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Show Thursday, December 27, lb th r t. news. ii; i. : i n i I the Shooting c All Over Bui 157 I Ni Ricluircl Powel- lAN STARRING i nrs i Lt. Vndl THE STORY THIS tVRl Blake and his wife, Arab, found evi eme of a spy ring working out of her bo trding Talc of the Totin: home In the Astor the other midnight house. Andv had searched Jones' and found additional evidence, whih he Homo Vincent got a b'g laugh tell- had turned over to the FBI Anb told ing gals about the drunk who zig- the girls that the evidence was in Andys zagged into a bar and ordered a home. That night she and Andv went to tuple martini. . . . After swallowing the house, sorted out the evidence and two of them he decided the barten- wailed. Renee was captured by them as Arab esIn the window. der was his friend Reaching into she climbed was captured his coat pocket he brought forth a caped from the cellar but as she was leaving the yard. Reme was lne lobster and offered it to the bar- hit by a bullet fired by Jones Into the tender, who tried refusing it sev- cellar. In order to save Andv, she cut a eral times. . . . Finally, the bar- small flesh wound over his heart and had tender decided it would be better to him play dead. Jones broke Into the cel take the damb lar, believing Andy dead, left with Renee. than argue thing about it. Okay, he said, gripping the lobster, 'Til take it home for dim er. Oh, no, dont do that' cried the lush He's already had dinner take him to the movies! CHAPTER Xfl I left the house, ran down the road, and found the car still linked away safely in the field. I headed Colonel it back toward Washington. A war correspondent back from Parkers house was about four reYou Tokyo brought this may miles away, near Fort Myer lie call that when Tojo shot himself, an could be counted on to act on my American commentator in Japan first and read up on the Manstory flashed Tojo has killed himself!" ual of Courts-Martisecond On the . . . When the reporttr retuined to way I checked the time and found Tojos house he learned the old that It was only a little after mid. was still alive. . Oh, It seemed as though lt should damn it! shrieked the broadcast- night. be hours later. I tried not to think er "I just told CBS listeners that about Arab very often, because that he killed himself! seemed to start my head thought Tojo was lying on his back and She would be safe aching again. the blood was flowing . . One G 1 for a time, I was sure. I couldn't looked at another. Someone sudhelp her by worrying myslf sick. denly broke the hush and said: Colonel Parker came to the door What the hell? He's gonna die of his house yawning and wrestling and riddance Lets anyway good turn the over on his belly with the cord of a bathrobe. He peered at me, and snapped, Been so the blood will run more fieely! the town red, Blake? You . . . And . so. . did . they Pretty painting soon the doctor arrived and exam- got some on yourself. ined Tojo. . . . Turning to the GI s Sorry, sir. Im afraid It's blood. Yours? and correspondents the doctor inNo, sir. W'ho turned him over? quired. You look as If youve been out . . . "W7e did! they all yelled. for a separate Air Well, the campaigning doc, you sighed Force. What happened? saved hi life. Its that house on Q Street busiColoneL Theyve got the North ness, book, Shirley Temple's My spotted and they Yiung Life (her autol n graphy), African Invasion which was written by a New York grabbed my wife and A big hand reached out, yanked girl at a weekly wage . . . MadeKeep your voice leine Carrcll spurning all screen me inside. My gosh, is it and stage offers to continue serving down! he said. Africa? North really Red the . Dinah Shore Cross "Colonel, they put together a lot copping every popularity poll this I handed him Look. The way if loose talk. year for gal thrushes . Pres Truman has aged in his he scraps of paper on which Arab' first season at the White House and I had made our notes. Muscles He glanced at them. Not physically but over his unhapCome in piness at the way my old friends squirmed along his jaw. and sit down, he said. Ill get in the Senate have let me down on the phone. This is plenty to go " Earl Browder (former chief of the on We went into the living room and Americommies) is being investigat- I watched Colonel Parker go to ed by a special board of the Nat'l He made four calls in about work. Committee of the Communist Party He didn't mention minutes. They suspect him of organizing an ive Xorth Africa but once or twice he opposing faction within, the party used a code name which apparently . . . June Haver has called off her romance wuth Vic Mature. He's so identified the operation. Finally he completed his calls, busy squiring Cleatus Caldwell, anyhow. . . . Ruth Hogg, who vocals and said, Well have the house on on some Harry James recordings, Q Street and the Jones place in the About your Is Betty Grable. . . . Wm Evthe is bag in ten minutes. He cleared his throat , wife . . . coming here to visit Margaret Good kid, isnt which debunks the tritems of and said gruffly, she' a parting. What chance has she, Colonel? I wont feed you any sirup, he Lindbergh Intermediary Irving muttered. Nobody knows what Bitz is back working for an eve'g those do. But I think might people paper. . . . Norma Richter, one of the shell be safe for a while. Two comthree 'op models (making $1,000 panies from Myer are going out to weekly), has chucked it all to mar-- your turn over every place. ry Chas Rose, coast gem merchant. leaf around Theyll Falls Church, on the . . . Oklahoma Gin is the rage. chance that the Jones crowd didn't Players get ten cards each the take her along. Too bad we werent next card is turned up Players able to the goods on that bunch cant knock with less than ten points earlier. get than the value of that card. Its the The next few hours passed diznewest short cut to rum . . . Before I could get halfway zily. Hosiery (one of the biggest through my report, cars began firms) will bet any amount that ny- screeching up outside. The house lons will not be available (in retail bulged with silver leaves and eagles stores) until some time in 1947. . . and even stars. I lost track of the After twenty-fou- r years' service to number of times I went over the Hoo-- , our country, underpaid story. Questions whipped at me like ver is broke. tracers, and my head buzzed from trying to squeeze out new facts. Fiddle-Faddl- e and Piffle: Willkie Sometime during that period word will be on a stamp soon. . . . James came that they had drawn a blank Melton may get the role of Curly at the two houses on Q Street. The . in the film version of Okla fat man and Joey and Renee FieldJohn Roosevelt, recently libeled in a ing had not returned, and there was syndicated colm (from Washington) no sign of Arab. as a conchie, will be interested to The notes took second place in learn that the author has since been importance after that news. Maps tafired . . . John W Raper, the age- began to cover the dining-rooless Cleveland philosopher, has put ble until the room looked like a his pepigrams between covers It OHQ They questioned me again is titled' "What This World Needs. and again on what Renee had let . . . Joseph E. Davies may auth slip about the hangout at the shore, another book to clear up matters trying to dig up some other remarks since Potsdam. . . . John Gunther which I might have forgotten. There has visited 47 states to compile data were arguments about routes and for his next book, Inside U S A. speeds of cars. Finally they worked He will visit Delaware as soon as out a radius of operations based on he is completely mended from the the "five or six hours drive which flu. He is sunning at the Renee had mentioned. The radius Cabana Club. swung in a great arc from Washing, ton, cutting the Jersey coast up near Talk about gall! In an interview Sandy Hook and swinging down the with an American newsboy, Musso- Maryland beaches and the long Cape lini s spouse defended the policies Charles peninsula across Virginia and into North Carolina. and the Romeomg of her With ships lisSomebody said, hubby She then added that she wished to come to America to give tening in here and here and here and here we can intercept any lectures. We get a fast fix on What! And give Liz DUling com- transmission. the sending station. We flash word petition? to the Eastern Defense Command Chorus girls, bel eve it or not, and the Eastern Sea Frontier. We of'en d scus politics At Nickv have the roast blanketed with planes Blair's Carnival the ther r. ght one and the inshore patrol. And we blast asked. there two polit- u.e station. Why Then for a minute there was sies ical rart Is it that ffli re are lence and I get up nerve to speak. two Sides to eve'v qucsti in ' No Sir, I said to Colonel Parker, do observed Jayne Westbrook, still need me?" you tl re are two sides its because A dozen pairs of eyes looked coldto eviy polit.c.il office .Aside and ly at rre. It was just luck that it ins de ' was only a lieutenant colonel who We may. Cant have you i Broadway Wisrguy: On Broad - ipped, off Might be some more mn.rg way an Hnro, Gy Is ffle One Who Dourle Crossf s luj Exactly the questions tl at My aolonel stared at the lieuten- Wav You Exj erted Him To. . SANi. INMCR ant co I ho hi Ct h MYSTERY BLAKE y g ,e e t i t .i v ' if1 "That's just It, sir, I said Ore sight of a jeep and anv of the gang at those places would te warned But by myself I might s' r up some interest." or sud, nodBait, the four-str- i ding Yes, sir. They know me They might get scared and try to get rid of me. A major said, "We could cover you with a strong detail If another argued. No, no, theres anything in it, its a job. The first thing any oodyd look for after spotting Blake would be to see if he has friends. Nobody spoke for a few moments, and then Colonel Parker stepped in Go ahead, to make the decision. one-ma- n the town red, he said. Youre on your Blake, own. Report anything you dig up. Get going He glared around defiantly. Nobody said anything more than shrug, and so I ducked out fast Tl 1 1 i !i i n k K i 1 i lave 1 ' n t v i v 1 iron: s a c I sin i iG b t ! in jl w ice, , ut of s c , t an till Ht e ui i till1 Wljfd ii t' ei e 1 q . i t I n I h 1 e a wit fit nor sua ir n 'o t'e t n k wh e to wqe tie find r nil tinui'g wiuiut have jote fir afur uar gon.n id the call unto cut aciuss tl e f o' is and ' ! i I i c d t h J at It M I) e w IN ' f ' i - l. mmi r tit1 t t f M IK a t It I 'i t' ( lit II,!' loiu it Mk J In n l t HI m 'ii, (t ( ll e H) t Is t pp ip 3 v ' M If Mil h ed ( O ot tl t PM C it t! r IN ui1 u d lit ' Cl ! ic l d m 'i t n 'tO I1 OM r i'i ai n o v IP t C li i u . i . hi 1 i with pi m ' a fe turns that dn olvei w'en I i llflllv ''e i mi s a ' t t. cm ii v i rial u w ft i J (ui i' 'o it md still' ' L. i I gv t i ut a'id to !' o cas t u T e U e -t .a lit twice that hr d Two b ui d d ,j j r 11 1 . t . t i n t a t t 1 i i ai 1 ioni m t' t ( (Ml 'i ht V ,m a ; if 0 t 11 t P O' t s the gas stit.cn fioin th it ir Whin I got cl se to the rant' ad 'e F if k m the i ulv riis of the repair shop I ci uld hoar im i t dK mo a c u e till mis iriot! et flout the I to ing crept aioumi was lUnd a coi act by the ! s was The door was oj en and ie conn pi pan had to tin n it stand, ng at a pay box with h s b uk doan bt c sa: onh 13 Se aiec to me I inc ed feu ward in'll 1 was only a right hook awav from 'T A shiver jerked at mv skin him Ns He was putting out my license number and a description of me. Not a flattering description, but it would have done the job. I had a vision of my car stalled two miles up U S. wt 1, and a couple of friendly stringers A stopping to give me the last lift I would e er get. I'll K , O he said finally. leave you handle it. ,'IV- He hung up, banged the side of the pay box, and dug a finger in the return slot. His com didnt drop through. This is your unlucky day, isnt Cl If I said. He whaled, grabLirg at a Stillson wrench in his belt, and I plugged I LAIN E Mil LIAM him on the jaw. His head slammed back against the pay box. A com when 1'Iume was II she slipped out, rattled into the return slot. He melt- and won the title of Miss Ml1 consul ed slowly down the wall, and came She sang with binds, got her radio to rest propped in a sitting position at WHBY in Appleton. Wis stilt I retrieved his com. It was a nickel. twr home town. she Indicating a call to someone not very leaclud New YolkEventually while tes far away. I went through his pock- been on Clime Doetoi for a year ets and found nothing of interest. I took the gasoline pump key, howTwentieth Cintuiy - Fox wanted ever. He owed me twelve gallons Tick Smith, who's hend on CBS of unsweetened gas. Monriae s through Fudos fiom Plenty of tire tape was handy and I used it to bind his wrists and an- coast to ceast Wanted him badlv en ugh to ofTei him a cm tract call kles. It was too bad Id had to hit him. It delayed things. I got a mg for $2 000 a week Smith turne'ei can of radiator water and sloshed it it down said hed rather remain in over him. He didnt budge. I knew the East i. I hadnt smacked him that hard I on Loren hard Its Tindall; like worked on him for several minutes most navv veterans, hed like to get without getting a flicker, and yet his out of uniform, but hes been dispulse was hammering like an outcharged for a year now, and RKOs board motor. I went outside, unlocked the pump, given him one naval picture after and filled the can with gasoline. I another; three of them altogether. His nose Hes playing his third in Till the doused him with that. End of Time, produced by l)ore wriggled. In Over 21, with Irene Sihary. was I said. It "Yeah, gasoline Dunne, he was a navy lieutenant; that time. Got a match, buddy? he was a submarine crewman in You His eyelids snapped open. Out of the Depths. wouldnt do that, he whined. I like playing with Why not? "The Strange Love of Martha matches vers" stands between the Robeit Go ahead, then. and the long vacation theyd I scowled. I hadn't put on a good Taylors to take as soon as he was planned now he wouldn't go enough act, and dischaiged Taylor and the armed for the torch stuff unless I really forces did drop a match on him. Where Kooner parted company six months than hed expected, and Bardid Jones and his gang go? bara Stanwycks working in the picNever heard of him. ture She says he looks wonderful Never heard of anyone named Metros losing no time on that Jones, huh? 'No." picture based on the life of Jerome I went to the phone. Its a dime Kirn Judy Garland and Robert from here to Republic 6700, isnt it0 Walker will be staired Van Heflin up on 1 1 i i V black-mark- ... Lovely Evening Blouse , v hadn't picked the gas station I aked. over the restaurant and roadhouse What do you wanna call the War because of any hunch or deduction for? I picked it because I needed gas. Department Some of our boys might like to But the more I thought about it find out which side of the war youre the better I liked it as a place to on start If the Jones bovs had a hangHe ran a bluish tongue over his out five or six hours drive away, he said, you don't Look, lips. they must buy plenty of have to do that." In of the the fact, gas. operator to do lt whether you Im station might be more than just a talk or going not. But lt may be nicer ration chiseler Even chiselers run for you if you talk out of gas, and the Jones boys needI don't know much. he mumed a place they could coi nt on withAll I know is these fellows bled out fail. Like tonight, fir instance off me. You can't shoot a The operator might be one of the buy gas man for that. Maybe I give them gang. a little extra gas, but that's OPA Let's have some gas, I said. grief, not army. Pump dry. You'll have to do better than Dont give me that stuff Not that Where do they go on these long unless you want trouble Govment business? trips they take? "I thought you knew. Whats it to you? Fill lt up I want to hear from you He shuffled past me to the pump, His pale eyes slid around m their unscrewed the cap of my gas tank, inserted the hose nozzle, unlocked sockets like drops of mercury his pump, and began grinding "They go up to Ballymore and then . . . and then . . . now lemme think Joey get off O K.? I asked. He mutHis eyes flickered at me Joey? what I heard them say Joey Raeder. And Jones and the tered to himself for a half minute rest of them. I understand they had and I began to get jittery He was to scram last night. stalling and I couldn't figure out Never heard of them why. I got out a dime and lifted Now wait, Cagey, huh? Well, Ill be seeing the phone receiver. them later today, so it doesn't mat- he said, "I'm getting lt. Its down on the Eastern Shore sur.ewbere ter. I'm headed up that way, too. He went on silently grind ng gasoThey mentioned the place. It' . . . I got to think . . he said finally, Its line a a trickle of gas overflowed. I had been a fool not to have realI gave him a five and my ration ized that his pals might have to book. He took three stamps from stop at his place for gas before startthe took, shuffled into the house with ing up U. S. 1 after n e They n .got my money. I got back in the car arr.ve at any m nute I swurg bam and waited. He might come back to the phone My d.me seemed to with a gun, tut that was one of the take ages fiiterr g d iwn to the bell chances I had to take if I wanted to Number, please," the operator learn anything He ro',n ed m a sa.d at last. few minutes and ha.ouod rr.s the Ripj'il.c 67C1 Urgent (TO BE CONTINUED) change. I Two-fort- m U E IK'.IM s Sup d n iiii-- , J into h'lt t ,u nit m N t 1' A i sl'oot s a plot m o i . h mi ike in I't'iv et x.t ntu r Gal, u i n i tl Metre as be p s 'Kim u e 'a no ti tl n v '.it I iM ei w he n shes u i t,p 1 he pn tut e m i t ot p ik s fan at the usual tpe of V.Mern I 1 ! painting ii i 1 Been n:i l! - ( to do his bed and I can acoon ; hsh at tl self What was in you Colonel, I thought able to stir something ir "Blake, if y oure c thing . . No, s.r Its just tl . gang dropped some About where they we Favorite places l.ke a and a roadhouse ai d a tion that apparently s market gas Mavbo tl c whole g mg hasn't skipped Mavbo some of ti cm are around those fuvonte places We can look into th it, somebodv said. But I con't th a any thn g is likely to come of it " Blake? i - STAGE SCREEN RADIO toi k a deep 1 Roney-Pleasur- n -- bn I know you'ie won i wife, Blake Bat e i lie WTnt-Ing- n u d t e 1' w , s 1 e i x, t c i d a r e s.r o, ' t Oa . Art-cra- ft t e .o. t F it Of1 t ' v- h Ca Knit and Kind Bad Socks Divss-- l Blouse lor Your Suit ? ,FtAns o'( T ' 7$ UM 1 ANDY ARAB x AGE SEVEN has the role of Kerns confi Ian, Angela Lansbuiys an Lnglish com edy star. '"r'Q MAKE this enchanting eve-ning hi use, sprinkle a rayon satin or taffeta biou.se with gilt seuse wine, green, oyster quins white or fuchsia crepe and try it in flowered silk or satin with a velvet slurt for dancing and dining. Nice too m soft wool jersey for more practical wear. A ool Bed Socks iuir feet snug and warm on the coldest winter nights in these gayly be i ibbonod bed socks. Tluyie knit of white wool and laced with a pink or blue one-inc- h ribbon. Fifteen inehes long and easy to make with no heel shaping to worry w,th. rFFl' To ot tain complete liotrurtions for the White Wool lie ei Soils (littcrn No 604')) wml lb cents in coin, your name, s and the pattein number. To obtain complete pattern, finishing Instructions for the Tie Around Iiiouse (Pattern No 5027), mzcs 12, 14, IS included, cend 16 cenK m cmd, nur name, and the pattern number. Due to an umi'U..l!v hupe demand and current conditions, slightly more time U required in filling ordtis for a tew of th most popular pattern numbers. ad-dr- sr wifs irci r c Mission St 70U Lncluse No 16 , San nudi hvork Calif. cents for Pattern . Name- - ; J - (A (N. (V. (V (V. (V (V, (V. (V. ASK ME ANOTHER General Quiz A (V. (V fv, fv. I Address- - ; " SNAPPY FACTS Vhat is the moaning when a locomotive has two white flags on its front? 2. Who was the fust Roman to tmliiaee ChnsUamty? 3 How many men of our navy, which reached a wuitirne peak of 3, 3d1. 000, did not seive overseas? 4. How many signs of the zodiac stmt with the letter 5 What is the total population of the United States' b How docs a dogs normal bodv ten peiature compare with a 1. RUBBER em-pet- a? humans? What is a wombat? What Pres, dent of the United States was boin on the fourth of 7. 8. July? The Answers It is a special train. Constantine the Great. Only 7 pci m nt. 4. Two, Ar.es and Aquarius. 5 Tilt population is 139,682,000, an increase of more tiian 8,000,000 oi er ti e y tar 1940. 1. 2. 3. The majority of Army surplus tires are to be allocated among states, cities, counties and federal agencies, and then to veterans. The great battery of synthetic rubber plants erected during the war cost approximately $700,000,000. More than 30,000 synthetic rubber compounds were prepared during the war, about 500 will have peacetime uses. The heaviest single load ever moved on pneumatic tires was 300 tons and for a secret military project; equip ment was carried on a huge trailer having 64 wheels shod with B. F, Goodrich truck tires 6. Unher (101 7. A burrowing degrees). animal, resembling a small bear. From Australia. 8 '(, Calvin Coohdge W , orkers Pay American workers earn 31 difof pnv such as the Connie Haines, singer on the Ab- r.igl t bonus and the swing shift bott and Costello programs over uiiTerentinl, while their wages are NBC, recently went out in the har- subject to 46 kinds of compulsory bor to sing for the avengers of and opt onal deductions, such as Bataan, the famed 30th division. En-- union dues and group insurance like some singers whove stopped premiums. : 'r,- - li fer rt kinds 5 irf iW 1 the war ended, Connie goes right on singing for the servicemen Once a week she goes to Terminal island, San Pedro, to greet returning troop ships. since Elyse Knox has been set for the fen mine lead in Monngiarns Joe Paloi ha, Champ" Tbs mirks her return to the screen after a years leave of absence during which her daughter, Sh iron KriMun Barrel, was born Tr e baby s fa'ner, Ca t Ton my Hum on, famous footo.il pla er, has returned to Holly .wed to continue Ins radio sports com-m- c tar.es. Gan Breafits flgani" Wonderfully quick a little up each nostril helps open the nasal passages-mak- es breathing easier when your head fills up with stuffy transient congestion! If you need reli( f tonight from such breathing distress Follow directions in package. try ol VIMS VA-7RO-r:Q- L R chard Q me, Metro cnrr,.c rlaiM aid husband of Si ,.n Petes, has cmffed his coast gu.mJ unif rm arri been assigned tie i' t c Not lead in the forthcoming ('.'-I- 4! I B it NlS PUBIJC nature of advertising everyone it touches. It benefits the public by describing exactly the products that are offered It benefits employees, because the advertiser must be more fair and just than the emplojerwho has no obligation to the public. These benefits of advertising are quite apart from the obvious bene fits which advertising confers die lower prices, the higher ice w adv ertised goods and firms. better ith serv the that quality, go THE I1 |