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Show TDK Thursday, December 27, 1943 First Interest Jobs, Marriage Of Returning Veterans (Exclusive WNU Feature.) When ttie young man or woman gets back home from the armed services, what does he or she usually Get a job? do? Get married? Perhaps the quickest way to find the answers, without taking a national poll, is to read the commu- newspapers of the United States, which so faithfully reported news of those in the armed services during the war. First of all. It does seem that the average G.I. gets married! Every newspaper carries Its column of weddings, with former servicemen and womeii as one or both of the principals. Second, he or she gets a job, and it is not necessarily the kind of job held before or during the war. And third and here we sections he looks go to the want-afor a place to live! For instance, the Sycamore (111. ' Tribune which reports the marriage who was reof L. David Love, cently discharged from the medical corps and will be engaged in farming on the Love farm northeast of Sycamore. nity Frnnklm-v- i The Chronicle-Journal- , lie, N. Y., reports the wedding of Clinton Jay Peach, recently discharged, who formerly conducted the Kendall service station south of the village. and who will be employed by the Pennsylvania railroad The same newspaper in Buffalo. carries a story about Betty Ross Stull, formerly of the WAVES, who will switch her allegiance from the navy to work for the air technical service command at Dayton, Ohio Capt. E. V. Lowdcn, released from the coast guard reserve, has been for named veterans Standard Oil company and will be responsible for implementing the of rereinstatement companys turned veteran employees, the Moorefield (WT. Va.) Examiner re- ports. Some Go In Business. A lawyer, Lt. Comdr. Charles W. F. Spencer, upon discharge, returned to Rock Hill, S. C., where he and his wife will make their home and where he will resume his law practice. This is reported by the Monroe (N. C.) Inquirer. Pfc. Joe J. Alessi, who was trained by the army as an electrician, mechanic and crew chief, is now operating a dairy with his father in Trinidad, Colo., the Chronicle- states. With more decorations than he can carry on his rounds, Dr. Frederick A. Dry has returned from Europe where he served as regimental surgeon in the thick of fighting. The Kutztown (Pa.) Patriot reports he will open offices in Emaus, Pa. Thomas K. Burgess, who served in the navy mail service for three years, will return to the local post office in the near future, according to an item in the Covington (Tenn.) Leader. Rep. W. T. McDonald, back from the army and ready to go to work, will again practice law, the Bryan (Texas) Daily Eagle chronicles. Another Texan, Caswell Van Cleave Jr., who served in the intelligence section of the army, returned to -News Rustlingc Taffeta Now With Partv-Goii- By NANCY PEPPEE his Ko v ( m mi: n i Fffi.wm Wyo: Sgt. Anna K ly discharged from to go to New York t W AC. i v THE' V I Central Record. u, K Capt. Robert Hu; id V. r,i Pratt (Kans.) Tribune: Mr. and been selected as one cl ; 0 out 4.000 students, to stay f. r l: Mrs. Dnuired Banta are new residents of Pratt, he having recently and last term at tile Amer n Nev. i nan r or s a s - laimr-couhn- nn engraved the hin uiol version ot hats spuixi Union. WASHINGTON. President Trunrc ream was man s l.irreiv the mi or handiwork of John R. Steelman, the New York conciliator wln was quie: iv hroucnl into Jilire some weeks Labor Secretary plate, she has '5 : TIJ I'M A VS I Al'Oli M AN TO PASS ( OM.KI S.'N ;!. sW" -- Paul Mal lon .lek-and-- .l ltd:ia vert: V Nnvs . . BehindSsi 1-- Teen-Aier- s eo-e- d g jii engagement If it's Oil Mie weals one ot those dm.e-sre. w o o u c e d a r ring. ' ' .Os ail a career re as a labor eoncil: iti.r m and out ot the government. he has main- : tained an impecca- hearts around her ble. judicial neck witij u j.m red line paadeU uowii the cei.li.r in red na ponsti. Any Stupid Cupid can see ilia! her heart is broken, can t he? a 1 1 - Insults With a Smile. Pull an envelope over y air head and mail it to the Dead otter 1 Whats that hanging fr torehead? On, it's your fa Just because you have door knob, don't think a m e. your a .nose line ou have nil. fjV CHEEKS OR JEERS? It GAL AM) A LICENSE. . . . Sgt. Ben Gage, discharged, and Esther Williams, swimming star, married at Los Angeles. Discharged veterans all over the United States are doing the same! received his discharge from the army. He is employed in the meat market at south Dillon. Record - Journal, Radford, Va.: After serving in the navy for three and a half years, Dr. Homer Howard returned to Radford college this week to resume his duties as professor of philosophy and education on the liberal arts faculty. Northland Times, Bemidji, Minn.: MaGuarn has his dis- Mickey versity at Biarritz, France. Journal, Anamosa, Iowa: Seventeen veterans of World War I have been employed by Warden Foss Davis as guards at the Anamosa reformatory. And, of course, there is always an item like this one from the Argus (Ind.) Reflector: Sgt. Wood-roBransford has for 18 months in the army and will return to duty Feb. 16. 1946. Going Strong at 101, Lumberjack Wilson Keeps Busy While Waiting for Best Offer By MARJORIE L. PORTER (.Editor, Essex Co. Republican, KeesevlUe N. TUPPER LAKE, N. the climate at Tupper Lake does account for it, as Dr. Thissell insists, lumfor Stanley Wilson, berjack, is proof enough of health and strength. He is temporarily residing at the American House, lumberjack rendezvous in this mountain village, on leave from a job I.) rhaps isn't the team that fascinates us at school athletic events, its the audience. Weve gone to the games armed with pencil and pad and weve tried to record some of the more popular cheers Into which you can put such lung power. They look even more peculiar in print than the sound if thats possible. This One Has a Boogie Beat. With a Jim, Jam, Jumpin and a Jumpin Jive, Make the Blue Team Beat the er So , Oth- Side, Step Right Up and Truck on Down, Come on. Team MOW EM DOWN! In a Latin Tempo. Yea, man. What a Team! Yea man, Whatateam! With a Conga Down and a Rhumba Round, Come on Boys, DOWN. Lets EM MOW .s A Man Is as Old as He Feels GRANT, MICH. When Minu.it Malt- - ljai By GABRIELLX Hcrald-Indepead- deer shores Lake, on c I AV. m Modem Tomato Is Result of 50 Y ears Patient Research , LG 'I LI Hybridizing to introduce new characters in tomatoes poses particular difficulty both in making crosses and in hold. tig a des.rable characteristic produced by a cross. Special rr.elh: ds of infection mu-- t be devi.-eto test for disease remethods of art. ficial sistance; cracking must be dcv.sed to breed . and select for strains Lee i.f 'These are samples of problems (..countered. 3 f, i' v 1 A d by : A $ If if 4 S i'l P uV v e: '4 r ? : 1 LA 1 x i gilt t S mfr The riow - .,o TY fujoa iiab,e sparkascots tnat are contributing so much of chic and charm to m. lady's costume this winter are perfect With the workers their rich coioiing even the sin, pi describable r y.'a '"A 'V !d?X fn'u eAtvsaA'y. n our i The love jersey ascol i treasure in an;, fying accessories sparkling and dramatic Echo scarf is available in black, blue or white with multi-colo- r fact-findi- p color-matche- snug-fittin- g tmy-wai- floor-lengt- h Newspaper or the working Winter Sportswear ing wdXrv.jS crac.-c-ing- . ftM r ? , hips. after-skiin- xF' velop it. Hie Something new is happening in the sportswear realm this winter Its the use of the mouton fur for and skat- S' W ' , I 'J ' 4 X In advance, Mr. Truman felt Bneted so sure that they would accept sleeves are shirred into that he acted without legal aufullness. The bodice stripes below thority to set up the accent and dramacommissions for the auto strike tize the styling of this most attracand for the threatened steel tive bodice top. The slim straight strike. skirt is made of black crepe. You will find this a most flattering lit- DECISION OF BOARD NOT TO BE BINDING tle frock for most any dress-uoccasion. I think the basis of the union obThe frock to the left is a youthful jections is not primarily to the plan If the unions have a just model of green taffeta banded with itself. velvet. It can easily case, they can get justice from the A final decision by one be stitched up by the girl who program. has learned to sew, or even by the representative of labor, one of mannovice that has taken only a few agement and the third deciding man lessons in the art of sewing. The from the public, represents the deep round neckline band holds lit- best possible hearing labor could tle shirrings in place at the front, expect to get for its cause. while cluster shirrings adorn the Even then the derision is not skirt front below the binding. It merely represents bodice. Wide velvet bands form the a public judgment as to what shoulder cap sleeves for this charmIs right and just, and carries ing little gown. only the weight and power of Taffeta is indeed a magic fabric Its manifest fairness. In more ways than one as proved But the unions have built op by how successfully it is used in eva great pressure game now beery possible mood this season. For hind the auto workers case. instance, designers are turning out That strike was the front runmost provocative little frocks of ning test case for the 30 per cent black taffeta that are made to look increase demand, backed wage of because their definitely young Mr. all labor including by ingenue styling with myriads of Green and his AEL, although sprightly little ruffles about girlisn they have not said much about necklines and abbrevithis phase. ated sleeves, some trimmed with lingerie beading run through with White heat fervor has been The tiny velvet ribbon. worked up among the strikers and bodice and full other union men eagerly watching evening gown of gay plaid or the result of the contest. It is not stripe taffeta makes a perfect for- often noticed in the public prints, mal for the young girl, as does also but the human element, the human the long, full taffeta stripe or plaid passion and excitement of leaders skirt with a black jersey top and and men in strikes, is unquestiona dramatic belt. And here's the latably a greater factor In the deciest they are making de luxe tea sions which union leaders make aprons of handpainted taffeta. than the wage facts of the matter, Released bv Western Union. over Made of Mouton Fur WWW After 50 years of arduous researen many tomato problems still remain unsolved. Canneries want a tomato with all the virtues: high yield, high quality and vitamin content, disease resistance, freedom from cracking and adaptability for spec:al uses and to particular regions. Such a tomato not being in existence, further research is necessary to de- & "I scot Sefjuined 2 the of Tapper N. T. slim-waiste- d d lum birthday party was held in hnner of Chester Love, 87 years old at the home of his Charles Stinson, there was a big potiuck dinner served and pres ents were exchanged. Mr. Loves gift was the la: t one given. It was an airplane ride, his first one, with his grandson, Ted Chaney, as pilot, the Grant reported. son-in-la- gay young frock for the is shown to the right in the illustration. It is made of striped taffeta combined with stark black crepe. The striped fao-riFor oily hair, use a salt sham is used for the bodice with its Rub ordinary table salt on the saucy poo peplum that juts out crisply scalp, tie the head in a bandana Aft er several hours brush out your sail and see how dry your hair feels. Ledeer Svndtrnte - WNU Feature! A A ing berjaek, feeds thi fab- p learned or are learning to "make their own at their local sewing center are all enthusiasm over crisp, rustling taffeta is that they find it so easy to work with they can whip up an elegant little frock in double quick time. Now that the gadgets and attachments on modern sewing machines perform almost miracles in way of shirring, ruffling and tucking, it is becoming a hubby with ambitious girls everywhere to learn io sew. The more they see wh.it charming clothes they can turn out at comparatively low cost, the more intrigued they become with the idea of taking advantage of the endless opportunities offered in local sewing centers and sewing classes held in most of the big stores. Stanley Wison a dress-u- ric, taffeta, and putting the sewWhat did the stocking say to the ing machine to work. leg? One reason that girls who have You stay here, Ive gotta run. three-quarter- Ma-resc- VERY important social seas1 this With holiday festiv and oilier midwinter gala event: crowding one alter another on tin present program, comes the bn: moment' fur gay and battering pai tv frocks. In a young girl s ward robe of pretty-prettdate" and dance frocks, there is alwavs room for one more. Especially is it true this winter, when the homecoming of men from the services is bringing about an exciting new urge among the fair sex to dress up and look one's most attractive self. Then too, members of the teenage group who have been spending their holiday vacation at home will be wanting to have at least one knockout new dress to "show off when they go back to their respective colleges and schools. It's ja simple matter to make this dream dress come true just by choosing A the seasons favorite $64 Question 5SS&3S& before her death. r. Are you toured in igiinu steady1 or are you an Orphan Annie? Ju-- t read through some high school newspapers and you II see that one of the faioriie lollies is who is J Here s illing with whom how you rail tell il she trolley ruling ithat's going stead', tool or shot down in flames lulled:. celIf it's On Sin 's wearmg lar around her left wins! and. on Ir comes along. In the meantime he shovels small mountains of snow, chops and splits cords of wood, eats and enjoys smoking his hearty pipe. His step is firm, his handshake strong, and he looks you squarely in the eye. Why, Id die in six months if I didnt keep working, he declares. s in the woods. "As it is, Ive lost of Wilson left DAvignon lumber an inch in height and I'm only five camp in October and came to Tup- feet, eight inches now. Son of an Edinburgh, Scotland, per Lake, but he expects to go back to the woods when the right offer physician who emigrated to this country, Wilson was born at Lin-- ! coin, Maine, the youngest of a family of eight children. Left falher-- i less at the age of five, he was ap-- I prenticed to a blacksmith when 12, but ran away to try his luck in the world. When 14 (he tipped the scales at 165 pounds) his training in seamanship began as member of a crew on a square-rigge- r carrying lumber from Maine to New York City and returning with coal. Every Sort of Job. Following 10 years at sea, Wilson tried his hand at mining, railroading on the Canadian Pacific, and most every sort of job except He might have been preaching. successful at that also, for he is a Bible student of many years' standing and has worked out a philosophy of life that could be helpful to his associates in logging camps. His lumber camp experience dates back more than 70 years, 36 of which were spent in the South, and a number in California and Canada. I've visited every state in the country and worked in 37 of them, he recalled, adding that he came to Tapper Lake in 1917 to rid himself of rheumatism. And he did! fill Wilson's a yarns would book. His tales, romantic, tragic, ridiculous, of logging trains in the South, of camps in the West, of the Canadian wilds, and of pioneer Adirondack enterprises and old timers induce nostalgia. That "golden age in the north country is to us bv those few of real made " i ' All ltd wirTli anrart older generation who remain. That b g log drive on the Baguette? The AWAITING WIFE FROM OVERSEAS. . . . Former Pfc. Ralph holding a picture of his wife and child, is worrting about gcl.inq white pine at Cay Pond that yielded tnem ashore after they arrived as stowaways. Other have wives 8.000 board feet of lumber? The in England, Ireland, France, Australia and other countries awaiting transcoldest winter hereabout.;? Some Whv one time" bear stories? portation to America. DAWSON, GA. Mar;h Baker, Negro W'oman who counted her years at 120, is dead in Valdosta, the Dawson News reports. More than a third of her life was spent in slavery. She had lived in Georgia 100 years, coming to this state from Milford. S C., when she was 20 years old. Her mother lived to be 125 years old. She was able to perform her household duties until a few days Favorite a HOWS YOUR HE'.ART? d r PAGE FIVE u: home town, accordin to ffie Fal-an- charge and is aw; married bride, the former furrias (Texas) Facts the manager of the local telegraph whom he married in office. He will be connected with land, last April.'' the Texas livestock sanitary comRepublican - Buffi mission. Many Return to School. And lu re are other notes on what are doing to recon- NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- sequins. costumes. A stunning skating outfit higiiligii's a yellow wool dress with a peplum of mouton fur together with a short cape and hood in picturesque Crusader style. Featured for a skating costume is a rnout'.n short jacket with matching fur beret, worn with a Kelly green swing skirt, bordered with the same fur A wcffiut and tailored slacks if fur present a practical and ou'iit for afler-skjrelaxation. Other poms created of fur include sho.-- t ca es jackets, box coats with matching berets and mittens. Bright crochet r knit togs present many new ami ideas A wide shawl-ld.sca-- f is crocheted of while or bright-coloangora wool with long friWg. across each end Appliqued abme the fi iiige are crochet flowers dot,..-ibright col' red yarn. Beret and ttotfet.s to match make a charming good-lookin- '' threesome. Pajama Suits of IL-- IJavon Comfy" for Sleep. I.otme Novel, ptactical. c.ntfy" arc bright red pajama suits l r sleep ,.i lout.ge wear They are t.i, hired to a blouse top r.icey with Being suitable for sleet ing at.u lounging they have a dual personal ity which makes them very practi cal Bold red rayon spmts material makes them unusual and likaide They radiate cheer and warmth am! are really very smart looking. conditions. become frayed all Denunciation and recrimination of the managements. and vice versa, naturally characterize the negotiations rather than any cool consideration of the facts (see Thomas-Reuthe- r telegram to the President). The whole situation runs to emotionalism and propaganda on hoth sides. Nerves down the line. Now, the Truman plan to eliminate all that and require both sides to submit their facts to impartial judgment, should have come out of ttie conference. The President and his advisers had .lamed lt that way. From the inside. it would appear they leaned back too far in allowing the conferees to have their own head. MILD TONE HILL Labor-Manageme- FORCE PASSAGE Steelman, for example, was not to see or communicnioLi cate with anyone connected with either labor or management throughSchw ellenhach out the conferenceremained away also, and Mr. Truman only saw the delegates in occasional groups of threes and fours. The great impetus which has made the railway labor mediation base program so successful (only one minor strike in 19 years) was because both labor and management wanted it and got together. Resistance by the unions now to application of these sound settlement principles for the large strike eases in which the public has national Interest may tend to Impede the effective workings of the plan. The White House apparently that, af'er thinking it over, the unions will drop their Mr s |