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Show THE DRAGERTON TRIBUNE, DRAGERTON, UTAH PAGE SIX Ye.' pm free this afternoon." u .m u.ia "Arent bumps fun Got a data then," Jimmy im- on! she laughed. She could laugh at' bumps only provised. "Have to dictate at lunch. Mind going to Mike's place around one meal and a couple of bucks th comer? awayl Shed walk out of his life and He hoped ahe wouldn't cav In begin starving again. Jimmy si-and have to be carried. But she ghtily didnt want her to starve. made it and dropped In a chair with Jimmy almightlly didnt want her to a algh that sounded contented. Jim- walk out of hi life. How could he my mumbled something about phon- help it? The query fuddled his bogus ing and hunted up Mike himself. letter! to theoretical publicity prosJimmy knew the answer for too pects a Betty them like NOON forlorn hopers in ths much food and drink. But how did a streak on paper Mike furnished. BY out of practice? She had to tinker his sentences. employment manager! ante- they treat a gal all know not It? Be told let her And & down Co. boiled room at Cromby Suddenly a thought popped up like to Jimmy Wheeler and the "Plucked Mike all. an unexpected check. Why not her start Mr. "You Wheeler. easy, Chicken. They had aimmered alnce really mail those letters? He might to me. nine, waiting to be hired or to hear, Leave it land free lance work and keep on to as returned table their Jimmy "We'll file your application and let using Betty I of bouilMike golden brought cups you know if anything turoa up. "Look here, he said. How about , lon. ' Jimmy put the flrat of theae chance a Job, if were aatisfied after regular our new "Wont on try you a hundred-to-onspecial ahota. at leas than references? My office is Mike house?" swapping Invited. "Shall I tha Odds had reversed on him since under hat yet, but Ill find a that independence day two weeks fix up a nice little lunch as usual, cubby-hol- my Mr. Wheeler? had spoken ago when his Betty former employer told him Jimmy deferred to Miss Bond. overwarmly and Jimmy's free sotyl She was already sipping her bouilover the phone she was a good as chased Jimmy off the payroll. lon blissfully. Jimmy thought, lost her Job only be-As for the Plucked Chicken, Jimd Old the considered my formula a sure thing. He hadnt given her a second look for fear hed feel sorry for her. No name to put to a meld in distress, the formerly chivalrous Jimmy admitted guiltily. But hed seen too many such lately. Hed soured on the sex anyhow since his boss's secretary lied her self out of a Jam and him Into one after he'd stood up for her. "That chivalry complex of yours is a nut sancel the boas had roared. Old Fletcher neednt worry. Jimmy agreed with him now. The assistant manager gave Jimmy a blank to fill and turned to th Plucked Chicken. Elizabeth Bond was her name actually. Someones private secretary once, would grab a typist Job now. "We have a long waiting list. Pm afraid it isnt worth was all she while calling again drew. Not even the Old in handed his blank. Jimmy "Thanks, said the fssisUnt "Wsll file your application And let me know if anything , turns up, Jimmy finished. He wonShe swayed and weald have fallen It Jimmy hadnt caught her. dered how many such days his hundred-buck reserve would stand, as Tv a feeling anything harell be cause the company failed. Jimmy he foDowed Miss Bond's wake. good, she agreed and set down her persuaded her to take expense The girl was waiting for the ele- empty cup. "Im a pigl Just money end a week's salary in vator, a fragile arm braced against couldnt help Jt, , she added wist- advance, by pretending hed be th walL The dim light here fully, with a blusk away on business most of the week. softened the cheek-bonhid worry-line-s Jimmy grinned. "Wont hsv ste- Betty had a feeling this was all the and bleakness. Why nographers who arent good feed- reference she needed from him. the was class, a beauty once, be- ers. Jimmy didn't argue. Old Fletcher She laughed. Jimmy heard silver might say something sour if Jimmy fore she began starving to death I The elevator cama and she swayed bells. Her bouillon worked fast Vio- referred her to his toward It, would hava fallen if let eyes stayed alive now. Jimmy But, at parting, qualm began to would like to spend a week feeding wriggle around in Jimmy. Jimmy hadnt caught bar. this glrL He had learned she was "Thank you. Pm clumsy I "Look here," he said. "If you get Betty. Jimmy thought a chance at a better Job, take Itl Her fsce lit and Jimmy looked called was his favorite name. By into deep violet eyes. Then face and "Betty 'Tvs a feeling you may back out Mika brought second aid, tima tha ayes went dead again. Shed keel he had her if I dont run, said Betty. No liked He it talking. over on the street, he worried. No A FTER Betty , ran, everything was alone and on her breakfast probably. He must do whining.Sh went greyish. The Impossible own like himself, flotsam and Jetsomething quick. At the street door sam from small towns. Jimmy told didnt seem as possible. It seemed Jimmy clutched the germ of an yarns, too; madt them plain impossible later, after long idea. set them in a remotlsh past hours of hammering at hi beat proslight "Pardon ma. Arent you Mlsa She loved tha on about th bosss pects. The only spark he struck was Bond in Cromby's Just nowf They Com and see us after business secretary who balled up her letters said you might do a latter or so for which corrected until a prize picks up. By five Jimmy hit botJimmy ma. Pm James Wheeler. Publicity bull slipped by and the boss got tom. H started home deciding hed man. With tha Fletcher bureau wiss. "And I was th ona tha boss Just tear up those letters Betty had one. Cromby had another good typ- bawled out Jimmy added. "Called agreed to send over by messenger. ist on their list but couldn't reach It my fault tor coddling the girl and But the letters werent there, the her. Leaves me in a Jam. hall man reported. Jimmy thought spoiling her. Her eyea widened warily then That was while they sipped demi-tasse- s. that over, feeling as If somebody had kicked him. Stung again! Neat litturned eager. tle game I That reference he called up, a plant, of course. He ought to have seen she came out of her dumps a little too fasti He was a fins Judge of women! Jimmy phone was ringing as he stumbled into his apartment. Mr. Wheeler?" a remote voice laid. "This is Mr. A. B. Fletcher secreI.I.U.. la Nisi Imne. Horizontal tary. Could you see Mr. Fletcher 1 Person Withher tomorrow morning? He didnt out gentletell me to call you but he spoke manly about you today. Said hed hoped instincts be over your grouch and back youd 4 To confuse old Job before this. Im just 0 Folding bed tipping you off." 1 Eggs Weill IS Mol grey Jimmy exploded. Uh 14 Poetic: say youre not Mlsa Moieley? to unclose Mr. Fletchers old secretary? 15 To arrange No. Shes left him. I got a feeling in battle from things I heard at luncheon toposition H To Imbue day there might be a vacancy 10 Slang: brisk where you said you used to work. energy And I got a feeling youd be relieved 50 To bring down I found another job. I bought barif on oneself clothes and tried it gain 51 To stimulate The vole trailed off in silver bells 53 Part of that could not ba disguised. Jimmy "to ba 54 Ancient was beyond speech. Anglo-Saxo- n Pleas dont be mad, Mr. chariot Wheeler. You saved my life. Ill pay 57 Rowing back your money. implement 58 European "The devil with the money! Jimmountain my suddenly felt all right T11 be system around if you think Fletcher will 30 Prefix: half have tha fatted calf ready and 31 Japanese have luncheon with me. youll measure 53 Stupidity Maybe well have Mike cook the 54 French fatted calf, said Betty. No. JS conjunction S 12 Hall 43 33 Principal Baseball: Land measure (Latin) 3 Sprue 46 Simian an Inning member of a 33 4 47 Confederate On tha Poets and Their GSrllo . theatrical Symbol for summit of tantalum general company Homer had a sincere respect tor 38 8 To bark 48 Poetic: ebove 87 Widemouthed Kettledrum 38 Deers horn 0 Symbol for 49 To be obliged garlic, to which he attributed the pot 40 Doctors estimable property of dispelling ento 38 Insect gold 7 To revolve 30 Mans assistant 89 Giant chantments. With us. th Roman 42 Shoshonean 8 Consequently 41 Thus nickname poet and bishop, Sidonius Apolll-nari- s, 0 Part of a 53 Symbol for Indian 42 To release bom at Lyon in 403 and 44 To meal 43 To divert ruthenium stupefy 10 Goddess of known also as Caius Sulliua, held 45 Siamese coin the harvest 46 Belgian King Aa.w.r U Pmli Numb.t 11 garlic in aucb contempt that ha 11 Golfer In World wrota: "Happy th nose that is nevmound War I er exposed to th poisonous exhala18 To allow - - 48 Tropical 18 Finical tions of this plant By the same American 20 Spontaneous wildcat token, an order of chivalry, ignorinclination 51 Edible teed ing ribaldry, exacted in its regula21 To defeat 82 More certain tions th 22 West Indian that each agreement 64 Female sheep island 55 Snakelike fish member should abstain from garlic 23 Female sing56 To habituate and onions from January to Deceming voice (var.) if he valued companionship. " ber ' 23 To rectify 37 Russian This strange order existed in Cas26 The aforesaid tile about th middle of th 14th thing- Vertical 28 Molten lava and the ban on garlic and century 1 29 Placa for Important onions was laid to have been placed food fish fodder storing Sirin 141 by the king. CLASSIFIED E Xtrdti&uMvdA ,, s , s t e. 1 Run-aroun- e, aah-gre- y s. on-yo- t vSOi t WAIN and USED CARS her A FATTEN HOGS FASTER by stimulating their appetites with Dr. LeGear s Hog Also an ideal tome for brood sows and pigs. Has helped increase profit tor millions of hog raisers. Satis, guar. h i PAYS MOREL LIVESTOCK At Vif-i, BUYS MORS NOBODY ...OR she did the song with plenty of proper emotion. As she reached the mike to sing, she spied a photo Vn. 1 ex-bo- & ACCESS M Hit Andre Baruch, were rehearsing a musical show at CBS, and Bea, feeling jovial, was finding it hard to get the right poignancy into These Foolish Things. But when the program went on the air ir a -- By INEZ GERHARD HI -- - AUTOS, TRUCKS Released by WNU Features. BEA s' ' DEPARTMENT STAGEv5CRE aos:., lujjmn GfmkU pot-hook- Run-aroun- Tuesday, November 4, 1947 . f ? 's - U dyc ! V- - FOR SALE head of HOKSESr mostly Palomino Quarter horse breeding, 35 brood mares all bred to registered Palomino Quarter horse stallion, 40 head of young stock and stallion. BEN HATK1N8, Terreton, Idahe. 70 - A M V f "MISCELLANEOUS 4 HUNTERS! Ce., Sherwood, Frontier Leather Oregon will tan your deer and elk hides. Write for information. Frontier Leather Co. Sherwood, Oregon. WANTED TO BUY s teABAM waf mm iii iii WE BUT AND SELL Serve Fruit Desserts for Meal Contrasts BEA WAIN (See recipes below.) studies show that get as many fruits had clipped to her sheet music on the music stand a candid camera shot of himself taken before their marriage, in which he was beaming on rival songstress Dinah Andre Fruit Desserts Food do not Lynn Chamber people in win- ter as in summer, and frequently this is thought to be a result of their lack of availability; but a good percentage of fruits available in their fresh form are canned, and thus made available for use. Then, too, there are a number of fruits more available in the cooler months than dur-in- summer apples are in their prime, and so are pears. Menu Broiled Hamburgers Baked Potato with Cheese Topping Buttered Broccoli - Carrot Curls Toasted Buns Chili Sauce Baked Grapefruit with Peppermint Topping Beverage Shore. Bob Hope is associated with football as well as baseball; he is sponsor of the Bob Hope Junior Dons, a team composed of Junior High School boys. It plays In a league of similar teams, sponsored by Jimmie Durante, Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra. The league is backed up by the Los Angeles Police Department as a juvenile delinquency curb. Apricot Manhattan Mousse. (Serves 8) 254 cups apricots, sieved 6 tablespoons lemon Juice 54 cup sugar 3 teaspoons gelatin 2 tablespoons cold water 154 cups whipping cream 54 cup confectioners sugar 154 teaspoons vanilla Look to the citrus fruits, also, if you want particu- larly luscious fruits that are scarce in sum- That current best seller, "The Ida Moneyman, will and Louis Hayward when its screened by Eagle Lion, the first time theyve worked together since "Ladies la Retirement. Three hundred thousand dollars was the purchase price for this adventure romance laid In the 15th century, at the court of Charles VII of France. Miss Lupino plays Agnes Sqrel and Valerie Maret. te mer. Make good use of the dned fruit like prunes and apricots for they have excellent vitamin and Add lemon juice and sugar to apmineral values. ricots and stir until dissolved. Soak Ibis is the season to make full 1 teaspoons of gelatin iq 1H table use of the canned fruits you stored poods water. Disaolva over hot during the warmer months. Serve water and add to apricot mixture. them chilled with simple cookies Pour into two refrigerator tray and for an easy dessert or make them place In refrigerator. Whip cream into on of the many delectable puduntil it holds it shape then add sugar and vanilla. Soak remaining geldings such as the following: atin in water, dissolve over hot Dish Dessert. Flam Deep water. Cool and add to cream. (Serves 6) Spread whipped cream mixture over 3 cops canned plants apricot mixture and freezt. K teaspoon cinnamon Prunella Pudding. teaspoon nutmeg 2 tablespoons butter (Serves 6 to 8) Pit and chop the plums. Four with 1 cup whipping cream cup of their Juice into a greased 1 cup milk shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with 1 cup sugar the spices and dot with butter. Cov3 tablespoons cornstarch er with crust made as follows: 54 cup milk, cold 1H caps sifted flour 14 cup butter 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract H teaspoon salt 12 slices soft bread 6 tablespoons shortening 1)4 cups prunes, cooked, pitted H cap milk and chopped 2 tablespoons sugar 54 cup shredded coconut, toasted Sift dry Ingredients; cut in shortening. Add milk to make a soft Combine cream, milk and 54 cup inch thickdough. Roll dough to of sqgar in saucepan and bring to ness and make a few short slashes a boil. Moisten In it. Place over the fruit in th bakcornstarch with ing dish. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons cold milk and stir of sugar. Bake for 43 minutes in a into hot mixture. oven (400'F.) Serve Cook until thickpreheated warm. ened. Add butter ' and vanilla. Cool Princess Custard. until lukewarm. (Serves 6) Remove crusts 2 large bananas, diced from bread, cube 1H teaspoons orange rind, and toast, under grated broiler. Combine 6 tablespoons orange Juice prunes with bread cubes and re2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch maining sugar. Arrange half in bottom of a large pudding dish. Spread 14 teaspoon salt on half of crusted mixture over the 154 cups milk 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten prunes. Add remaining prune mixture, top with custard and toasted 2 egg whites coconut Chill 8 to 10 hours. 2 tablespoons sugar H cup sweet crumbs (cake, Caramelled Apples. cookie, graham cracker or (Serves 8) vanilla water crumbs) Combine bananas, orange rind end Juice. In a double boiler, combine sugar, cornstarch and salt Add milk gradually and cook until It thickens. stir Into egg yolks. Cook Slowly until thick, to 3 2 minutes, Remove from fire and fold in fruit mixture. Chill. Gradually add sugar to stiffly beaten egg whites, fold into custard. Place in sherbet glasses and sprinkle with Offlcl Furniture, File., Typewrite. Adding Machine. Safes, Cash Registers SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE Its Slltb State It.. Salt Like City. Utak i crumb. Brooklyn friend took Monty Woolley to a theater whose marquee sign read "Carole Lombard and in Nothing SaMonty Woolley It was his first film; he cred. played a German doctor who spoke no English, merely walked on stage, bowed and left A Vaughn Monroe, beard on CBS, wants to keep his four vocalists, the Moon Maids, happy but unmarried; thinks romance would break up the perfect quartet But three of them long for marriage and children; the fourth wants a ballet career. from EQUIP. You Can Be a Partner Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! children are puny...1 SCOH'S EMULSION HELPS 'EM CROW STRONG Wsakfy chlldrsa N need mom natarmt A AD Vitamins begin to grow and develop when you give them goodtastmg Scotts Emulsion very day. It helps promote strong bones, sound teeth, a ktuky body helps 'em fight off eoldsl Scott's Is HIGH a ENERGY FOOD TONIC gold rains' of natural AAD Vitamins and energy-buildin- g natural olL TASTES GOOD THEY LOVE IT! Economical I Boy today at your drug storm. - MOKE than ust a tonic Ht powerful nourishment I mtefcmmmm early performances, he has? Wife; Henry Koster ha used It in at least one scene of every plctnre hes directed. When Peggy Moran married him and gave up her screen career he promised her that she would appear in every picture he directed and thats how he has kept his promise. Five of the best known Juvenile performers in radio volunteered to provide the background voices of children in the Screen Guild Players presentation of The Bells of St. Mary's, because Director Bill Lawrence gave them their first big radio breaks. Ann Whitfield is on the Phil Harns-Alic- e Faye show; Dawn Bender Is featured on "One Man's Family; Johnnie McGovern is on th "Fed Ryder series; Henry Blair is "Ricky" on the Ozzie Nelson show and Jerty Farber is a regular on several programs. cup butter cup brown sugar 54 cup nut meats, almonds preferred . & You may recognise the small atone boat of a pretty girl that stand on a table in "The Bishops 1 Did you know that baked grapefruit makes a lovely refreshing dessert, especially after a heart casserole or roast? Bake them just as you would potatoes, for one hour, then halve and top with any of the following: 1. Sprinkle each half with a heapdressings and salads. To increase the volume of egg ing teaspoonful of sugar and dot with whites, add a tablespoon of water butter; or, top with teaspoonful before beating. Do not add more of jelly. 2. Sprinkle each half lightly with water than that. Slightly longer beating is required when water is salt and 54 tea spoonful of Worcestershire sauce added. those that hed develop as 1 LYNN SAYS: Save Food Dollars By Using Everything Edible Celery tops may be dried in the oven, then crushed to a powder and kept in a jar. They add a pungent flavor to aoups, stews, casseroles, CHICKS TOUR HENS be profitable layers Stimulate poor appetites with Dr. LeGear s Poultry Prescription in all their feed Used by poullrymen everywhere. heat poultry tonic money can buy. Bing Crosby made his first behind studio walls picture 14 years ago. It was "Going Hollywood, with Marion Davies, one of his first films and whod have thought 8 apples 16 marshmallows Arrange layers of apples, cut In eighths with marshmallows cut Into thirds, butter cut into pieces, brown sugar and nuts in a buttered, baking dish. Bake in a moderate oven (350F.) basting occasionally. Cool. Serve with whipped cream. This may also be served as a side dish with pork, turkey or chicken. Released by WNU Future i. Lu-pi- POULTRY JUST A PASH WNU I Charles Middleton, who has played Abraham Lincoln five times on the screen, has been engaged to portray him once more for one of the dream sequences in ChristoHis characterization pher Blake. is famous pn both stage and screen. ODDS AND ENDS . . . In heaping the title of their radio show, ten members of the " Btg Sister" cast have adopted a little Belgian war orphan, under the auspices of the Foster Portents Plan for Wdr Children, Inc. ... . People who tell Cathy Lauds she ought to be in pictures dont know that she was in more than a dozen films, including five "Dr. Kildare" pictures. . . , The mail ba a new high for Ralph Edwards recently when ona week brought 1 7 JOOO requests for tickets for "Truth or Consequences. . . . Robert Warwick has am important role in Warner Bros. "The Adventures of Don INIIATHIRS..X01 ORSSPREADkONAftOOSTS W HIGH-SCHO- 45-- 47 GRADUATES! NURSING IS A PROUD utlb Juan. PROFESSION! - many pporianitiei Cur gndaite, in fine bmpUil, piklio health, lie. -- Ieaa.teE.lt - ium need never be without a Job or an income. epea to girb ander S3, grndnate. and college girls. nib for mere information at lb he. pi ml whim yon would like to emtae naming. -- high-eehe- ' |