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Show Saltt Lake cityy Utah "-- NT Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, December 17, 1959 Single Copy 10c Life is just what we make it and some folks seem to think their mission on earth is to make life miserable for Saturday Set Deadline for At Recent reg It regrets that we a nice make mention of this package of pictures which was mailed from Nephi Tuesday to the Engravers at Provo just didnt get delivered at Provo and so were short some very important pictures. First, we had the photograph of the car in which three persons were killed last Sunday. Ar.d then we had a picture of a planning group which should gave been used in connection with the article on flood control on page four or thereabouts. And the picture of this weeks Scoutmaster was another. We deeply regret the absence of the photos were trying to build a better paper through better news and feature pictures and but surely got let articles down this week. Lighting Entry Club Meeting Deadline for entries in the Nephi Junior Chamber of Commerce Home Lighting contest will be Saturday, December 19, it was announced today by Norman Greenhalgh, president. All persons interested in entering the contest should con- Richard G. Jensen talked to the Kiwani Club of Nephi at their regular meeting held at Carters Cafe last Wednesday, December 9. Richard gave an outline of the necessary phases and accomplishments a Boy Scout must do and the merit badges earned in order to enter the recent contest he won In the Utah National Parks council. He also read his paper on the 50th anniversary of ScoutRichard was introduced ing. by his father, Udell R. Jensen, who showed by his introduction how pleased and honored he is by his sons accomplishments. Nelton Anderson of Twin Falls, Idaho was a guest of Dr. A. A. Boston at the club meet- -- reg- Arent you proud? Although we personally didt have an earthly thing to do about it, were mighty proud of Nephis Christmas decorations. The gleaming silver of the day as the suns rays reflect and the myriad of color at night Main Nephis really makes street decorations truly out- standing. Our sincere congratulat ions to the Nephi Jaycees and Nephi City for sponsoring the project, to the Nephi merchants who shelled out a few dollars to pay the bill, and to the Nephi City employees for a job well done. reg There is sometimes room for improvement for the interior decorator beneath the exterior of the polished man. reg Something else Nephi' can Last be mighty proud of Sunday evening I was privileged to be in a ward where the Nephi Federatd Clubs Chorus sang a couple of selections. . . Mrs. Sherwood directs the group with Ora Morgan playing the The ladies do accompaniment. a very nice job the community should be proud of their willingness, their singing, and their improving of the talent of singing that has been given them. For the fifth straight year the Utah Oil Refining Company will sponsor the Utah Symphony Orchestra in pops concerts throughout the state. Tickets for this areas concert at Provo will be available at and your local ' Utoco station lets not let the tickets go to waste pick yours up today and enjoy the finest music in the state on January 6. reg Mrs. REG says: They may be called little white lies but they always leave a big black mark. Snow Carnival Being Planned Planned for the first Satur day when Snow is available Is a Snow Carnival for Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. The only material needed will be snow, and what you need to go along with your imagination. Procedure: A Date. On call, first Saturday when snow is available, B Time, opening ceremony at 9 a.m. Finish by 4 p.m., with awards at 4:30 p.m. C Location, Nephi City park D Skills, to depict a theme about Scouting and make a snow sculpture toward it. Have your boys begin thinking and get their snow clothing ready for call. We want to make the park a real winter tact LeMar Paxman or Nor- man Greenhalgh. Prize money totaling $30.00 will be divided among the winners. Each participant will receive a $1.00 credit on December electric light bills from Nephi City. Judging will be done on Monday evening, December 21st, between 6 and 9 p.m. Winners will be announced in next week issue of The Times-New- Elder Grant Taylor to be honored Sunday Levan Elder to Be Honored Sunday s. at Farewell Missionary Elder Grant Taylor of Plans Moving Ahead For Senior Events Preparations are proceeding for the Juab High School class of 1960 Senior Ball, as the date of December 23 nears. Heading this years acivities , are class officers James Robert Royce, Arta Worthington, Phyllis Draper, Iris Phillips and Bruce Russell, assisted by advisors Mrs. Thela Wankier and Clark GreenPex-ton- Le- van, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heb-e- r Taylor will be honored at a testimonial on Sunday evening in connection with the Levan Ward Sacrament meeting, starting at 7 p.m. December 20, Bishop J. Clair Collard announced this week. Elder Taylor will enter the mission home on January 4, and will leave for his mission field a week later. In addition to the remarks by Elder Taylor and his parents, speakers will be Vaughn J. Paxman and Bishop J. Clair Collard. Several special musical numbers will be given, including the opening selection "Rejoice the Lord Is King by the Levan Youth chorus under the direction of Sue Teramoto and with Fern Wankier as accompanist. halgh. The dance, themed to Winter Wonderland will be held in the boys gymnasium and will carry out the theme in its decorations. Highlight of the ball will be the floor show Two Nephi Ladies Join and the crowning of the royalty. Chosen to represent their In Tour to See class as royalty are: Terrell Belliston, queen; Michael Cot- Exhibits of Ceramics ton, king; Linda Sperry, princ-ess- s and Michael Boswell, as A group of ceramic students prince. Floor show events will of Professor Warren Wilson of take place at 10:30 p.m. the Brigham Young University Preceding the dance will be participated in a field trip on the annual Christmas assemb- Friday. The first stop was at ly. This will take place Wed- the Art Barn in Salt Lake City nesday at 1:30 p.m. to view a display of modern Others heading various com- art, and then the group went mittees in preparation for the to the Union Building of the senior day are: Dance pro- University of Utah where a grams: Allan Gibson and Bill showing of the work of the Goble; assembly program: Pat- advance students was on dissy Bryan, Sally Lomax, Linda play. The group then visited Sperry; Dance committee: Ar- the ceramic studio of the Unita Worthington, Clyde Swasey, versity to see the work being Gwen Gardner, Fay Murray; done on the Potters wheel by Decorations: The next stop Phyllis Draper, the students. Alice Ann Hanson, Lynn Pace, was at the Utah State UniverMarion Greenhalgh, Carolyn sity at Logan to attend the Parkin, Michael Boswell, Mich- National Ceramic show, also ael Garrett; Assembly: Iris the ceramic studio. Phillips, Bruce Russell, Boyd Mrs. E. R. Shaw and Mrs. Mayer, Kaye Wilkey and Bryce John E. Robertson, who have Gardner. been taking ceramic classes under Professor Wilsons diMr. and Mrs. Ora H. Lunt rection were among those takreceived word of a new granding the tour. bom 15 December to daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Junior Bodeil of Rigby, Idaho. They Mrs. Melvin Stanley, Mrs. R. are parents of three other E. Winn and Mrs. Lynn Olpin children, Joann, Steven and spent Wednesday in Provo as Robert. guests of Mrs. Fred Wetherell. i ing. Motion pictures of the Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge in 1957 were shown by Joseph Beldon of the Youth Service Committee who was in charge of the program. The annual Kiwanis Xmas party was set for December 23 at 6:15 in the girls gym at the high school. This is a party whore a Kiwanian is responsible for a gift, and brings as many kids (his own or others) as he wants, who still believe there is a Santa Claus. This party also is under the direction of the Youth Service comMaurice mittee, Chapman, chairman with James P. and Jospeh Beldon as the members. Installation of 1960 officers will be held January 2nd at a time and place to be announced later. E. R. Shaw, Jack Ludlow and Roy Bowles of the Nephi club attended the installation ceremonies of the Payson club last Thursday, December 10. Lt. Governor Glenn Coffman of Springville officiated at the Installation of the new officers of the Payson club. Mc-Cu- Lions Club Extends Thanks for Assistance, Santa Claus, the geniel tleman whose popularity He will hae his headquarters far at the Parkin Motor Company, Mr. Parkin outweighs most any individual 137 South Main. in this country, will make a will move out his new Fords special visit to Nephi on Satur- and Mercurys to make room day afternoon, according to in the showroom for Santa to Don Eyre, of the Jaycees, spon- have all kinds of kids gathered around him for the event. soring organization. Plans as announced by Mr. Mr. Eyre also announcerd that Eyre this week call for Santa the Jaycees have made arto meet and greet all the kid- rangements for Santa to make dies of this area of the state some calls at 3 p. m. Saturday afternoon. in Nephi as lie has done on LEVAN Santa Claus has made arrangements to again be at the Farrell T. Wankier Elementary Students home in Levan on Christmas eve. He will have gifts for all Ready Christmas boys and girls of Levan up to and including eight years of Santa to Greet Wankier Home Public Invited age. His arrival is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., and he hopes to see all his little friends there and wish them all Merry Christmas, Mona School Readies Story Of Christmas On Friday, December 18, at p.m., in the Mona Ward Amusement hall, the students of the Mona School will present an operetta called Davys 7 Star. To Annual Rock-a-Tee- Membership cards, and guest cards are provided,, which must be shown for admission at each Oances will be stag. Dating not encouraged. No drinking of intoxicating dance. Under their own organization beverages, or smoking, either strict rules for participation in before or at the dance. No loud, vulgar language is the dances have been set up. No fighting, pushAmong the rules are these: tolerated. Dance is for teen agers. Be ladies and ing, arguing. December 21 in the Juab High The mixed cnonis of Juab manager school auditorium. Grades 3, High School will present its 4, 5 and 6 will present the Christmas Cantata The MelChristmas in the ody of Christmas on Sunday, program United States as Viewed by December 20th in the Nephi Steve Greenwood, Greenwood Sendee, local John Deere Farm Equipment dealer, has issued an invitation for everyone to attend the John Deere Day to be held at the Venice Theatr on Friday, December 18, at 1 p.m. The 1960 line of John Deere Farm Equipment will be seen in the feature picture, Mr. Greenwood stated. Everyone attending will be eligible for the free door prizes, Mr. Greenwood stated. Tickets for admission will be given free at the door. of The action takes place in the Mr. and Mrs. Max Bramall Sheltering Arms Orphanage where the children are present- of Salt Lake City visited at ing their Christmas program in the home of Mrs. Leland Nielorder that the townspeople may sen over the week end. see the children and invite them to their homes for the holidays. iLttle deaf Davy and his sister Sally make three wishes on the Christmas Star. Singing, dancing and a touching story promise an entertaining evening. Men from First-Secon- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Gowers announce the engagement oft heir daughter Myrel to Delbert Mitchell, son of Mr and Mrs. Melvin Mitchell of Delta. d Ward chapel at 5 to Cecil Furr, p. m., according music director. The cantata will be in connection with the combined Sacrament meetings of the two wards, according to a joint announcement made by Bishop Ray W. Worthington of the Nephi First Ward and Bishop Kenneth Nyman of the Nephi Second ward. The cantata, which is of 45 minutes length, features the music of Franz Schubert with text and musical arrangements Solo by Ellen Jane Lorenz. parts will be sung by Jeanette Mathews, Arta Worthington, Nancy Nyman, Allan Gibson, Stephen Furr and Dianna Haycock. Scriptural reading will be offered by Jack Tranter. The public is invited. New Scoufer Enjoying Work CHRISTMAS (Editors Note: We regret the engraving of Scoutmaster Kottcqiiist was one of several photographs which did not ar- SEALS at our office by press-tim- e Wednesday night. Apparently rush of Christmas mail hainM'red delivery of the photo package at the engravers. The photograph of Mr. Itosquist will be printed next week along with our foruth Interview). As our third Scoutmaster, we wouid like to spotlight Troop 136 sponsored by Levan Ward and introduce to you their Scoutmaster, Deon Rosequist. Deon is one of the newer men m the field of Scoutmasters, having served for 14 months in this position. Dean is influenced to learn the job so as to better serve his own son, Dale, who next year will join the troop with his father. Enjoying the reach into new scouting experience with Deon is his wife, Geraldine, who is a strong believer in the Scouting program. Deon reports that he is blessed with a good assistant scoutmaster, Clinn Morgan. Joining together these two men work with 14 boys presently registered in the troop. Together they have had two Boy Scout groups adding up to 30 rive iv1 m . V v I w u J ON LETTERS AND PACKAGES Teen-ag- e Clothing, too, has come in for rules of the Levan Their rules provide that piue peans, pedal pushers, T shirts are taboo. Boys are required to look neat, be dressed neat, and be cleanly shavGirls are encouraged to en. Rock-A-Teen- -- J Group s. not use heavy makeup, and tight skirts must not be worn. The program as set up by the young folks will provide a great deal of wholesome dancto those who ing, according have been close to the organization. Music for the dances is provided by records. boys. For the first time in years Levan attended the long-tersummer camp at Camp Maple Dell. Deon can log into his scout diary this experience, as well as having the troop pare, ticipate in the district funeree and skill show. IIis troop also acts as the official color guard for the Little League tournament held in Levan. I entered scouting upon request, but I have learned to enjoy it and look forward to it Deon reported. Deon is employed as a mechanic at the Painter Motor Co., in Nephi. Scoutmaster Rosequist goes on to say With the help of a good assistant, we feel we can't ask much from the parents until we make the first move. We are planning to visit each family and enlist their support ror the Levan troop. We need the parents to make scouting a pair of each family progm cam-porte- "T, -- C, -- 14 i Marriage licenses issued by Juab County Clerk James P. Christensen during the past week include: David Gene Sholes of Nephi, and Donne Lee Ann Tacy, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tacy, Nephi, on Decem- e- -- 9. Mona. Mars. Christmas carols will be sung as the theme of Christmas is portrayed by the boys and girls of these grades The program will begin at 7:30 There will be no charge p.m. and the general public is invited to attend. K. R. Bailey, Principal Favorite FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS WITH Portraying the various characters are Sandra Newberry, Tommy Young, Marla Newell, Clark Kay, Beverly Myers, Joyce Syasey, Trenna Teerlink, Nanny Ann Naphi, Sara Ann is the admonition gentlemen of the officers. Dances on planned evenings will begin at 8 p.m. and will let out at 11 p.m. Those who leave the dance before 9:30 will not be allowed back in without a special pass. Cantata to be Presented be The Nephi Lions Club wishes Kay, Linda Newton, Tommy to take this opportunity to Fowkes, Harlo Newton, Tomthank everyone who purchased my Garfield, Bryce Lynn, Cleve and Yates, Daniel Cottle, Rhonda tickets, gave donations, supported the minstrel show in Stanley, Brenda Yates, Hal Newton and Kevin Jones. any way. There will be no admission Especially do we thank the Juab School District for the charge and an invitation is use of the auditorium, and extended to all. Clarence H. Pay for taking care of the lights. Our thanks to Mona and Le- Dance Saturday to van Lions Clubs for selling tickets and supporting the Honor Levan Elder show. A missionary farewell dance Our sincere thanks to the Ephraim Lions Club for bring- will be held on Saturday evening such a fine show to Nephi ing, December 19, in honor of and to Snow College Art de- Elder Grant Taylor, who has partment for making and don- accepted a call to serve in the ating the advertising posters. Danish mission. It makes us feel good to ask The dance is being sponsorfor help and get the response ed by the Elders Quorum of we have on this project, and the Levan ward, and all memwe appreciate it very much. bers of the stake are invited to attend. Contributions will Nephi Lions Club, Rulon Broadhead, Pres. be accepted. is Program for Monday many times past. Mothers who wish him to visit their homes are asked to gather groups of neighborhood children together for the event. 10 At least children should be in each residence requesting the visit. Deadline for reservation reand quests will be Tuesday, Mothers should call either 209W or 447M to make reservations., Mr. Eyre said. The annual Central School John Deere Day Christmas On Sunday program will presented on Monday evening, Interesting Dances Being Held By Levan Taking a tip from the success being enjoyed in other areas of the state, the Levan recently have been organized to provide good clean dancing recreation for the teen agers of the community, and their guests from the neighboring communities. gen- Children at wonderland. Also planned is the District Funeree, for January 14, 1960. This event is planned for Scouts and Guides. It will be a night of competitive games and relays and will feature All scouts Scout fellowship. and guides must be registered on the new charters to attend. Watch for further details. Boyd I vie ber Gary Williams Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Howand ard Hansen of Nephi Shelia Swasey. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Floyd Swasey of 51 Scout Speaker others. is with Volume 50, Number a. & idfis it Sc e J e mm, mm" KHOULlx sparked up the recent dances of the Levan Here are the officer of the new group recently organized at Levan. .NEW Kxk-a-teen- s tiufo. f U I J S ram V have fun. and, although theres no Di k ( lark to direct is tops. Dating is not encouraged, to foster more mixing of crowd activities, darning ROCK-A-TLEN- S rJJy . IVon has as an interest besides scouting, his hothv of He feels that scouthunting. ing with its outdoor training would help men become better nutdoorsmen and safer hunters. Bovd Ivie |