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Show s 28, . Blk. 7. Plat B, Eureka E. Park Sub. Survey .,. $3.83 W. 41.2 ft, th. N. 404 W, Otherwise known as part of All of 15.6 ft. to beg. Together with Tract E, Blk 5, Plat E, Eureka Alonzo Sandstrom Ticklers a $0.77 City Survey By, $11.11 Leland Sanderson, Audrey Lot 4, Blk. 2, Plat C, Eureka a R. of W. through Lot 18 City Survey James $42.16 a $14.56 Gardner at Marie Naef Sanderson, Joint City Survey Beg. Sam Hall and LaRae Hall, pt which discovery monument David B. Sheldon, Margaret Tenants Beg. N. 5157 E Utah December Seven 1959 of care Thursday, C. 17, of 6, All of Martha Sheldon Nephi, Lot Joint Tenants the North Extension Zulu, 72.65 ft, of NW. cor. of Lot Page Com. at a pt. which Valley & Ridge Mining Claim, 33, Blk. 7, Plat B, Eureka City Blk. 2, Plat C, Eureka City Allen U. S. Lot 231, bears S. 641 $18.78 bears from corner number Continued from preceding page 34.5 ft. from NE. corner of Survey, th. N. 5151 E. 20 Survey Frederick A. Johnson and North Extension Zulu, Valley 4 W. 31.15 ft, th. N. 3435' E. said Lot Lot 26, blk. 5, plat B, Eureka ft. to NE corner of 141.96 ft. Jeannine Johnson, Joint Ten- Ridge Mining Claims, U. S. Lot 290 ft, N. 644' W. 28.2 ft, ft., to beg. Cont. 0.59 Ac. $5.37 City Survey, th. S. 6843 W 33, th. S. 2321 E. That part of Lot 10, 231, N. 7320 E. 344.4 ft, th N. 75 W. 69.1 ft, S. 601 W. th. Wly 33 ft, th. NWly 137 ants Rulon Bradford and Virginia 60 ft., W. 20 SW to ft, 53parallel ft. to beg :... All N. $25.29 Blk. 2, Plat C, Eureka City S. 2030' E. 68.90 ft, th. N 40,3 ft. at pt. dist. 9 ft Sly Bradford, Joint Tenants line Lot to W, ft. 26, bdy Earl Naef or Veva Naef Survey, known as Lot 10, Blk. 6830 E. 21 ft, th. N. 6550' measured at right angles from of Lots 5 and 6, Blk. 3, Plat bdy. line, th S. 1843 E. 53 $13.80 E. 15.8 ft. to the Townsite En center line of railroad company J. of E. Park Sub Eureka Blk. Lot B, 7, Plat 33, B, Eureka City Survey 43 N. 68 E. ft, M. Leathern fol the Raymond try Survey, th. N. 520 W spur R. of W. track or tracks, Survey, City Clarence W. and Lavern 70 ft, N. 12 18approximately excepting E. 2.5 a pt. 8.5 ft. S. 1929 25.3 ft. along side line, th. N th. S. 30 W. parallel with said at of NW. at cor, Beg. All of Lot 9, N. 6842 E. 54 ft. M. or ft., Beg. lowing: Potts Bauer L. Blk. 3, Plat B, Eureka City N. 2118 E.' 27.61 'ft. to beg said Lot 33, th. N. 5157 E. E. from SE. corner of Lot 11, 21 26 W. 40.6 ft, th. S. 739 center line of spur, 80 ft, S. E. at right angles from 72.65 ft to point of beg. of Blk. 2, Plat C, Eureka City W. 42.75 ft. along Leadville 60 $10.73 Survey $250 7405 W. 74.4 Row to beg. Otherwise known said center line of spur 16 ft, Clarence W. and Lavern Potts Elmo Bohwell, Leah Boswell land herein described, th. N Survey, th. S. W. 108 ft, N. as Lot 21, Blk. 1, Plat E, Eur- S. 30 W. parallel with dist. cor- ft, N. 2018 All of Lot 10, Blk. 3, Joint Tenants Bauer Com. at SE, 5151 E. 20 ft. to NE. eka City Survey $153 25 ft from said center line of ft, S. 7730 E. 43 Plat B, Eureka City Survey comer of Lot 26, Blk. 5, Plat ner of said Lot 33, th. S. 2333 75 E.S. 451929 E. 87.5 ft. to John S. Locke, agent, care spur 114 ft, S. 3201 E. 85.7 ft, $1 92 B, Eureka City Survey, th 21 E. 141.96 ft, th. Wly All of ft. to beg. Also known as part $20.70 of F. A. Johnson Ella Donnelly care of Mrs. NW. following E. bdy line of ft, th. NWly 137 ft. M. or begWallace V. Adele Lot 23, Blk. 1, Plat E, Eureka of tract E, Blk. 5, Plat E, and Peck, to $13.38 All of Lot E Driscoll beg Lot 26, 37.25 ft, S. 6842 W, Mary H. Peck, Joint Tenants Beg. City Survey, and that part of Eureka City Survey $153 Harold T. Morgan, W. 11, , Blk. 3, Plat B, Eureka 54 ft, S. 1218 E. 2.5, ft, S All of Lot 3, Blk at a pt. N. 8150 E. 51.22 ft Lot 91, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eureka Mary Gardner Beg. at a - $7.28 6843 W. approximately 70 ft., Morgan City Survey All of th. SE following W. bdy line 8, Plat B, Eureka City Sur from SW- corner of Lot 12, City Survey, described as com. pt. from which discovery monLook at Dad! All his life ho has complained Mary H. Driscoll $4.98 Block 2, Plat C, Eureka City at corner number 9, North Ex ument of North Extension ZuLot 12, Blk. 3, Plat B, Eureka approximately 35 ft, th. NE vey about a bum back! 114.61 W. & N. & tension th. lu, Zulu, Valley 38 Harold Thomas Morgan Survey, Valley Ridge Ridge Mining $18.01 following S. bdy line 124.32 ft r City Survey of Lot 4 ft. M. or L. to N. line of Mining Claim, U. S. 231 Claim, U. S. Lot 231, bears S. 13 of Lot 11, and ail of Lot 12 corner SE. Harold V. Parker, Jaunita at Beg. Peter N. Nielsen, Esther N. to beg $30.66 Plat B, Eureka City said Lot 12, th. N. 8425 E. th. S. 526 E. 79.93 ft, th. S 19E. 138.8 ft. dist, S. 3201 Blk. I, O. S. L. Plat, Mammoth Parker The SW. quarter of Beg. 'Nielson, Joint Tenants Marion Russell, care of Ralph Blk. 8, th. S. 6627 W. 101.52 50 ft. to NE. corner of said 1832 E. 75.42 ft, th. S. 71 E. 59.4 ft, N. 30E. 114 ft, S. City Survey .,..$7.15 SE Va and the E. 4 of the at SW. corner of Lot 24, Blk. W. and Elaine R. Taylor, Joint Survey, David Larson, care of Ster-lin- e SW. 4 of Sec. 30, T. 13 S, N. 2014 W. 90 ft. M. or Lot 12, th. S. 38 E. 110.04 47 W. 17.56 ft, th. S. 72 601 W. 96.2 ft. to beg. Other3, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Tenants Beg. at SE. corner ft, ft. M. or L. to SE. corner of 14 W. 32.35 ft, th. N. 2102' wise known as part of tract E ' E. and June L. Davis, Joint R. 19 W S. L. M. Also the th. S. 86 45 E. 55.15 ft-- N. of Lot 27, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eur- L. to N. bdy line of said Lot said 12, th. S. 8150 W. W. 54.2 ft, th. N. 4731 E Blk. 5, Plat E, Eureka City Tenants Ail of Lot 3, Blk. following: Beg. at a pt. E. ?39 W. 47.43 ft. N. 7240 eka City Survey, th. N. 1048' 4, N. 6350 E. 103.91 ft, S 50 ft. Lot to beg $1.53 42.5 ft, th. N. 5512 E. 14. Survey, excepting U. P. Rail- L, Robinson Townsite, Mam- 2020 ft. from 4 sec. corner beE. 94.46 ft. to beg. 1911 W. 56.85 ft., S. 343 W. 52.24 W. 63.74 :... $38.33 ft, th. S. 7428 W. Pearl Forsey care of Gerald ft, th. N. 526W. 79.93 ft to road Switch R. of W. Also ex- moth Gty Survey $4.76 tween Secs. 30 T. 13 S, R. $11.11 to ft. to beg pt. on W. side line of said Albert E. Morley Com at NW. beg.' $6.13 cepting portion deeded to A. B. Lot 13, 19 W S. L. M and Sec. 25, E. 4 of A. Drussell Joseph L. Walburg ' William J. Maxwell and lot, th. S. 1839 W. 63.03 ft. Frank Peart, Alice Peart, Campbell R. 20 W Lot 10, Blk. 8, Plat B, Eureka corner of Lot 15, Blk. 2, Plat $0.77 Blk. D. Cowans Add, Mam- T.. 13 S S.L.M, , Mary S. Maxwell, Life Estate th. N. 7437 E. 135.42 ft. to Com. at a pt :. Jock Campbell All of the moth Gty Survey .. $3050 th. N. 2815 W. 415 ft, th. $10.35 C, Eureka City Survey, th. Joint Tenants City Survey All of Lot 51, Blk. 4, Plat beg .... $14.56 .... N. 8412 E. 49.92 ft, th. S. 17 on the side line of North ExAil Lot 1, N. 67 30' E. 863.7 ft, th. S. surface of in and to that porVilate Steele Eureka City Survey ....$0.38 George C. Lindsey and Mrs, 18 E. 35 Dwain Garbett and Florence 'B, ft., S. 8412 W. tension Zulu, Valley & Ridge tion of Block 5, Plat E, sit- Blk. D, Middletown, Mammoth 687.7 ft, th. W. 620 ft. to beg. O. K. Lindsey William J. Maxwell and Mary D. Garbett, Joint Tenants Beg. at NW, 49.92 $2.62 Cont. 8.84 Ac. Total Acreage ft, th. N. 1735W. 35 Mining Claim, U. S. Lot 231, S. uate on&North Extension Zulu, City Survey ........ All Beg. at NE. comer of lot ; S. Maxwell, Life Estate 35, corner of Lot 12, Blk. 8, Plat M. or L. to beg $36.41 623 E. and 31.9 ft distant Valley D. Larsen, Lot 24, 128.84 Ac $63.31 Ridge Mining Claim, Corty of Lot 52, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eur- Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka City B, Eureka City Survey, th. S ft. Albert M. Elvin Leonard J. Parker care of Beg. 42.15 from corner number 8 of said U. S. Lot 231, described as beg. Blk. D, Middletown, Mammoth .... $0.38 Survey, th. S. 1631 E. 71.63 2444 E. 60 ft, N. 7208' ft. S. eka City Survey corfrom 42.! . NE E.A Lot 231, th. N. 8232 E. at the SW corner of Tract iden- City Survey Alder 2456 E. The SE. 4 of $11.67 William J. Maxwell and ft. th. S. 6348 W. 74.17 Mrs. Delora Foster care of the SW. 4 of Sec. 15, T. 14 th. N. 6956 E. 35.65 ft. tical with NW corner of CampIt, E. 50 ft. M. or L. to E, line ner of Lot 10, Blk. 3, Plat C, 'Mary S. Maxwell, Life Estate th. N. 2240 W. 79 ft, th, N. 2027 W. 60 ft. M. or L, Eureka City Survey, th. S. 24 ft., th. S. 2004 E. 39.4 ft, th bell Tract, whence corner No. Roy M. McIntyre Lot 39, S R. 18 W S. L. M Cont. All of Lot 53, Blk. 4, Plat N. 6848 E. 81.75 ft. to beg, to NE. comer S. 7208 W, 56 E. 42.15 S. 6857 W. S. 6656 W. 90.1 ft, th. N 10, of U. S. Lot 231, North Ex- Blk. I), Middletown, Mammoth 40 Ac. An undivided 13 in' ft, 52.57 ft. to beg ....$1.92 B, Eureka City Survey $18.40 $28.36 100 N. 2456 W. 42.15 ft, 623 W. 54.9 ft. to beg. Other- tension Ridge Izxle, bears N. City Survey $6.67 terest $1.19 ' Viola M. Peterson and Thel- Beg. 60 ft. N. ft, Robert J. Robinson The Floyd Gourley H. V. Parker, Juanita ParThat part of 6857 E. 100 ft to beg. wise known as Lot 26, Blk. 1, 75 15W E. 523 ft, N. 2950 Hugh Gray ma. Griggs, Joint Tenants W. 4 of Lot 36, Blk. 5, Plat 5. 2444 E. from NW. comer $1.53 Plat E, Eureka City Survey W. 15.3 ft, th. N. 6010 E. Lot 14, Blk. G, Middletown, ker, Joint Tenants care of E. -..I .All of Lot 54, Blk. 4, Plat B, B, Eureka City Survey. Venus of Lot 12, Blk. 8, Plat B, EurAll of Lots Sarah The SE. 4 of $12.65 16.2 ft, th SW. comer of the Mammoth Berry City Survey, de- A. Alder .... S. $2.30 eka 2444' th. Eureka City Survey N. Lawson, Ruth F. Fuller, City Survey, SW.' 4 of Sec. 15, T. 14 the on of E. as scribed side Hector 14, 16, 17, 18 Blk. 3, Plat C, Frazer and Evans N. Marie Ev th. beg. Tract, 'i Floyd , Bet-E. 85 45 N. E. A. and Blume 7208 Kenneth ft, Eureka Fannie Bell Foster, Mayme E ft, Com. at 6926 E. 96 ft, to SE. comer Hillside Ave. and SW. comer S R. 18 W S.L.M, Cont. 40 Survey, minus D. ans, Joint Tenants Church and Emery Edwin M. or L. to E. line of said and R. G.City ty A. Blume, Joint Tenants Undivided 23 interest. W of R. $1.15 S. th E'ly Ac. which a E, of said Frazer tract, which cor- of Lot 13, said Blk, bears 1521 pt. Lot 12, N. 2027 W. 84 ft All of Lot 60, Blk. 4, Plat B, Schneiter $3.83 M. $2.62 Wesley and Rose Durfee care and 183.3 ft. from corner num ner is on the N. side line of 100 ft, along S. side line of W. S. L. or 50 7208 ft Eureka City Survey, except 6 Veda May Householder Frank J. Parker, Elizabeth of Riley A. or Juanita Tallant ber 3, North Extension Zulu, the Campbell Tract, th. S. 60 said Lot 13, to Post Number M. deed L. to corner or NE. in $15.71 25 ft. beg That part of Lots 35 and 36, by Beg. at NE. corner of Lot Valley & Ridge Mining Claim, 10 W. 110 ft. to beg $153 2, th. Sly 40 ft, to Post Num E. Parker, Joint Tenants care Sheldon R. Kirkham, Lavon ed to Anabel Mooney.... $17.25 Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka City The E. 4 of Neno Schena and Shirley ber 3. th. Wly 100 ft. to Post of E. A. Alder 21, Blk. 3, Plat C, Eureka City U. S. Lot 231, th. S. 236 W, C. Joint Laveme Tenants W. Clarence Bauer, Kirkham, Survey, described as beg. at the NW. 4 and the NE. 4 of 161.05 37.6 ft, th. S. 8953 W. 76.15 Schena, Joint Tenants S. E. th. 4, th. Nly along HillNumber 2610 Com. Survey, of All All of Blk. Lot B, 28, 8, plat Bauer, Joint Tenants SEly comer of Lot 36, Blk. 5, th. S. 6902 W. 104 ft, ft, th. N. 1054 W. 35.2 ft. at a pt. on S. end line from side Avt. 40 ft, to beg $1.43 the SW. 4 of Sec. 22, T. 14 Lot 63, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eureka Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Eureka City Survey. Perpet ft, R. 18 W Mc- S 163 ft. M. or L- to N. th. N. 8740 E. 84.6 ft. to which comer Sadie Albert th S.L.M, Cont. 4. No. Last McIntyre, Nly ual easement adjoining Lot 26, $1.92 th. S. 63 48 W. 31.70 120 acres. City Survey Undivided 13 in69 beg. Otherwise known as Lot Chance Mining Claim U. S. Lot Intyre 39 N. th. Blk. Lots of and line Lot ft, 21, 40, bdy Thelma Griggs Beg. at a W. 80 ft, M. or L. to Blk. 8, Plat B, for right of 38' E. 100 ft. to $17.15 $15.71 16, Blk. 2, Plat E, Eureka 261 bears N. 8258 E. 55.71 3, Moss Add, Mammoth Gty terest beg $19.93 pt. on S. bdy line of Lot 64, pt. on Nly bdy line of Lot 36, trespass ........ H. V. Parker, Juanita Par$1.43 $17.25 ft, S. 8258 W. 106.9 ft, N. Survey C. Anderson Rilely A. Tallant and Juan- City Survey Samuel BUT. 4, Plat B," Eureka City N. 6848 E. 38.26 ft. to Beg, ker, Joint Tenants, care of Albert McIntyre. Sadie NEly at SW. corner of Lot 1, Blk, ita Tallent, Joint Tenants Com. at a 7145 W. 26 ft, N. 1150 E. George Forcey Survey, th. N. 6548 E. 48 Comer Lot 36, N. 6848 E The E. 4 of the 32 ft, S. 8306 E. 125.7 ft, S. Lots 12 and 13, Blk. E. A. Alder 26 which N. E. bears and of NW. corner Lot pt. at 21, 65 Beg. N. 9, Eureka B, Plat th. ft. from SW. comer, City Survey, S. 2240 E. 79 ft. M or ft, 4, Moss Add, Mammoth Gty NW. 4 and the NE. 4 of the E. 12.1. ft. to 1000 222 Otherfrom ft. distant Comer Eureka beg. Blk. C, Plat 3, City 58.57 N. th. N. W. comer 628 48 E. 33.54 ft. to SE. L. to Sly bdy line of Lot' 35, ft, $1.19 SW. 4 of Sec. 22. T. 14 S, 1 North Extension wise known as Lot 2, Blk. 1, Survey of Lot 65, Blk. 4, Plat B, Eur- S. 6348 W. '12 ft. to beg, 8513 E. 53 ft, N, 1020 W. Survey, th. N. 6938 E. 137.43 Number Emma Wheeler Lot 27, R. 18 W S. L. M. Cont. 120 Plat Eureka & Zulu M. F, L. 163 or th. City Valley Survey, Ridge Mining 66 ft. M. or L. to a pt, which ft, ft, Sly eka City Survey, th. N. 531 acres. Undivided 23 interest. , $17.25 Blk. Silver 13, U. Survey S. Lot $30.66 S City line of th. S. Claim, th. ... Lot 231, to 21, bdy W. 117.34 ft. to NE. corner of Theodore That is S. 1020 E. 36.71 ft. from S. Atherly $0.48 $36.45 Alliene 42 19 84.7 Farren and 47 E. Frances N. th. 164.03 SW. W. to ft. 6902 ft, Lot 65, th. S. 7021 W. '4859 part of Lot 8, Blk. 6, Plat B, NE. corner of said Lot 1, th. II. V. Parker, Juanita ParEmma Wheeler E. 80 ft. 41 E. 21 a pt. which at W. Ewell th. N. 15 of Beg. N. th. comer Lot 4239 21; S. 5 to E. 46.18 ft, S. ft. 116.8 2635 S: 1453E. Eureka City Survey, described ft, of Lot 28, Blk. 13, Silver Gty ker, Joint Tenants The B. 4 ft, th. W, 21 W. 163.37 ft. to beg. $3.83 85.2 ft, th. S. 4741 W. 30.5 bears N. 5858 W. 193.9 ft. as Beg. at NE. corner of Lot 48 E. 73.39 ft, beg $0.71 of the SW. 4 and the NE. 4 from corner number 4, Last Survey ft. to Otherwise known beg. 68.75 G. to Lucille ft. beg Knotts, Joseph George Hyde and. Margaret 15, Blk. 6, Plat B, Eureka City Lots of the SW. 4 of Sec. 28, T. 14 Kathleen E. Rowley Mining Claim, U. S. Heber D. Fields or Vera B Carlson Knotts, Joint Tenants as Lot 8, Blk. 3, Plat E. Chance All. of Survey, th. N. 52.22 Hyde, Joint Tenants' 3 and 4, Blk 22, Silver- Gty S R. 18 W S. L. M Cont. Lot S. 40 E. th. 261, .... 440 Eureka $5.7Ji City Survey ft, Beg. at a pt.' S. 10 Beg. at a pt. N. 450 D. 67.74 Lot ,73,' Blk. .4, Plat E. Eureka ft, th. :N.; 3820 "E- 192.06 Fields Undivided 23 in$5.48 120 Ac. George W. Forsey, Pearl I, th. S. 8713 E. 104.8 ft, th. Survey $14.18 ft, to SE. corner of Lot 9, th 20 E. 66 ft. from NE. corner ft. from corner no. 1 of Boom terest 'City Survey,...'. $3.81 N. 41.9 E. W. Leo N. Blk Green th. 0215 Lot tenants Com, 26, ft, joint George W.' Leatham and Iris 5. 650 E. 50 ft., th. N. 82 of Lot 1, Blk. 9, Plat B, Eur- Millsite Lot 247B, Blk. 3, Plat Forsey, The S. 8821 W. 107.6 ft. to beg. 24, Silver City Survey ...$11.67 Leonard J. Parker 25 E. 112 ft, th. S. 650 E eka City Survey, th. S. 1020 C, Eureka City Survey, th. N. at a pt. which bears No. 217 Otherwise N. Leatham, Joint Tenants of the SW. 4 and the NE. known as Lot 4, Thomas E. Judge and Geo 4 and distant 1031.6 ft. from I All. of Lots 87 and 88, Blk. 13.2 Va S. 8225 W. 112 ft, E. 33 ft, S. 8513 W. 53 ft 450 W. 119.4 ft. to a fence, of the SW. 4 of Sec. 28, ft, Blk. 1, Plat F, Eureka City H. Judge A triangle tract or corner number 1, Ex North M. L. W. Suror line of said to fence N. E. th. 8322 along 4, Plat B, Eureka City th. S. 650 E. 50 ft, th. N, T. 14 S R. 18W, S. L. M Va of E. land & tension within the $2155 Survey Zulu, parcel Valley Ridge 33 No. W. 15.3 N. corner of th. ft. to 638 $26.06 8225 E. 12 ft, th. Si 650 lot, fence, vey ft, Tom Judge andor Geo Judge of the NE. of Sec 18, T. Cont. 120 Acres. Undivided 13 Claim, U. S. Lot 231 Wesley. Robinson hnd Ruby E. 50 ft,- th. N. 8221 E. 100 8513 E. 53 ft. M. or L. to SEly 108- - ft. to comer of Mining $1.91 Com a 10 2 R. at is S which S. L. M de- interest N. S. 83.7 th. E. 4239 pt. W, th ft, 42 9 20 W. 5135 ft. distant scribed as follows: $9.58 fence, th. along said fence S. Beg. ft, S. 650 E. 116' ft, th. S. beg H. V. Parker, Juanita ParRobinson, Joint Tenants Com. at S. W. 16 th. N. 4711 ft, Frederick A. Johnson, Jean 6255 W. 36 ft. to beg $1.92 at NW. comer of Lot 2, Blk. 5, 8932 W. 150 ft, th. S. 650 The NW. 39 W. 83.7 ft, th. N. 4711 from Comer Number 4, Last the NE. cor. of sd. sec. 18, th. ker, Joint Tenants Plat B; Eureka City Survey, E. 100 ft, th. S. 8932 W. 20 nine Johnson, Joint Tenants Edna Miller & Ada Peay Chance Mining Gaim, U. S. 5, 3852 W. 1155.4 ft, th. 4 of the NW. 4 of Sec. 33, E. 16 ft. to beg. Otherwise S. B of Lot All Blk. th. 9, Plat 11, 58 N. 129 12 S. th. All of Lots ft., and 13 of Sub. 5518E. ft, th. ft, th. N. 650 W. as Lot 9, Blk. 3, Plat Lot 261, th. N. 8105 W. 209 5. 5008 W. 18352 ft. to the T. 14 S R. 18 W S. L. M 2804 E. 43 ft., fh. S. 63 8225. W. 83.1 ft, th. N. 19 Eureka City Survey .... $39.83 of Lot 1, Blk. 1, Plat D, Eur- known 40 Ac. Undivided 23 Eureka E, ft, th. N. 916 E. 51 ft, th. true pt. of beg. of the land Cont. City Survey ....$3.83 S. Alice N. 2804 Frank 21 W. ,58 ft, th 11 W. 49.32 ft. to beg. $27.21 Peart, Peart, eka City Survey interest $3.83 $1.19 E. sd. described 2045 of S. 8104 th. herein Marie Com beg. Echevarrieta pt. ft, All of Lot 12, $6.90 W. 38.81' ft. to beg Ida Erickson J. Parker Ionard The Beg. at a pt Joint Tenants M. Elvin All of Albert 40.8 W. located ft. intersectto 418 Otherat the at corner being beg. number 10, North Mrs. Theresa Viertel care of onE. bdy line of Lot 8. Blk. Blk. 9, Plat B, Eureka City Lot 14 of. Sub. of Lot 1, Blk. NW. 4 of the NW. 4 of Sec. known wise ion as & of line Denver E Lot of Blk. 10, the 1, & Extension ' Zulu, Valley $1.92 'V. H. and Amy Bates, Joint 6, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Survey 33, T. 14 S, R. 18 W S. L. M SurRidge Mining Claim, U. S. Lot Plat F, Eureka City Survey Rio Grande Western R. R. Co's Cont. 40 Acres. Neno Schena and Shirley I, Plat D, Eureka City $1.92 W. 50 ft. from SE. Tenants Undivided 13 Beg. at a pt. N. station of its Tintic vey $4254 N. W. 956.3 grounds 231, th. ft. 526 !55 18 E. 58 ft. from the NW. corner of said Lot 8, th. S. Schena, Joint Tenants All of interest ..$0.71 C. Adelbert Branch care Keesler at of Juab Knightsville, John Edwin Hill and Katnlyn th. S. 6627 W. 34.55 ft. to corner bf'Lot' ' Z' Blk 5, Plat B, 8932 W. 100 ft, N, 650 W. Lot 14, Blk. 9, Plat B, Eureka SW. Gylnn Colin Bennion William A. Day with the SEly R. of That of All County, deNE. Tenants comer of land Joint part herein Hill, N. th. $1.92 Eureka City 'Survey', 100 ft:, N. 8932 E. 100 ft, City Survey of Lot 11, Blk. 1, Plat F, Eur- W. line of U. S. Highway No. 4. S4 SE 4 of Sec. 34, T. Blk. Sub. Lot of of 1, Lot S. th. 73.5 E. 17, 2526 ft. scribed, A. M. Lee Bird, Elna 55 18 E. 60.31 ft., th. E. 100 ft. to beg. Bird, Sly S. ' 650 described as 6, th. S. 022 E. 610 ft, th. 11 S R. 8 W, S L M. ALso ' ' :. Com. at SE. 1, Plat D, Eureka City Survey. th. E. 6457 W. 7 ft, th. N eka Citya Survey, 61.83 ft. M. or L to S. bdy $46.76 Joint Tenants N. 3952 W. 456.01 ft. to a Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Sec. 3, . which is S. 2 at beg. Also all of 20.6 Lot pt 64 W. 16, 1342 S. th. part ft, T. 12 S R. 8 W, SLM, Cont. line of Lot 2, th. S. 6321 W. Gordon, pell, Effie Bell, Joint corner of Lot 1, Blk. 1, Plat of Sub. ofEly 48 234.3 E. from distant pt. in said SEly R. of W. line 404.96 34 Blk. 24 1, Lot Plat W. 1, N. th. ft, 2526' ft, 62.31 ft., th. N. 2804 W. 43 Tenants Acres $5.96 Beg. at a pt. ;S. C, Eureka City Survey, th N. D, Eureka U. S. No. of N. comer th. Number Chance Last 6, 1, de Highway W. 52 th. N. 6434 E City Survey, W. 106.96 ft, th. S, $20.31 650 E. 1935 ft. from NE. 210 ft, ft. to beg E. W. U. sd. of R, S. 4758 Lot cor261, as Mining scribed Gaim, along at 26.45 ft. M. or L. to beg. OthSElyNHarold L. Fox, LaRue Fox, corner of Lot 8, Blk. 6, Plat 7938 W. 165.25 ft, th. S. 45' ner of said beg. BOOK ir 10 erwise known as Lot 19, Blk th. N. 8104 W. 115.6 ft, th. line 388.29 ft, to true pt. of Lot 16, th. All of Lot 4, B, Eureka City' Survey, th. 'S. 20 E. 12.37 ft, th. S. 5947 Joint Tenants N. 730 E. 44 ft. M. or L. to beg. Cont. 2 acres, M. or L. STATE TAX COMMISSION W. W. 47 100 S. ' Sur7913 Plat 3, Eureka E, ft, E. 46.35 S. th. E. City 6423 Blk. 5, Plat City 8225 W. 112 650 E. ft, ASSESSMENTS $27.88 $91.98 NW. comer of said lot, th. S. $22.61 50 ft, N. 8225 E."H2 ft, J3ST. 45.29 ft, th. S. 6918 E. 45.20 27.5 ft, S. 1047 E. 100 ft, vey M. Christison Eureka, Survey Paul W. H. Gay Cummings 113 ft, th. S. 418 The E. 8430 27.5 E. N. to ft. 7913 David and pt. Garbett Mary Beg. at 650 W. 50 ft. to beg. ....$3(L4- ft, th. S. 7122 E. 35.12 ft, of Gladys, H. Kay Vt of the SE. M Sec. 10, T10S, Survey No. 38, 2.75 Acres $0.62 W. 50.5 ft. to beg $24.91 $14.18 Com. at corner beg 61, number Blk. 5, SE. comer of Lot James Ferris and Phyllis' P. to beg. Cont. 0.213 Ac. M. or Frank H. Eastmond Mona Henry Larson care of Mary R. 3 W S. L. M, Cont. 80 Com. North Extension Zulu, Valley Sarah A. Sanderson $39.07 Plat 3, Eureka1 City Survey, Ferris, Joint Tenants The L- Ac District Elizabeth Biddlecome Eden Mining $7.62 care Lucky Boy, & Blk-1U. S. SW. of Lot corner at ! th?S. 6424 W. 47.3 ft., th. N. W. 50 ft. oft he W. Flor-iClaim, N. s Ridge John 6, Mining Castleton and bt Lot 4 Mrs. Mike Brewer Gilbert Snell, Helen Snell, lot No. 37, 5.0 Acres .... $1.11 Beg. Plat D, Eureka City Survey, Lot 231, th. N. 635 W. 763.3 of P. Castleton Com. at a pt. 2546 W. 42.5 ft., th. N. 68 10, Blk. 6, Plat B, Eureka NV4 of John S. Adams a pt. 1058 W. 460.3 ft, Joint Tenants Tintic at 196 N. E. th. N. 23.56 N. 2 th. 6432 N. E. City Survey 52 318W. E. and 21 E. 51.7 ft., th.S.T8 distant ft, about ft, and N. 210 W. 3 ft, and N. the SE. W, the NE.The of the ft, $8.43 District Mining Bavaria, W. 37.5 N. th. th. W. 106.96 10 N. 475 295. from 7939 ft. $12.65 the W'ly corner 39.37 ft. to beg. ft, Marviif Petersen and Shirley ft, 14 of the Three Post and Nassau Lodes, N. 4430 E. 40.5 ft. to SW. 8115 W. 120 ft. from comer SW. !4 and the SW. John T. Lucas, and Margaret Petersen, Joint Tenants Beg. of Lot 1, Blk. 1, Plat C, Eur- E, 60 ft, S. 6 E. 130 ft. M. corner Sec. 15, T. 10 S, Survey No. 6350, 34.642 acres. of number 4, Last Chance Min- NE. of herein describL. land S. said or to of line Lot 6, K. Lucas, Joint Tenants Com. at a pt 50 ft. N. 6254 E of eka City Survey, th. N. 79 ing Gaim U. S. Lot 261, th. N. R. 3 W, S. L. M Cont. 160 Teutonic, Survey No. 4607, at NE. comer of Lot 11, Blk. NW. comer of Lot1 10, Blk.- 6, 53 E. 104.25 ft, th. S. 720 S- 7921 W. 69.7 ft. to beg. ed, th. N. 4430 E. 60.4 ft, 820 11534 Ac Missouri E. 54.55 S. $75.87 Lass, No. E. Ac, 8105 ft, W. 52 N. th. 4019 ft, th. 100.1 ft, S. 725 W. 51.8 ft, State of Utah care of Mar- 3003, 20567 Ac 5, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Plat B, Eureka ( City Survey, E. 243.45 ft. to Gemini Branch Com. at a pt. N. 7921 E. 69.7 $15.92 S. 7841 W. 94.70 ft.; S. 17" N. 6254 E. 38.12 ft, S. 28 of D- & R. G. Railroad, th. N. ft. dist. from SW. corner of S. 4711 W. 31.6 ft, th. S. 47 to All of the N. 4 interest of beg. Otherwise known garet Webb Lyle E. Davis 4 51 W. 40.18 ft, th. N. Lot 6, Blk. 1, Plat D, Eureka 41 W. 31 ft, th. S. 4219 E. as pt. 55 E. 87.97 ft.;' N. 7244 E. 70 10 E. to S. 'line of said lot 72 18, Blk. 1, Plat F, Eur- of Sec. 3, T. 11 S R. 3 W. in Waverly, Waverly No. 1 and ft, to beg. Also known as ekalotCity ft., to E. side ''line said Lot 10, S. 3820 J Wto a pt. 50 7556 W. 53.66 ft, th. N. 79 City Survey, th. W. 6W. 130 54 $12.26 S. L. M. Cont. 31752 Ac $8.34 No. 2; Richmond, Jumbo and Survey Lot Blk. Eureka Plat M. L. 31, 3, line of said N. to or 04 E, L. M. 16.57 W. or '80 skid W. ft. th. N. 1028 ft, ft. E of 29, N. 107 W. bdy line of Jumbo Extension, Survey No. Mrs. Joye McRae Bennion ft, Frank Alice Peart, Peart, 38 40 79 E. N. covth. W. $11.50 City Lot 197.7 ft. to beg Survey 6, to beg. Above description lot 10,Niy to beg $49 02 $14.18 Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, and S. V NW. 3251, 110.55 Ac. (4 interest, in Joint Tenants Com at C. surNed Allinson All M. S. 130 or E. ft. 852 James McNeil and Jewel ft, E. 33 ft. of ers all of Lot ,11 and part of IR.; Davis SW. of Section 110.55 Ac.) Creek pt. on the E. side lin of Last 4 and N. Lot 29, Blk, 5, Plat B, Eureka Lot 10, Blk. 6 plat B, Eureka McNeil, Joint Tenants That L. to S. line of said Lot 6, face of &North Extension Zulu, Chance Mining Claim, U. S. Lot I, T. 11 S R. 9 W, SLM. Mining District Spring interest 4 Ridge Mining Claim, 261, at N. 628 W. 57.50 ft. Cont. 325.25 Acres. Less 0.03 in Carnival, $1.92 City Survey ...: .'... ....$11.50 part of Lot 8, Blk. 1, Plat C, th. S. 7921 W. 45 ft. to Valley City Survey ........ Survey No. 5047, $28.36 U. S. Lot 231, from corner from Corner number 4 of said Ac. deeded to Riverbed and R. Wesley Robinson Oris Sanderson and Wanda Eureka City Survey, described beg Irrig- 20.354 Ac. (4 int. in 20.354 10 number of said Lot N. a 231, McNiel Dave at Tenas Com. SW. comer at of Beg. Lot Tenants H. Joint G Sanderson, Joinp Robinson, Ruby lot 261, th. S. 8226 W. 7.3 ft, ation Co. for well ... $350.65 Ac.) ,.$7.77 Lots 4 and 5 of Sub. Beg at NW. 'corner of Lot 14, 18, Blk. 1, Plat C, Eureka pt. 60 ft. N. 84 E. of SW. 526 W. 705.52 ft, S. 5631 th. N. 543 W. 61.64 ants Robert C. Bennion S. Eclipse Mining & Milling Co. th. ft, 83 W. S. W. 56.5 , 4836 of Blk. Plat-Bcorner 1, Plat Lot Eur16, E. ft, Eureka City City Survey, th. N. 7918 of Lot 19, Blk. 5, Plat B, Blk. 6, ft, N. 8232 E. 6.45 ft, th. S. of SW. M, W. of SE. of care of W. Lester Mangum $3.83 Survey, "'th'Nv 6542 E. 81.60 300 ft, th. N. 1035 W. 100 D, Eureka City Survey, th- N. S. 5006 W. 112.4 ft. to beg 628 E. 61.63 ft. to beg. eka City Survey ...; Sec. 1, T. 11 S, R. 9 W, S. L. Jessamine, Lot. No. 3857, 1055 OtherSE. and comer of a 84 50 E. premises, wise known as Lot 42, Blk. 1, M, Cont. 160 Ac, Less deed Acres ft, th. Nly to pt. E32 ft, SWly ft, th. N. 7918 E. 50 ft, Vaughn Clements and Maur-in-e ftrSUiie $2.53 to W. side line Lot 14, said th. S. 1035 E. 100 ft, th. S 104 ft, N. 7336 E. of NW. S. 5006 W. 34.85 ft, S. 59 Plat F, Eureka City Survey. for Riverbed. Irri. Co. for well Mid Vale Mng. Co, care of Clements, Joint Tenants 30 W. 16.25 ft, N. 4534 W. Lot 8 of Sub: of Lot 19, Blk blk, plat and survey, N. 25 7918 W. 50 ft. to beg. Also corner of said lot, S. 7336 W. $15.25 Southern $0.77 Exploration Co. $1.53 43.7 ft, N. 5126 E. 61 ft, $33 34 known as Lot 7, Blk. F, E. 47 ft, th. Sly to beg Wonder C. Bennion 5, Plat.- B, Eureka City Sur- 8 W. 32 ft. td beg of the Hills, W. V Ophir, Robert Passie care of Neno Myrtle Com. S. 32 25 E. 45.15 ft. to beg. Schena Wilbur Gay Baum $13.41 Oris Sanderson and Wanda Park Sub, Eureka City Surof NE. of NW. of Wedge, Tip Top, Copper Chief, vey , NVa Surface only rights Otherwise known as Lot 38, to the ' A. vey Clement and C. Sanderson, Joint Tenants .... $4.22 at a pt. S. 7954 W. 55 Missing Link, Rattler, Survey Vaughn part3 of the Sec. 12. T. 11 S R. 9 W.( No. the SE. corner of Lot 17, Blk. 3, Plat E, Eureka City Red Birdfollowing Maurine Clement, Joint Ten- Com. at SW comer Of Lot 14, Thomas E. Judge, and Cleo 5399, 122.665 Acres. How$15.25 Lode Mining Gaim S. L. M Cont. 160 Ac. Blk. 1, Eureka $9.58 Lot. No. 96 and the Talisman Plat D, Com. City Survey Leon M. Frazer and Ruth ard, Survey 37-ants"and Howard, Lot 9 of Sub. of Lot Blk" 6,' Plat B, Eureka City Judge, Joint Tenants Cleo corJones Com. at W. 54.96 41 at pt. on N. bdy line of Lot Survey, th. S. 7954 37-M. S, Survey 19 : Blk. i '5, Plat B, Eureka Survey, th. N. 2508-W25.66 Lode Mining Claim, Lot No. M. Frazier, Joint Tenants ner number 1, North Extension SW. comer of said lot of the SE. Va of Sec. Acres. $21.08 ft.Detroit Mining DistCity Survey Ely, . with S. line 'of 10, Blk. 1, Plat C, Eureka City ft. to 104, described as follows: Beg. SE. & Ridge Mining at the SW corner of the sur- 12, T. 11 S, R. 20 W S. L. M rict First Chance; A. Clement and Grahams lot to E. line of Lot Survey, th. N. 7954 E. 55 17, th. N. 210 W. 85.59 ft, Zulu, Valley Clara B, Vaughn S. Lot 231, th. N face Cont. 40 Ac $3.81 Survey No. 4875, 25.358 Acres Maurine Clement, Joint Ten 14, 81 ft, S. 166 E 41 ft, ft. from NW'ly corner of said th. N. 543 E. 37.85 ft, th. Claim, W.U. 742.2 area from which aforesaid, Leon M. Frazier and Ruth ft, th. N. 64 pt. the U. S. Mineral MonuLot 14, of Sub. of Lot M. or L. to SE corner of said lot, N. 7954 E. 45 ft,' th. N. 7428 E. 61.45 ft, th. Sly 635 ants $4156 $11.88 32 E. 182 ft. to NW. comer ment No. 2 in Tintic M. Frazier, Joint Tenants Walter Frank Morgan West 19, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka lot 14, S. 7340 W. 81 ft. M. S. 505 E. 112.4 ft. to Sly about 130 ft, to beg Mining land of herein th.. W. Wan& Oris Sanderson described, Va of S. Vt line Lot th. 10, Tintic Mining District of the SE. $1.92 bdy $1.92 or L. to beg District Bears S. 954 W. 494 0 All of the W. 15 City Survey All of Lots 7841 W. 45 ft, th. N. 504' da C. Sanderson, Joint Tenants S. 3535- W. 215 ft, th. S. ft, distant, th. S. 7545 E of Sec. 12, T. 11 S, R. 20 W interest in: Lockheed, LockCarl Gallaway Lots Robert J. Robinson 56.2 E. 35 N. th. 5425 All of Blk. Lot 21, 1, Plat of Lot 13, W. 113.35 ft. to beg $19.16 ft, 15 and 16 of Sub. of Lot 19, 4 and Wly 150.0 th. N. 1415' E. 80.0 S. L. M Cont. 80 Ac. $7.62 heed No. 1 and Lockheed No. 2, Leon M. Frazier and Ruth Survey No. 7189, John T. Lucas and Margaret D, Eureka City Survey $12.65 35 E. 59 ft, th. N. 7836 W. ft, N.ft,7545 W. 150.0 ft, S. located in Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka City all in Blk. 7, Plat B, Eureka 52 S. 17 W. ft. 1415 W. 80.0 ft. to 6432 Com. at Ada H. Peay Sec. 28, T. 11 S R. 5 W S. L. Also com. 120 K. Lucas, Joint Tenants ft, th. Lot M. Frazier, Joint Tenants $3.83 City Survey. Beg. beg. Survey to Otherwise known as 46. blk. 1, Plat 7 of M, Less excluded ground. R. Wesley Robinson, Ruby ft. N. of SE. cor. of Lot 12, at NW. comer of Lot 19, Blk. NWly comer of Lot 5, Blk 2, Lot beg. F, Eureka All of the W. V of NE. 7, Blk. 4, Plat E, Eureka Ac. (15 int. in 49.427 Ac.) Blk. 7, Plat B, Eureka City 1, Plat C, Eureka City Survey, Plat D, Eureka City Survey, H. Robinson, Joint Tenants $4254 Sec. 13, T. 11 S R. 20 W $11.11 S. L. M. Cont. 80 Ac. $7.62 $2.33 The S. 4 of Lot 7, of Sub. of Survey, th. S. 7114 W. to th. N. 7902 E. 105.30 ft, S. th. N. 7139 E. 15975 ft, th. City Survey N. 71 E. 82.25 ft. to pt, of Leon M. Frazier, Ruth M. Frances Anderson care of Eugene Santchi care of Helen Lot 19, Blk. 5, Plat B, Eureka Wly line of sd. Lot 12, 60.71 1027 E. 37.38 ft, S. 79 BOOK F All Santchi Bassett Boneter & Frazier, Joint Tenants $32.19 ft. th. N. 1602 W. 22.65 ft, 02 W. 110.5 ft. M. or L. to beg, and being the NWly cor- Frances Anderson Searle Com. City Survey at Comer Number 1, North TINTIC SCHOOL DISTRICT of the E. M of the NE. hi, North Tintic Mining District: Anna Morgan Beg. S. 6433 th. N. 7907 W. 14.50 ft, th. W. line of Lot, N. 317 W. ner of the land herein Lot 6, and NEVi of SE. Va of Sec. 13, That part of East Bullion: BulLaurett Parsons and 'conveyed, th. N. Extension Zulu, Valley & Ridge W. 133 ft. from NE. comer of N. 1021 E. 56.23 ft, th. N. 37.40 ft. M. or L. to beg $3.83 John T. Lucas and Margaret 71 E. 50 ft, th. S. 2456 E. Mining Claim, U. S. Lot 231, Blk. A, Robinson Townsite, T. 11 S R. 20 W, S. L. M, lion: West Bullion Lodes, SurLot 20, Blk. 5, plat B, Eureka 7030 E. 6993 ft, th. S. 15 $11.44 vey No. 4470, in Juab County, Beg. 100 ft, th. S. 71 W. 50 ft, th. N. 635 W. 742.2 ft, th. Mammoth City Survey ....$7.62 Cont. 120 Ac City Survey. S. 2636 E. 135 45 E. 81.17 ft. to beg. $18.01 L. Lucas, Joint Tenants Lot 7, Dalena D. Lunt Com. 1280 12.3 acres $2.95 Edgar A. Alder George A. Hyde and Margar- at SE. comer of Lot 19, Blk. th. N. 2456 W. 100 ft., to N. 6432 E. 182 ft, th. S. ft., S. 6348 W. 82.07 ft., N. Tintic Central Mining Co. All of Lots 15 , Plat C, Eureka City Survey, pt of beg Townsite, ft. E. and 290 ft. N. of S. 4 $1.92 3535 W. 21.5 ft, th. S. 54 Blk A, Robinson 2014 W. 85 ft., N. 6248 et M. Hyde NevAlso comer of Sec. 14, T. 13S, R. Tintic Mining District Bertha Russell Beg. at pt. 25 E. 56.2 ft, to NW. comer Mammoth Gty Survey, W. 65 ft., N. 2014 W. 47.71 and 16, Blk. 7, Plat B, Eureka th. S. 7914 W. 114.66 ft, N. Eva Fraction; 17 W. 37.60 ft, N. 792 E. which bears S. 2456 E. 340 of land herein described, th. Com. at NE. comer of Lot 7, 18 W S. L. M th. S. 20 E. ada No. 4; $24.53 to 33 ft. 154.45 Survey 64 N. E. City ft, E. 180 ft, Wyoming; Lethbridge; RayMac Bigler and B. C. Jam- 110.50 ft, M. of L. to E. end ft. distant from NW. corner N. 3535 E. 25 ft, th. S. 54 Blk. A, Robinson Townsite, 240 ft, N. 77 $18.78 beg Dad; Survey All of Lot 17, Blk. 7, line of said Lot, S. 1027 E. of Lot 5, Blk. 2. Plat D Eur- 25 E. 30 ft, th. S. 1410 E. Mammoth Gty Survey, th. Ely S. 40 ft, S. 33 W. 90 ft, S. mond; Harold T. Morgan and W. ison E. 100 ft, N. 80 E. 90 No. 6090, 98.787 Acres; Tahoe; :...$3.83 eka City Survey, and N. 71 375 ft, th. S. 3905 W. 235 along S. side of Sioux Ave, 26 F. Morgan Beg. S. 6348 Plat B, ' Eureka City Survey 37.38 ft. to beg. Don R. Giles and Jean Giles, 39 E. 574 ft- to place of beg. ft., th. S. 3158 W. 8.6 ft, 86 ft. SWly 140 ft to SE cor- ft, N. 17 W. 140 ft, N. 73 Goud; Rain Storm; Dominion $6.52 W. 48 ft. from SE. comer of All of Lot Joint Tenants All that part th. N. 7139 E. 5714 ft, th. th. N. 6445 W. 13 ft, th. N. ner of said Lot 7, th. Nly E. 50 ft, N. 17 W. 20 ft, No. 1; Fiddler; That part of William Hurd Lot 20( Blk. 5, Plat B, Eur24 56 W. 100 ft, S. 71 25 E. 12.7 ft, th. N. 37 W. long E. bdy line of said Lot N. 60 E. 120 ft, N. 17 W. Nevada Extension No. 1. Lying eka City Survey, th. S. 6348' 18. Blk. 7. Plat B, Eureka of Lot 1, Blk 2. plat C, Eureka W. 400 ft, Within Juab County; to place of beg $10.24 100 ft, S. 60 $18.01 City Survey, known as Lots 39 W. 574 ft, th. N. 24 316 ft, th. N. 38 E. 13 ft, Survey W. 85 ft., th. N. 2636 W. City Survey All of Lot 5, 6 and 7 of Blk. K. E- Park 56 W. 100 ft. to beg. Jose A. Roybal, Marilou M. M. or L, to beg. Cont. 2 4 No. 6025. 64.00 Acres; Nevada $11.11 th. N. 5425 W.. 11.8 ft to William Murd 136.35 ft., th. N. 6433 E. 85 int. each Ac $18.02 No. 3; Brago; That part of Eureka Sub, being 100 x 150 ft $41.39 Juan Medina and Mary A. beg. Otherwise known as Lot Roybal, Undivided ft., th. S. 2636'W. 13655 ft. 19. Bik. 7, Plat B, Lots 15 and 16 Blk. B. That 9. Blk. 4, Plat E, Eureka City George E. Prince and Mary Nevada Extension lying withFranklin Building & Loan Medina. Joint Tenants to beg. $1.92 City Survey, except the E. 10 $22.23 Co, care of Wendell and Ella part of Lot 18. Blk. 1, Plat E, Survey $12.65 Townsite, Mammoth L. Prince, Joint Tenants, care in Juab County; Survey No, Gertrude P. Thomas Beg. ft. . 46 94 The W. 4 6779, 34 257 Acres $12.87 of E. A. Alder Leland Sanderson or Audrey Mel lor, Joint Tenants Hyrum Gardner care of Gty Survey Beg. Eureka City Survey described at NW. comer Lot 26, Blk. 5, Tintic Undine Mining Co. of Sec. 14, T. 13 N. 82 ft. of the SE. Verl D. Phillips Beg. at a pt Beg. at a pt. at a pt. on the N. side line as beg. at a pt. from which Mary Gardner Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Sanderson North 19, "20th of Beatrice S, R. 18 W S. L, M, Cont. The th. N. 7437 E. 135.42 ft.. S, S. 2316 E 45.5 ft. from NE. of Lot 2. Blk. 2, Plat C, Eureka corner number 7, North Exten-Cit- y N. 19 W. 138.8 ft M. or L of the W. 32.5 ft of Lot 20, 80 D. Lode. - from .... Ac $37.66 M.nSurvey No Townsite B. and'sion & Robinson N. Blk. Monument Blk. Zulu. E. 7, Plat Lot 26, of comer Discovery Ridge Valley Survey, 1218 E. 34 5 ft, S. 6843 George E. Prince and Mary 4.904 ac. (19 '20 of 4 904 Act W. 60 ft., W. 20 ft, SW. paral- B. Eureka City Survey, th. S distant 150 ft, from the NW. ing Claim. IT. S. Ixt 231, bears North Extension Zulu, Valley Mammoth Gty Survey ... $7.15 $1.14 E. 11,3 ft, th. S & Ridge Minnig Claim, U. S. Carl Johnson care Mrs. Gyde L. Prince, Joint Tenants care lel to N. bdy line Lot 26, 53 ft 2316 E. 105 43 ft.. S. 67 corner of said lot. th. N. 79 IN. 714-Axel Walberg The South The E. 4 of All of Lot 5, Blk. I. of E. A. Alder ft. th. S. 51 UA 231. th. N. 32 01 W, 52 Hyde N. 1839 W. 255 ft. to beg ZV W. 66.24 ft, N. 2321 W. 18 E. 50 ft. S. 1029 E. 100 744 O W. 13 9 10th of Iron Duke M.rv. Twp. .$6459 92.46 ft, N. 6113 E 665 ft. ft, S. 7918 W. 50 ft, N. W. 3 2 ft, th. S. 29 E. 44 ft, ft. N. 60 10 E. 164 02 ft, S. O. S. L. Plat Mammoth Gty SW.R. 4 18ofWSec.S. 14. L. M, Cont. Monterey and Gulch. Survey .$3.00 S, 1029 W. 100 ft. to beg. Also th. N. 8850 E. 485 ft, to 30 W. 80 ft, S. 60E. 16 ft. Survey to beg. ... Elmo P, or Leah Boswell $14.77 No. 589, 31.441 Acres .... $6 91 The E. 80 acres All of Lot described as Lot 11, Blk. G, E. side of Lot 18. th. N. 750 S. 6001 W. 96.2 ft to beg. Jennave Houghton Mmnie Sullivan S. 1218 E. Beg. at a Sinter George - ! i $20-3- - , . - ,, - - . Hc-Inty- re . - 5 $1-9- 601.' ' - - . - ; . ' - ft'-i'S-. - - , ! - - - - . - - - c A . - - t. 49.-42- d, Go-Eas- - . - j j pt . |