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Show inmntoiir mdtM The T rWOC Nephi, Utah 1 miles and stored in said NOTICE p 'per basket n servoir created by constructing PUBLIC AUCTION i e m i darn to a height ol 20 ft the si s r of of AT 1st slieil rur mi g the impounding dam lonti-MONA m p (which is locatid at a joint W 1100 last on JANLARY 2nd 14 PI ' I j '.! ( s A Cor Sec 11, T1.3S tt from 11 A AI at will be sold as HI XV. lhe !' si rvoir will in indate ginning gym shoes ii' ,3 puoiie auctu n t f billowing poi100 acri s ot land ndji ai i d n SEA a ti unk w d son it to ji ; ; pt rty said Sec. 11 Reservoir No. 3 f nt jars k hr n table 2MUU a, ft. Will he conveyed by .ft fruit jars 9 ti kitchen ors feeder canal a distance of 7A miles i,v i i : 'u s' p rrator TO WATER USERS NOTICE 2 stools and m said reseivoir by stored tho mi, Union i'ik eanner table radii ul s id I'oin- The following applications have constructing a dam to a (might o! hisket tar rings and litis ID tt. ,the centi r ot the 19 s dinner 3, impounding State the vvnh ol pi n tiled Engineer bn .i ii'tiiic IiN ulroad lies .1 sauiers to change or appropriate water darn11 of winch is located at a point l u m. .mil lixim; Ml h bow Is XV 2500 It from SE. Cor ir N. '00 of Utah, ti hm! directing in Juah County, State platters R1XV. E tss Sec. The debes 2, T13S, unless reservoir he onliro year, 'lioiil 7 nips i' ,t mu of hrou t dishes all locations will inundate 100 acres ot land designated, oilutuise 19 water glasses re uii r .ok! vote embraced in NEA, Sec 11, and W Is being trom SLB&M. w.tter Jin h r t Sec. 2, T1.3S, III XV. Reservoir SEA is hereby To ISS Jars Change: like i tms 4 500 ac. It will he con ,i Utah Warm Springs No i 1920 Hi bak and spoon S ling ol till' cookie pud uundut ion. Ine 1189 Is. 3045 So., veyed by feeder canal a distance pin lin",i- vmegir jug tub Lake City, Ut. proposes o of 1000 ft. and stored in said reslotion, to bej.-sd-! box m itches a a to dam .5 by ervoir of diversion of constructing ' ( 'oui l Boom eh mge the point graters kiti ic insulators the right acquired by height of 25. It., the center of sugar cai, house at Ne-- see ll ol water 13629-alocatdam of which wat-. is i impounding irge d.sh )an The No bo double din day, the Application d tin !, Baker ed at a joint V 2u00 tt from SE. from diverted been his s . 1 hi, at the to Cor See. 33, T12S, III E. The restins Channel, Clot pie tributary Spimgs wash basn B M 2 indies and candle holders Se a r Itiv it at a point N. 18 34W ervoir will inundate 50 acres of to the Articles ol 1 ;;i , I it trom W1 Cor. Sec 19, land embraced in said Sec. 33. The p tir book- ends will be diverted at either or outfit-trans,,,,i p op, ised and to pi isr U7W, and used for bathing water surveyor's mil healing purposes. After having both joints ol diversion and will be SXV Cor. Sec. 36, T 16S, R3XV. The ii . ml meelmg are, il an throw mg ol in or all the will either works stored lour and been diverting carrying sub div ision ( N luen so used the water has il, sk imp natural channel reservoirs intermittently. The wat- Consist of 50b ll ol pipe and a, ak and ri ad u unied to N the46'12'W. 2 1ii 'Uriel's 221 31 II 3 ol from will Mar released he er la in pipe and iemenl 12585 ft. al a point st qd" l.i K'hme staples V'i Cor Sec. 19. T14S, to Nov 1 and used as a supple- trough The water will he used om to irrigate 11,760 to serve 5u0 head ol rattle mental 7 In i k books supply I17XV. to llall aw money 2 pkgs poker chips ere d r. the above quantity of acres of land embraced in Sees 28 ml a id upon such Protests resisting the granting he diverted at either and 33, T12S, R1E, Secs 25, 26, will w.ier ,'ioiioply game milled he d( tel y or both of the following mints: 35, and 36' T12S, H1XV, Secs. 1, 2. ot any of the foregoing applicasi, n is' full of clothes tin Bo.ud ol Dir-i,- i No 1 S 1320 ft and XV 11. )5 ft ; 11, 12, 13. 11, T13S, R1XV, and tions with reasons theietore, must t lad spring hi no indebted-'- . No 2 S 1320 ft and XV, 33 ft., Secs 3, 1. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, T13S, be m at lid.iv it torn, with extr i copy J Ml lM csvb and tiled with the State Engineer. ( h w il h then Cor Sec. 10, T14S, It IE. both Irom K 1U3 State Capitol a' s aul u get.ibles Salt Lake City After having been used for ss, i ehisive ol RSV 16615 - II. R Marshall, Mona, 1, Utah, on or betore w 16, will uilth--p- i water quart jars the February above the d Ul purposes by i.h Ut .015 sec. It. for domestic use 19 It). so channel In to natural the turned n ot e ot the pints i in 100 well 300 a Irom and bet Ed. II XX'alson il a point S 1200 ft. and E 1000 27i a, n t s e kit Id, s, w ill exceed STATE I .Nd INFER Sec. 10, TIES, ft. deep at a point XVN A 766.25 It. It Cor trom E'i i nuk r blocks m basement l"ii s oth-or Co r. Sec. Dates of publii at ion. December, no md lo and IE 2277 ft. from noti's, RSXV. loo cinder blocks ol indebtedness to II 20, and 27, 1915; January 3, 10 Warm Springs 20, TILS, R1E. a 1921 Utah I box tree decorations t In Times-News nt ol and The 17, I, 1916, in line; Foundation, Inc. 1489 E 3045 So, mi 16813 - Bent II. Bryan, Nephi, i lbnvc place and time In inn Nephi. Juab County, Utah low money in excess Salt Lake City, Ut proposes to Ut. .021 sec. tt. for g ai and w Uii the ailth-- I ill mge the point of diversion of use Irom Burnt Valley Spring, a maionly vote ot 0 5 see it ot water right acquired tributary to Chicken Creek, by The t il stock by Application No. 9873-a- . a reservoir dam to a tilling ( from constructing of 9 ft., the center of the at ion, issuing bonds, water has been diverted height taker Hot Springs, tributary to impounding dam of which is locatUs' deeds as and No. 46-- 1 ed at a Aivier River at a N. 27 00'XV 4710 tt, ud si a ui ity tor pny- - 2 XX" 12585 ft from point a i W' Cor. Sec Irom SE point Sec. 17, TMS, R1W. Cor. tin and used from The water will he conveyed Irom 10 T1 IS, R7XV, M ir to Oct 1 to irrigate, as a the reservoir a distance of 3000 It. Articles the XV ol hi,! Il, Ailule supply, 1100 acres embrac- in a line to a metal to piitial K1.' pqie 21 and Secs and Sec p,,i ion he amended 13, ed in trough where it will be used to ad as lollow s: and 25, T11S, R8XV. water 300 head of livestock. of Hereafter, the above quantity I.IMITAT-ASS1.SSMI UN i'S water will be diverted at either 16814 - - Bent R. Nephi, it the capital or both of the following points: Ut. 2 ac. ft. for Bryan, nt INS 'ill. g 1 here-si ok ol this corporation is No 1 S 1320 ft. and XV. 1155 ft ; use from Sage Valley Pass, tributd, Cit'd to he assessalile, and No 2 S 1320 ft. and W. 33 ft., ary to Chicken Creek by construct4i ill he levied at 'both Irom EA Cor. Sec. 10. T14S, ing a reservoir dam to a height of We are sorry we have not been ass, MMj,,eiit he used from 9 tt., the center of the impounding so, h im,, s aid m sue h amounts RsX' The water will able to take care of all your need ( to tot for bathing, heat- dam of which is located at a point ,m the Bond ot Directors may M ir 199 SA s Cor. 40 from It. 00'E. N. , and domestic how-d .D, culinary purpos-iing 49 uni u, this past year as we would like al hath houses, plunges, build Sec. 21, TMS, R1XV. 300 head ot 1, a he Boai d ol 1 iireetors from the will water cattle directly to have done. But we have high . h ill assessments in any mgs and structures incident to a nal I, reservoir It nd a i ye a m excess of s'imt lrium tnd resort within the hopes that the near ruture will 16815 - Bent R Bryan, Nephi, ol the par MNSE'i, Fee 10, TIES. R8XV, line, p, r i nl i.P g use Ut. 5 ac. tt. lor h it' ol tlie outstanding capital alter winch the watre will be bring ur stock of wearing apto the natural channel at a from East Fork ol Sage Valley, slock ol the corporation, lKO-to Sevier River by conparel back a more normal conDl .1 tin Hu r. th it tlie Board pnmtS 12(10 ft and E 100 ft from tnbutary 2 dams to heights ot 10 structing Sec said the whore 12. Cor dition. lhi ( tai s sh dl hav e authority 9 tt. each, the centers ol the im1, v such assessment in ail-d- i w iter will be used as a supple-m- i pounding dams of which are locatnt il supply lo irrigate the land on lliei i lo as m ly he nee-- , ed at Joints as follows: No. 1 , S 22'30YV 1581 ft. from NXV. Cor. mill s Im Ii !o meet and d, 'scribed .1above. XX'ells Robins, Scipio, Sec onl pnneipal matNo. 2 -H si Ul 20, TIES, R1XV; 5541 tt. from the foremeurred Ul proposes to change the point S. 65 h eilnt ss in o! diversion and place of use of earth dim. Reservoir No. 1 ' mil ol i special vole 75 sec It ,md 1000 ac ft of water going 2 acres ol kind emwill inundate , Pro-Idi and rs ,.h, by Cox Decree, Nov. braced 'ght 'I'qmrtd and SXVANEANEA. in a auth-sw h it hen a l r, 75 sec. ft. has been Reservoir No 2 will inundate 3 3i 1930 d, by a liu oi it y vote (hviCid from Oct. 15 to Mar. 15 acres of land embraced in out st mdmg capital stock Rom I.ower Molen Spring or Blue both in Sec. 19, TMS, B ind ot iri i toi's may lev y :'(' mg at a point N. 1505 ft. and R1XV. The overflow trom Reser1155 tt Irom Sh Cor. Sec. 27, voir No. 1 will be n mHII la, l assesstin nt ot not and stored P'S. R2XX, and used for stock in Reservoir No. piped ) 2. 300 head of lot ' 111 III lu'i ' pi r cent (3' watering 1000 tic. ft. has been cattie will drink directly from the he p ir v a hie ol the out.xtand-a,diverted from Mar. 15 to Oct. 15 reservoirs. e of the coipora-onpH om the above point of diversion ( ilend ir m m yi'ar. nut used to irrigate 250 acres f 16911 James Memmott, Scipio, si, d! he lev n d and la id emhr iced in Secs 10, 15, 22 Ut .015 sec. ft. for g u,, m min r as j t v nd 27 Till S R2XV. use from Memmott I hitch Spring, the laws of the licivutter, a total flow of said tributary to Sevier River at a a or by law s ol the pring l to liiOO ac. ft per year point S. 6 ft. and VV. 2610 ft. from 3E wdl he diverted from Mar. 15 to im i ,') at a point N 2385 ft. and 3E " 1757 tt , from SXV Cor Sec 28, a her and R md used as a supple-- i is may ent d supply to irrigate 23.300 t m res ot land embraced in Secs tt'.e 5 and .30 TIES. R5XV, Sec 6 XXI XX RI ,t of 5 3 of soyico Os Special Meeting ?;o.t so lders of Nephi h lion Company , i -- ' ) i , i 1 i 1 ; i i i 1945 Dec. 27, Thursday, 1 1 be Closed all day SUNDAY - MONDAY We i i i will I TUESDAY 1 i ! WEDNES- & DAY 1 i S ; 1 IN ORDER THAT WE MAY DO OUR IN- i ALL PRESCRIPTIONS WILL VENTORY. it t 1 i X BE TAKEN CARE OF & FILLED. PLEASE i i , 1 TO PHONE US IN ADVANCE LET US THANKS! KNOW I 1 1 i HAPPY NEW YEAR ) ex-di- n i i l i 6-- iyla,-issii- s, stock-waterin- i M i NEW YEAR GREETINGS to all our Customers and Friends. ' 1 n. i stock-waterin- r WHEN YOU ENLIST Ik REGULAR ARMY THE mta IS Service in theater of u stock-waterin- Our Store Will Be Closed Monday, Dec. list 30'. 1, i na, Assignment to Arm of Your Air Corps, Field Artillery, Choice-Infantry- Le!IuL n i , : Carribean. il ; i operation-choice- European, Alaskan, Pacif, 1 1 YO , Arm- ored, Air Borne, etc. Assignment to Service of Your Choice-Medica- l Department, Quartermaster Corps, Adjutant General's Department, etc. lie Your choice of one of four enlistment erM INVENTORY per- iods: 12 mor1 ; (wilh prior service), lc months, 2 5 i : -- r 3 rs , I I t n I ' stock-waterin- o-- mm 5XX-- n lines f the i Is al ll 5S iiav a et et iry d l la n 1 t C( 111- ROW, Secs. 15 11 12, a), T17S 1 - R1XV, 1 1 1 mil 35, RIO GRANDE TRAILWAYS 8, 9, 10. 11 19, 20. 29 Sees 1, 2. 0, 10 2. 23. 21, 25 36, T15S, R5XV 1. 17. 10, 18, XRD P AX i WORLD AT iiiiiiimiiinim PEACE BUS SERVICE .slid n r RESTORED r a d pi r Effective December 22 ine or ( n 1 XX in ,i and1 I'll.' diverting works will consist of iwvmg conduits c m ds ' si m d u,i i.u'il i h inncls tunnels, syphons and i becks drops idgites id.;, - 1. iv mg a tot d length of ; 7 Die impose of this ap-- i 'ion is to Irmsfir the direct ... ot Mo Dower Molen Springs 'o a m ivmum of 1000 ac. ft h v ,r .n'o the lrng ttion sys-K5XV .i-- I.Y X 1 p. c XX. i 9 i d- i Il w t , CALL YOUR LOCAL AGENT FOR DETAILED INFORMATION i ; XX FREQUENT, CONVENIENT SCHEDULES n Y oi tin C'mlr.l Itah Water Vo unis iif sud coni-sei- 'i l,i used mi n'd at ii a e ,.i see 1 r tor stock-- itering pur-li- l t'.Y w :v.. be lett in the river to any loss which .,'e for r 'in M" s st fu U h ' S i ' . ' WANTED - RCCM or ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO Call Times-New- s s q a it (; ir No P i s, k, i to D( 'I t e us SLEEPING t 'r- c 1 b.ange c lrng it ion Co ac ft f lrng.t Iretk. tribut-- i 1. - to tie stored ir her 31 m w ,it r stored 2 and 3 will ( i io.nl S J6oi) f ar.d water stored 1 w ill he diverted red ft. .Mull F 2711 ah tioni NW Cor See 3 P. Siu a sol v n;r No 1 ii ill r will he ( onv ( veil !, i mil a d: s'.ir ee of V ! ,n v. d ri si rv oir hv s We Clean Septic Tanks Cesspools . . Sumps THE MOST MODERN METHODS Estimates FREE Work Reasnable , or. a i v t i ponnd-K'ae- f w t h. inr 7 i r d St" C ft d at a XX U r r ,, reservoir s of md i m-'- i.istrvo.r wj.l tie con- - 1070 We Haul More Weight for LESS 264 BELMONT AVE Work Guranteed SALT LAKE We Go Anywhere 4 4 4 4 4 1 9U5 |