the prizes on the stage. The judges certainly had one tough time trying to pick the winners for all the children were out- standing. In fact the judges said they had never seen so many indi- viduals worthy .prizes. The Judges were Mrs. Scow, Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Hogg and Mr. Slaughen-haup- t. . The sheriff, BOB BRUSH, was on the lookout for, the peeping tom A SENSATIONAL party was that has been showing- - his face Well folks, the East Carbon Jun-- or held by the M. I. A. Tuesday night. about Dragerton for the past SevHigh is m the lead again. The The hall was decorated with eral months. While making a students and the teachers want a pumpkins, cats, witches and gores routine check up Grassy Trail, library. They are going to get one. of other cantankerous creatures. he spies a fellow taking clothes They are going to work for it. The They had concessions and sold x off the line. The fellow then peeps school has a splendid opportunity cookies, candy, popcorn and root in the window. BOB jumps out, for all the families m the commu- beer .An EXPERIENCED WITCH grabs him by the shoulder and nity to cash in on. This doesnt (of which no, one could guess the hollers, WHAT ARE YOU, DOhappen very often. The student identity) told fortunes. A SPOOK VA-ING HERE?" LARRY STEPHENS i body was able to work out a plan HOUSE was fixed behind the curstammei ed, WHY I I I I LIVE with the Curtiss Publishing Co. tains on the stage and such moans HERE" whereby the school would get 50 that came from there were horrion every Curtiss subscription fying. Everyone enjoyed themDid you notice the .snappy paint turned in. The Curtiss Co. was selves. Even POBEYE and OLIVE. also able to work out a sales pro- The witch was Popeyes job on VERNON LUNDS superWife. sonic 1939????? gram on the subscriptions on 49 Popeye was the butcher, (Nice of the most popular magazines going, witch). which we find in every home toDoctor C. T. Callister flew to Prizes were awarded to IRENE California Monday night on busiday. The students will receive SIXKILLER for the most original; 30 on these subscriptions. ness. He returned home last WedBOB PHILLIPS for the most beaunesday night. Everybody likes to read. We tiful; DALE OVIATT for the funFather Sanders spent Thursday also need a library. By working niest, and to MRS. MARONI who at Richfield, Utah to take part in the two together we can get both. took the part of the witch. the dedication services of the new So when the students come around Three little men with big heads Catholic Church there. to see you pick"" out the magazines did a dance. Their identity also you like and get the library fund was very much a secret. They Kahei Uyeno of Sweets Mine, Utah left the Dragerton Hospital rolling. were MERLENE STARK, DONNA the other day. When he left he The school and the students WOODRUFF and MYSELF. should be congratulated in workgave each of the ladies in the hosWhen did they let you out, STUDENT PATROL PLAYS AN THE IMPORTANT PART pital a $5.00 bill as a gift for the ing out such a splendid plan for Zella? Anyone that was there will kindness that they all showed to the local communities. This is a know what I mean. ZELLA was him during the several months a natural sign of real leadership among our Jan EAST CARBON SCHOOL TRAFFIC SAFETY CAMPAIGN that he was hospitalized. This was student body. for her. certainly a generous gesture on Vivian Naylor and Ruben Jim- j The Party ended with a dance Through the cooperation of Marshal Bob Brush and the office under a pledge to Marshal Uyenos part. enez were chosen by Mr. Hansen, 'and everyone went home feeling school a school patrol was organized during October of this Brush to do his duty. The rules , the teachers and the Curtiss com- gay after having a good time. for patrolmen are set up by the LARRY STEPHENS year. Ten boys were selected from the elementary and the National to his pany representative as superviprior Association sors of the campaign. They also CARBON BEATS PROVO junior high school .work on this patrol. Lanes have been which .aimAutomobile at the Dragerton Hosat far school employment ..safety marked across the streets- through which the children walk a physical examchose Zella Crosby as tenth grade underwent pital children. The public must realize Thats all I need to aay about at the time of to school. school or ination. It was found that his leaving captain, Barbara Cartwright as Oils returping that nearly 1000 of their children game for everyone knows ninth grade captain, Ola Maxey as School patrols are out at recess must be parked when school is in attend the school. At dismissal heart had a few puzzling flutters. as much as the next person, about After extensive research it was eighth grade captain, and Veloy and noon to direct children across session. In no case do school a good game. time these children flock across Varner as seventh grade captain. lit really wis times when danger from trols allow children to ride bi the streets. To date no one has found that the cause of it was a at the noticed Has everyone little lady in Salt Lake City, She FLASHY lettermens sweaters that passing cars may exist. Generally cycles on the walks or on the play- been Injured. The school wants soon will be down here to remedy motorists watch children grounds. Riding with two persons this record , passing been the new have lettermen The school has kept. t VEGA-ABEYthe heart ailment. on at or TA a venture. this in time and anybicycle any cooperate a to at child responsibility your wearing? (cute huh). These are ' disschool. HELP THE PATROL. the new sweaters lor this year. However some cars go by the where is a bad practice and is J Durward Nielson is, walking school building at too fast a rate couraged by the teachers and by - The GEORGE MONETT - certainly following boys are patrolMARRIAGE IS town. Durward was conaround of the follows his dads in patrolmen. speed. men: is back row, John Paloni, TomMR. HANSON footprints. Tommy, this In fined the Veterans hospital Mr side-walCow When one sees a school patrol- my Lee, "John Preston', Hairy George went hunting up the third time, this week youve Bicycle riding on the an and is doing very SOLEMNIZED operataion marked a the who the other found school is and has man,. Canyon around the day way, by been sent to my office. What have building Abeyta, John Draper and Bob Hy well-e-ftigoing, ' DO-Dtree Browne his and Sam i belt that his dad has his The school tot-sahad Front been ita. by ( carved by Bruce disapprovedfor row, yoUrself? Cowans, you got no objection to children coming a badge should show respect to Johnny Blevins, Rugel Sherman Initials on 30 years ago. By the TOMMY C Im certainly glad to school on I suppose by now that everyone way, GEORGE didnt get anyPreceeding the 9 oclock Mass that iff Friday. bicycles but these this boy. He has been placed in and Albert Perea. has notieed or has been told about in the Church of the Good Shepthing. We had a game with Carbcn The Columbia School has just the big sparkler that Dr. Colomherd on Sunday, October 26, 1947, rebos receptionist (?) the charming Miss Irene Vega, daughter of Mr. third string Wednesday. The purchased a new and Mrs. J. M. Vega of Drager- sults of the game was East Carbon combination with funds do- Ernie Paloni is wearing on that 50. 000000 Carbon Our next Is nated by the towns people. It certain finger. The date is near, ton, became the bride of Mr. at is Helper. Thursday game James Abeyta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noise, noise, and more noise will be used for educational radio and the fellow is mighty lucky. Andrew Abeyta, also of DragerEast Carbon sponsored a most was the highlight Halloween Night programs and for the afternoon This is the first issue of The The ELEMENTARY grades held ton. The double-rin- g ceremony subunusual dance. It was in costume at the Dragerton school house. Ail entertainment of the studentsr Mr. Mrs. Rhea Sargis is still visiting Tribune under Dragerton rs was performed by' Father J. A. a miniature parade Friday and from Sunnyside, Sun- Balle, principal, Mrs. Clyde Rob- relatives in Provo. We miss her for those who wished to wear rates. The rates are scription Saunders before an altar decorat- BOY what costumes, bright colors them. The dance started at eight nydale, Columbia, and Dragerton erts and Mrs. Abe Strate are all around town. 5c a copy or $2.00 a year in of all kinds and (say can you ed with fall-tochrysanthemums." oclock and before eight fifteen were present for the Carnival and grateful and highly pleased with the After fifteen years Frank Com- county. This was the first wedding to be imagine this) there were GHOSTS, the party was going in full swing, Dance. The East Carbon student it e, pagnl children at school finally brought home the The ) WITCHES, DEVILS, held in the new Catholic church with the smaller grades. body and their assistants sold bacon (buck). Other lucky Frank especially and Columbia Dragerkind SKELETONS of and every noise-make- rs, The other day I noticed two Bucks were Byron Hixson, Samuel I guess that dance really showpd candy, gum, soda-po- p, in Dragerton. ton have done a splendid job If you wicked thing to Halloween school children Sunny Frotto, Leon Stevenson, and grown-u-p who our was hats boss school. around masks fairly The bride, who was escorted to didnt see it imaginable. subin the handling of the you really missed The younger set were all there in everyone present, until the gala on the bus. It turned out to be Jackie (little Jack) Harvey, E S. the altar by her father, was beaueditor The wishes scriptions. something. Nobody could tell who MRS. LOU BUFFMIRE and MRS. OConner and Donald Braby. We costume having a gay time, but affair was over. tiful hi a white 'Satin gown ento thank thp school, the was and following this anybody A few of the students went to BLANKENSHIP. Maybe they are want to know why you only got where were the OLDER ONES? with train trimmed with lace, on students teachers the and all the spooks, etc. held Carbons homecoming. We feel taking a post graduate course???? one deer. By, when there were (Who knows). sweetheart neckline. 'Her veil was parade in their school the excellent job that they rooms. DID parties of all sorry for them because of the big beadsold concessions of net trimmed in lace with They case In forty In the bunch that drove by done. have anyone of this YOU KNOW that sorts, and had a counter where you treat they missed. The main purMr. and Mrs. Lee Allred have you. Maxine Braby got lost and ed tiara. She carried an arm bou- weird sort went to things was missed he or she can school? could buy refreshments. They also pose of the carnival and dance their daughter and Mr. we know of a number who would contact any of the school chilquet of gardenias and pink roses. had a fortune tellers booth and was to get all boys and girls off and Mrs. Devon! Osborne visiting liked to have found her. Looks as suband them the dren Miss Karla Woodruff and Miss give DAVID F. How do you know streets and out of trouble. them this week. though Jackie Harvey is a better Pauline Poglajen, bridesmaids, it isnt 10:00 oclock scription. The children are a fishpond. Bingo and pitch the the yet? From the size of the crowd, it JOHN TOMS1C found a pocket-boo- k shot than his Dad. Dominic Pawere basket last popular game towards a prize and wore gowns of orchid and aqua working VIVIAN N. Because I was with valuables of $2000.00 in loni tried and tried and tried . . . night There were all types of looked as if their Job was very in addition the school gets and the grooms sister, Miss Jento be home at 9:00 and supposed entertainment. Those who didnt well fulfilled. it He found the owner and re- better luck next year, Dominic. nie Abeyta, who was maid of honpart of the proceeds for their Im not there yet. care for the games and refreshWhat some of us that are not so own use. or, was gowned in pnk.' All wore Saturday Dance lias Big Turnout turned it as to secure ammunition or ments, danced to their favorite Girls I have been INFORMED lucky silver and gold sequin tiaras and TOMMY LEE BOB and his dad, a The was orchestra,-playe- d on danceSaturday rifles night Helpy-Boythat the thatcame of (please, . no bow and . ar-pink car' carried arm bouquets bit slow getting started, but by LEE went hunting last week and rows) Lwould like to know is what the phonograph, Fair-vienations. Master Carrie Fowler was to our canteen last week came up w shot a tender little buck in The party concluded at eleven ten the hall was pretty well filled. does deer meat taste like? nngbearer and Miss Anita Vega, because OLIVE C. and MARY Canyon. Although Tommy Hmmmmmmmm jreally reason The for was the that ???? delay for their thirty and everyone left sister of the bride, and Miss San- ANN B. asked them tto. That's his and dad both shot at it the homes, except a few that were out there was a mixup with the or' dra Velasquez, wearing floor what I call being a good citizen. family prerogative gave the rights chestra. It show did not ard a few up Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Holliman pulling pranks. Some of to it to the dad. Out of reach of length gowns of aqua with match- Lets all do more of this sort of the patrons of the dance and the therefore we had to wait until his and daughter, Nellie, were In Salt -, ears dads ing tiaras, and carrying nosegays thing and really put our commusaid he Tommy theater workers paid an unex- the union men went up to Sunny Lake during the week. of chrysanthemums, were flower nity chi the map. fired the vital shot. to the Jack Clifford side and got the Anderson Bros. really visit pected girls. Orchestra, which had been waiting home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malaby aie Who is it thats been wearing The groom and the best man. Some of the tales told in the still In New York for the people up there to show was There work time much and where PaPa is Mr. Jim Vega, brother of the A ELEN'S letterman s w e a ter? but never did. Regardless of barber shop by John BUSCH and attending a railroad short line up, into this committees put party white suits by with Can us ANN L.? bride, wore dark you tell which were appointed by the stu- the mixup the dance got well Julias ROSSMAN are so big that convention. carnations boutonnieres. Mr. Earl Whose the fellows that turn out - " dent body council, and also by under way by eleven o'clock and they get right up and walk out of Gunderson andMr. Robert Vaught every night for football practice 1 was enjoying themselves, the barber shop of their own acs the everyone from Sam we wishes hear teachers. one Occasionally Every and never get to take any of the acted as ushers. cord. PETE seems to think that to wilds ot thank is and still who these in committees the Sargis durawards or pats on the back. We Mrs. C. Don Waring sang if the tales are big enough to oc- South America. teachers for this home, Hurry party on making the KNOW who all so and the are accompanied do Mass, ing they cupy a seat in his shop that they Sam. possible. organ by Mrs. Mike Mihalik; Mrs. they. SO HERES THREE CHEERS should a be charged dollar. PETE By Donna Woodruff. Mihalik also played the proces- FOR YOU FELLOWS. iS willing to give any of those The suggested"' theme ' song for sional and recessional music. MR. MAYER TED TAYLOR, tales a good shave for 50c. For a Columbia, Put That Ring On My Immediately following the cere- what can you tell me, about the dollar he will give them a good Finger. Ernie Paloni, Mary Stelnew The homes scheduled to mony, a breakfast for members Mongolian Race? going over including a massage. la jtind Rose Stella, all very built in be of the weddihg party and relatives has become Dragerton TED T. Nothing sir, I never belles, charming was served at the home of the go to the races." An Thursday night, October 30, an actuality now. After weeks of For most of the boys the pri on to of homes brides parents. The table center-pietypes twenty little friends of Miss Patsy planning of meat was certainly sky hij (Continued on Page Four) Visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Ed was a beautiful -f- our-tier Jean Maki gathered at her home be constructed and the details in- the x. " two weeks. -- In fact f past (Continued on Page Four) to cident in of cake. the celebids some of the drawing up wedding Sunnydale to help her the me of boys price outfit, Mrs. For her going-awa- y brate her eleventh birthday. Ev- and the awarding of such has was sky high and they still didn NEWS! NEWS !NEWS! eryone came in costume, and the come to an end. The Utah Con- get Abeyta chose a gray pin stripe meat. Better pot let ti any Clean and fence row bum up suit, with red accessories. Her evening was spent playing games struction Co. was awarded the little In know case you have a party, the what lady pri and Halloween 6tunts. After contract and were scheduled to of deer meat is a corsage was of white gardenias. weeds and rubbish, to reduce invisitors or maybe the wou! BUFFMIRE LOU It sect pound. birthday, survival around fields pest After a honeymoon spent in Salt opening the many lovely gifts, start work last Monday, October be a new tooth, tell us on most of us. has baby mighty Dr. and rough G. F. regardens, Knowlton, 27. will and ice Lake, the young couple Men with various backgrounds the guests enjoyed cake We about cant go around to C. it Utah State MILLER A entomoloExtension ' All houses will utilize the same cream. bagged a bl turn to Dragerton to make their and abilities have come to Dragin the communities everyone buck advised 26 JIM gist, PEACOCK today. home. j Those, attending were 'Joyce and floor plan, though exteriors will shape the commualthough we would like to. Its It is much better to clean up erton p Lewis, Ruth Voss, Myrna be varied. Design will harmonize Sunnyside clipped off a good or Jjeanie One of a pretty big job. If we have these at who men, it 25 with 15 measured litter, rubbish and weeds when nity. Gen-jiel with the present 604 homes .E ach Williams, Arlene Arambula, point slighted your group a bit on weather is fair and when unde- birth weighed a scanty tfyree MAUREEN OHARA Mower, Betty Romero, Mary structure will have three bed- He was hunting on Range Cree chances whose for the news just tell us about it life and pounds sirable Mountain. materials ' can be burned, JOHN PAYNE were deemed slight at that time, Dugit, Ardis Shumway, Patsy and rooms, a living room, kitchen with and keep us informed on what he pointed out All summed up the boys real! Karen Maki, Vernon Ezell, Ste- -; dining space, bathroom and utilis happening. Either mail it to Each pest insect not allowed to has come to be one of the best phen St. Clair, Robert Morgan, ity room. had a very enjoyable time an The Tribune oj stop in and see survive the winter may mean respected men in the community. 'Jackie Moffett, Tommie Dugit, It is expected that the work wish to thank the game commi: Born in Helper, Utah, Louis us any night at the theatre.' We ' fewer insects of its kind abatable Dal win MacFarlane and Bobby will be complete within five sioners for handling the seasc are always glad to see you. to damage crops next year." in such a capable manner. Maki. (Continued on Page Four) months. ) r Mr V 1 IN I J cos-Itu- - ets V ' - Snooping ground. ... -- ks cf Dragerton Tribune Now 5 Cents Hallowe'en Night Was a Happy Occasion Here Party Was Enjoyed radio-plioro-gra- ph By the Entire School fun-love- ne ?;!!?? Sun-nysid- son-in-la- w, s by-reco- rds INTERESTING PERSONALITIES J CONSTRUCTION STARTS ON 120 f Patsy Jean Maki Has O. NEW HOMES Birthday Party . ce Burn Your Rubbish li. to-hel- ' , a t ' ' |