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Show l)z Nephi, Utah Thursday, December 17, 1959 Page Eighl True Christmas Story Theme for Cub Scouts Pack Meeting SOCIAL 'THIS OF HO HA The monthly Pack Meeting of Cub Scouts was held Monday d evening at the Theme for the ward hall. meeting was The True Spirit The progiam of Christmas". consisted of a story, on the theme, Mrs. Jay Bowles; songs Mrs. Leo Christensen and Mrs. Don Eyre. Clark Morgan, w ho gave the opening prayer, also presented the awards and advancements to the Cub Scouts. prayer was by Mrs. Closing Clark Greenhalgh. Committemen for the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Clark Greenhalgh, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Worwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Mr. and Mrs. Evan Dailey, So(.ja Reception Held Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schram and family of Payson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mor Following The Mt. Nebo Camp of the gan on Sunday. Daughters of Utah Pioneers M Men and Gleaners of the held their December meeting at Juab Stake are having a fire' the home of Geneva Molynux side on Sunday evening at 9 on Thursday. Captain Agnes (pm. at the Seminary building. Mjeis presided The lesson on A very interesting program is Mr. and Mrs. Brook Taylor Happiness in the Valley" was being aranged. All M Men and received guests at a wedding Ellertson. Verde Ilians Gleaners of Juab Stake are given by reception given in their honor weie completed for the Christ- invited and urged to attend. Friday night, December 11 at mas party Delicious refreshWard hall, Mrs. Robert Barker spent the First-Secon- d ments were served to Captain their recent marriage Myeis, Erma Keyte, Josephine the week end in Salt Lake following in the Salt Lake Temple on Kay, Norma Kay, Cora Fow-de- City. December 4. Rose Neilsen, Verda ElFrank Parkin and family, and The bride is the former Miss lertson, Syrelda New'ton, Ruby Summers, Madge Newton and his mother, Mrs. Lucy Parkin Deanna Lunt, daughter of Mr, visited in Provo with Mr. and and Mrs. Eugene Lunt of NeElena Stanley. Mrs. Victor Gadd and in Spring-vill- e phi, and the groom is the son with Mr. and Mrs. Don of Mr. and Mrs. Golden TayMr. and Mrs. E. Alton El- Christiansen on Saturday and lor of Santaquin. lertson have returned home af- Sunday. Blackett. The full length bridal gown ter a pleasant visit at the home featured sweetheart sleeves, a irs. of son in law and daughtheir Johnny Panter left Salt fitted bodice and side panels of A ride to ProWANTED Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lake City by plane for Hon- lace over a vo on Christmas morning be- ter, nyolulu recently where she will lon net skirt. tween 7 and 9 a.m. Call Eva Sehwarr ot Niles, California. The veil was husband. her will join They waist length, of nylon net, Hoyt at 206 W. make their home at Pearl HarXMAS TREES Your choice bor where he will be stationed caught to a pearl headpiece. White carnations, red rosebuds FOR SALE Baby jumper while they last only $1.50 each for a year. He is the son of pink carnations chair puffs of practically new (Turks Market, 3rd South & Mr .and Mrs. Lafon Painter of tulle formed theand Phone 545. bridal bouMain, lhone 330. Nephi. quet. OEM Miss Myma Lunt, sister of the bride was maid of honor. New piano; FOR SALE MENS JEWELRY IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Braidesmaids were Miss PhylNew professi onal accordian WATCII BANDS Morrell Pride Bacon by the lis Garrett, Miss Lynda Jack-sodiscounts. Ideal Christmas (big WEDDING RINGS Miss Patsy Ingram and See Mr. Furr or phone slap, per lb only 35c at Clarks gifts Miss Karen Lunt. All w'ore 3rd Suoth 146W. and Main. Grocery, iiEPHI JEWELRY pastel formals and carried bouPHONE 841 quets of pink carnations, white and red rosebuds. Joyce McPherson and Barbara Williams were flower girls. Norman Taylor acted as best man for his brother. GINGHAMS n' A 4, r 1 Marriage vaMm WINTER SHADES LOOP RUGS CANDIES ImnemJtm gj 44 44c GRILL NOW 44c Was 88c COVERED CAKE PAN NOW 44c Was 88c LAMB WOOL was 88c NOW 44c WAXERS 38 44 33 49 49 CANDIES GKERRY - -- - 45c CHOCOLATES LB BOX "HOLLY & 1.00 CANDLES" -- 2.88 TURNS A CENTURY Vi PRICE CHRISTMAS CARDS - 50c - WAGONS - GIFTS FOR BOX OF TOYS - GAMES 40 THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT DipAKTMENXrSTOKkS Ticklers By George Farmington. GIVE BOY SCOUT EQUIPMENT this Christmas We are official headquarters for Cubs, Scouts and Explorers The Toggery. equipment Actor Edward Everett Horton looks She celebrated her 100th birthday. $400.00 MONTHLY SPARE TIME 3o,JL Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. No selling. To quality, you must have That are sure to please Select from HER our stock of beautiful items. SAFETY BATH MATT NOW Was 66c COPPER POT CLEANERS Package of 12 NOW S Was 49c CAR CLEANING BRUSHES (was LAWN RAKES NOW Was 74c SINGLE POLE SWITCHES NOW 33 DUPLEX RECEPTACLES NOW FLASH LIGHT NOW BATTERIES COCOA DOOR MAT 4 41 f NOWiUUtJ Was 1.99 COMBINATION SQUARE (Was 1.88) HANDY MAN CHISEL (Was FOR HIM FOR CHRISTMAS POWER TOOLS 7 29.95 JIG SAW Trustworthy Skill Saw... 44.50 V2 Reversible Drill 11.95 Power Drills Unconditionally Guaranteed Mechanics Tool Sets END & BOX No. 1411 SOCKET SET (List 5.85) NOW 4.39 WRENCHES No 3811 SOCKET SET (List 8.88) Set Reg. 4.27 Now 3.20 No. 1212 SOCKET SET (List 13.63) No. 1215 SOCKET SET (List 24.13) 6 pc set Reg. 7.43 Now 5.57 No. 1210 SOCKET SET (List No. 1416 SOCKET SET (List $13.00) 6 pc set- - Reg. 6.88 Now 5.16 No- 3809 SOCKET SET (List 8.35) NOW 6.26 No. 3814 SOCKET SET (List 21.48) NOW 16.11 3 pc Set . Reg. No. 1218 SOCKET SET (List 30.00) NOW 22.50 3.00 Now 2.25 2 ONLY RED BOX SPECIAL SOCKET 10 pc set Reg. SETS NOW (List price $16.10) Now 10.80 39-8- Mrs. Morgan Lunt, Miss Mayme Riches, and Mrs. Ethel Jenkins. Serving were Miss Margo Kay, Miss Donna Jean Bowles and Miss Sandra Tuttle. The newlyweds are residing in Hollywood, Calif. ROASTING RACK NOW Was 88c was 88c WHISTING NOW TEA KETTLE 4-- i at family albums with his mother, Mrs. Isabella Horton in UTILITY PAILS NOW Was 76c WASTE BASKET NOW Was 88c 12 PLAY BALL Was 66c NOW, UPHOLSTERY was 99c Now SHAMPOOER RUG SHAMPOOER 4 Was 2.47 NOW PLASTIC CUTLERY A Ac TRAY was 88c NOW 55 MAGNETIC FLASH- AAc LIGHT (was 88c) NOWM VANGUARD RED WARNING FLASHER 4 AA NOW!. (Was 2.88 SHARPENING STONE Was 99c NOW - CANDIES PADDIES (1.50 value) PECAN 5 - n, SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST OFF SALE PRICES LONG AND SHORT WINDOW A Ac SPONGE NOW Was 88c Many Colors Others at 2.98 Assisting the brides parents at the reception were the following: At the guest book, Mrs. Elmo Kay; gifts and gift room, Miss Barbara Worth, Mrs. Fran Tuttle, Mrs. Jerri Taylor, Miss Laura Jenkins and Miss Elizabeth Taylor. Refreshments, m 59c yard NYLONS LOT n, fully-gather- A mighty steam engine which once powered LAST MILE crack passenger trains such as the Norfolk St Westerns Powhatan Arrow and the Pocahontas, now is confined to this Cincinnati, Ohio, junk yard. Weighing over 300 tons, it will be cupt up for scrap, now that diesel engines have replaced the old steamers. DARK PLAIDS First-Secon- Y - NEW WVll be pleased to gift-wra- p your selection and at no extra cost for you if you so desire We invite you to shop today, as our stocks are still fairly complete but last minute shoppers may disappointed- Only 7 more shopping DO IT TODAY! days until Christmas ALL W0SL WHITER GOATS 24.95 and up - HEW SHIPMENT OF HOLIDAY DRESSES SEAMLESS NYLON 7.95 and up TIGHTS 2.50 - 2.95 QUILTED CAPRI PANTS ALL WOOL KNIT SUITS CAR - Velvet 8.95 - 19.95 - 24.95 4.88 COLORFUL EAR RINGS -- SETS - 3.98 5.95 to five-roo- m Hevs the Ittiest Santa Claus I ever taw! p.m. call 221J. FOR SALE home with bath at Levan. Butane heat, electric water heater Call 0489-J1Mrs. Gerald H. 1. Carter. FOR SALE Christmas Gerald H. Carter, Le van. 4 blocks east of Texaco Service Station. trees NEED EXTRA KEYS? Have them made today at 4D Plumbing & Builders Supply--44 IT DOESNT COST A LOT AT GARBETTS TO BE WELL DRESSED West Center. Qnmu'hett's FOR SALE Banana and 445 East Hubbard Squash 2nd North, phone 443J Perry Exclusive Ladies Shop j... FOR SALE Modem brick home in ideal location (20 West 1st North) Carpeted, steam heat. Reasonable terms. Kendall Realty & Ins. Co., Call 344. After 5:00 36 ft. x 60 FOR RENT ft space in front of modern building large windows located at 105 West Center St. Phone 32 for information. 98g and 1.98 NECKLACE In- Pellet gun Hobby Horse Ruth Gardner, phone 342. 1.00 HEAD SCARFS Box 1055, Boise, Idaho. clude phone number. FOR SALE also Wonder 9.95 to 22.95 GOATS car, references, $600 to $900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net up to $400 monthly. More full time. For personal interview write P. O C. Hall. Musical Doll Cradlo A Swiss music box automatically plays as dolly Is rocked to sleep. Piayland mothers will enjoy this addition to their doll nursery. v 8 v- ?; , rJDvfc pc -- 14-89- Happy Holidays . . and best wishes tor ) - 14-4- 10 0 pc set Reg. 13.48 Now 10.11 5 pc set Reg. Now 4.88 6.50 AW 4 j PLUMBING AND BUILDERS SUPPLY West Center SI., Nephi Phene 30f Many Gifts for . , the coming year. Serving you has been a real pleasure... thank you I Standard Afat LEO W. CHRISTENSEN PHONE 21 NEPHI, UTAH All Aqes |