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Show Sfory of Life of Christ Features Meeting of Mrs. Delhs Painter and Mrs. Wanda Burridge were in Salt Ladies Club Wednesday Lake City last Tuesday to deliver the Christmas gifts and A very inspiring and enter cookies to the Veterans hospittaming club program was held al which were collected at the Wednesday evening at the home annual Christmas party of the of Mrs. Rex Tolley, when the American Legion Auxiliary. Ladies Literary League memMr. and Mrs. W. H. Bellis-to- n bers had the privilege of seeand Ray Pexton of Salt of on films The Story ing Jesus". Vaughn J. Paxman of Lake City returned recently the Juab Stake Seminary in from Phoenix and Scott Dale, where they visited at showing the films commented Arizona on the life of Christ and what the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. The W. Jensen and family. it means in our lives. films shown were TheNativity, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Olsen The Story of the Wise Men, the of Blackfoot, Idaho w'ere recof the Jesus, Baptism ent visitors of his brother in Boyhood and Temptations, and the law and sister, Mr. tind Mrs. I lealing of the Leper. The T. D. Davis. They were films were brilliant in color home after a month's vacnarrator made the ation in Arizona nad California. and the characters seem real and lifelike. After the showing of the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burten-shaof Logan were recently films, the record by the Salt The guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lake Tabernacle Choir Battle Hymn of the Republic" Black and President and Mrs, was played, and also tw'o oth-er- R. Roscoe Garrett. Come, Come Ye Saints" Fred Chappell visited three O My Father" by the and days of last week with his choir also were enjoyed. The program was under the mother; Mrs. Robert Chappell. direction of Mrs. R. H. Stuart, Glen Gowers, a student of and Miss Ireta Carter, Club the University of Utah, and colClub president presided. Miss Cecil a student at Gowers, lect was given by Mrs. H. L. the University Young Brigham Grace, and Silent Night was visited with their parents, Mr. for time. melody sung and Mrs. Bernell Gowers over . Dainty refreshments were the week end. served to the following members and special guest: Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram Smith H. L. Grace, Mrs. Ronald Gow- of Idaho Falls, visited on Wedat the home of Mrs. ers, Mrs. Raymond Pay, Miss nesday Rheta Sperry, Mrs. Isabell Ernest Foote. Mrs. G. E. Wilkey, Sidwell, Mrs. Ivan Rasmussen of Ftn. Mrs. Max Orme, Mrs. R. H. Stuart, Mrs. Eugene Lunt, Mra. Green spent Friday afternoon Fred L. Painter, Mrs. Stella visiting at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Earl Hawkins, Clarence Hansen. Bosw'ell, Miss Rheta Carter, Miss Pearl Nielson, a special guest, Mrs. Evalyn Kendall, and the hostess, Mrs. Rex Tolley. Holiday C? lt ''&& T m CREAM JWHIPPING ... te the Lest topper JlfJTN w SOUR CREAM... for hundreds of Hdidayuses ur 1 ABunERMiLK.'for Extra Good foe&AWBe iPancate '4 breakfasts . "nl s BUTTER...; theies no substitute for HiLands flavor fwMa. Qjvd Quality Va Joyous Holiday Season To Be Dec. umumifiy uttUYU Cmoi. butter kUMinnwo) ICE CREAM II imKes every Stake Primary Party Nephi Local and Social News Friendly Daughters Theme On KSL Guests at Party at Christmas, and the joyous holiday season, will be the theme for December on THIS BUSINESS OF FARMING." Attended, Enjoyed by Week end guests of Miss Maude Ingram were Mrs. Large Group Recently Nephi, Utah Ruth N. Ingram and her mothThe Juab Stake Primary er, Mrs. Ralph Nilsson of Board and their partners held Tooele. Mrs. Rose Mead of Los Angeles is spending an extended vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. McAfee. Mrs. Mead will return to her home after the first of the year. visited in Provo with I mealtime Pest ive.1I ea fce-cr- Wednesday evening, Dec- PAINTING - BODY 1959 17, Page Three Ali3 FENDER WORK TOWING 'Reasonable Guaranteed Prices Work PARKIN MOTOR GO. 137 South Main - Phone - Nephi, 312 Utah ROW SERVICE 105 WEST CENTER - - NEPHI rel- Friday. Transmission Repair Work Radiator Repair - Car : Tune-u- p al Discussion Given on PHONE 00 Werepjpkying Santa this Year! Canada at Club Meet The Nautilus Literary Club met recently at the home of Carolyn Ockey. President Betty Lou Ostler was in charge and discussed the business of the meeting. Carolyn Ockey Ava read the club collect. Christensen was in charge of the topic, Foreign Countries. She introduced Marilyn Ostler who told us of her recent visit n, ...i on Worwood, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Garrett, Mr. and Mre. Clark Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ander- Leland Greonhalgh, Ostler, Mr. and Mrs. son Anderson received word J. Paxman, Mr. and last week that their grand- Vaughn Mrs. Samuel Mr. and daughter, Miss Kaye Anderson Mrs. Lyman Sperry, Christensen, Mr. of Phoenix, Arizona, was se- and Mrs. Russell Nielsen, Bishlected as Proenix North High op and Mrs. Donald L. Bailey Schools home coming queen in an Mr. and Mrs. David held on Thursday. elections She was crowned during the ceremonies of the North-CentrFOR . Remington football game. The school 760 30:06 SALE Pump, and Winchesthas a membership of 2600. er 32 Miss Anderson is a daughter Kelson Special Rifle. See Ray at Ray's Cafe of Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Anderson. on The highlight will be the performance of candlelight music from the Christmas The Friendly Daughters held Bingham High School Choir their annual Christmas Pot on Christmas Day at 12.15 to Canada. She showed some very beautiful colored slides Luck party Saturday night at over KSL RADIO. December and told us about the clothing On Wednesday, the home of Mrs. Alligee AnShe showed us a 16, at 12:15 p.m., Jeanne Lee-so- they wear. derson. Ladies Day Director, will fur coat, gloves and boots After a delicious dinner, the was spent singing talk about floral arrangements which she wore and she said evening festive season, and that when one became clothed Christmas carols, telling jokes, for the hints on plant care. for the weather of northern and each member telling the give One week before Christmas, Canadas winters one would most embarassing moment in December 12:15 18, at p.m., have an extra 50 lbs of weight their lives. suggestions on the selection Those present w'ho enjoyed and safe care of the Christmas in three articles of clothing. Present for the evening were the party in Mrs. Andersons tree will be discussed. Presidents of three impor- Phyllis Ingram, Beth Sperry, beautifully decorated home inVonda Bowles, cluded: Mrs. Carol Stuart, Mrs. tant farm groups will present Dona Jones, Elizabeth Black, Mrs. Lula B. their problems and discuss Ava Christensen, Margaret Nadine Hill, Evalyn Ostler, Memmott, Mrs. Olive Broad-hea- solutions on Monday, DecemBlackett, Doris Anderson, NanMrs. Alberta Jones, Mrs. ber 21 at 12:15 p.m. Saturday, December 26, at cy Beck, Betty Boswell, Aria Stella Olpin, Mrs. Florence W. 6:45 a.m., care McPherson, Betty Lou Ostler, WarMrs. Amy Worthington, of and vuletide flowers plants guest Marilyn Ostler and hostMiss Mrs. Rheta ner, Sperry, will be the subject of discus- ess Alligee Anerson Home their Christmas party at the Fourth Ward Recreational hall ember 9th. A delicious dinner was srved after which an amusing program was enjoyed. The program included The Skit of a Farmily; a readMr. and Mrs. Winslow S. ing,Primary Praise to Our Primary Chever and son of Provo spent Husbands", a Christmas story Sunday at the home of Mr. and Christmas carols. Games and Mrs. Grant Allen. were played and gifts exchangMrs. Vernon Bosh and two ed by the following: President and Mrs. E. Rulon Brough, children and Mrs. George Mr. and Mis. Mr. Crisp of Spring City visited and Mrs. Dee Ralph Chase, Sparks, Mr. and with Mrs. Hazel Bosh on Fri- Mrs. Jesse Bailey, Mr. and day. Mrs. Marcus Olpin, Mr. and On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Golden Oldroyd, Mr. and Miss Farrell Bosh and three child- Mis. Frank Warner, Mis. Marion ren of Salt Lake City were Rheta Sperry, dinner guests of Mrs. Hazel Memmott, Mr. and Mrs. Wells Bosh. Ellertson, Mr. and Mis. Jay Mr. and Mrs. Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. Dlbert Broad-hea- d Jackman, Mr. and Mis. Perry Dale atives and friends Thursday, December Oranges 2 lb. 25$ Fresh DAT - 25$ pkjj. Hesrge PRI0O-- - 3 lb. fin 59$ d, p i and Hi-Land- . for everyday and eveiy meal ... Healthprojxjrtionea K0LZaMZ tt t (ftawl joa LuxjJ.tU. as , mite Alice P. McCune, Mrs. Beth Mrs. Cora Wankier, Ostler, and the hostess, Mrs. Anderson. The members recently presented Mrs. Beulah H. Irons with a beautiful potted plant while she was confined to the hospital. Mrs. Irons is a member of the group. uAe. UtAc ofj jo sion. THIS BUSINESS OF FARMING heard over KSL RADIO is brought to you Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12:15 p.m. and Tuesday, and Saturday at 6:45 a.m. by the UTAH DIVISION OF KENNECOTT COPPER CORPORATION. Thursday Carolyn Ockey. Watch Repairing Engraving Jewelry Diamonds THE TIME BOX AT THE TOGSERV 19 North Main Nephi Plymouth sales per dealer up 49 over last year... production: increased to meet demand! Your dealer has a wide selection right now! HEINZ PORK 6 BEANS - Smoky in Tomato --2 Sauce -- 16 oz boifles cans 6 for X rolls for 45c MISSION SODA POP 2RC NORTHERN TOILET TISSUE 27c ALL DETERGENT 10 LB PACKAGE 2 d9 DEL MONTE WHOLE KERNEL CORN 2 37c POWDERED OR BROWN SUGAR - 2 pkqs 3?c TUNA - - GEISHA - BEST QUALITY 4 cns 1 flrt SPONGE RUBBER SOAP DISHES 39c value IQc ---- Ice Cream Hi-La- nd jgal 79$ i jiMjvl CENTER SLICES FRONTIER JOWL BACON HUSKIES DOG FOOD New Low Price, 6 cans 1 ib cans 7Qc per lb. 69c per pound CHERRY CHOCOLATES box 45c ALBERS OATS RAISINS Quick or Regular -- Special rPlymoutK production will roll like Plymouth sales. That means YOUR Plymouth dealer has the model . . . the colors . . . you want. Theres no need to wait for YOUR new Solid Plymouth. Yea, the lag news right now is that you dont have to wait for your Plymouth. Your dealer has a wide selection for you to choose from. And the kind of buy that will save you money. A trial drive will show you why Plymouth is so popular and 6m e mw nU way to fir jrow did taUtfaeUon. why owners are so pleased with the solid, quiet ride that Plymouth's construction gives. With the tight feeling of the whole car. With the easy way it handles, steers and parks. And, above all, with the g new economy of Plymouth engines 1 gas-savin- ! IP Ha'ST YWE 0 1LJ PAINTER MOTOR 140 SOUTH NEPHI MAIN STREET T IHE COMPANY PHONE 7 - COMPLETE PROCESSING OF BEEF - PORK - LAMB |