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Show THE PAGE SIX TIMES-NEWS- NEPHI, UTAH . Thu' '(lav, December 27, 1913 Penguins Eyes Shift From Kathleen Norris Says: Round to Square in Shape : The king penguin would have Dont Take Yourself Too Seriously Beil Syndicate. WNU a hard time getting fitted for glasses should he need them, for l.is pupils are round when fully dilated, hexagonal in shape when half dilated, and square when completely contraeted. Cats eyes shift in shape, too, from vertical in bright light to circular in dim light. Although the tame house pet variety of cat usually has vertie-d-spupils, its wilder brethren such as lruns see with round pupils. Features ht CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT AUTOS, TRUCKS NANCY By & ACCESS. Ernie Bushmiller MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY AND SELL Furniture, Flits. l pt vm iters, Machines. S.fes, I'ach Kens'ers Add-n- Mfice IB g SALT LAKE DESK KXtllWLE West Broadway, Salt Lake City, I'taB. MISCELLANEOUS PREE 12 BROOKINGS EASIER LILY til LBS fiee vwtn per veur Siiuscr.ption o Pacific Coust Deep Sea Gu?eite Free ax l.ind mfoi motion furious li!v bulb commercial fihin, lumber mdus-- i ry. The (Oost is bnommi'. re, id ill ahmtf DF I I t. Subscribe to lA( I! IC SEA GAZE ME. Crescent City, Calif. By Bud MUTT AND JEFF Fisher Personal appeals, tears, wife all these don't count. interest in things that you hate won many a wandering By KATHLEEN NORRIS take yourself too DONT Its a very common fault. It wrecks many lives. Its another name for all the detestable things that come under the heading of pride; arrogance, sensitiveness, suspicion, jealousy yes, everyone of them springs from taking oneself too seriously. women and you do, too, who wont let any trifle pass if it reflects upon their pride. Sally Brown is on?. She will waste half of a beautiful morning in telephone conversation something like this: Mary? This is Sally. Darling, I know youre busy. But I had to call you because of that ridiculous thing Eleanor quoted me as saying yesterday. I thought youd instantly think I meant your Joan when I said It was ridiculous for girls to wear the bathing suits they do when all I meant was girls in general you know how I adore Joanie I know LITTLE REGGY By Margarita WELL WWAr you DO WANT? By REGLAR FELLERS VIRGIL Arthur Pointer By Gene Byrnes By Len Kleis PERSONAL hurt leelines, references to your excellencies as Hut an attitude of unselfish, cheerful usefulness, like, of independent amusements and occupation spouse back to the domestic path. Mary ought to hang up instantly, for Sally will keep this up for 20 minutes, but Mary is too polite, and so valuable time in her morning, as well as Sallys, are wasted. The Know-It-Al- l. Then theres Emily, who thinks she knows the pronunciation of every word in our language and several other languages, and bores her friends to extinction by interrupting conversations with: Molly, I want you to tell Jac.c Kent that I was absolutely right about the pronunciation of sacrilegious the other night. Remember how mad he got? Well, I looked it up Again, theres Olive Cutter who Is always afraid you'll think that the Cutters who run the general store are relations. She tells you over and over just where they came from and where her ancestors came two different from entirely parts of America. It is Olive too, who hasn't spoken to her husbands joyous big hospitable family for years because of s iniething one of them said. It seems that the Cutters and the Hardistys Olive was a never forget and never Hardisty forgive. But worst of all, and most expensive of all to family peace, are the women who take wifehood too seriously. Kindreds of them destroy their own lives, and the lives of all those connected with them, by d a feeling that everything that concerns Herbert Is theirs, not to be joked about, not to be touched by any other woman. Such a w.fe resents the simplest compliment Herbert may pay Mrs. Watson, in the office. If he says Mrs. Watson is an accurate stenographer, his wife counters with a hirt She doesnt wear her clothes v ith any s;le at all!" If he reports at dinner time that oe has ashed Miller and his wife to dinner, Pauline says quickly, I ,ll at anv like that, l.ttle n.e, v. h w.ll reference to have to get up the d.nneri Later she may be lovely about it, but Her- deep-roote- MAIL ORDER I'ilOlO FINISHING Developing, printing, enlarging, copying. Write for prue list and tree milling bag. KMIOIO SFK 1( Inc. 5ft0 Market M. San Francisco 4, Calif. r. WANTED TO BUY all of your raw f irs, rihbit skins miis and wool to NORTHWESTERN illE AND HR COMPANY. 3 boulh ird West. Salt Lake City, where you will tlways receive highest market prices OVERLOOK TRIFLES Ship All of us like to think that we are important, that u e matter. In a sense this is true, of course, but there is such a thing as taking ourselves so seriously that tie become a bore anti a pest. fEe can endanger our happiness by this one faidt. Many marriages are ruined by undue Invest in Your Country Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! sensi- ECONOMICAL! tivity, pride ant arrogance. A lot of things really dont matter much. H e must remember to pay attention only to the big things , the truly important things, not to annoying trifles. Too many women are so concerned with, fancied Cinder Block i termite proof, permanent. Iileiil for homes, coops, Hairy houses, etc, Availabiein any quantity. f, tlNDZR<JtKil slights or veiled instilts that they waste time and nervous energy trying to get revenge, or to prove that they were right, or to explain to everybody just how they happened to be in the unfavorable position that they seemed to be in. There are a lot of matters to forget as quickly as possible. Few people worry about you, or care much what somebody said about you. Just go along as if nothing had happened. People icill quickly forget. There are serious matters of course, that are very difficult to overlook. Sometimes we shouldn't. But in most cases the difficulties will right themselves, if we try not to be too worried about them. PAZO IN TUBESI Millions of people suffering from have found prompt simple Piles, relief with PAZO ointment. Here's why: First, PAZO ointment soothes Inflamed areas relieves pain and Itching. Second, PAZO ointment lubricates hardened, dried parts helps prevent cracking and soreness. Third, PAZO ointment tends to reduce swelling and check minor bleeding. Fourth, its easy to use. PAZO ointments perforated Pile Pipe makes application simple, thorough Your doctor can tell you about PAZO ointment. SUPPOSITORIES TOO I Some persons, and many doctors, prefer to use suppositories, so PAZO comes in handy suppositories also. The same soothing relief that PAZO always gives. How To Relievo bert wont forget his first unpleasant reaction to her vanity. Personal Reaction. Mrs. Miller had a pretty dresc Herbert may be fool enougi on, to say later. My dear, if I spent the money he does on clothes, I could wear gowns like that, Paul ine instantly returns. Put yourself through a lit'h Ask yoursel! If your first remark, no matter whai subject is mentioned, is aboui yourself. Of course we all have te talk about ourselves a lot. it wouldnt be human to be otherwise. But is your very first remark always about yourself, and is it often made in a lightly critical, highly sensitive tone? If the answer is yes, youre a bad wife. Even if the worst Is true, if Her bert really is in love with the smart who handles young grass-widoreal estate problems for the office even if hes all brightened up bv still love affair a middle-ageyouve nothing personal to say. Personal appeals, tears, hurt feelings, references to your excellencies as a wife all these dont count But an attitude of unselfish, cheerful usefulness, cf interest in things that you like, of independent amusements and occupations, have won many a wandering spouse back to ti e domest.c path. Don't take even your husband's love aiLtirs too seriously. d CIFVN WOOL PROMPTLY Wool absorbs moisture and sl'M- -i easily and will retain s'air.s are not removed quickly M id sp' on rugs, L.r: iture or clothing w,' i' Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION forCoushs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis TOJNIGU TOMORROW ALRIGHT Dependable VEGETABLE LAXATIVE -- iWlt GET A WNU 25' BO W 514.1 For You To Feel Well every day, 7 day, ever week, never stepping, the kidneys fih. wa.e matter from the blood. If more people were aware of how t kidnevs must constantly remove n plus fluid, excess anas and other r matter that cannot s ay in the hl without injury to health, there woo be better understand ng of whole system is upset wnea kidneys f to function properly. Burning , scanty or too frequent oHr t!on sometimes warns that S'meto Is wrong. You may suffer nagp ng har ache, headaches, d.zz ness, rhumatir pa Wns, gett.ng up at n ch's, swell ng by not try Doan s Pt ilti You be using medicine recommended over. I loan $ stimulateihe ruccountry tion of tbs k dnevs and help them tn f.uah out poisonous waste from tl blood They emu n norh.ng barmfu' Get Doann today. I se with confidence At all drug stores. 24 hour, MCfiiPa An attitude of chserful usefulness. . . |