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Show mMiMMi Thuisda Dei ember 27. . tusiTv x ' " Jt r t 4 7 i, 4 l tfJ?W & 'HI Ss7 fs, . A & ,3.L-- 1 1 '?' 'S ? t V' rtf " T' ? IP ts'Sj ; l.- x f - ' .. P 4 X- v V- jo ; .G iA v Xy $. . , V t iCi i. h A V 2''f ?V ' A - i 4 i , v x p vP,. v s x ids - f 4 ft r f x 4 " l . . .a f ht ..--' r Ax" 4 4fA-;At4-i44 . X ' ( r i - t r 1 u - iH 1 Jt ' tzl . , H V ni i(, Smart ( Jo-- er K w u A r w 1 x s (. in lu u it t r x HI l i c 1 i 1 ! x i a re u sss n I I a t 1 ur I 1 s 1 ' t I I II I f I it " IS Ills h mr hi 1! ill hue I is e 11 s rde Iv, ou d lui k WlntMir 1011 do on New Yt r s D 11 ou will do evi r day ii e ir g the Carry coin in your poi hot and ou will m i r wait Spmd n onev, and you will al-is s e po r Bicuk son etl mg bad luck will f Ilow all sear On ti el urch on Ness Years Es e and sou ssiU be g od a'l ir It Is unlucky to cut your hair Simple Iw LASY to make and a joy to wear, this simj le yet sophisticated two piece costume will se you thiough rnanv a busy day Dainty gatheis at sleeves and waistline give a gentle femimn Mvk And for tummuig, use un u or mils It is bad lue k to quarrel To wash anything you wash a nit nibi r of tie family away ell I iltmg I rock I UNIONS love it the gay frock that fitu like a usual flower sh iped buttons. cap-sleev- Wanted Peoples Best Wishes IHH7ES its about time Will, you got back, bophronia And on top of it you didnt shi w up this morning and So colonels loms too, h id Molly smiled Don bad been going to send for her Giyly she said I in not Sophroma What9 the soldier turned and looked at her He gioancd Just my luck1 Guess I 11 have to find that Mrs Adams I m Mrs she said Aaams, Well have to get busy How much time have we9 ear At &&$&S5 ViWSff m$h m - . AM BlIL SlbSIONS AT OLD MENS TOWN . . . Disiaeli pithily summed up mans life eyrie thus: Touth is a bluudtr, manhood a struggle, old age a regrit The state of Maine has taken a mighty step towards eliminating the regret from old age with the establishment of the community for old men outside the town of Jefferson, near Augusta. The rocking-chai- r statesmen are prepared to gne opinions on everything from to the atomic bomb and many verbal battles result nightly. OP rlu 7r A f-r- T z' A A l 'i i c 4 A Si r $ j V J y- 4 J Z. 1" ix . dk sp- r rs'i;r,s OF colli ge, Red Springs, .v A f j j BAn -s- , '.' ? 4 ,v. ii v v. w... & ' j , V 1 3 i Ny ,'l' v .v. .IvlvV-'-. Hornet oming at Hora McDonald V C , featured the costumes of other days, as well as the latest in modern styles. A riding skirt, built for tiding, was among the creations. The tennis scores must have been terrific with the 15 pound skirts F DYYb . teered the soldier "I see, smiled Molly She the kitchen A knife would the sandwiches Punch was simple with lemons and oranges and She made ea in the refrigerator he icing Fluffy white and rich d e orown chocol ite The soldier tasted Say, maam, t s swell1 But oughtnt it to be a httle fancy9 Roses and things like hat9 That s an Idea1 Molly's dim oles appeared Once shed made a ake for Don and put his initials m it m chocol ite fri sting Printed cttttrs must have a magic charm That night Don had proposed Hum she mng a tunc spiead the imoi th chocclite Don would hive o admit now that she was a g jod lrmy w fe Wnsn t cooking the way 0 a n on s heart and hadn t N p e n mentioned a soldiers stem ich9 She stoned m sudden realiza What were the colonels ini ion . . side-sadd- le sight d '111 have to find She h irrud into the lbiary h the sihir' Ste nref llv c i ed the letters Q M C Tl e cake was beautiful One lork and the colcnel vould be irrj rcnsi d Shed been right Molly w itched he colontl st ind still and stare So lid the guests There was an odd . rcssn n on the v sit ng ger eral s tace Still, thought Mollv, pr bably IGIIT BBY Hr Dr II generals never smiled Thin she B. I ralev , phy sic lan of Ashland, Ky , tarted Mrs Major Arnold was talk I wonmade delivery of a son to mg to Mrs Catam Fox Mr and Mrs. John Castle, Dcccm der what the general thinks of Colo hi r 9. He slated that it was the nel Jones having the initials quartermaster corps on his cake Un largest baby he had ever seen usual to sav the least, when Cflonel Tones is in the field artillery thought well of tie idea and in the days before Christmas became established as the gift giving day New Years was marked by an ex change of presents and good wishes Our ancestors thought drinking to each other s health on New Year s Day a somewhat less than burden some duty and took to It wh ilcheart edly In colonial times, the master of the house brewed his own punch for the occasion and ladled it out himself to those who wished him well old HHU ... BI ITT KLNS FROM MOL XF . . . Prize winner in the 34th annual show ol Beresford Cat Club of menra. Chicago, provrs that she can ignore the lowly mouse bv majisiuallv walking away. I adv Aris is so uppity that she actually turns hi r ba k on anything as lowly as a mouse xlie was entered in the show hs Mrs Xulm y f Gray, f hi ago and was one of the favorites of the gre at fi line c position i ats fiom all parls v nation competed in show. 'h romes In sizes 11, 12 patUm desired Pattern No Name Address If grease spills on a wooden floor, pour cold water over it at once. 11ns hardens tne grease so it mav be scraped off before it penetiates the wood Then scrub floor with hot, soapy water. Hickory nuts placed in boiling water and let stand for an hour v ill crack easier and come out in d The larger pieces kind require less time. thin-shelle- - When roast chicken is half done, sprinkle lightly and restraincdly with nutmeg, finish baking and hear the praises of the diners. to pour waffle batter Id spoon it K sue Brooms and brushes: Wash er use, and st ie aft- Size Ever Try Making Cough Syrup in Your Kitchen? Quick Relief. No Cooking. Easy! If you vo never tried ml .Ing your own cough medicine, you've missed a lot It s no trouble needs no cooking and gives you about four times as much tourh syrup for your money. You 11 say it beats anything you ever tried for coughs due to colds And here s how it s done Make a plain syrup by stirring 2 cups of granulated sugar and one cup of water a few moments, until It 13 dissolved. Or yrnu can use corn syrup or liquid honey, instead ofsugarsyrup. Get 2'3 ounces of Pinex from your druggist. Put this Into a pint bottla and fill up with your syrup This makes a pint a family supply Tastes fine and never spoils Children love It. And as for results, you've never seen anything better. It goes right to work on the couh, loosening tha phlegm, soothing tfe Irritation, and helping clear the air passages You will like It for its results, and not merely for tho money it saver Pmtx is a spoclal compound of proven Ingredients, In concentrated form, a most reliable soothing agent for throat and bronchial irritations. Money refunded if it doesn t pleasa you In every way. Adv r.CKc;r:r Usi' in ( I F H Ml ( c 2 hf I ie 1 11 t 23i C I I O p sop ft W if or. 0 $ pkki Slfl S nk N k x IF1IFKuo i M mm im or h r 3 c x s sl ( d prepaU if c xh in fj with r r ( O D plui all cf ri x f r 1 cr r ro cixi D1 A A ( 1 STFD HULbi Hi 'I D b i I CO. INC ,1A ALHW (j ir unts sri EXTRA GOOD BREAD! mrroners Important Events i ml R - The followirg is a list of imporAj you approach the beginning of the new year, It i well to be com- tant events which have taken pjee panioned and sustained by hoje on New Years Day. TI e era of the Caesars began, 38 Tennyson might have been wanting Paul Revere was born Janyf our first postwar Christmas when B C The first union flag of ye said uary 1, 1735 ' ur f Jr!ed by George Hrpe the best but hold the pres- 13 strifes ws IORHGN LAM. I U.IS . . . Al ent fatM daughter of the past, Yashrgtrr ' 6 Kentuckv e tered ' though they speak different lan Shape vour heart to front the ho ir the Union, January 1. 1752 Arrer-s n c ' a,. e id 4 b" m e guagts, inseparable pals are Polh jut dream not that the her a '1 and snooky. parrot and Boston ter as' Er t sh to "ad suzid Bufialo, Y Gi i - i1 Jacks n rc; i lied the Tf c pits of Mr. and Mrs I Hint I ir s oyer ard we c n y . t J r v It ai I One ms 18i5 'in pun, New Jorkli'y Tnev lo i It t to w s le iaih other r- - Nn lb ami 11 Sie 12 needs 3 yards ot 39 inch or J'u jaids of 33 inch material 14 i Have Hope New Years rrr Pattern 13 If sandpaper is placed over a small fi ,t ii me Miif lee ean l be covered in a sfo.t time. ci yards IRCI F P4TTERV DEPT. Montgomery St. San Fraticisto, Calif Enclose 25 cents In coins for ach - the 35fe New 14f To make a new hole in a sew ing n ac! me Lot, juice With a hatpin heated eiy hot. Graduallv t 2( SEWING Water used in cooking rice mav be used to st ii c h mil items such as bits of lace and crochet. ad pted 1 18 o'l-ov- Its handier tn n is design d for sbei 40 and 42 Size 14 takt s Vt yards of 30 inct No 1G i from a pitcher than from a bowl During the Commonwealth lri Ei g ind, the custom of offering New Years gifts to the sovereign died and was not revived at the Ristora 14 short skives m ltei lal, three quai ter ileeves St d our order to tein mm e te ndi r Don colonel laughed, got his things here so he borrowed from the quartermaster. Darling, it was a wonderful idea The general was quite flatered He used to be In the quartermaster corps In fact, everybody is happy Come in, M lly Wish the coli ' el a Happy New Year And It will be, thanks to you The hasnt 12. Cook meat at a low temperature to kcip essential juices, for bettor Haver arid to make the pro- the a'titude about presents for e ich other in democratic Amci ica i irticulirlv bee nise the giving of gifts to the king had been practically a levy But the punch bowl lingered on Once the church bells rang and trumpets blew so that culoi lals n ight wake from their straw couches and kn w a new year was All over the world now, the born year av akes with a squall and a din so that wherever you are in jungle, desert or on sea, this Is one time of year when you need no eyes only ears, to ted it is midnight Church bells still ring and maybe trumpets st.ll bl w, but people are not sore about It, so they buy noise maxeri to help al ,ng ard aNo tolet their feelings out through their mrut s Thus, you have New Years Eve and Us many and varied tradiLons Don stopped her Molly what did you mean9 1m sorry they were on the silver " Irie versubjects gathered branches vain in the sacred grove of the god dess of stnmgth, Strenua, and pre sented them to him on New Years Day Kings and common men ,1s9 ,?A et a 'XA w .v .V. . 'lx volun- Pattern dream This long vvamted version has soft waistline gatheis to accent a tinv inidtiff and a flattering swcitloait neck. Make it in a pretty floral prmt for that rnoM impoitant" date. Our New Year's Day customs dnte back to a gentleman who may nevir nave even existed to the legendary king Tatius and his desire to hive His people wish turn good luck nit rt;; J e "Bout twenty minutes, King Tatius Given Credit For Well Wishing at Start of New Year. M illv . , a & WSM J&rXmM- ' x s Vi y rtc' '!"' f m . 5 7f 4 4 Art1 I p' 1 J a 1 rV l ji t; 1 W? - iy 4, . YSff a7 IJ I v: Y' K a n if . v i ifP I jt p) ' Z SWs $dti i i SMip4,4 Jifj ysi f. i" . t ! Vif 'x y ow wwctmwwiiwww r o-Piee- er A"V )' n:A hi e - I '51 R OI IOOIS FM MY . . . Ions Tom, made of rubber, weighing onl 2j0 pounds and regis-- l rt d undi r the nonit ncHturc of pneumatir gun limm , M I , is m example of den ption and camouflage usi d In the U. b. army in World Yar II Insert shows a rubber soldier, attirtd in G I. clothing, as he stinds on guild. The army also used rubln r dicov III boats, rubber jeeps and tanks to draw enemy fire .& here Tv I Kit - THREE iiu ( CTV w . & t "1 - t G. ii r nims Junior Kmrk Has Brirl Sleeves s 'l V If w-WMWP- w 4. tr' i. isv ? Jr . c Vi . 4 . : RELIEVE IT? ( t .r-vc- t Ma,Xrv& IGE DO YOU E I 1 si n ? Vv , , - -- M w I r hhmfti'i I s n.- X i hsr - " 4 , v -- A. V. A M V ' VK 4 ?f',V1lt I aMsfliiMai'fidflfrsdwifrhHWisSiFiisfer I rr ijj xl H f--v lm, JpELIGHTt v t t 'r lvv $ V .j , s -- :M f W: k v fA &' "W r f . h V s. M v I ,x o flit ? fyr f ? ' .X - ) ' v A -A1 i s M NEW YEAR'S ir-- I NVfw-V. It r h t a 4 ) I w 1 ,V '? fVrf. . --- 5ti f4 , 7t I v?" '4 s k 7 4i I x k 24 t- V 7 'r & ili 4U? i . U I w v . rtVrtrt f'Z'&i & t . t. X Av W TVs-A- ' 7 f 1 i I ' v s - h- ? r N r , mil - - " I1U l l ? r, -- - - - iir"iHiiMiirifniitiTMriTrmwnrwillmr- -' I'11 a. m. THERES NO LOST ACTION WITH FRESH YEAST! And Fleischmanns fresh Yeast goes right to work because its actively fresh. No waiting no extra steps Fleischmanns fresh Yeast helps give full delicious bread flavor, tender smooth texture perfect freshness. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, always ask for Fleischmann'a active fresh Ysast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable America's favorite for over 70 years. VUUQlCCCtA ?? tr zYZtT" A - |