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Show ijc eohi. Utah irstt3s Thursday, December 17, flood Control Plans Page Four 1959 V Recently admitted patients at the Juab County Hospital in- Progressing on Area clude the following: Danny Ned Wdkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Wdkey, of Fountain Green. (Editor's note: This is the .grazing management plan, it Flame Blackham. daughter fourth be necessary to discuss of a series of articles will of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Jack-madealing with watershed prob- - the problems with the ranch-lem- s, Moroni; flood damage, and work ers, the Fish and Wildlife Ser- Mrs. James II. Ockey Jr., that is being done, or is to be vice, and with the SCS and Nephi. Mdler-UigeloForest Service technicians. Brad Jenkins, son of Mr. done on the these Other specialists who have to correct and Mrs. El wood Jenkins, of watershed and flood worked in the area are Bob reduce problems . Nephi. These articles are Bridges, geologist, and Dick Patricia Anne Bedson, the damage. the local wat- Leisher, hydrologist. released It is the through Josdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. which is job of the hydrologist to deershed committee, eph II. Bedson Jr., Nephi R. headed Gardner, termine how much runoff can Stephen Garrett, son of Mr. Chairmanby of theElgin Juab County be expected from the waterNeDelos Mrs. Garrett, and shed and how often we can Committee.) phi. expect damaging floods. This E. R. Foote, Nephi information is used by the enRose Keyte, daughter of By 11. Elgin Gardner gineers in designing flood preMr. and Mrs. Verlael Keyte, The formulation of a plan to tention structures. Before any Mona cure a "sick'' watershed takes of these structures can be John Bird, son of Mr. and a lot of field work by techbuilt, however geologist Mrs. Lawrence Bird, Nephi nicians who are schooled in must determine ,the the geological Neldon Cloward, Nephi such fields as geology, hyd- formation to determine whethMrs. Lynn Chase, Nephi economics, range man- er or not it is safe to install a Gordon Herbert, Salt Lake rology, and engineering. Spec dam, a terrace or a diversion agement City. iahsts, who are members ot the of some type. Martha Long, Eureka Soil Conservation Service WatThe information obtained by Diane Nielsen, daughter of ershed planning party, or are all these specialists must be Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Nielsen, in area the this for working correlated, the different Leamington. SCS or the Forest Service, sibilities considered, and posthe Thomas L. Garfield, Mona have spent considerable time in cost of the work compared with Albert Tunbridge, Nephi the past month or so gathering the expected benefits, in dedata on the Miller - Bigelow veloping a practical watershed watershed. This is the point we Son of Nephi Residents Deane Harrison, SCS range plan. have reached at the present conservationist from Richfield, time. As the plan develops, we and Earl Spendlove, local unit will keep you informed on the Participates in Navy conservationist, have complet- some of the problems we run Yuma Maneuvers ed a range site and condition progress and let you know suney on the privately owned into and how they are solved. This land on the watershed. A particYUMA, Arizona ipant in the Navys fourth an survey is actually an inventory nual air weapons meet "Oper- of the vegetation on the wateration Top Gun" while serving shed and the present conditions with Attack Sqadron 56, home of that vegetation. When the based at the Naval Air Station, survey map is completed it will STUDDED TEE such things as what Miramar, California, was Navy show Cdr. Ralph L. Walker, son of areas can be seeded, where the Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Walker brush can be cleared and natof 328 South Second West, Ne- ive grass will take over, what phi, Utah and husband of the area can be improved only by former Miss Sylvia Robertson management, and parts of the Order Today While of Boone, Iowa. range that must have structBefore entering the Navy in ures to prevent floods and reprices are low. July, 1942, he attended the duce erosion. in Available 6, On the National Forest, the University of Utah. made been have His squadron, surveys the range and ft. flying 6'2 A4D "Skyhawk placed first in by range technician Ed. Horthe Jet Light Attack events ton working with Ranger M. J. Made from during the meet held Novemb- Roberts. Surveys made by er 30 through December 4 at SCS and Forest Service techhigh-carbthe Marine Corps Auxiliary nicians have been correlated tough rail steel and practices that are going to station at Yuma. be should be installed and that ASSORTED MILK CHOC- installed have been listed to Heavy duty anchor OLATES Vi lb box only 1.29 be included in the watershed plate. Protected at Clarks Grocery, 3rd South plan. also information The with range heavy coat of and Main, Nephi. Rhone 330. will be used to determine rate enamel paint. green this IEANCTS Fancy, only 27c for stocking livestock toon meet SEE YOUR watershed, per pound this week end at paticular BRANCH of the big game manageClarks Grocery Third South some MANAGER most know, As ment problems. and Main, Nephi. ROSS GARRETT readers know', the watershed area has been ES7, an area where deer and elk YOUR OLD WATCH IS have concentrated in the winter in past years. The grazing MORE WORTH ON by wildlife and livestock has TRADE IN AT seriously depleted the range and added to the problem we UTAH POULTRY & NEPHI JEWELRY now have. In working out a n, w plow "435" Diesell Feotvrei on engine-of- fers electric jtarting General Motori new economy and speed! The New John Deere 2-- ultra-thrift- y, 3 oooGBQEffgnDEOOB SfflEI 0E3B 0 John Deere Day is your opportunity to get all the important facts on the latest in John Deere equipment for better farming the easiest possible way! Besides the famous "What's New" part of the program, you'll want to see "Oddities in Farming," "The Gordon Family" and take a film visit to the John Deere Plow Works to witness precision shares. It's free for all the family, automatic production of so make it a datel high-spee- d FRIDAY DECEMBER 10 1 PM VENICE THEATRE at FENCE POSTS (135 (E &UHQB anil iM? GnnffiSi w FARMERS W. L. LAFFERTY CHIROPRACTOR Palmer Method to 6 Dally Closed Tues. to 9 Mon., Wed., Fri. PII. Service 9 9 X-R- 8-- 1 PAYSON, UTAH Mile South on Hlway 91 GIFTS to treasure WEDDINGS BIRTHDAY! or ANY OCCASION if NEPHI JEWELRY Telephone WdsauJs haraepHigj DOLE PINEAPPLE - - Tidbits or Chunk Style - - - 5 cans 1.00 Crushed DEL MONTE CUT BEANS - S cans 1.00 341 O PINEAPPLE -- GRAPE FRUIT JUICE Healthful! 4 cans l.QQ 300s DOLE FRUIT COCKTAIL -- 4forgqc OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 39c This has all been Government Inspected and Appproved! 5, Miller-Bige-lo- NEPHI 2 bedroom NOTICE OF SALE FOR RENT home large living room, utilTo be sold for labor, materity, furnished kitchen and floor ial and stoarge at Lans SerHeated. Call Mrs. coverings. on the 18 John C. Llewellyn, 42 North 5 vice, Levan, Utah1959l at 2 p December( dayof tasr' m. the following motor vehicle Pontiac; Make, Year, 1941, Serial No. Motor No. FOR RENT registered in the apartment, ground floor. Electric range and refrigerator, ana name of James A Smith, whose floor coverings Kendall apt. last known address is U.S.S. Porterfield DD682 care of F, Calif. .... FREE COFFEE, SOFT P. O., San Francisco, now $30.00. Amount due, DRINKS and Spudnuts for all DATED this 7 day of Dec., Christmas shoppers on Friday 1959 evenings 6 to 9 p.m. at Robert WARNER TAYLOR, Hall Pharmacy. Lienholder. Dates of publication: DecembCHRISTMAS CARDS FOR er 10 and 17, 1959. SALE at my home. Let me renew your Readers Digest and FOR SALE other magazine subscriptions at Baby jumper special Xmas rates. Lawrence chair practically new M. Broadhead. phone 179, Phone 545. MINCE MEAT Large jars, Each RAISINS -2 4?C --N- OW -- 5 lbs 1.00 55c per can 57c lb pk MIXED NUTS BLUE PLATE LARGE CLEANED SHRIMPS - LIBBY PUMPKIN Large IVi size 2 cans 35c billed Candy 3 liortesaioiffl 3lls.65c "Shurfine" COOPERATIVE SCOTT LEAVES A1 1. OTHER OUTBOARDS YEARS BEHIND! RADIANT FRUIT CAKE MIX pound 4SC CARNATION TUNA LY-,N- S CHERRY 4 cans Q$e CARROTS per lb - fee GRAPEFRUIT Large bags, Each CHECK OUR PRICE ON PEANUTS FROZEN ORANGE SCOTT outboards ic Electric-startin- w or best-lookin- New 1959 40 H.P. best-ridin- g g, Based on manufacturer's suggested deliv ed price for a Monterey Sedan, 1960 v. 1959. Regular S645.00 Now! ONLY 514.40 24 Months to pay! A 5 PARKIN MOTOR CO. 1 3 South Main Street Hephi, Ufah Phone 312 DATES Pasco 5 cans 7QC 2 lbs 45C 79c 1 FROZEN PIES - . Apple, Mince or Pumpkin -- 2 for 1.00 BOYSENBERRY JUICE - 0 cans 1.0Q COME IN AND SEE OUR VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS CANDY MORRELL BACON - Thick Slice 2 LBS 7QC CURED PICNICS REAL DEAL per lb 55c PORK ROASTS - LEAN & TENDER -- per lb Qc - Scott-power- er t, power bailing. models have generator (no extra cost). From 3.6 to 60 hp, theres a Scott for every boat and budget. Easy terms combion nations come in now ! Sedan for "numbers game" this. We can actually sell you a brand-neMercury Monterey name cars with comparable equipment just $72 more than youd pay for the best of the new "low-pric- e and radio! $72 thats all and well put you in including automatic transmission, heater-defrostcar on the road. Come on in today and see what we mean. the best-buil, No g JUICE f NOW Jle lb box - 4$C CHOCOLATES 1 HiLand Ice Cream give you modern styling, choice of six hood colors, plenty of lively, dependable power. Advanced Scott features include full gearshift. 1 BOLOGNA - SPECIAL - - PER POUND 4Qc LAMB CHOPS OR STEAKS - Young Lambs lb 53c GET YOUR HAM NOW AT BARGIAN PRICE ORDER YOUR TURKEY TODAY Few Evinrudes -- - Th and 10 H. P. at Exceptionally low A prices SPORTSMANS SUPPLY 6 Nephi, Utah I |