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Show Nephi, Utah - - Thursday, December 17, 1959 Page Two Mrs. Boston Hostess at Club's Annual national Published every Thursday Entered at the post office mail matter under the act One Subscription rates: Subscriptions are payable in request. A. Publisher B. Editor-Manag- er E D IT O R I A l at Nephi, Utah, as second class of Congress of March 3, x. year $4.00: Six months, Advertising rates in advance. Gibson end Roy E Gibson Roy E Gibson 196, Nephi, Party !',TI!!fT,l!lE IRAN EDUCATION For-emger- s, It is very Editor's Note: Dr. John Ord, early Christians. close in spirit to the present son of .Mr. and Mrs. George ACCURACY IS MOST; day and is a very inspiring V. Ord,' is an assistant profcvhroniclc of the great man's essor of education at Brigham ITEM IMPORTANT search for God. It is the story Young University, and is now of St. Luke. The great apos- on a leave to serve and tles pilgrimage through de- as an advisor to the ElemenNewspapers male ''typos'1 darkness, tary Education Department, spair and lifes the public has a laugn, but we in through anguish, doubt and re- - National Teachers College, at the pharmacy business just don t hellion, to the fact and under- the University of Tehran. We into permit inaccuracies to enter are pleased, to have this comstanding of God. of prescriptions the compounding This search for God and the munication from him) Your final revelation are the only not even slight ones. valuWithin lifef man. or are meaning health, your confidence TERAN, IRAN About three out man comfort months DC-- 7 portrait, set against the seeth- and itwisdom isandwithout aircraft able, and we follow your doctor s ago, my is life is futile settled to at Mehrabad SOCIAL ITEMS OF ing Medeterranian world of the no matter his station or earth written prescription for your power whether the Rx Airport, Tehran, Iran, my host medical aids or birth. for two years. My famcountry antibiotics. or for calls of aspirin Mrs. Paxman Guest Mrs. Glazier was assisted in ily and I stepped from the her program by Mrs. E. C. plane into the cool dry air of Sherwood playing a violin solo fran after a two week flight Annual at Daughter "The Holy City and also two through picturesque cities of ALL HOME Dr. vocal numbers by Mrs. Keith Europe, the Near East. Golden of CHRISTMAS director our PROGRAM Woolf, R. HEALTH Her AND were Event numbers Lake Bailey. Salt City B. Y. U. team was at the airCantique de Noel and NEEDS TUESDAY EVENING Dream of Paradise. Obligato port to greet us. As the guest of her daughtlanded with hasty impressI Mrs. Bai by accompaniment The annual Christmas proer, Mrs. Dwane C. Hill, Mrs. J. ions of London, Copenhagen, and Mrs. Glazier. of the Levan School will gram Walter Paxman attended the leyThe program was followed Berlin, Munch, Vienna, Instan-bu- be presented in the Levan annual Mothers and Dughters a less for huried ready Ward hall Tuesday, December Luncheon given by the Jun- by a well appointed tea. The with an study of Iran, ancient Persia 22 at 7:30 p.m. The program ior Chamber of Commerce table was decorated is centered around the theme exquisite lace table cloth, light- of 6000 years history. Auxiliary of Salt Lake City. My first impression of Iran "Christmas U. S. A." with evA silver The gala Christmas luncheon ed candles and flowers. was pleasant; ery student in the school parservice and cut glass was held Saturday at the coffee bowl w e a t her, the were end at either punch, ticipating. Each class group Star Lit Gardens of Hotel of the table. Mrs. C. R. Lowhich I had fear- will present scenes, music and Utah. ed, proved to be activities which will contrbute max and Mrs. Glazier assisted The well arranged tables were at the table. comfort-iablquite to the general theme. decorated with a feminine The violent Beautiful potted flowers and The public is m- and featured pink Christmas candles touch, heat of the sum-m- vited togeneral with festive attend.Christmas trees made of pink decorations' adorned the house was beginn-- 4 feathers and trimmed with silto ing dissipate, The Ladies Auxiliary of the throughout. ver ornaments, with pink riband, though the American Legion Twenty club members were held their bons and bows extending the temperature was meeting Monday evening in the ' present and three guests: Mrs tables. of the TOPPER HOME SYSTEM . length in the 90s, the Leo Seely of Mt. Pleasant, City Hall. Lunch was served. For the program, a musical Mrs. Keith were R. and Mrs evenings The following members were "Its a Womans E. C. Sherwood,Bailey repartee cool enough for both of NeREDUCING ARC EXCLUSIVE present: Mrs. Inez Sorbe, Mrs. World was given by Mrs. Har peaceful sleeping. I was, and Louise Taylor, Mrs. Bonnie old Gregory and Mrs. Reid phi. ! Mrs. Boston was assisted by have since, been reminded of Paystrup, Mrs. Sadie Bowers, ROTOMATIC MASSAGE White. Mrs. Dwane Hill, gen Mrs. P. L. Utah weather except the heat Mrs. Gwen Mrs. Bent Jones, Mrs. Stephensen, eral chairman, presided at the R. Bryan and Mrs. J. E. Reid. is somewhat more oppressive Della Tunbridge and Mrs. Irluncheon and paid a beautiful TRIM UGLY BULGES here. ACTION LOUNGES AND PADS ene Mangelson. tribute to the mothers.- In In add, six professors from LIVE BETTER. IMPROVE CIRCULATION RELAX of the program, conclusion the B. Y. U. arrived in Tehran Week end guests of Mr. and SCHOOL MENUS Christmas carols were sung by to aid this country in upgrad- Mrs. Alma Winter were Mr. ONLY FOR THOSE WHO CARE a group of the Auxiliary mem their educational system and Mrs. Farrell Winter of ing School lunch menus for the bers. Over 150 ladies attended : FOR THE BEST! direct work with the Bountiful. three days of school next week through the luncheon. National Teachers College and have been announced by Mrs. the Mr. and Mrs, Lavern StepGET MORE FROM COMPARE AND SEE WHY-YOMinistry of Education. school lunch hensen spent Sunday in Salt Gladys Brown, are There in the specialists TOPPER AT LESS COST HINTS BODY A UPHOL supervisor, as follows: Lake City, where they visited 180 South STERY SHOP Baked Anglo beef, areas of physical education, with Mr. Monday Mrs. and Neldin NEPHI- --CALL LORRAINE HAYES AT 329 Main, Phon 597R. Seat Cover scalloped potatoes, tossed green home economics, Stephensen and family. special, complete set $29.01 salad, applesauce, peanut but aids, library, secondary education and elementary education. Kitchen chairs covered, fumit ter muffins, milk. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wankier were Mr. ure material for sale. Many cheese Halibut Tuesday We drove to Terhan and Mrs. Sherman Wankier patterns to choose from. casserole, spinach with French the wide avenues and through narrow dressing, crunchy Waldorf sal- alleys (called kuohays) with and family of Orem. 51 in ad, cake and icing, whole wheat nine-fowalls lining each side Mr. and Mrs. Robert Piano n FOR SALE milk. bread and butter, of the street. Call 231 J excellent condition and family of Provo visExcept for an Wednesday, December 23 occasional park area, we saw ited on Sunday with Mr. and and gravy, fluffy snow- Little FOR SALE Robert Sperry Turkey and few flowers, Mrs. J. O. Taylor. ball potatoes, Christmas ribbln for thegrass Persians have for years home at 240 North 2nd East sauce (cran- buried their salad, cranberry The Lady Lions held their behind high Inquire 223J. berries have been released for mud or brickbeauty walls. Once in- meeting on Thursday evening -use), carrot pudding with hot side the wall, a lovely Iranian in the TUNE-U- P NOTICE OF BUDGET City Hall. Lunch was sauce bread and butter, and MEETING with a water served to the following ladies: complete garden Notice is hereby given that milk. pool, green grass and beautiful Mrs. Pauline Mangelson, Mrs. flowers awaits the house oc- Louise Taylor, Mrs. Irene ManNephi City Council will hold a public meeting for the adopt- PROBATE AND GUARDIAN- cupants. gelson, Mrs. Bessie Paystrup, On our first shopping tours Mrs. Lucille Shepherd, ion of the budget to govern Mrs. Consult SHIP NOTICES. we were harassed by an oc- Florene Mrs. Cora Taylor, expenditures of the City for County Clerk or Respective and cheated Wankier, Mrs. Anna Shepherd, the calendar year 1960 on Signers for Additional Infor- casional beggar, Wednesday, the 30th day of Second South and Main regularly by the "haggle hap- Hrs. Viginia Howad, Mrs. Vermation. Hephi December, 1959, at 8 p.m. The py merchants who have one na Gardner and Mrs. Edna be will Hanson. for and Iranians another price special budget meeting held at the Council r room in NOTICE TO CREDITORS the Nephi City Hall. Estate of LOUIS V. COOPER, R. W. Christiansen. deceased. Creditors will present Recorder Cityclaims with vouchers to the unLEARN SAVE . . . dersigned at the office of James P. McCune, attorney at law, 53 North Main Street, Nephi, new FUN way Utah on or teforo the 5th day of February, 1930. JOHN V. COOPER, administrator of Che estate of Louis et Nephi, Juab County, Utah. Office: 96 South Mein Street, Telephone Christmas-tim- e four times higher for anyone with an American accent. Even the Iranians bargain and bargain with shop keepers and get for cheaper prices them. No merchandise has a printed price on it, so shopping must be done vocally. other than Americans are quoted lower prices as everyone seems to be out to grab th plentiful" American dollars. Even rent for suitable houses for Americans is in the $200 to $400 a month bracket. However, we find this to be a most fascinating land and look forward to becoming better acquainted with the culture of Iran and to enjoy our particular work activities. Utah Twentieth Century Club annual Xmas Party was held at the beuatiful home of Dr and Mrs. A. A. Boston on December 10. Mrs. Boston, president of the club presided at the party. The entertainment for the evening was a book review byShe reMrs. C. W. Glazier. viewed the book "Dear and Glorious Physician by Taylor Caldwell. The novel paints a varied two-ye- ar LEVAN l, $ e. er Give your Friends or Family a Pleasant GIFT ALL-YE-AR delivered of 52 issues of The Times-New- s to their home anywhere in the nation ORLY 4.00 PER YEAR - - audio-visu- Gift Card Sent with First Issue al ot BENDER WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND BALANCING MOTOR REPAIRS - OVERHAULS PHONE YOUR ORDER IR TODAY WELL SEHD A STATEMENT YOU 1st OR FEDRUARY Bel-listo- ED'S 66 SERVICE - 96 South Main Street - - Phone 196 - as they Youngsters this V. Cooper, deceased. Dates ber of publication: Decemand 24, 1959. 3, 10, 17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Ida W. Beck, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Attorney Udell R. Jensen, 125 North Main St., Nephi, Utah, on or before the 10th day of April, A. D. 1960. Donald V. Beck, Executor of estate of Ida W. Beck, mm EVB Spinaround T coin bank Cleverly simulating the Solar System in action, this novel, sturdily built coin bank show the sun and aU nine planets (with their moons) in approximate relative sizes. It names the planets, tells the time they require to complete each giant swing through space around the sun. g disk spins freely on eighteen steel ball bearing. Placed in the The sun slot, any coin (even a half dollar) when released by the action of the disk disappear into the tun. Then the space platform continues to spin. Makes saving fun and instructive. Fascinating story about the Solar System come with each bank. $1.75 planet-carryin- Dates of publication: December 10, 17, 24 and 31, 1959, in The Times-New- s, Nephi, Utah m PLAN-I- -- vKs Give Give a BOOK BANK hi been impaired tad serious iliaUpa While production have affected the automotive industry, we Ford dealers have been more fortunate, thaa most dealers, Mach of the steel ased ia the production of Ford can is made by the Ford Motor necessitated by the strike, Company. Despite the Ford production has never ceased. Your interest in the wooderfu new world of Fords has been nothing short of fabulous. Yocve found that this years brood range of Fords three entirely new lines has made important inroads into the problem ef the high coat of car ewntiship. Theres a Ford for every parse beginning with car built ia the Ford Falcon, the lowest-priceAmerica today. And ibis year, die glamorous Ford Fairlaae 500 it priced 1142 feat than last year's model. Many of you have bached ap your interest in the 1960 Forda with orders and have been pleasantly surprised to discover bow rapidly deliveries are Wng made. L To tboaa of you who have hesitated to place you order, it to assure you that deliveriea rue rapidly approaching this Your choice of colors one for each child. $1.75 V NAiiirnMH vtti InM rwn iRruh BRAND-NI- - NEW WORLD OF TODAY PARKIN MOTOR CO. - exact total after each coin is cial Baby banks. $1.50 normal The eoooer you act, the sooner yoaU be driving around in the newest of the new cart the classic 60 Fords, the aew-aiaFord Fskon and the brilliant Ford Thaadetbird 1 FHOiiE 312 See Our Wonderful Selection of )- - - REFIR, UTAH Used Cars BANK C Shows both coins and currency. Your choice of colors one for each child. Also spe- Y, an Adds and register nickels, dimes and quar-ter- t. Looks like a book. But its a bank ! Holds MOVE INTO THE WONDERFUL 137 SOUTH HAIR STREET ADD-o-MATI- ASK ABOUT - 9 nmsunth 9d4 W MODEl 05- - Give a Give a CHECKING ACCOUNT SAVINGS ACCOUNT urn1 with name and oddrew Otis 69 on evory check a personal account for wife or college age children. Start the Complete with 7 piece set of cleaning tool AT PAXMANS account with whatever amount you wish. Names imprinted FREE. Start the account with any amount you wish, opening it in the name of the person you are giving it to. Suggestion: Solve anniver- sary gift problems, too, by additions to the account ANTIQUE BANKS THAT "KICK, THROW", SHOOT" You con order amazing antique me- chanical banks that kick, throw and shoot coins. Theyre fun to operate and fascinating to children. Choice of 12 different banks. $10 each 3 |