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Show aaglwiii uYiMk iTtfatVSl the pagp: two I I I timi:s-m;s- . nkimii, utmi 'Ihui'-da- Girls Win Scnoarships Through Skill With Need Si 111 g t II 1 (I (1 if I t 111 U it to College Course Assured p 'ii it e satslil iSitri t a it rui (mu, h iN un ti s For Dozen Lucky Ladies a n ir to a inii a at u d su t uts I v. edle and ru UbING nuitv ( p rse- puls ft om rs mini states each $2 nil 4 11 Xd-t- tl r i Ti L i f tc ri it p d t i w tt it ts s c it Sits 1 i ( H i dt J) r vt ith a u h its into s't sh sc i i I i i s old i i M SI c rt f SIX i lc c Am ll in Ii s i fte'ionil sun? ii i i i t .wa x yy thu ks it is i i t ( W-Tt, . . t I In i Ci, 'Viz, ( hi Sty? p ! ( i e i n ( ( ) ti i u . i ' i k i ) I t i I i v rl t a tov 4 a i i lilt i i t i i e-- nt tnnli t hf Id at Clue i"o in cm iit i mi w ith the 24th I iti n il lub con 1 1 ss Jit tli l ip , wt n ivvard-- t d le lit S, C itton com- -- rn ik t i tn tip at k 1 ( If she nits a dress rev ipir or magazine slu rr iki s ore ke it fi r herself lit m r 7 iti a is his won many s f r her f She 'til's hist v ith grotl rridten ti sts it f r vvni Kit s ehoi ses a fat ti rn can ft llv ai d seta to iv rk She ti roi Hi the sewing, it fiats t, i bit t kis tx ri care to a sure an at'riitjvt aid s itisf ing rt suit Rif ic sl e In un e an e i rt at i it m ide m u v si t n ' M mi W mist it but vou w i Id nt ver guess it n w A g vith n ikir g lir ov n n I h hi s lie d s mo t i f t e n cr bn ' mi Iv 0f 1 erm e to istt so si e ti ts out of d t tc cl j'hing .inii, s (, 'ii i st k i list tit Its ii ai y iti ns Ruth t inks tv fi t on si tit m sl ul i to tt ri n tl e r ig big ir tt t lie of rb i nrltd clo'li fi un t ii e to time to eet n at. l' n il f r suits sin i ts, jei km bluiec It i r g 11 rut nts an i t ci is uns d i n t butber m J j ns n ft r s)n n s anv k lint 1' won at the st li' la i Gups Id il i 'tie it tiuit idtni rhtrf ihj stirted i semnT o ay v C- & -l iy , Presidential Candiaates T, 4nahst and Commentator. VC Service, 151f F Street N VV , Washu gton I) C. National elec tors still are three years away, but Washington politicians and ne s coi respond! nts particul irly the 'utter alreadv are selecting 'men to be watched" Ihe next ca ip ugr will be normal in at leas' one respect, namely, that the D nu cratic candid l'e for all practic purp ses ahead has bi en ehos n Lnkss the arty s hii rarchy wi les to cm fess failure of a poi cv of gtvernr mt it ltn only or asional has espuusid di artures the tier et w ll je ended ruman As by Presidmt I any S a matter of fact tin' can now be dismissed from con cture, unless fate intervenes In man is the canVV William O Dvvyi r will not figure but Because he ran rough, shod over the nominee of Governor The nas E Dewey, head of the Re-pjlican natioral ticket in 1944 he h is brought nat onal implications 'nto what otherwise would have been simply a municipal ballot Who will be Trumans running mate, cunc nth ts a popular subject of debate in political circles Whom the Republicans will place on their tic ke runs a close second Taking tho e developments up in inverse order, attention first comes His was the to Govcrno Divvey discounted chime by presidents the elccti in of 0 Dvvver in New Yoik Ci'v ever Jo iah Gold tern, a per-sona- ll u forn er Democrat turned Republican a circumst nice that didn t htlp hirn one bit in an overwhelmingly Temociatic c immunity head ed for tin past 12 yeais by M..or laGuuihi The lit'le Flower defied dcscnption by putv label, but his re; lavement on January 1 vvi'l R si 1IOI lltsllir irsl row, lilt to right I)ik lie Nuttdll, Arizona, Gerry keathlv, Okla be regarded as substitution of a homa, Iihu i slutns, Mont ina I.omut (biistison, Misioiimii, liulli I rb, tvv llimpshire, Iltanor Za laris, No one for a Rejublican Democrat It , (mu gi i Oregon st t oml row lilt to ri,li' Mu ( Mtti M iru Ki lit r Illinois, Doris (Iopptr, Marj-lam- l, familiar with Ntw Aork state poll ew kithrvn Johnson Turk, Muit' Wtishiit Imh ma iltillie MiCov, Itnnesste, not shown, wzs also ties needs tu be told how poor are a winner the chances of a candidate for who lacks city support M u it K governor t it r i Mill Sn s i tin r and m i iti tea towi! is Gtrrv Kcath dung ji wining ij irt Dew ev faces the New York elecua S die Co , 111 , M u t L iun th it w II si m t le ti s( f ii I u,h h 'If ecu ve novtr st id cou torate two And he years hence Ii d Aeishiit Ptltishuig Iikt C ll u till! s d n t kno v vvh it u te m ssn g does it, recent history indicates 11 Oi ris Clo i i ill t Alt C t v t s' in i tc s tilt 'be isii she diilnis now Nlikn , ditssts mci st n Mil 3 gton to klnn I till Sl i his s n i our 5 100 be in m., hi r or suits is t i e i c f hi i aid without citv backing If he fails to Mont ft ns Milt Stdlw Icr Co gain not' er term at Albanv that twn tl thug diimg "it li t fc V In r f u itc s'm c is n n g Ruth B p ib Huds n, Hi'lsb muji Mils AI iru All t Pci nmg h bl usi s ki lit r fit ds she c in plus ms defeat fir the presidency, is Co N H k tin v n Ji hnson Mu a shuts suits dit ssi s and utlu i mi d s now ni ike all lui om doll is an i just about ends him as a contender lion Coitlind Co N v lu i st w u tl it i d h iv c tm e for fc a and i tin r , s' sk (,iir win Strong GOP M irl mil No! le Co t dhh I o list all her si s m., ad Ol i , w i nts rv It w isii t f me at lust sh iun Loom FJ mi r Z ih ms i ild a h s vci Multi ks b ltk to the Competitors lYitlmd admits as slu mike mu in m itself if onlv for the sake of Assuming r ill ( i On In seven Rdlu MiCov J is jeais of njiit wuis. in tin e she n a le her In t c hi n ditss developing tie thought, that this and Buinie per M lriun Co, Ttnn diagnosis bv Washngton scribes is 3 Christ sm Plkhorn Walworth accurate ujon whom does the Jo W is mantle fair The subject becomes In rase anv rf the abivp do not difficult at that juncture, but there1 ake ad mt ige of tin si hohi st i s 4-are two who stand out so fir m of tin f H umie win" alien ites front of other aspirants as to make anv go to c lit ,e instead alone in the field them Alice W i rd Oik Or ve Chrisi in s ire It u l g f i 0 ir i n Mim Ic i f 7 of f "f el i his One is virtually of the old school le a disci; To I r ii e Millt r k it w is t ci i v r g wit' d Gilhei t Hi s is pair tl e 4 II i u s i f A i i an ultramodern m poll the otler t a M ' t M n ( i 4 H i e ih i C i ib cits if at the .'h Nancy iiiituit JR is active t cs the f in ir Senate r Aithur 31- - ttu b 'i ' M rsl dlti n t C No v i ss s t I m 'hi a V tl s f ( ' t udi sinu the latVandenburg of Michigan ( t 2 h it s s thi 4 n i n ' t i s if tnc Cube It in lbs ir to 4 H G vernor Hire Id S' is foinir ter, t I P n li I a n t Ru s h l s d u st ti t, i k till (a k i I i fi In re 20 if Ch u dler sen of M nm sota A close thud d h Co f f I c to ( IdiA i s nil c tt if r Cii'ii pi I N i i a rous contender is ex 1 1 1 i tc I 1 v i v I i c i i i V 1 1 11 11 ( Visitors from Foreign Lends Come to Learn at Congress , 11 i i i 1 i j I I i , I i 1 C ) 1 i i lit 1 A i .ii H i O Mint tl t 111 n i s i- i c i i D l nt i rf c t I . , f r s se 1 c f g i i (1 f ' t h h r i c i s r i rr i o -- i f i ill vv v ati s ills -- v I ' c r t C v ii ' I s r S f v c . i I I i i - n ins i t 1 s 4 f l i H w i i n x i in 1 i major step Former Governor Sta'sen stands in a position to become the first veteran of World War II to become Presie'ent just as the incumbent President Truman, is the fust vet eran of Woild War I to achieve that high estate Stissen has youtn plus experience as the chief adnunistra tor of a state which is lmpoitant politically and geograph tally Like Aandenburg, he also was a delegate to Sin Erancisco, but in any fiank apprnsil of their roles m international politics, he must give giound to the Michigin senator However, Stassen has captured popular lmag-ina- t on by his forw ard looking attitude toward the tantamount subject He of the day, the atomic bomb has a faculty for capitalizing on issues Governor Bricker faces the drawback that "hes been to the well" before He failed to win the Republican presidential nomination in 1944 and had to be content with secBut who could win ond place against the wave of Dewey sentiment then washing over the nation That he has made a splendid state administrator even Dimocrats ad What he lacks is recognimit tion outride his own state, he has suffered from the accusation that His dtclaiations he is provincial on foreign affairs as a vice presia dential candidate year ago weren t marked for their profundity, wcient convincing Unless all pics-en- t Biieker will plans miscarry try for the United States senate That would give him the nitinnal sounding board he needs Biieker is handsome ( in attribute which cannot be overlooked m these days of womens vote), he s an able speaker and a war veteran The latter will be a factor to be carefully weighed when the 1948 ticket is made up And this time hell have the wholehearted support of Senator Robert A Taft of his home st ite, something he lacked in a practical sense bef re Taft was a This time he candidate himself says he will not be Democrats Vie for Vice Presidency On the Democratic side, the goal hopefuls will be shooting for is the The vice presidential nomination field is rather open but not to the n ore obvious ptrsonages There is, no vice president today of course McKtllar Kenreth Senator func- tions on the job as president pro tern of the senate Actually, in spite of public thought to the contrary, that doesn t make him the second highest officer of the federal Protocol places the government speaker of the house next to the As a matter of record President Pres dent Truman has asked con grtss to enact leg slation creating s'atutorv suicessnn to the pre si denev with the S taker preferred over the pre ident pro tern of the stmte should vac incies occur in both the presidency and t'e vice v Ti m'li'ed into sports j rt si li nc taU McKellar is ir on a pass In any evot MiKel'ar will be trs of age when ye I) api roachmg tie next convention rolls around a ii would be out of the running on that score if for no other reason A dark h irse In the long ranee predict ons is Sei a nr Brian Me-A- I A first te rm ihi n of Correct ci t n rr ber he tr i m d the popular and ahle Simi'or Jiln Dinaher I t i i ' i 4 i c g s H i Enclose 15 Drawer 10 cents for Book No 8. Name AHHroca vou are run down beennae re not Retting all the Ail itamins ou need-st- art tak r Scott s Emulsion to proni t help brjng back ener jy and Btamina and build resist nice, Sc tts ib rich in A&D Vitamins and natuial , natural oil. Buy tod'H I All dniictc ou . It is a long wav from such lowly beginnings to his more recent interviews wi'h Joe Stalin, his airplane flights through the Near Fast and his powerful position as the right k bovver of Generalissimo Chiang But Pat has staged a colorful personal row at almost everv mile-s- t lie along the wav In Chungking he first rowed with Gen AI edemever over the question of sending a mission to the Communist section of China to evaluate the impoitance of its military strength F or a while he and Wedcmiver werent speaking to each other thou"h thev occupied ad bedrooms in the same j u mg house Later at a Chungking cocktail party, Wedemevers chief of staff, Gen Robert B McClure Maj chided Hurlev for sending General Marshall a telegram of protest w y T) Kai-she- Planning for the Future? Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! MRS. DYE MAKES OVERALLS LAST PITCHER, OKLAHOMA Mrs E Dye has had a lot of experience m washing overalls for five boys and her husband She has found out how to make them last longer. Here is what she says in a letter to Faultless Starch, I cannot wash without Faultless Starch. You bet I think it will make overalls last longer and look ten times better. I know. AVe raised five boys, so I know what Faultless Starch means to overalls. Have used it as far back as I can remember and my mother used it, too. I cant say enough for Faultless Starch. Now there is an important message for anyone who has overalls In her wash. Mrs Dye says that L. against Wedemeyer boiled the ex pup I ve shot from Oklahoma men for less than that Guests had to separate the two men The Chinese looked on, amused but not impressed In China it brings severe loss of face to f ght m public Pat is Pat " mused FDR when informed of the fuss "and theres nothing you can do about him CAROIS 1 i ' r i r i ' i r f i r ( C 'Of c i I e ' 3 -- i- i -p ' v I ( ale r t i 'ir M'cr fit rjt'sist(irdf c l t d I ( II f ' tilth h i 's lit ( n i li i i it MI iti k ,) -- rut is rn pi n i d i il w n id ll I! -- ( rial 1 ' MRS RLTH WYETH SPEARS Bedford Hills New York O CHRISTMAS ll? I NOTF Rook 8 is 15 cents postpaid and contains 32 paces of useful thincs tt at you will be wanting to make for your home Send order to HI RI T Y Pat Hurley has come a long wav from those davs when Oklahi ma was an Indian territory Born 0 Hurlev , he dropi ed the O' and the Cathi lie rel gion of his father to become a Bap'ist and after winking his wav thiou0h an Indian he had the courage to college, ci me to Washington take a law deand gree at George Washington m irrv the daughter of Adm Himy B W Us m then and now one of the m st beautiful ladies in th ca it il You 63 1 irfrfi'tii N I J ' eta are 22 inches long and 8 Inches deep Plan the other pockets to tit things fji which tbe are to be used bind the toA s of poeicts) in ike a lmth box pleat in. U e bottom of each turn under raw ed es Then baste and stitch them to the foundation. Tl e JO ch deep laun W bag is a fuH width of the fabric fulc.d and stitclcd down one side and acrc the bott( in, but stitch the extra fiont pod ct on bef ue and slash m the front you do this Tte Is 12 inches d(ep and the top is shaped to fit a hanger he flounced out of thi room Some vears enlicr Pit ap pi irid before tie h use Indian af furs ccnmi'tie to o pi se o cnine tne tribal rolls of the Chi ctaw na tion to cirtun Indi ms who claimed thev were euchered out of their ti ib il lands And he was seven lv ci lticized bv Web tc i B lllinec r who pointed out that just two years be f re Hurlev hid repusented the Wards an Indian fimily which sought to hive the Choctaw tribal rolls opened Thus Hurley was in the position of arguing on both sides of the same question in the brief period of two years Pat was not quite as ferocious in those davs however and for some uncxplaired reason aid not threaten to kick Ba'lmger out of the com mittee room PATRICK W. e I I i ( i II ( I STOCKINGS RUBBERS BONE RING'S SEWN TO EDGE 1FASTEN OYER HOOKS IN DOORj mit'ce as secretary of war Pat You cannit call me a shouted liar You can run vour star ch im ber sessions without me I hive taken all I can stand Whereupon d -- ' r f ' o vi( i i mil , 1 1 it i f I s t at i i x1 ( i a i c. 4 i 1 I i a ping stone toward amity It was labeled the President s Labor Alan agement Conference Both sides, and the rest of the nation, know it was Vandenburgs m STITCHED L TO OILCLOTH JT SHELF COYER WHIST BROOM HAT BRUSH AM SHOE CLOTH A SMLL BOX PLEAT AT BOTTOM OF POCKETS l' UMBRELLA- 1 1 r t e ' e n ai d f f r t e "1 i - N i i v ri- 7 i tel i H it s e l That was cate them Choose chintz 36 Inches wide with bias tape to match You will need 2'a yaids o chintz and 10 yards of the tape Buy ac extra yaid ut chin z and t e tor tm laundry bag Cut the foundation pieri for the door 54 inches long and 18 inches wide Bind this all arounc. first Shoe pock PAT HI RLFY ALW A A S A VIORAIY IMTRLL This town dead WASHINGTON ly afraid of peacetime boredom pricked up its ears and licked its chops when Pat Hurlty issued his stentorian reMgnation as ambassa dor to China It then settled down to enjoy a good sl ovv Washington has known Pat ever since 1912 when as a dasl ing young attorney from Oklahoma he used to appear before congitssional c for the Choctaw nation, and they know he nlwavs puts on a good show Once in testifvmg before the senate insul ir affurs com If you happen near the secondary arid a vig office of Re p Leslie Arends of IlliG vernir J chn Biieker of Ohio A nois ho i'e Republican whip deep .110 co 'd h irdlv re heal nt P in the sub basement of the c lpitol cord thrie m'c difcnng tvpes Faultless Starch makes overalls you can hear strange sounds echoSen it r m',enbuig is tie Host wear longer (thats mighty imporing through the ci m mb like corh x of the thrie His ridors pelit calve it tant, today) and look ten times Ai nds and his five colic igues are better (and thats important, too). rxperietie m public Urfe has been ted Stitts co ti ltd whi l'v to the gettng their voces in trim for a IlOAV TO STARCH OVERALLS il trans Atantic broadcast of sei.a'e, ut le has n ade the best speri A f rctful ' cal break Overalls, work pants, wash shirts of everv in which six Christmas can Is and childrens play clothes usualorah r 'e entires heillmes is members of the Pritish parliament ly countrv get very, very dirty Sometimes the 11 ut -w knr un J 'hid v tbe in to be ired d'o it takes a lot of rubbing on a scrub-- i Tl ere is no U s'er to his or it rv , Muti.il network on December 29 board to take tbe dirt out And evHe rn f 'ted at sptiihc oh F a noli ir can Is such as Repub lean to win is office it has Oh Lit knows that rubbing wears cf attributes mmv 'he whin the has With clicked ns he Town of tie Prttlihim and eryone jmIs ai w in n f en g ail era of inte rnat vi'ts for Thi mas Dewey a 'Hark' The Ilcrild Angels Sing out clothes as much as washing i m 'r them does. But when you give vear ao he s v i. g ju't turni d will be rcndeicd bv the legislators nl deal i s ef transcmaent impor tbem a LIGHT starching with an 42 irrself ab'e m world has he t ii ce vvcl' versed n is will do Tie Arreneins aid Briti j'lvel Faultless Starch you save a lot of p was eh sen eve' sever il pro'ecu'or while serving as chief a joint rerdimn of Si'ent Night aiw that rubbing You see Faultless c The other members of the Arends er i th is par'v members as of the cr n nil div sion in the depenetrates the fabric so a Re, tl i in de eg Re to the E it partment o' jjst ce v hen he cleaned sextet are GOP Representatives Starch d rt can t grind in so easily. And up such messes as t e Harlan mine Hirvc Tib' ntt of Pcnnsv lv ania Paul ed N i o s c 't ret ce at l'an f ran Faultless Starch dissolves mstant-- v s a Wlite House Inti tc i him ' If Micl of he whiTe Shafer Harrv Towe cf ou'liwry, ri'io gin, aiq carries most of the rr ate a vig irous spe iker, self made New Will Jomv Fork Fellows of dirtin wateroutandwith it So when you right Hal s s a i W e accumula I i t e f i substai ib r re ' Mi ic a d illi im Hill f Colorado i f min with 'tarch other things, be sure to give v ti n of wi Idle g inds gamed in the to ,ra ri'l ' d d iv n Tie s i 5 nc coru (s i cn occa work parts, childrens - ' i s nl v varv tlrir p c ice sessions overalls, p was t' e s, i si r of pr ictice i f law and he s ct a r" in f etc a very light starching clothes, tv e A f m ' ' 'I M spr i f rsc mn 'tee to dive p wih ''Viet icl i accc dug ti at the same ,time n rYou 11 notice the y f t rv ol u i a' st on cv ev W enr m Alac n Pctd news s mic 'Iu ol l rt rt j ' Terence when you wash them' j ' c r s ' n ' i . d . n t In e c f r a cr t' il i o n la"er cr in r g g who i, i r p pi SO SMOOTH TO W CAR c s t d t ti he ove it 'be i m iri ru c the C r 't is in w the nm'e si pi r". H mv r be h s lii r n i r ' f rs Ri r i it is s role a The men will really like it, too T1 e fabric feels smooth and slick no ae re ' to th t in pi M irt r st It , j t ter ic not scratt hv and rough. They c unt cl afe as much around the ri i u h up ock and the arms Its a wouder-i- l c r 11 I I S . . . by A i rel cf to wear smooth, sl.ck - t r K ' ork tint' is' Try it, tins wash-i- y e i c And he sure to use Faultless h x J i I V t A t t t i rnitz was i f' S M ri vdois e ri 11. I , i 4 ( ' - d ( in -i Vim r su a i ' t ' v i bi i i s t 11 i h i t ivit-i- l to f1 it AI i e t liiiei'i'f ii itb (bn C smith 't '( s i l i ' s 'IP ' sicn i i ) u 'is is' tit r 11 " ' ss i A s 1 i i s t r i t ' iS I ' s r 4 H J '0 i t t 1 I ' i if i i ad Cbn 'u rd I ' it t i ii I , ' d 1 ' tr ' s i' i s " i t ' i f, ssi' t ' t' H II is if i i lit t i i it r i " I ,, i i'ti ' ll el O I t v o i r d ic Cl ( I c M ' ci'rnNiii I S iriHitiftiirixii t r i 1 I ir ( i it'is "1,1 c c i It t c - a i it t i ' li I ! I v M I s )f i i i i i - k AI . now ay BAUKII GE ps However, pas' ng of a President and the elimr itmn from the political scene r, an incumbent in the vice pieside icv plus election of a Democratir may ir in New York City have combined to encourage election forec sting Mayor elect 11 details so you can go right ahead Truman Seen as Standard - Bearer of the Democratic Party; Dewpy Faces Fight In New York to Stav in GOP Race. didate ll door pocket and laundrv bag shown here are from Book 8 of tl e series of booklets offered with these aiticles Here are the 'lips, if a at1 shorn m a c houii'i idinit, m tun 4 S t ad, i and anc e, 12 1 t) r o 'THE (p essJar!y ? 4 H el ib 'dan C igle pr dressed t ficrn n k r g d 11 d e drr s e t i e i ai t b er items tbe p lJl Handy Door Pocket And Laundry Bag I 4-- H 'n1 December 27, v, till 1 liaukhage 1 . 1 1 t f t i - i t i f t i i t r i wtl i t I t I s n r (s l i f r e ir the p a 7 n ' a I 1. i nu iv v i ill. J i t h L larch ' Ml 666 F a. ' v IV lii t . k it Aciv. i i ' COLD FklPARATIONS . i LIQUID, TABLETS, caution urE SALVE, cniy as MOST d fOPS pected |