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Show I Tuesday, November 4, 1S47 Lovely Crocheted Bed Cape of Wool J v - THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH l i PAGE THREE Send for New Eook For Everyday Etiquette Politicos 'Pros' Will Oppose; Stossem F ormer Minnesota Governor Is Playing Lone Wolf Role id tA JACK KRAMER, toe tennis star, vF.'AV : By BAUKHAGE (This is Newt Analyst and Commentator. tbt third of a series on the men most talked about as candidates for I- When the bakers were down in Washington sweating out a grain conservation program for their industry, my friend from Minnesota, Harry W. Zinsmaster, who is what the personal column calls a frequent visitor in the capital, gave a little luncheon for his colleagues and some press and radio men. - WASHINGTON. We had finished eating and were gathered around to listen to the bakers troubles when suddenly the door opened and 220 pounds of blond, smiling, political potentiality burst upon us. Our host shouted a happy Hello, then turned and an- come president, he might build up Harold! nounced: Gentlemen, the next a strong personal following and th(us get a stranglehold on the RepubPresident of the United States. lican party. I daresay most Minnesota RepubConventidhal candidates dont licans will say "aye to that. What the rest of the country says is commit themselves too heavily. His supporters claim that Stassen is a awaited with interest by the candia little to the date. left. But it is not too his liber- much I suppose I have had 50 people ask me about Harold Stassen. Why hasnt Stassen a chance? they middle-of-the-roade- r, A LOVELY, dainty-lookin- g pink wool bed cape thats crocheted in a simple open-wor- k query. stitch and tied with blue velvet ribMost observers seem to agree bons. Nice in pale blue or white, that if he has a chance, Its a pretty too and why not make one as a slim one to date. trousseau gift. Or in navy or red, The reason is alit will be ideal for ways the same: wear this winter. The professional politicians dont To obtain complete crocheting Instrucwant him. tions tor the Shoulder Cape (Pattern No. Not because 8608). send 20 cents In com, your name, address and pattern number. a political hes to Due an unusually large demand and He unknown. current conditions, slightly more time Is required in filling orders for a few of the could hardly be most popular patterns. called that Sure Send your order to: be took the job of SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK county chairman 828 Mission st., San Francisco, Calil. at tha age of 21. Enclose 20 cents for pattern. He was elected No. HAROLD STASSEN governor of MinName Does be have a chance? nesota three Address- times, could have been senator from that state, bad ality to which the politicians object I doubt if any practical politician he wanted toe Job. expects us to turn back the clock. In his ease. Its not so much that But In his highly unorthodox cama toe newcomer he as it is hes way Stassen has violated twp paigning, came up. That way is characteristic rules. of his whole campaign, and two front common colds One, by announcing himself words describe it: Lone wolf. early in toe present campaign. The situation favored Stassen Today he is toe only official canwhen he forced his way Into the didate for toe presidential nomiCreomuMon relieves promptly bogubernatorial race In 1938. Minnation. lt goes right to the seat of le to help loosen and e: nesota was in a bad way. There Two, he has made and be regerm laden phlegm, and aid nature was' vandalism and corruption, peats aharp criticism of the Resoothe heal and to raw, tender, in and the Farmer-Labparty, publican program. flamed bronchial mucous memwhich had held a stiff grip on branes. Tell your druggist to sell you As Roscoe Drummond of the a bottle of Creomulsion with the unthe state, waa disintegrating Christian Science Monitor puts it derstanding you must like the way it through Its own weakness and If they pick him to ride the ele quickly allays the cough os you are graft. Stassen entered the raee to have your money back. phant, theyll have to get a new Against the wishes of the Reelephant. Certainly, Stassen has publican Old Guard, but he hinted this was necessary when he to for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis eventually forced them help said the Republican program must him to some degree. It waa more constructive, more dybe largely his own efforts, how-- . namic. He doesnt consult with anyever, .that elected him. body else when he announces how to In other words, "he butted into make it so. Thats part of toe lone-wo- lf the governorship, according to old complex. He comes up from the soli with a guard critics. Others say be did it father. He worked his merely as a step to toe presidency, and that it was part of his over- way through college. He has a good weening ambition the same thing military record as deputy chief of they say about Governor Dewey of staff to Admiral Halsey. He is New York. But the old guard fears younger than Dewey (Stassen is 39), Stassens type of ambition more and taller than Taft a sandy-hairethan Deweys. They fear it because and deliberate they feel that should Stassen be- about-the-hou- Beware Coughs or CREOMULSION ntmuo ircil 0 1 ) Y NOT FOR SISSIES . , . There was plenty ef raw action during the girls field hockey game between Bryn Mawr aid Drexel Institute of Technology, Like when Dorio Tarqlnnlo (left) of Drexel slagged a hard one In an attempt to score a goal and the Bryn Mawr goalie stopped It. ' NEWS REVIEW Congress Will Convene; No Russia: Chile, Brazil TRUMAN CALLS semi-final- DENIAL: No Force Congress to Meet James F. Byrnes, said James P. Congress, summoned by somewhat angrily, was and President Truman, will con- Byrnes Is a patient man. Moreover, he did vene in special session at noon, not advocate in his recently pubNovember 17, to deal with: lished memoirs, Frankly Speak- Me that force should be used, if 1. The alarming and continunecessary, to drive the Russians out home st and, ing high prices of Germany. 2. The pressing need for rapid-The former U. S. secretary of fire emergency need abroad. state made that, rebuttal after widePresident Trumans summoning ly printed reviews of hla book had of congress a month and a half be- Stated that he was urging the buildfore It normally would have re- ing of more and bigger atomic convened marked a definite climax bombs and toe use of force against in U. S. domestic events for 1947. the recalcitrant Red army. !He reiterated his belief that the long Although doubt existed for time as to whether a special ses- U. S., Great Britain and France sion would bp called to meet toe should proceed with a general Gertwo problems which have been man peace conference, regardless screaming with urgency all year, it of the Soviet Unions attitude. If was the only really logical step to toe Russians refused to sign the treaty, then the other nations take. Mr. Truman took It decisively. He should appeal to the security counconferred with his cabinet, end he cil of toe U. N. to order the Rusconferred, with key congressional sians out because, -Byrnes said, "we leaders of both parties. He did not will then be facing- a situation likely ask their advice on a special ses- to endanger the peace. sion; he informed them simply that he was calling one. Ht At Nalls and Stuff "It Is urgently necessary," he to take legthe "for congress said, on When surgeons operated islative acUon designed to put an end to the continued rise in prices . . . James S. Payne, inmate of Kansas and to meet the crisis In Western state prison, to remove a nail from his throat, they discovered that ttje Europe I Concerning prices, the President man was virtually a perambulating would not ask for consumer con- junk shop. Three and a half pounds of mettrols, but for authority for allocation of certain materials. European al, Including two complete safety relief, scheduled to be given pri- razors without blades, was the loot ority over the price muddle in con- the doctors recovered from Paynes stomach. The congressional action, was highlighted in vict, serving an arson term, gave by the growing desperation no reason for his metallic diet. France and Italy. ing, Upsets Are the Rule I know that, Kramer said. But only here and there. Only occasionally. Golf Is nothing hut one upset STIMULATES etint, throat onS back itirlacaa kkt n aarininf. PENETRATES )nt tfcUl per 8ro. mte tikes after another. Look at toe last tpicltliaothini poultice. imdicml upon. P. G. A. tournament Most of the At bedtime rub throat, chest star golfers were out by the second and back with Vicks VapoRub. round. g action starts I like golf as a game, but hot as at oncet .2 Instantly ways a way of making a living. Its too And it keeps up this special tough. Elite Vine has played a long Penetrating -- Stimulating acnumber of brilliant rounds. But he tion for hours In the night to IWsAw rarely wins a big money tournament. And Vines has practiced thoubring relief. V VapoRub sands of hours nt golf. -Dont forget I put In, that tennis is played over n few square yards of space. A round of golf covers over five milesand some 150 acres. A tennis court Is perfectly massaged. A golf course is full of trees, bunkers, traps, matted rough, ponds, lakes, maybe part of an ocean, 'hills, ravines, bushes and jungle. Irv Cobb told me once thst be got so deep Into the woods on some western course tost he was attacked by two pumas. Also, there are few cuppy lies in tennis. No hunker heel prints in the sand. That may have something to do with It Kramer said. All I know WHEN CONSTIPATION mikea yoa foal is that I dont want any part of pro poak as the dickens, brings oa stomach If 15 was even I strokes better golf THE BREAKS epset, soar tuts, goaty discomfort, . take Dr. Caldwells famous medians than my 85. to quickly pull the trigger on lazy Good-B- y There is another angle that and help yon led bright and Chile, Brazil Kiss Russia Kramer might have figured on. chipper again. American na DR. CALDWELL'S Is tbs wonderful sen. The tension In golf Is about lour Acting almost simultaneously, two South na laxstiTS contained in good old Syrup tions Brazil and Chile curtly annpunced severance of dip- times the tension in tennie or any Pepsin to make it so easy to take. MANY DOCTORS lias pepain preparalomatic relations with Russia because, as they both implied, other sport There is only one cure or relief for tension that every other tions in prescriptions to makt tha modi-cithey couldnt stand it any longer. mors palatable and agreeable to ""mnamammamaammmmmam sport carries. This is action moveBrazil, which beat Chile to the take. So bo sure your laxative is conment Golf has no such relief. in tained breaking hours la Syrup Pepsin. gun by a few reason INSIST ON DR. CALDWELLS tits favert. He waa once frankly an valid less the had relations, Too Tough for Many vorite of millions for SO roars, and feel Isolationist. Today he has con- - " for its action, on the surface, at that wholesome relief bom to verted many others, and I beis much easier It keep your eye Sven finicky children tors it. Stated reason for the move least. g g lieve that no single man has on a baseball or a CAUTION l Use only SS directed. as toe extremely outwas given done more than he to break tennis ball than It is to keep artirageous and even calumnious down the provincial attitnde, fixed orb on a small, white ball a attackRussian in press the cles that doesnt even flinch until you hit especially In the MIddlewest, and ing Pres. Enrico Gaspar Dutra which before World War II preit or move it Any football player Brazilian army. the vented America frem taking will tell that his tightest tension la had SEMA LAXATIVE Russias Literary Gazette first- - kickoff.-Aft- er Just befora-th- e leadership In world affairs an Incompetent Dutra called trates and other strategic materials one or two body collisions this tencontains, m jjYftUP fjEESM leadership which might have and a Fascist. It was toe same and hamper defense of the western sion is gone. Nothing like that hap- postponed, if not entirely prePresimagazine that had compared hemisphere and the United States. Ipens in golf. vented, the war. with Hitler, to which He. also had announced his inten-- 1 I do not believe that be la actually dent Truman Golf demands greeter mental con-tid-ff U. S. strongly objected but took to end once and for a U what eliminated from the nomination, but he other game. By men-h- e action. called Communist dictatorship tal we can be certain he will not fight no further we dont mean cultural d more a had over Chile s mine workers. Chile, however, fur the job. He had the high vote at intelligence, which has nothing to - Driven nearly frantic by itching and infiAnd in a burst of thoroughness, d with IDOrt grievance. Communist the Republican convention of 1940 -- burning of aim pie piles, that keep -ltration In the nations southern Chile also ended diplomatic rela- when the Willkie blitz struck. big-gea you fidgeting in discomfort? far always plays Psychology labor recent to coal zone, leading tionships with Czechoslovakia. Countless sufferers are finding unVandenbergs support of In In than other any golf part undoubtedly If no other end is accomplished. there, told relief from such distress by policy doesn't mean that he difficulties tber me In relahn1 the action by Brazil end Chile at Te7 spurred the decision to sever bathing tender parts with the pure, gives a blank check to the adminisleast may answer the question of V ,pUyl"r ,fhw gentlyleansing Lather of Resinoi tration. He favors the Marshal plan tions. folf y" ra Soap then applying aoothirg, skiland aid to Greece and Turkey, but Chilean Pres. Gabriel Gonzalez whether Communist penetration into Pnnt ne moi enfe fully medicated Resinoi Ointment. ha refused to recognize that aid as Videla previously htd accused toe a nation actually can be halted by c taterfer Why dont yon try this time-testwith the Truman Doctrine, Insisting it Communists of planning to cripple breaking diplomatic relation, comfort? do. Yea can only beat way to long-lutieasy yoa thing nlwas not a doctrine at aQ. Chiles production of copper, Your main la opponent yourself. yenrself not the other fellow. . Golf demands no speed, no brawn, LOOMS no quick mental reflexes under fire. There are no split seconds of mental action in golf as there ere In baseball, football, tennis, polo and all games of physical action. Knnto Rockne, who played most Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body T aate on in now which dust the is famweU fattened grain cutTTh animals being Serious meat production lions of usually Tear kldneye ere constantly filtering Knuto eald. me, "Cb toe will from little protection planted if wute Batter trow the blood rtreem. But and wheat selling for $5 t bushel wheat during the fall either the great- Stone kldneye sometimes log In their work do may be in prospect if rains do not move to market at lighter weight freezing and thawing weather which 1 not set ee Nature Intended fail to rethle,e VJT toe win of from heave benefits young seedlings move Imparities that, II mtalaed. map or the without relieve the serious drouth plaguing fattening star in boxer. acrobat, performer nowoe the system sad opeet the whole - the ground. the countrys vast wheat fields from the wheat fields. body machinery. f hv" Fr? Moreover, grain dealers and cat- The Texas Panhandle, whose Texas to the Canadian border, a Symptom may be Rttflti backache, M 18 w0 h"r para latent headache, attack, of diaameaa, thousands of acres normally provide tlemen have predicted that wheat survey discloses. r nd np eights, swelling, pudineen getting "ceyet nader the ayes l feeling of nervous A dry summer end below normal both grain and cattle pasture, has would war to 5 a bushel unless to. ame dlffereBt WM loan ef pap and atrasgth. and la The relieved Immediately. rains this autumn have delayed little topsoil moisture end only a drouth Other eigne of kidney er bladder disAnd those who have played other erf wheat now la above $3, end are sometimes order moistur. subsoil burning, scanty ee scant of price wheat seeding, kept planted wheat supply too frequent urination. serious shortage next year,, plus games so weU hate to be duiTers end from germinating properly and Texas cattlemen estimated that the no doubt that prompt should be There a game that looks so easy treatment la wwar then neglect. Lae forced farmers to dust in" their state would have only 20 to 25 per the heavy demand, will send it even iuba in Ptxui'a fills. Dees's have been winning land simple. said. this higher, they normal of In cent the reminiscent of pasturage new friends lee mare than forty yeore. attinner grain EUsworth and Vines men e livestock Byrd . This 'say, Sammy reputation. year, They have a the dust bowl days of the 1930s, crop winter. Are recommended by grate! ul people - are the only two men I know who Ask over. natgkkerl Crop expert in Oklahoma, Kan- there wtil be practically no pastor- aave yew experts report country starred at other games base-t- o In addition to the damage to the sas end Nebraska have reported a Ing, and many farmers ere reported tennis was and 511 herd goto their plua Byrd rather kill be winter liquidating of heavy plantings of winter wheat farmers serious da?Tger a better golfer than he was a ball have not been able to use their this year.. The wheat needs a moist, than attempt to carry them without d feeds. player, but he turned first to base- wheat grounds for grazing, and mil well packed toil to survive. The pasture on 5.1L 1 That Hans On Advised ' T the Republican presidential nomination). Ten . Agers talking about the difference "Get Home On Time" between golf end tennis. We had just asked him if there was any! chance that he would follow in Ells-- J worth Vines path and later take up I 'HE telephone is no excuse for golf for a living. j poor manners or lack of cour"Not the slightest chance ever,", tesy. Perhaps the worst telephone the astute Kramer said. It may be bore is the one who snarls Wrong and bangs the re tough to make a number living out of tennis. ceiver, Bnt its far tougher1 Another rudenees hi asking the person In golf. For ex-- 1 who anaweri, "Who ia this?,T II you are one the In eallinf, tennis a give your name and ask ample. for tha person you want. match If you can Be considerate when calling riends who heat an opponent In may be in bed or at meals and when they you about your health or to offer constraight sets or In call gratulations be sure to thank them. Pay set out ef three tor toil caUs when visiting and for local when aervice la limited. four, you usually calla Romance via the telephone, bualnera can keep on beating and personal calla are lust a tew of the ltema In our booklet No. 45 e guide for him. Not always mannera any time, anywhere. proper but usually. Its Send 25 cento in coin for The New Book nothing like that In golf. You can beat of Everyday Etiquette to Weekly Newsa star one day and next day some paper Service, 241 West 17th Street, New York II. New York. Print name, address unknown will knock your brains out.j witu zone, booklet title and No. 43. In tennis We knew pretty weDi who should reach the s and; Ostriches Kick Forward toe final round at Forest Hills. We figured at least that most of the An ostrich can kick hard enough leaders would be hanging around. to break a mans leg or even kill But at Pebble Beach they were scat- him if the blow should catch him of the dust beaten start all' tering Since ostriches can only kick right. along the Pacific. Just about toe not backward, ostrich time this golf championship really forward, come up on the keepers always under was got way, Frank Stranahan birds from behind. out, Bud Ward was out, Smiley Quick was out, Ted Bishop, defendmost of ing champion, was out those picked to win were pecking MISERIES 7 their clubs and heading somewhere OF UW else. Fellows who had lost In the first round at Baltusrol, a year ago, now were decorating their wigwams with scalps of leading stars. Tennis also has Its upsets, I suggested. 4 dirt-farm- eon-forti- Relief-bringin- .. If case-harden- slow-spoke- n r. I' X- -- X- Vandenberg Wont Fight You can get a Caravan Top to fit your truck . . . in 4, make and model of pick-u- p 5 or 6 ft. clearance to suit your specific need. The waterproof, mildew resistant, heavy-duc- k cover fits tnm and neat over a sturdy aluminum frame conforming to the streamlined contour of your truck. On or off in a jiffy. Slide fastener opening each tide of back curtain. Early this year, according to credible authority, a secret poll was taken by Republican senators as to their informal, preference for a presidential candidate Sen. Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg of Michigan won it In the same month, the senator made a statement in a national magazine in which he said he thought it was easier to' run tor president than not to run. He explained how diffl cult it was to deny that one is a candi date, once the story got Get Well QUICKER From few Cee(k Dm le a Cat 4 FOLEYS msuzspYA Women la your 40'tl Doss this functions! mlddls-sg- e period peculiar te women cause you to suffer hot Cashes, nervous, htghstrung. weak, tired feelings? Then to try Lydia B -Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's lamotu for thla purpose l Taken regularly Plnkham'a Compound helps build up resistance Thousands be vs against such distress. reported benefit I Also a very effective Worth la stomach tonlo. trying! czi ifinzmsassi started. He mentioned the question of the draft and expressed an opinion similar to that of Roy Roberts Vandenberg of toe Kansas City Star In connection with Gen. Dwight Eisenhower namely, that there had never been a real draft" in his day. Vandenberg said that, of course, no man would refuse the nomination If it were handed to him as an accomplished fact his remarks He , concluded with this statement: T am not a candidate. I do not expect er wish to be a candidate. I shall aeek no convention delegates or approve of others In this behalf. 1 think my place ef service is filling oat my tenure la the senate. Few mens stature has Increased result of ss Vandenberg has as his participation in International affairs.- I think it is fair to say that Vandenberg not only made nonpartisan foreign policy possible, but that his efforts in carrying out toe principle made a unified foreign policy itself possible. A part ef Vandenbergs Influence in the field of foreign affairs is dne to the fact that be has the enthusiasm ef a con ne cona-ipn-ti- fast-movin- fast-movin- Dk CULL'S sol-di- er MASSED? 'j deep-seate- -- J TT ed ng ESin0LT I FARM DISASTER W7W Rain Is Needed To Save Wheat 7 fd end ana-et- -- I natiow-wid- high-price- I iMEWlilifl |