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Show $30.66 All Carter, Joint Tenants of Lot 1, care Of Fred J. Chapman W. Beg. 5 Iks, S. of the place of beg SE. Vi of the SE. Vi of Sec. Eureka City Survey All Spurrier Blk. 7, Plat C, Nephi Townsite of Lot 3, Blk. 22, Plat D, Nephi at the SW. corner of Lot 2, th. N. 107 rds. 5 Iks. to the 2, T. 16 S, R. 1 W, S. L. M, of L. Kenneth Lot 3, Blk. 3, Plat A, Eureka .... $0.89 Cont. 8.26 Ac. Cont. 20 Ac $43.60 Blk. 7, Plat A, Mona Townsite place of beg. $28.52 Townsite Survey Survey $15.71 $17-9Chester Memmott, Esther H City Survey Estella B. Garrett care of All Survey, th. N. 13 rds, E. 13 M. or L Richard B. Whittington All of Lot Mrs. Joan King William F. Pay and Fay C. Memmott, Joint Tenants The S. Mi of Lot 4, of Lot 3, Blk. 23, Plat D, Ne- rds, S. 7 rds, W. 6 rds. S. Lee Olsen of the NE. V4 of Sec. 7, Blk. 3, Plat A, Eureka City Com. 20 N. Blk. 11, Plat C, Nephi Town- - phi Towmsite Survey .... $58.36 6 rds. W. 7 rds. to beg. $51.02 Pay, Joint Tenants Page Also 98 ft. Sly from Thursday, December 17, 1959 16 6 corAll T. S. rds. of NW. of 31, the J. Nephi, Utah $42.62 Iks, S, R. 2 W, S. L. M. Survey. B. Virgil Swasey Richard site Survey Whittington of Lot 7, Blk. 3, corner SE. the V4 of Sec. 32, Cont. 80 Ac $21.27 of NW. ner the and Lots 2 Plat Blk. 3, A, 9, 143 ft. W. of N. E. cor. of Clark L. Sparks Beg. at Beg. Eureka H. Plat A, 1 12 Esther R. E City Survey, S. T. Chester . L. . th Mona Memmott, $33.22 Beg. NE. cor of Lot Townsite Katherina J. Sidwell M, S, Survey 1. Blk 12, Plat Lot 4, Blk. 23. Plat D, Nephi 98 ft, to ft, N'ly Lot at SE. corner of lot 1, Blk. C, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. Townsite Survey, th. S. 214.5 Julius T. Stickney, Hattie P. E. 17 rds. 12 Iks, S. 40 rds. Memmott, Joint Tenants AH th. Wly 57 of 7, th. said of SW. comer P8- - Plat A' NePhi Townsite S. 120 ft., W. 13 rds., N. 120 It, th. W. 71.5 ft, to S. W. Stickney, Joint Tenants care W. 17 rds. 12 Iks, N. 40 rds of the SE. Vi. the S. of the along S. line of said Lot 7, Acres $5.10 the NE. V4. the E. 22 to beg. Cont. cor. of sd. lot 4, th. N. 214.5 of Erwin Newton Survey, thence W. 13 rds., ft., E. 13 rds. to beg Beg. $333.75 D. H. and L. Haas W. and aU of Lot 4 of Ely to beg. Lying and being thence N. 74.5 ft., thence E. 13 All of Lot ft. to N W cor. of sd. lot 4 rds. 3 Iks. E. and 11 rds. S. care of Homer Virginia C. Sanders Sec. Anderson T. 16 S, R. 2 W S. L. on the W. W. C. Millsite $11.11 31, Beg. 14 E. 71.5 of to rds., thence S. 74.5 ft. to beg. 2, Ida th. ft. NE. of of ....$5.57 NW. corner beg. Blk. 15, Plat C, Nephi Town- V4 M. 439.95 Ac Cont. corner SW. of $39.00 NW. of Rodney D. Runnellscare of $25.08 at 11 S B. Vi Ruth R. Kester et al. of Sec. 32, T. Beg, SW. $79.01 N. M. and Frances Ar1 II. 13 Esther T. S R. E Chester Sec. Boyd 3, Memmott, S.L.M, Keith Dean Winn and Beth site Survey 13 Vi at NE. corner of S. of Lot 1. E S. L. M, E. rds, th. E. 51 rds. 9 136 lene corHore Williams J. NW. 19 The S. th. Beg. at SE. corTenants John Beg. Joint at Memmott, IL Winn Town-sitIks, e 14 Iks, th. S. 19 rds. 1 lk., Beg. 4, Blk. 23. Plat D. Nephi of SW. Vi of ner of Lot 9, Blk. 3, Plat A, ner of Lot 3, Blk. 59, Plat A, ft. N. and 112.5 ft. E. of SW. W. th. 13 rds. 14 Iks, th. N. rds, th S. 75W. 39 rds. 12 NW. Vi, W. 13 rds. W M, th. Survey, I Survey, th. S. 29 Nephi Townsite Survey, th. S. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 17, Plat C, or L. to W. line of Lot 4, th, 19 rds. 1 lk. to beg. Cont. 1 Iks, th. N. 18 rds. M. or L. Sec. 32. T. 16 S R. 2 W Eureka City M. or L. to corner S. L. M, Cont. 240 Ac. $21.27 59' E. 9 ft. S. . 6 Mi th. 85 of center to 8 23 rds., rds, N. 8 Nephi Townsite Survey, th. E 5. 70 ft, th. E. 13 rds, M. or 9816 Ac. ditch, inSaid property and place of beg, th. SE. V4 of fence Arlin Davidson beg. 90 ft. to a pt. which is 12 ft L. to E. line of Lot 4, th. N cludes and is also described and W. 6 rds, 3 Iks, th. S. 8530' 23 rds., W. 6 rds. to567.86 Pursuant to Section 29-5- 9 E. 26 ft, S. 60 W. W. of E. line of sd. lot 3, th, 70 ft. to beg $48.19 known as Lot 3, Blk. 1, Plat W. 6 rds. 5 Iks. M. or L. to NE. Vi of Sec. 15, T. 14 S, S. Utah Code Annotated 1953, I,114 ft, N. 3506 W. 64.40 ft. Co. care N. 78.5 ft. to the N. line of R. 40 8 15 4 acres N. W rds. SLM. Cont. Electric section th. A. line, Clarence Modernage Ada H. E. Sperand Lenna Mona Townsite Survey C, the undersigned Cont. Beg- - 20 sd. lot 3, th. W. 90 ft. to a Pay $0.44 to SW. corner of said Lot 9, All of Lot 3, Blk. 26, $38.56 Iks. M. or L. to beg. ry. County Treasurer of Juab of Gayle Yorgason 112.5 ft. E. of NW, Plat D, is 6445 cor. of Lot which 3, 7.27 ac NW. Arlin Davidson of Lots 5, 6, N. 3506 W. 7.90 $28.81 S. ft. ft, N. pt. al K. Sur Newell Townsite et Nephi hereby give public County. Harry Town-persoE. 40 40 ft, E. 73 ft, S. 28-5- 9 cor. of sd. lot 3, th S. 78.5 ft. vey W. State of Utah care of Arliean 7 and 8, E. , W. $135.40 Beg. 32 rds. 16 Iks. N. of SW. notice that the following named Blk. 61, Plat A, S.NephL $28.20 60 ft, th. to beg AH of the E. of Sec. 30, N. 60E. 51 ft. M. or L. to beg. , NEVi NEVi William F. Pay and Fay C, corner of SW. Vi of sec. 29, Vickers Barrett are delinquent in the site Survey, th. Leora B. Sperry Beg. 131.5 Pay, Joint Tenants u to. N. 60 ft, th. W SW. Vi of the SW. Vi of Sec. T. 14 S, R. 7 W, SLM, Cont. Lying and being on the W. W. J65 and M All 1. 11 L. of S S. T. R. E of ft, general payment 4, T. 13 S, R. 2 E, S. L. M. 525.19 Acres $4.43 C. Millsite. Lot No. 163-- B $3i5.5U ft. W. of SE. corner of Lot 2, Lot 4, Blk. 26, Plat D, Nephi th. N 29 rds. 4 Iks, S. 78 Rnpcial or other taxes to the 165 ft. to beg $15.33 Arlin Davidson Lots 6, Fred M. Beck care of Clark Blk. 19, Plat C, Nephi Town- - Townsite Survey 44 rds. 22 Iks, S. 1 E. 28 Cont. 40 Ac. Undivided Vi in$71.47 amount set opposite their re- Walter Sutherland and Da Beg. at NW. site Survey, th. W. 83 ft., to Annie Anderson care of Andy rds. 4 Iks, N. 78 W. 45 rds terest $11.97 7, 10, 11 and 12, and E. SDective names on the property S. Prisbrey SW cor of said lot 2, th. N. Ice Anderson of Sec. 31, Sutherland, Joint Tenants E. State of Utah care of Arliean W. , W 'All of Lot 4, 11 Iks. to beg. Cont. 8 45160 indicated reference being here- - I comer of Lot 3, Blk. 62, Plat 74.5 ft., th. E. 83 ft, to a pt. Blk. 30, Plat D, th. at a pt. which bears S. Townsite Vickers Barrett Survey, Com. at the T. 14 S, R. 7 W SLM, Cont. Beg. roll Town- - A A, Nephi to $10.38 bv Nephi 6 125 ft, th due N. of beg, th. S. 74.5 t site W. and Distant 51.05 $4.43 62-5Gean C. Summers $40.00 40 SE. comer of Sec. 5, T. 13 S, 526.45 acres for th! resctfve amounts e! 2143 ft, th. S W. Beg. Survey $22.13 line of to place of beg SW. Vi ft. from SE. corner of Lot 14, Arlin Davidson D. H. and Virginia L. Haas, rds. N. of SE. comer of SE, R. 2 E, S. L. M, th. N. 80 which go to make up the whole W. 214.5 ft, to Tenants care of Homer Vi Sec. 31, T. 11 S R. 1 E. rds, W. 32 rds, 13 Iks, NWVi, NWV4 SWVi, of Sec. Blk. 3, Plat A,. Eureka City a. ,h' ... ETpit C.NnS Joint of Anderson S. L. M th. W. 86 rds. 4 E 5. 27W. 36 rds, N. 66W. 7 14, T. 14 S, R. 8 W SLM, Survey, th. N. 32W. 155.42 Cor. at NE. Beg. $120.42 of SE. Vi of Sec. 4, T. 13 thSnotice Ella Ofese Cole care of Rus-- phi Townsite Survey $0.66 ft,1 S. 6256 W. 49.79 ft, S. of N. 40 rds, E. 81 rds. S rds, N. 25 W. 8 rds, N. 52 Cont. 80 Acres made Ned L. Wright and Merlyn R. 1 E S. L. M th. W. S, of Lot 2, All E. 154.91 ft, N. 62 sell Arlin W. 27 73 10 S. Davidson N. S. rds. Maughn 10 , 40 21 rds. taxes, to Cont. Iks, rds, beg. Unlessid delinquent Town- - R. Wright, Joint Tenants SEV4 of Sec. 13, T. 14 56 E. 51.06 ft. to beg $13.03 E. 80 rds. to beg. Cont. 35 N rds. 2 Iks, th. S. 16 rds, 3 Ac toeehter with before and pen- - Blk. 63, Plat A, Nephi at $15.42 Blk. Lot SE. Beg. at NW. cor. of 3, Mark L. Taylor and Bernice Ac. Undivided V4 interest. $5.76 S, R. 8 W SLM. Cont. 240 Iks, th. N. 8530 E. 10 are Mid Monday, site Survey. Also Beg. AU Lot 1, Blk. 63, Plat 21, Plat C, Nephi Townsite 2 Iks, M. or L. to see. rds, 99 G. Taylor, Joint Tenants State of Utah care of Arliean $i BOOK B line, the 11th day of January 1960, corner of Townsite Eari Carter of Lot 3, Block 4, Plat A, EurSurvey, th. Survey, th. E. 139.5 ft. to a th. N. 15 rds 4 Iks to beg. Vickers Barrett N. Cabin in The Salt Dursuant to SecUon A, Nephi JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT 50.83k UtahCode Annotat- - W. 13 rds. to SW corner of point 75 IN :. W of Ng corner Cont. 0.99 ac $13.80 $4.21 eka City Survey $1.31 Thomas P. Kendall and Ada of the NE. V4 of Sec. 8, T. 13 Creek Canyon ft. to Lot 1, th. N. 13 rds, th. of said Lot 3, th. S. Avis F. King and Vida LouS R. 2 E, S. L. M. Cont. 80 prop-lsied 1953 sell the B. Kendall, Joint Tenants S of said W. 142 of tax" line N. 13 the AU a ft E 725 ft. to point BOOK A LEVAN TOWN are $1.77 uon which BOOK E" EUREKA CITY ise King, Joint Tenants Beg. 3396 ft. N. of an estab- Ac. Undivided Vi int W. Blk. E. of of the 7, 4, Lot State of Utah care of Arliean John B, Anderson All of lished rock cor. at the SW. cor. lien to Juab Countv in the of NE corner of said Lot 1, Lot. 3, th W. 139.5 ft. to 143 J. E. OConnor That part Plat Lot 3, th, N. th. E. 142 ft. to line V. Barrett AH of the N. A, Eureka City Survey Lot 3, Blk 11, Plat A, Levan of the SE. Vi of "the SE. manner prescribed by law, for th.S.77.5 ft,s&id of of EurLot Blk. 1. 5, Plat A, 45.37 Townsite Lot li tn. S. ft to beg E. line of $13.41 Qlwrv, foyps nenaltv $36.54 sec. 21, T. 10 S, R. 1 E. of the NW. V4 of Sec. 9, T. eka City Survey described as Survey$102.29 John A. Garrett, Elizabeth W. Dean and Gladys Lamont G. Paystrup and Ida SLM, th. running N. 1901 ft, 13 S R. 2 E S. L. M, Cont. foUows: Beg. Harry otine onN such proXty 137 ft. to beg a which at pt. Clarence Greenhalgh, Janet O. Garrett, Joint Tenants G. Paystrup, : Joint Tenants under Beg. at th. E. 2640 th. S. 2640 ft. 80 Ac. Undivided Vi int. $2.88 is N. 3028 W. 13.11 ft. S. Dean, Joint Tenants B. Greenhalgh. joint tenants a pt. S. 3430 W. 49 ft. 7 ins, ! DrelLinary tax sale Beg. at NE. corner of lot 4, All of Lot 2, Blk. 27, Plat A, th. E. 1444 ft, to ft. W. the W. 20.34 N. 5806 3154 bdy. ft, Tid saTe Till be C. Nephi Townsite Levan Townsite BOOK C ade on AH of Lot 3 Blk. 3. PW B. Blk. 22, plat S. W. 25 ft, S. 65 15 W. 106.6 from NE. comer of Lot 13, Survey $33.24 line of RR R. of W, th. follow- 14.09 Survey, th. 65 ft, th W Townsite $l Plat A, Eureka City Survey Nephi JanJUAB SCHOOL of Lila DISTRICT 11th Worwood J. & the Tennant R. W. curve of ft. sd. of day Mondayq, from NW. corner of Lot 24, Blk. 5, th. Sly Thomas P. Kendall and Ada S- 41 ft. W. 37 John W. Wells, mt, John 100 ft, th. N. 65 ft. to N. line Fred Tennant, Joint Tenants ing Survey, narv i960 ft, to 4090 ft. E. and 2068 a Blk. Plat Eureka 1, A, pt. City E. 100 to th. at Com. lot ft said of S int. 4, 37 ft. to beg $0.77 41 Wells. N. E. B. DecAll of Tenants Joint 15th of this Lot Blk. ft, 1, Kendall, Dated 28, Plat ft. S. of the place of beg, th. day S. 10 th. W. 6515 Survey, ft, $43.60 A, Levan NE. corner of Lot 1, Blk. 5, beg Walter J. Sutherland, Ila of SE. Vi of Sec. 26, T, S. 28 E. 82. 40 ft. to a ember 1959 Townsite from Survey W. 2770 ft, th. N. 2068.5 ft, E. All of Clarence A. Gowers R. 1 W, SLM. Cont, which NE. comer of pt. ADA A SPERRY Plat B, Nephi Townsite Sur- Sutherland, Joint Tenants (Sienedi W. 1320 ft. to the place 13 S $101.00 th. 28 Lot 7 Com. at a pt. S. E. rds, 18 Iks, th. Lot 2. Blk. 26, Plat C, Nephi Virl Worwood and Oneita B. of beg, Treasurer of Juab County vey, th. S. 8 W. Includes parcel in 80 acres. Together with R. of bears S. 5054 W. 49.4 ft, N. 17.5 ....$92.78 line of Lot ....... 2, Townsite the corner , of from NW. ft. Survey W SWly tq $33.68 Joint 1 Worwood, 60o45 (Seal) See. 10 Tenants 10 E. T. E 83 R. th. 22, E, Harold E. Christensen S, ft, Nly Townsite Walter W, Vogt, Hannah M. Va of Lot 2, Blk. 28, Plat A, SLM Blk. Lot 6, Plat A, Eureka 4, The Date of publication: December Blk. 5, Plat B, Nephi M. ft. L. or to beg $265.03 $1.15 Beg, 60 Levan Townsite Survey, and 9 rds. 1 lk. S. from Vogt, Joint Tenants 17 1959 City Survey, th. N. 5339 E. of the SE. V4 of Sec. 36, Wilson Lee Helen Platt All of Lot 10, 44.65 ' . Survey $96.88 Beg. 2203.25 S. ft- - M. or L. to a pt. on the NW. corner of said lot, th. ft. S, of NW, corner of Lot 2, 13 1 M T. S S. R. L. P. Erick All Blk. ft. N. of W, E. 5355 from and Plat Thompson 1, ft. Eureka A, City N. 9 rds. 1 lk. , the E. 26 rds. Blk. 28, Plat C, Nephi Town- Lotg 2 and 3, Blk. 32, Plat A, BOOK "A NEPHI CITY. E. bdy line of said Lot 4, th. Cont. 80 acres $63.82 Survey Vi cor. Sec. of SE. of $30.28 1 SW, 34-2$5.90 site Survey, th. S, 154,5 ft. to Levan Townsite E. 125.10 ft. to SW. Kenneth G. and Lillace L. to beg Ralph Clark Greenhalgh Prudential Federal Sav. & S. Survey $53.07 32. T. 11 S R. 1 E SLM, Nephi Processing Plant, Inc. SW. corner of said lot 2, th. E. Hollineshead. joint tenants W. Vi, NE. V4 SW. Vi, Loan care of Tony Echevarieta comer of Lot 3, Blk, 6, . Plat A, NE. Eldon Com. 420.75 at th. E. N. 2104.5 th. Morgan ft, All of Lot 2, Blk., 11, Plat 154.5 ft. to a point 60 ft. W, SE. corner of Com. 4 rds. 22 Iks. W. of SE SW. Vi, NW. Vi SE. Vi All of Lot 13, Blk. 1, Plat Eureka City Survey, th. S. 38 Lot.l. Blk. 34, ft, th. W. 2105.5 ft, th. S, S. 21 W. 87.76 ft. to SE. corner corner and 9 rds 16 ft N. of B, Nephi Townsite Survey of SE, corner said Lot 2, th. Plat A, Levan Townsite Sur- - 436.75 2 13 Sec S of T. R. 22, W., 19.64 to Eureka A, ft. beg. Cont. City Survey $193.16 of said Lot 4, th. S. 5701 $17.05 N. 154.5 ft. parallel to E. line .... SE. corner of Lot 2, Blk 13, Cont. 240 acres 1 $32.80 E. SLM, 13 th. N. rds. W. acres, M. or L. Subject to R. rds, That W. Agnes Shea O'Conner Plant, Inc. of said Lot 2, to a point which 7vey, ft to SW. corner of Plat A Nephi Townsite Sur- - Nephi Processing rds. S. 13 rds. E, 6 rds. to of W. along the N. side of said Ralph Clark Greenhalgh part of Lots 5 and 21, Blk. 1, said 53.79 line S. N. Blk. of is of of lot All ft. 60 Plat th! the 11, 3, 8 Lot 4, th. N. 33 17 W. th. 3 W. Vi ' W. NW. T. Sec. Iks, vey, .of 27, rds, beg.... Plat .... of Eureka $52.62 A, land $3.96 Survey, parcel City Also Com. N 50 ft th E 8 rds. 3 Iks, B, Nephi Townsite Survey said Lot 2, th. W. 154.5 ft, to G, M. Worwood 13 S., R. 2 W., SLM., Cont 80 Beg. at the NE. corner of Lot 226.73 ft. to beg. Beg, at Joseph W. Noble care of acres $106.55 beg. Said tract is intended to at a pt. which bears S. 5818 th S 50 ft. to beg. Also W. $3.55 of Lot NE,. Blk. cor, Blk. E. 21, C. Zella Plat 1, Earl 1, and Eureka 38, A, Ingram, City W. 76.56 ft. from SE. corner V. W. Tunbridge, Velma S. cover and include the follow-Nepof Lot 3, Blk. 13, Plat ,A Plat A. Levan Townsite Sur- - Joint Tenants Survey, th, S. 2919 E. 73.03 of Lot Beg. at S.W. Towniste Survey $300.31 Tunbridge, joint tenants Beg. ing: Beg. at the SE, eornor of vey, th, S, 56 D plat A, Eureka BOOK Vi th.ft. to S. W. Cor. Sec. of th. 105 of N. NE. of 5033 W. City 3, Blk. 6, ft, pt, Keith H. Cole and Sharon at NE. corner of Lot 4, Blk. Sec 32, T. 12 S, R.l E S, L. ft. th, - S, 2 ft, Survey, th. S. 5818 W. JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT 12.57 ft. to pt, th. S. 30-0- 5 1 E, SLM, 12 S 21 W. T. R. 17, th, W. 79.86 N. th. Townsite M, S. Cole, Joint Tenants ft, th. Beg. H, Plat B, Nephi Erick P. Thompson th,' N- - 58 ft, th. E. 126 th. E. 157 ft, M. or L. to W. Beg. E. 75.36 ft. to pt, th. S. 60 6 ft, to SW. corner, th N. 34 at SW. corner of Lot 2, Blk. Survey, th. S. 126 25 ft, th. 37.02 ft, th. E. 79.86 ft, th, S. ft, NW. comer of the SE. 34 W. 36.51 ft. to pt, th. N. 21 W. 85.43 ft to NW. corat the to ft. .... W, of th. side state $3.17 beg highway, $52.46 N. 5614 E. 6 ft, th. 17, Plat A, Nephi Townsite W. 13 rds. to W. line of said 37.02 ft. to beg W. 154.77 ft. to pt, th. ner,34-2-th. All of Lot of N. along W. side of state V4 of Sec 19, T. 14 S R. 1 E, 24-5- 5 Grant 1 Clark Lorraine Sparks, Grace , Rebecca E. 85.43 ft. to beg. 5, Survey, th. E. 83.5 ft., N. 67 lot 4, th. N. 126.25 ft. to NW. M th. S. 80 rds. E. 24 N. 6627 E. 36.2 ft. to L. Blk. 42, Plat A, Levan Town- - highway 265 ft. M. or L. to a beg. Also S, 10' ft. of Lot 13,i Blk. corner Lot 4, th. E. 13 rds. to Haskell Sparks, Joint Tenants site 24 N. 80 W. to rds. ft, W. 83.5 ft, S. 67. ft, to beg W. W. 134 th. to rds, rds, ft. $6.65 $83.17 fence, Survey $46.88 Beg. at SE. corner of lot 2, $38.36 Jos. E. OConnor $24.66 Gerald H. Carter and Zella line of sd. N. of N. E. Vi beg. 12 ac That part 6, Plat A, Eureka City Survey Verl W. Tunbrdige and Vel- - Blk. 28, Plat C, Nephi Town-rd- s. Ellen E. Belliston $22.23 Beg. 4 Erick P. Thompson of Lots 5 and 21, Blk. 1, Plat W. of Sec. S. Joint sd. Beg. th. All Tenants Carter, of 17, along 13 T. to rds. N. ma S. th. J. site 21 Iks. S. of NE. corner Merle Beg. Corcoran care of J. Tunbridge, Survey, Lot Vi at a pt. 14 rds. S. of the NW. A, Eureka City Survey, Beg. at 4, Blk. 42, Plat A, Levan line of sd. N. NE. of line on of E. NE. said a of th. corner the lot 2, Glen Knott All of Lots 1 and point of Lot 4, Blk 20, Plat A, Ne- at Townsite Survey $58.25 of sd. Sec. 17, 265 ft. M. or cor. of SW. Vi of Sec. 19, T. SW. comer of Lot 21, Blk. 1, 14 S phi Townsite Survey, th. S. 4 Lot 4, Blk. 11, Plat B, Nephi W. 60 ft. th. S. 13 rds, to 1 E SLM. th. S. Plat A, Eureka City Survey, 2, blk. 7, Plat A, Eureka City R. Glenn to H, L. Gwen $0.22 Stephensen, beg E. 60 $28.74 .., rds, 21 Iks, W. 13 rds, th. Townsite Survey, which is S. line of sd. lot 2, th. $201.96 , T. Stephensen, Joint Tenants E 71.3 ft, N. 25 Survey rds, th. E. 57.5 rds, th. th. N. 62-5- 0 Joseph W. Noble care of M. 53 Merle Corcoran care of J. N. 45.5 ft, th. NEly 40 ft. 126.25 ft. S. of the NE. comer ft. to beg 29 17 49 E. S. rds. 3 th. W. 51.28 All M. of 265 4, ft. or ft. Blk. L. to Lot rds, Smith Plat 44, ft, Beg. Ingram Oris E. Whiting care of Lena A, Levan M. o L. to pt. which is 38 of said Lot 4, th. S. 141.876 of th. N. 81 rds. 10 ft, th. W. pt. on Nly side line of Lot 21, Glen Knotts p- That part of Townsite Survey N. of S. W. Cor. of N. E. 98 ft S. of NW. corner Lot ft. along the E. line of said Whiting Beg. at SW. corner 74.7 to rds. Vi 12 E. S place of beg. Cont. th. S. 6034 W. on said Nly Lot 3, Blk. 7, Plat A, Eureka of Sec. 17, T. $56.99 N. Blk. 11 to SE. cor. of N. M of Lot 2, Blk. 32, Plat C, Nephi 4, th. N. 18 ft, th. E. 176 acres. 27 A. Peter P. Poder Together with an side line of Lot 21 a distance City Survey, described as beg. Beg. at R.1E, S. L. M, th. E. 134 ft, $30.00 of Lot 1, said Blk. 11, th. W. Survey of Townsite Lots, th. NW. corner ft. to beg across the N. 2 rds. of 71.3 ft, M. or L S. 2549 at NE. Corner of Lot 18, Blk. easement of th. Lot to Blk. State the 3, 35, Highway, 13 W. cor. SW 100 the of to 100 rds. the E. 100 ft,' N. interest Clarence Foote 7, Plat A, Eureka City Survey, ft, V4 of the SW. Vi E. 48.48 ft. to beg. $1.92 S. of said Lot 1, th. N. ft, S. 100 ft. to beg, $31.80 Plat A, Levan Townsite Survey NWly 1055 ft. to the N. line of thea NE. in the following. Beg. at SE. N. 7447 W.. 5.50 2 sd. NWly of continuation J. E. and OConnor Thence 71.5 S. NW. W. th. Sec. That to sd. of E. 17, thence part 187 ft, M. or L. to ft, ft, Max W. Bowles, Marjorie P, 13 comer of Lot 1, Blk. 29, Plat 141.875 ft. along the W. line N. line of W. easement end of rds. from 5 Lots 1055 and Blk. S. 71.5 NE. thence of cor. 25, sd. N. Vi, Plat th. 1, rds, AH of ft, N. A. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. of said Lot 1 and 4, to a point Bowles, Joint Tenants said 15.30 Lot E. 3, 7432 $0.44 thereof to the NE. comer of A, Eureka City Survey, beg. N. 150 ft, W. 92 ft, S. 150 126.25 ft. S. of NW. comer of Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 33, Plat C, thence W, 13 rds. to beg. $11.71 ft. to beg to NE. comer ft. Lot said 3, above described S. at and on a the line tract, of B. Orlean Kendall Verda Arvilla Lot and Edna Larson Spotts pt. bdy $15.74 said Lot 4, th. E. 13 rds. to Nephi Townsite Survey $48.85 ft, E. 92 ft. to beg Maurice an easement in existing ditches 25 at N. 52-0- 4' AH of Lot 2, Blk, 49, Plat A, H. Kendall, Joint Tenants E. 20.65 ft S. 1644 E.. 185.07- ft. to beg. S. $73.11 Alexander The Park Fred J. Chapman, beg $1.15 over sd. NE. V4 of SW. V4 of from th SW. comer, N. 25 Elmont Carter and Lucille of Lot 3, Blk. 34, Plat C, Nephi Levan Townsite Survey $18.05 Beg, at a pt. on the E. bdy of sd. B. Chapman Knotts and LuciUe Beg. 8 rds. 16 49 W. 85.9 ft, N. 6043 E. 'Glen 19 sec. $24.38 Theda 706 N. ft. is which Chase Pierce All 91, of G. Highway Tenants Joint Townsite Survey Carter, $22.29 ft. 5 inches N. of SW. cor. of Beg. Elden Morgan and Nina Mor- 31.74 ft, S. 3641 E, , 79.23 Knotts, Joint Tenants Dell Steele The N. Mi of Lot 2, Blk. 2, Plat B, Levan and 27 rds. W, of Vi comer lot 2, Blk 29, Plat A, Nephi Beg. at SE. cor. of Lot 1, Blk. at a pt on N. bdy of Lot 5, W. S. of 47.68 12 5204 gan, Townsite 28 T. to between 29, survivorship and secs rights ft, ft., $34.90 ' Survey Townsite Survey, th. N. 34 ft. 14, Plat B, Nephi Townsite Lot 3, Blk. 34, Plat C, Nephi Also beg. at the SW. Blk. 7, Plat A, Eureka City Theda Pierce Chase AH of S, R. 1 E S, L. M, th. run-L- Com. 65 211 rds. S. of the beg. 4.84 in, th. E. 117.25 ft. M. Survey, th. W. 214.5 ft, to Townsite Survey $25.24 - S. 6302 ,W. 12.4 ft. Survey,14 T. comer Sec. of NW. comer of 31, Lot 25. Blk. 50 3, S. 1,. Blk. E. 204 ft, th. Plat 2, Plat B, Levan nuing ft, Keith H. Cole and Richard or L. to W. line of that cer- - SW. cor. of sd. Lot 1, th. N. R. 1 E, S.L.M, th. E. 40 A, 4 Eureka City, Survey, th. N. to NW. corner of said lot, S. $7.28 th. W. to bdy line with highway Undivided inter Townsite Survey tain land conveyed to Nephi 214.5 ft, to NW. cor. of sd. C. Lunt 52-040 15 S. W. E. 20.65 follow-aJohn W. Mortensen t rds, rds, rds, Com. 91, th. 1952 W. of N. ft, th. N. 25 1411 E. 144.32. ft to comer Lot 1, th. E. 94.5 ft, M. or L. est each All of Lot 3, Blk. city on or about Oct.1715, 1941 15 rds. to beg Cont. 3.75 49 W. 85.4 ft, th. S. 6043 No. 3, W; W. C. MiUsite. Lot N. NE. to of said corner side E. of 4, Lot Blk. W. 120 to cor. of a highway ing ft. E. 30 NE, 35, Plat C, 163-for an alley, the S. pt. Nephi Townsite 6, Plat th. S,- - 7555 W. $23.95 W. 31.8 ft. from which, the NE. No. $14.18 Ac Levan Townsite beg. Cont. .22 Ac B, 36.1 ft. M. or L. along the W. of sd. Lot 1. th. S. 100 ft, th. Survey $66.23 5.21 ft, SN 2852 EJ. 41.6 comer O. 1, Lots MiUer of Charles Lot C. Blk. 28, 10 th. E. and Plat 1, William F. rds. 18 M. Survey, 114.5 Fay Pay ft. Iks, E. of Orrin H. Johnson line of said land conveyed to E. 120 ft, th. S. A, Eureka City Survey i bears ft to SW. comer of said lot 5, Beg. 106 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 V4and N. $64.91 E. Mi of Lot 2, Blk. 36, Plat th. S. 13 rds. W, 10 rds. 18 Pay, Joint Tenants Nephi City, to a point due east or L. to beg S. 5654 W. 49.4 ft,'th. S. N 6533 E. 21.55 f1;NJy to S Sec. of SE. S. of of , 7 N. 13 rds. 20 6 and rds. Iks. W, to Beg. Cont. rds. Nellie Orme of beg. th. W. 128 ft. M. or Beg. at NE. C, Nephi Townsite , Survey Iks, ; 27-5- 7 $0.77 1 cont. W 14 SLM. E. 90.3 ft, th, N. 52 beg.., T. R. 4, NE. of S, $1.90 Iks. S. from NE. comer $40.33 139160 Ac L. to beg. Also beg. at a point corner of Lot 1, Blk. 20, Plat EUen O. Frederickson 04 E. 9.34 ft. to beg. 4956.74 acres aU 1. $70.25 . Kae G. Tunbridge $14.95 Beg. at Vi of Sec. 31, T. 12 S, R. on the N. line of Lot 2, Blk. B, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. Frank L. Tolley and La- P. Thompson T. Morgan,! and W. of Lot 11, Blk 7, .Plat A, EurThe Harold Erick 22 SW. 43 cor. E. of L. E S. Lot th. Blk. W. 2, 13 13 S. E. 7, rds, th. M, Plat th. moane Townsite H. rds, Tenants Joint 29, Plat A, rds, Tolley, Nephi $6.13 B, Levan Townsite Survey, th. Iks, S 20 rds. 14 Iks, W, 75 NEVi of the NE. V4 of Sec. F. Morgan Beg. at the SW. eka City Survey Beg. 60 rds. 2 Iks. E. and 49 N. Survey, which is 127.75 ft. M. 16.5 ft, th N. 124 ft. th. E. Avis Fedora King 1 W, S.L.M, corner of., Lot 3, Blk 2,- Plat 14 All of T. R. 24, 4 Iks. 116 .20 14 W. S, 133 N. th. E. 198 90.5 N. 1 th. to ft. rds, lk. N. of SW, cor. of or L. E. of the W. line of said rds, ft, beg. rds. ft, ft, th $21.27 A, Eureka City Survey, th. N. Lots 14 and 36, Blk. 7, Plat Sec. 32, T. 12 S R. 1 S. 116 ft, th. W, 133 ft. to M. or L. to pt. 366.4 ft. S Cont. 40 Ac $41.64 SE. blk. 29, th E. 33. 25 ft, th S. LaMont Paystruyp, Ida G. 8411 E. .along S. line of said A, Eureka City Survey $ 2.30 $9.81 of Sec. line E. 590.5 ft, N. 25 W. 51.5 ft. M. orL. to the Virginia M. Scottom Carter E, S. L. M th. N. 4 rds. 5 begG. M. Arnold S. Kallabacka Joint Tenants The Lot 3, 54.5 ft, N. 3530 W. Beg. Worwood N. of Lot 1, Blk. 21, Iks, th E. 19 rds, th. S. 4 rds. E. line of said land conveyed Beg. 116 28.48 ft. to beg. Cont. 11.24 Paystrup, $63.73 SW. V4 of the NE. Vi of Sec. 13.5 ft, N." 59p10 W. 16.8 ft, 17 ft. N. 2252, W. from SE. to Nephi City, on or about Plat B, Nephi Townsite Sur- - 5 Iks, th, W. 19 rds. to beg. ft. N. of SW. cor. of Lot 2, Ac WiUiam C. Pay and Fay C. 24, T. 14 S, R. 1 W, S.LJd N. 2830, W,. 43.9 ft, S. 83 corner of Lot 17, Blk. 7, Plat $122.62 Oct. 15, 1941 for an alley, th. vey ...... $32.13 Blk. 7, plat B, Levan Townsite $21.27 20 W. 21.4 ft, N. 7220 W. A, Eureka City Survey, S. 59 Com. 22 Cont. 40 Ac Clark B. Memmott and lone N. 14W. 48 ft. M. or L. along Peter Deon Rosquist and Survey, th. N. 98.5 ft. M. or L. Pay, Joint Tenants G, 4 ft. M. or L. to an intersection 20 W. to W line of said lot, Ida Lemon t 14 NW. 1 to cor. rd. 6 W. Paystrup, and of sd. rds. lot Geraldine C. Rosquist, 2, th. said E. line of said land con- - D. Memmott, Joint Tenants Iks, Joint with the W. line of said Lot N. 2852 W, ,73.22 ft. to NW. The Joint Tenants 31 E. of M. rds. corner NE. S. Paystrup, or of the Iks. L. W. cor. to 148 ft. of NE. SE. of Com. at NE. comer Tenants veyed to Nephi City, to beg. Beg. 6 V4 of the SW. V4 of Sec. 3, th. . E.s along: W. corner, N. 66 33 E. 103.55 ft, $147.20 Lot 1, Blk. 22, Plat B, Nephi of Lot 3, Blk. 5, Plat D, Nephi cor. of Lot 1, of sd. blk. 7, Sec. 31, T. 12 S, R. 1 E S. NE. line 1 S of W E. 24.57 ft, S. 22 14 S.L.M. R. T. said S. 24, Lot 3r 635 ft.' to N, th. 25 12 0W. 19 rds. 14.5 rds. M. or L. L.M, th. S. Iks, Florence C. Johnson Beg. Townsite Survey, th. W. 66.5 Townsite Survey, th. S. 5 rds, 40 Ac $21.27 beg- $4.22 52 W. 55.65 ft. to beg. $12.26 65 rds. W. of NE. cor. of Lot ft, th. N. 13 rds, th. E. 13 th. W. 13 rds, th. N. 5 rds, to SE.cor. of sd. Lot 1, th. W 40 rds, N. 19 rds. 12 Iks, Cont. Althea Ekkejy care of Mrs. The NE, Etta Hickman Arlin Davidson All of Lot Cont. 4.87 4, Block 29, Plat A, Nephi rds. to E. line of sd. Lot 1, th. E. 13 rds. to beg ....$25.24 W, 34956 ft. M. or L. to a E. 40 rds. to beg. Vi of SE. Vi of Sec. 10, T, 5, Blk. 2, Plat, A, Eureka City Wayne Cook Part of Lot 133 ft. E. of pt. of $5.32 pt. acres Townsite Survey, th. W. 105 ft. th. , S. 107.25 ft, th. W. 148 Eva Linton Nielson beg, Beg. William F. Pay and Fay C. 14 S R. 8 W, S.L.M, Cont, Survey. Subject - to right of 35 and part of what is known 5. 13 rds, E. 105 ft, N. 13 rds ft, th.. S. 107.25 ft. to beg. at NW. comer of Lot 3, Blk. th. N. 116 ft, th. W. 133 ft. ....$1.77 Railroad Co. to maintain tun- as McChrystal Track, both in to beg. An undivided 51 per- Beg. 97 40 Ac $55.08 6, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Sur- - to beg $11.08 Pay, Joint Tenants N. of nel underneath the surface of blk. 7, plat A, Eureka City SurDuke The Lee W. of 43 rds. 10 N. Page Iks. Fern Inc. cent interest rds. $299.98 Aagard, Nephi Processing Plant, vey, th. E. 96.5 ft. to a pt. Aagard, lot of E. 14, SW. the Vi the Joint $22.23 vey, desribed as beg. at SW. Tenants NE. S. of Cole the E. comer Cor. of Lot which is 118 ft. W. of NE. saJ Keith H. and Richard Beg. at Beg. 4 rds. the SE. Mrs. F. Taylor care of Mrs. corner of said Lot 35, th. N. 27 C. Lunt, an undivided int. 2, Blk. 26, Plat B, Nephi Town- - corner of said Lot 3, th. S. 12 ft. E. of SW. comer of of Sec. 31, T. 12 S R. 1 E, SE. V4, NWVi of the SE. V4 Dean W. Whatcott Beg. 18.20 34' W. 40 ft, N. 6035 E. each Beg. at SE. cor. of site Survey, th. running W. 107.25 ft, th. W. 96.5 ft, th. N. Vi of SE. Vi Sec. 30, T. S. L. M, th. W. 20 rds. N. 41 of Sec.M 11, T. 14 S R. 8 E. of the SW. 67 ft, S. 625 W. 55 ft, S. $8.86 ft. N. 58-3- 7 Lot 2, Blk. 37, Plat A Nephi 84.5 ft, th. N. 13 rds, th. E. N. 107.25 ft. to beg $36.72 14 S, R. 1 E, S. L.M. th. N. rds 15 Iks, E. 19 rds. 22 Iks, 5. L. Duke Page The NE. Vi comer of Lot 15, Blk. 2, Plat 6035 W. 37 ft, N. 2734 ft. E. 13 rds. 7 S. 39 rds. 11 Iks, E. 20 rds. H D. Ballow Jr, Colleen S. 11 rds. 11 Townsite Survey, th. W. 12 ft, 100 ft, th. S. 13 rds, th. W. of the NE, A, Eureka City Survey, th. N. W. 5 ft to beg. SE. V4, S .t. .$21.46 of the S. 11 rds 11 20 W. 4 2 3 th. N. 107.25 ft. to N. line of 15.5 ft. to beg S. rds ft, 13 $10.49 Ballow, Joint Tenants W. Iks, ft, Iks, Beg. rds. 7 Julia Sandstrom, Margaret V4. SEVi of the NW. Vi, NEVi 3322 W. 63 ft, th. N. 5445 5 Ac. ft. Cont. S 3 to of sd. Lot 2, th. E. 12ft.to Iks. to Inc. rds. NE. Cont. corner 158 of at Lot Blk. Nephi Processing Plant, beg. beg. 3, E. 60.65 ft, th. S. 239 E. Sandstrom and Verla' Sand5s-5of the NE. Vi of Sec. 14 T, of sd. lot 2, NE. cor. of S. Beg. at SW. cor. of Lot 2, 6, Plat D, Nephi Townsite Sur- - 160 A $44.12 AU of A. M. Jackman care of Mrs. th. S. 107.25 ft. to beg $16.72 Blk. 26, Plat B Nephi Town- - vey, th. S. 107.25 ft. to SE William F. Pay and Fay C. 14 S, R. 8 W S. L. M, $8.86 68.36 ft, th. S. 5937 W. 48.62 strom, Joint Tenants ft. to beg Blanche May Johnson Be .... $1.53 Lot 13, Blk- - 1, Plat B, Eureka Milton R. Shaw of said Lot 3, Emma Jackman Beg. 20 Beg. at site Survey, th. N. 214.5 ft. to corner of N. Beg. 75 rds. Pay, Joint Tenants Elmo F. Houghton and Lou- City Survey $19.93 NW. comer of Lot 3, Blk. 37, the NW. cor. of sd. lot 2, th. th. W. 118 ft, th. N. 107.25 W. from SE. corner of NE rds. 3 Iks S. of the NE. cor-o-f at the SW. comer of the SI Harold J. Fields Sec. 31, T. 14 S, R. 1 E ner of the NE. at Beg. 18.20 Beg. of Sec. 31, Vi of Sec. 3, T. 15 S, R. 1 W ise A. Houghton Plat A, Nephi Townsite Sur- E. 130 ft, th. S. 214.5 ft. to ft, to N. line of said lot 3, N. 59-3E. of the SW. NW. comer of Lot 14, Blk. vey, th. E. 73 ft, th S. 107.25 the S. line of sd. lot 2, th. W. th. E. 118 ft. to beg $8.85 S. L. M th. N. 6 rds, th. E. T. 12 S, R. 1 E S. L. M, th. S.L.M, th. N. 126 rds, E. 45 ft. comer of Lot 15, Blk. 2, Plat 1, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, 20 rds, th N 8 ft. M. or L. to S. line of N. 130 ft. to the place of beg. Nephi Processing Plant rds, th. E. 6 S. 39 rds. 11 Iks, W. 42 rds. rds, S. 46 rds, E. 23 rds.rds, to A, Eureka City Survey, th. S. th. S. 2109 E. 153.93 ft, N. V4 of said Lot 3, th. W. 73 $20.98 All of Lot 4. Blk. 12, Plat D rds, th. S. 14 rds, th. W. 46 9 Iks, N. 39 rds. 11 Iks, E. 42 S. 80 rds, W. 69 N. 6915 rds, to beg. Also beg. 36 rds. rds. 9 Iks, to beg. Cont. 10.44 beg. Cont. 47 70160 Ac. $421 5937 W. 18.20 ft, N. 33 7623 E. 10.55 ft, ft, th. N. 107.25 ft. to beg. Nephi Processing Plant, Inc. Nephi Townsite Survey. Also N. 0 22 W. 61.42 ft, N. 5445 E. E. 38.22 ft, N. M. W. and Margaret Mangel-csoE. 5762 of SE. comer of NE. $11.30 $85.24 Beg. at NW. cor. of Lot 3, beg. at a pt. 112 ft. E. of the of Acres care of 18.20 ft, S. 3322 E. about ft, N. Joint Tenants about 56.22 Com. 7 rds. Blk. 26, Plat B, Nephi Town- - NW. cor. of Lot 3, Blk. 12, Sec 31, T. 14 S, R, 1 E S. Earl Carter William F. Pay and Fay C. AU of the 63 ft. to beg $1.53 ft. to SW. corner of R. A. S. from the NE. comer of Lot site Survey, th. E. 212 ft. to a Plat D, Nephi Townsite Sur-p- t. L. M, th. W. 29 rds, th. S. 4 Pay, Joint Tenants Beg. at Reuben Paystrup IL F. Gear AU of Lot 22, Adamsons Lot, N.. 29 53 W. of the SE. Vi of Sec. 12, 2 4, Blk. 37, Plat A, Nephi Town-sit- e ft. W. of the NE. Cor. vey, th. S. 214.5 ft, M. or L rds, th. E. 29 rds, th. N. 4 a pt. 57 rds. 10 Iks. N. of the S Survey, th. W. 6 rds, th. of Lot 3, th. S. 214.5 ft, to a to the S. line of sd. lot 3, rds to beg. Cont. 2 86160 Ac. SE. corner of the NE. Vi of T. 15 S, R. 1 W, S.LJH, Cont. Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka City about 140 ft, to N. bdy of $39.89 Survey 5. 40 ft, th. E. 6 $1.13 said Lot 14, S. 6831 W. about $0.32 Sec. 31, T. 12 S, R. 1 E, S. L. 80 Ac rds, th N. pt. 2 ft. W. of the SE. cor. th. E. 102.5 ft. M. or L. to the H. F. Gear Elden Morgan and Nina MorGerald W. Carter That part of 141.19 ft. to beg. 40 ft. to beg. .... $3.83 $290.48 of lot 3, th. W. 212 ft, th. SE. cor. of sd. lot 3, th. N. Com. at M, th. W. 63 rds. 6 Iks-- , th. Mrs. Mabel Peterson Lot 23, Blk. 2, Plat A, Eureka Earl Carter Part ft. S. of NW. cor- - N. 40 rds. th. E. 80 rds, th. gan, rights of survivorship $4,208.61 214.5 ft. M or L. to the NE. a pt. 412 Beg. 7 rds S. N. 214.5 ft. to beg and 7 rds. W. of NE. comer Robert K. Anderson and cor. of sd. lot 3, th. W. 102.5 ner of SW. of NW. Vi Sec. S. 40 rds, th.. W. 17 rds. M. The NE. Vi of the SW. Vi of City Survey, beg. at the SW. of Jacobson ond Jarvis Tract, Lot 4, Blk 37, Plat A, Nephi Donna Anderson, Joint Tenants ft. M. or L. to beg $66.23 32. T. 14S, R. 1 E, S. L. M, or Less to beg. Description Sec. 12. T. 15 S, R. 1 W, S comer of Lot 22. Blk. 2, Plat Blk. 1, Plat B, Eureka City N. Vs of Lot 4, Blk. 28, Plat Townsite Survey, th. S. 3 rds, tb. E. 300 ft, th. includes parcel in Sec. 32, T. L. M Cont 40 Ac. .... $21.27 A, Eureka City Survey, th. N. Survey, described as: Beg. Nephi Processing Plant M. W. and Margaret Man- 5428 El 23.37 ft, to comer 267 ft. N. 55'20E. from SE W. 6 rds, N. 3 rds, E. 6 rds. B, Nephi Townsite Survey Beg. at NW cor. of Lot 3, N. 172 ft., th. W. 300 ft., to 12 S-- . R. 1 E., S. L. M. Cont 40-1- 4 of AH comer Lot of of S. th. Joint Tenants 23, Lot to beg 14, E. 1 Cont. Blk. L Plat $22.95 7652 $797.00 Blk. 13. Plat D, Nephi Town- - beg. $48.75 gelson, A., 30 square 20 Ac of the NE. Vi of ft. to SW. comer of Lot 23, B, Eureka City Survey, th. N. Vem C. Mangelson, H. Ray Robert K. and Donna W. An- - site Survey, th.. S. 69 ft, th. ra?; Elwood E. Jenkins $55.09 Beg. 3 the N. 1 15 W. Sec. S S. T. R. 194 69 ft, N. 59-1- 5 Emma Jackman 13, 6207 W. 24.33 ft. to 2613 W, S. th. All of E. 122.5 ft, th S. 105 ft, th. Francom, and John G. Steele, derson. Joint Tenants Beg. 40 rds. 21.5 Iks., E. and 14 rds. N. $7.98 pt, th. N. 4028' W. 35.9 ft E. 69.5 ft, S. 26-1- 3 Lot 3, Blk. 29. Plat B, Nephi E. 92 ft. to E. line of sd. lot rds. N. of SW. comer of NW of the SW. cor. of the NE. Vi L. M, Cont. 80 Ac. E. 194 trustees, care of James P. Eldon and Nina M. or L. to beg $9.58 ft. M. or L, to S. line said Morgan $231.79 3, th. N. 174 ft. to NE. cor. Vi of Sec. 32, T. 14 S, R. 1 E. of Sec. 32. T. 12 S., R. 1 E., Beg. at N. E. cor. of Townsite Survey SterUn Laird and Georgia tract, th. Wly along said line Lot 4, 31k. 38. Plat A, Nephi Leland Greenhalgh All In- - of sd. Lot 3, th W. 214.5 ft. S. D M th. E. 19 rds. S. 8 S. L. M-- th. N. 40 rds. 6 Iks, Morgan, Joint Tenants Beg. Laird. Joint Tenants of N. Townsite Survey, th. S. 105 ft, terest in the following: S. V4 to beg. AU of 69.5 ft. to beg $8.43 ....$58.03 rds., th. W. 19 rds. N. 8 rds. to th. E. 17 rds. 9 Iks., th. S. 10 at N. W. cor. of N. of Lot 33. Blk. 2. Sharon A. Seamons and Marth. W. 2145 ft. to W. bdy. of Lots 1, and 2, Blk. 32, Plat Harold Boyd Thomas and beg. Cont 152160 A. ... $25.96 rds.. 22.25 Iks, th. E. 19 rds. of SE. Vi of Sec. 13, T. 15 the W. line of sd. Lot 4. th. N. 105 B, Nephi Townsite Survey Marie K. Thomas, care of Lloyd SLM, th. S. 19 Plat A, Eureka City Survey ian Seamons, Joint Tenants 11 Iks, th. S. 29 rds, 8.75 Iks., S, R. 1 W ft. to NW. cor. of sd. Lot 4, of Tract Located E. of BOOK A MONA TOWN $54.10 Kendall - $9-9- SW. th. W. 36 rds. 20 Iks. to beg. rds, th. E. 142 rds. M. or L. Beg. at the SW. Lawrence Fotheringham Jacobson and Jarvis Tract, Blk. th. E. 2145 ft. to beg. $375.06 El wood E. Jenkins and Cor- - Comer of Lot 2, Blk. 17, Plat Gean C. Summers All of Cont 7.94 acres M. or L. Also to W. line of Utah State HighWilliam N. Cooper 4, Blk. 1. Plat A. Mona beg. at a pt. on E. line of the way 28, th. NE'ly along W. line AU of Lot 34, Blk. 2, Plat A, 1, Plat B, Eureka City Survey, Beg. 9 rine K. Jenkins, Joint Tenants D. Nephi Townsite Survey, th. rds. S. of NE. comer Elk. 40, 88 rds. 4 5 of sd. Highway to N. line of Eureka City Survey $9 58 Beg. at a pt. on Eureka Town-sit- e Beg. at SW. cor. of Lot 1, E. 13 rds., th. N. 90 ft to a Townsite Survey $100.84 R.R. R-- of W line which bears N. 89 Plat A, Nephi Townsite Sur- Blk. 6. Plat C, Nephi Town- - pt. 124 5 ft. S. of NE. corner Martha M. Garfield, John Iks. EL and 62 rds. 17 Iks. S, S. E. Vi of sd. sec. 13, th. W. Elmo F. Houghton and Lou152 rds. M. or I to beg. Cont. ise A. Hought on All of Lot 4830 S. W. 608 04 ft. from vey, th. S. 83 ft, W. 183 25 site Survey, th. E. 75 ft, th. of said Lot 2, th. W. 13 rds. Owen Garfield care of Wallace of the NW cor. of the NE. $9.09 37, Blk. 2, Plat A. Eureka City Townsite Cor. identical with All of Lots 1 and of Sec. 32. T. 12 S, R. 1 E, 17.6 Ac. M. or L ft, th S. 145.2 ft, th. W. N. 13 rds, to N. line of sd. lot to a Point 124.5 ft. S. of NW. Roundy :. $1553 Robert N. Ballow and Eileen Survey SE. cor. of NW. 526.02 ft, N. 145.2 ft, E. 526.02 1. th. W 75 ft. to NW. cor. comer of said Lot 2, th. S. 2, Blk. 5. Plat A. Mona Town- - SLM, th. EL 13 rds, 23 Iks, of NW. $64-5of Sec. 18. T. 10 S, R. 2 Nettie Taylor Dit truer care E. $51 80 of sd. lot 1, th. S. 13 rds. to 90 ft. to beg site Survey ft. to beg. 9 $83.94 th. S. 83 rds. 8 Iks, M. or L. C. Ballow, Joint Tenants of SW. i. W. of SE. Vi. of Glenn Cherry All of Lot W SLM, N. 8948 30 S. W. Keith S. Scott Beg. at SE. beg Raphael Garfield, Martha M. to a pt. 14 rds. N. and 102.5 $p?,i9 Phillip G. and Katherine M. 1 Norman L. Pitt care of Ken- Cannon Thomas, Joint Tenants Garfield care of Wallace Rwin- - rds. E. of the SW. cor. of the and SE. Vi of SE. Vi of Sec. 38. Blk. 2, Plat A. Eureka City 713 ft, th. S. cor of Lot 17, Blk. 42. Plat E. 112.27 T. 15 S, R. 1 W, SLAB Survey AH of Lots 3 and 4, Blk. NEL Vi of sd. sec. 32, th. SWly 33. E. of Lot care of Deri Shepherd $13 03 ft, N. 6921 E. 630 ft, N. S. A, Nephi Townsite Survey, th. neth P. Bailey dy L200 M. Ac. G. 1. 115 or - $159.39 Knotts and Lucille 7032 E. 48.20 ft, N. 725? W. 73 ft, th. N. D, Nephi 5, Plat A, Mona Townsite Sur- - 27 rds. 10 Iks. M. or L to a Cont Joseph ft, th. E. Elk. 7. Plat C, Nephi Town- - of Lot 4, B!k. 17, Plat Irel I Chase The S. Carlson Knotts, Joint Tenants E. 17 ft, N. 2039 W. 88.78 73 ft, th. S. 115 ft, to beg. site Survey $81.63 vey $34,73 Townsite Survey .. . $9,49 pt. on the E. line of sd. RR. AU of Lot 1, Blk. 3, Plat A. Louis V. Cooper, care of J. of the $72.43 Continued on foU owing page Vem Carter and Ethel G.'R. of W. which Is 107 rds. of Lot 6, or the S. George Archie Worthington V. Cooper a limn JuuD L0UIIIY 9, ns J StTak0 Sr'anl 29-4- d I - oaid I - - I - - 33-1- . i . - hi w - ot B, . s - 1 12-3- 74-47 -- 7' 65-0- n, 58-40- Mc-Cu- , t IS-IT- |