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Show News Deadline Next Week 5 P. M. ? Ay Wed. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Volume 36 Tithins Settlement Days Local News of Quarantine Scheduled By Bishops wire Dogs in Nephi Is Probable i,i tithing I thi ti Last Friday evening, F, V. of Nephi was bitten by ins own dog while caring tor it while it was sick. That same night the dog escaped irom its collar and leash, and after diligent search by the Liddiard family could not be found. The body of the dog was located on Christmas day in a vacant lot several blocks fiom the Liddiard home. The dog's head was severed and was taken by Nephi City Police Wednesday morning to the offnfe of the State Board ol Health in the State Capitol at Salt Lake City for examinaotion. The examination was forthwith made by the State Board of Health, and the examining officer announced the examination was positive that the animal had rabies. It is probable that if d additional cases are reported, a quarantine will be placed on all dogs in Nephi to be confined to the premises of the owner, or keeper; and that all dogs off the premises must All perbe effectively muzzled. sons having dogs showing signs of nervousness, or being ill, are requested to forthwith notify the City Health officer, J. L. Kendall or City Marshall J. R. Barnes, phone 113. If any person is bitten by a dog, the dog should be forthwith confined, and the above persons notified. The dog should not be killed, if .it has bitten a person but should be safely confined. It is reported that rabies in dogs is always fatal to the dog, and usually progresses rapidly in the dog. Mr. Liddiard has taken necess ary medical steps to prevent any develpment of symptom from the dogs bite. Preventative measures are said to be 100 per cent effective. Attention is called to the City Ordinances which provide if dogs are running at large (off the premises of the owners or keepers) between the hours of 9 P. M. and 6 A. M. they are declared to be dangerous; and shall by the of-ficers of Nephi City be forthwith The ordinances also destroyed. provide that all dogs shall wear a collar with a tag thereon showing it to be licensed by Nephi City. The present licenses of dogs in Nephi City expires January 1, 1946, and applications shall forthwith be made after January 1 1946 to the Nephi City treasurer for a license. If any person desires to have any dog disposed of should notify Arthur Scott or J. R. Barnes. 1 NOTICE Dogs developing rabies usually show signs of illness for three or four days before becoming vicious. All persons in Nephi City observing signs of illness in any dog are requested to immediately notify the City Marshal or dog tax collector. For safety of the people owning or keeping a dog, who reside within a radius of three blocks of the intersection of 3rd East and 5th North Streets in Nephi, Utah are requested to confine their dogs to their own premises for a period f December 27, 1945 to January 27, 1946. By Mayor and Health Officer of Nephi City. Mrs. J. A. Kendall attended the funeral services on Monday at Logan for her brother, Wesley W. Haws who died last Friday of a heart attack Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Greenwood and children Jerry and Peggy Lyn of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. E. Morgan Greenwood and children Jeff and Jill, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Peterson and daughter Loesa of Richfield and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Greenwood and baby Margaret enjoyed the Christmas holidays at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Robert Winn. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Worthington and son Jackie of Logan spent Christmas day at the home of Mrs. T. H. Burton. Lila May Christensen of Salt Lake City was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Christensen over the Christmas holiday. Miss Joyce Cowan is enjoying the holiday season in San Diego at the hme of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peterson. Miss Carol Cox of Provo and Miss Virginia Cox of Salt Lake City spent the Chriamas holidavs in Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. A L. ITartvigsen Mr and Mrs Hugh Park, and Air and Mrs Milo Cazier have been visiting in Springville and Provo. Miss Anita Gadd spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs, Eugene Allmd in Fin Green. Mr and Mrs A W Clyde ot Pro- hulid iv guests ot Mr and: Mr Clarence ti. avers church w uni tn bishop l.i (hock Lid-diar- SHOP and ' A4Y if m 1 in a r dull il n. lr held r next w.fk i; the v irimiN u .nd chupt N in hub S' kc Bishops cm did v i! ne nl members to meet v. tin them t o cheek their .nls and m. ike sure tithmg ,n that propt ned.t h is a eii given n.e n pel'. nit el tithing settlem a message ment vne, Miesstd liori me Presiding Bishopric pub-- I mi e. I isi wu'k and tithe pavers In .I h young and old were urged le meet wim iheir bishops at the d. signal, d lime and examine their ' .thing ai founts. Days lor lulling settlement in ol Juab Slake the various have .el u ,e mount ed is lollows: Nephi Waul. Su ui'd iv, January " 1" A M 1J noon and 3 5 P M at d chapel. Mona w in riiursd iv and Fri-- , and 1. at Bishop's day J tuuari residence Levan ward: January 7. 1 P II to at ward chapel iads m , Mr and Mrs Lester B. Belliston. Mr and Mrs A II Belliston, Wil-tor- d Belliston ot Nephi and Mrs Cuy Hurst of Blanding were in Provo last week to attend the funeral services for Mr. and Mrs. Yern Talboe na- 1. Mr and .Mrs Leo Anderson of Salt Lake City visited in Nephi recently with rel itives and friends I i . North Wu'd. Thursday, January to 6 P M at Ward chapel. Smith Ward' Monday. December 31, 1 to 9 P M Lounge room at .. !'d i hapol 3 . , All M Mon end Glounrs are urged to drop all other plans which they have, and attend the M Men and Cleaner banquet at the South Ward amusement hall Friday eve- Tickets have been on sale a largo crowd is expected. It is planned to have a snappy program, with short, inlerestmg talks and toasts, and the banquet will be followed by a dance. ning. during the past week, and Mr and Mrs Merrit Christison, Christison Lake City, are spending the Christmas holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs. James II Ellison and Mrs. Mabel D Christison Mr. and .Mrs. Douglas and families of Salt Mrs. Leonird Pay has returned konu from the Payson hospital following seven weeks stay since a major operation She is improv- ing nicely at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. T. E I 111 announce, the birth of a daughter at Ely, Nevada. daughter of Mrs. Margaret Harrington of Eureka, visited H. in Lt. Har- Neplu last Thursday. rington served as an Army Nurse lor 38 months in Australia and the West Pacific, and was nurse for Juab county two years prior ' entering the service. Mr and .Mrs Thomas Belliston and family and Miss Ruth Lunt were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lunt. Mr and Mrs.) Joseph J. Bode!! have been visiting in Nephi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora H. Lunt They will attend the USAC for the winter quarter after spending the holidays in Nephi. Mr and Mrs D. L. Bailey and son Dickie of Logan have been guests of his parents, Mr and Mrs Wm. Bailey. Christmas holiday guests of Mr and Mrs. Harry Beagley are Mrs. Ray Kelson and two children and Miss Elizabeth Beagley of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Tate and two children of Park City. Bishop and Mrs. P. B. Cowan and daughter Betty are spending tin holidays with members of their family in Salt Lake City and Ogden Meryl Bean was recently discharged from the army at San Luis Obispo, California. Misses Geraldine and Catherine Bowles of Provo are .spending their holidays with their mother, Mrs. Alvin Bowles. Miss Vera Bracken of Salt Lake City is a guest of her mother, Mrs. Amelia Bracken over the holidays. Mrs. Lester Briggs and son Coc- il were in Salt Lake City and Pro- v o several days last week. Alisses Jayne and Kathryn ridge were guests of their mother Mrs. Wanda Burridge over the holidays. J Bur-recent- ly Mr. ami Mrs. Barros Jenkins of Kirkwood Washington are spendMr. and Mrs. James Greenhalgh ing the Christmas holidays with entertained at a family gathering relatives and friends here. on Christmas day. Gifts were exLoskiel Jenkins of San Diego. changed and a turkey dinner was California and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. enjoyed by: Mr. and Mrs. Clar- y Martin of Salt Lake City are holi- - once Paystrup and family of Miss Vivian Mr. and Mr. Ivan, of C. and Mrs. R. Blackett, guests Mrs. Grant Beal of Salt Lake City, Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. George Sperry and Mr and Mrs James Eager Mr. family, Mr and Mrs. Roy W. and Mrs. Edw in A. Bailey and son Greenhalgh and family, J. Earl David and Gordon Jensen, who is Greenhalgh and the host and host, attending ;ho USAC are visiting ess. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Greenat the home of Mrs. Orson Cazier halgh of Nephi. for the holidays. Mr. and Airs. Elmer Tolley and The third year Beehive group of three children of Pocatello, Idaho the North Ward MIA enjoyed a were week end guests of Mrs. S. R. Christmas party at the home of Winn Airs. Alton S. Gadd recently. Mrs. Air. and Airs. Douglas Cowan Anna S. Embry and Mrs. Gadd of. Denver, Colorado are house class leaders were hostesses. guests of Air and Airs. Eugene Games were played and gifts were Lunt. Lunch was served to exchanged. Air. and Airs. G. R. Judd are Nancy Sperry, Florence McPherspending the holidays with their son, Bonnie Bowles, Jeanne Gowson in law and daughter, Mr and ers. Betty Joanne Beck. Darlene Mrs. Fred Morgan. Mr. and Mrs, Jones, Corinne Garrett, Shirlene Judd rccenlly returned from a trip Ellertson and the hostesses, Mrs. to the Pacific Coast. Embry and Mrs. Gadd. Air. and Mrs. Gilbert Bailey .pent Christmas in Salt Lake City The Booklore club held its anwith Air. and Mrs. Norman Jor- nual Christmas party on December gensen 31 at the home of Mrs. Alton S. Alec David ham, who has been Gadd A Christmas tree and other in the Army in the Asiatic - Pac- yuletide decorations were used in ific Theatre has recently v kited the living room as well as on the here. He is now visiting with Mr. serving tables. Clever place-car- d and Mrs. A. L Smith at Tooele favors were presented to each Mrs I M. Betty had as guests or guest. A hot dinner with turkey Christmas day. Air and Mrs. Cler. land all the trimmings, was served. Pern and children of Murray and The committee in charge of the Mr and Mrs L. A. Whetten of party consisted of Mrs. Ralph Cedar City, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Chase, Air ;md Mrs Thoo Harris and James P. AlcCuno and Mrs. R. C. family of Provo spenf Christmas Braithwaite. After dinner pinochle with .Mr and Airs. Frank Harris. was played with prizes being won Miss Vivian Hoyt of the B Y U hv Airs. Ralph Chase, Mrs. Dean is sp, nding the Christmas holidays Archibald and Mrs. Glade Sanders. with her p cents Judge .and Mrs. Those present were Mrs. Milton Will L Hoyt Boswell. Mrs. Lorin J. Christensen, Mont B.eley is visiting with his Mrs Clyne Leavitt, Mrs. Paul M. f imilv this w e k Alont was rec- Christison, Mrs. Theo West ring, ently TiiNferred lo Fort Doug- Mrs Alton S. Gadd. Mrs. Fred las. Ut th Morgan, Mrs. James P. McCune, Von Jarreit who has been Mrs. Ralph Chase, Mrs. Joe Bosthe Ul.ih State Agi cultur- well, Mrs Glade Sanders Mrs al College is enjoying the holiday Farrell Carter, Mrs. E. LV. Richseason with his parents Mr and ardson. Mrs La Veil Gammett, Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Jarrett Dean Archibald and Mrs Othel Miss Ahldri-Junes a student at Pav USAC at I.ogm - home for the holidays. The Service Star Legion met at A t, eph .r.o c from Keith the home of Mrs Melvin Stanley Blackett, to his aunt and uncle. on Wednesii ,y evening, to enjoy Mr and Mrs Y.etoj .June ir annual CV.istmas party. A i d them of i ,s r cent n - ' il program was given Re-f- r Kehli is a sun ri Mrs FU si were enjoyed by all t ai d w is a forr ( r r and gifts were exchanged by the v this f t f i en Ini rr.IvTS rmsent. Le-da- j ig ! f i vviy'.;j TL In .'a Ft !'. od d Lull s. o d 3 t , Mi n.i-nt- Stake Leadership I. Is lC ll go Old ivk l.l" 11 : and Mr i. who leit Nephi ui i. rugut lei die lo t., mg. recent Iv met hi lie hist tun. v ears m tw a1 tin D , Cl ntn h m Long lo nil. C v u, s, they both took pmu o imd 4 V 5? j Service Men's Levan News News Column i Nephi rSO."y S Meeting Scheduled d Ho the Cl le titers!n!) ly u " nl he In 'd Suml e N a w .ml rliapi l li , ae- - Conservation Of Water Is Planned mug to inimimeinient ot the Mi oM ol Vkii'ilner ike h t sail ney 'Hus will not be Il look Kt I di I) pent the mii,.n en ting fi.r auxiliary or- m !hc KiMlls s tin nd Mr Mrs and .ill, 1,vln h g mi ll ions hut w ill he dev oted to w G ml, ter nd Mr Mrs Priest hood work and work ot orry ilmiil next tin nu hug c hi at ip mod hi n to Silt wird hisl, pnes n Ih.it s lit Auxiliary offie, in ui nu ot the o tin home ot a l 'll., lO Is old at hers are not called to at- - annual gamble w a h tlu v lCl s. resi dent s a U,1 Mis ( ago C emu liv 'end hut all members ot biship-- ot Nephi hive Im u Reei nl lv itisch.u a o !: p.ii ieip.it mg aid Mrs 'hn M U'gan nn- - i, s ml clerks. Aarome Priest in since lingh on t months ol n. Bit. y uv n, ipo O' ' . ,;l "img in t sent ii l' ii lie 'l la.od advisers i nd committees, and sett lei s to this I, itile v.dli y. They H ' is Sg A, w, Philippines h ,iht r 3 it h. dl presidencies and members of have been Brocken son o 'it gm.iilei-- , not m a u, Min Eh Ml. m Fraiin.m is spending lornmittees and group leaders of ol laying .,,, many dollars on a Rukn 11 Br.iekt n s luriougti Mere with his patents. luedek Priesthood quorums gaming table and th.-iAlter 39 ninths l i taking iiul Airs J I. Fr.meom He asked to he present This chain . s oil Itie tall ol the cards, months ol which h. wid reporl lo Camp Kearns at be the last leadership mcot-o- f but in Hawaii, Lt l.dwa they have gambled their very n ut Lake City 1915 and plans for the hi ead and butter lrom one of Mr. and Alts year to The home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jot n inning of the new year will the next on the amount ot precipbeen role ised ti.n th U diTsnn was the scene ol a nice oonsittute the program for the itation that A lie and Min p.d !, I; arranged wedding last Frid iv meeting. New plans for quorum I hey have would he received planted euh spring, holiday gnosis ol i.noir e i mug when their daughter. Kericommit tees and the new course of they have Impid and hi re n- became the wile ot Joe Jensen prayed tor stiulv vv he discussed. The new plenty ot moist tire to mature To Glen D Pro u: id the P Cer.Urlield James 'g Bishop Church plan for organization and crop and then lor on ( 'In istensen sp. lurlougl perfect harvest performed the cere- supervision of ward few da.vs at the ho: teaching will seasons m which to glean the ,e q. o mony m the presence ot rel. dives. he considered in the ol x i i ii ' i i ( l 1 i i i ' . i Mr and Mrs Eugene McPherson announce the birth of a son on December 19, at their home. Lt. Margaret M. Harrington, to'uth v SAVE ! i i i . 1 , v them labors irom the bishoprics' trials also the new LDS fields. department, toerisage girl program which was Providence lias been kind to the announced at the last general farmers of .Ampin and vicinity. The of the Church. land lias been lertile, and even vvilh the small amunt of moisture which has some times been WELFARE BUDGET available, usually a crop ot some kind has been harvested. FOR 1946 APPROVED o u n Lioul- ents, Mr. and .Min. he wedding slipper was served to head lie will ret mn to Fort Mrs Janus Jensen, son John, and N C. Bragg. Air and Alt's, Davis ol Cetilerlield, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis and Aniong those recently discharged lrom Fort Dougin am! other children ol Salt Lake City, Mr. mil Mrs l.ee Aagard, Mr and Mrs. Separation Centers it.elude. dg ir Christensen, Mrs. Mary AnPfc. Percy J Clnmntmu in law ot Air and Alls U J Snide derson Airs Della Tunbridge, ElMr. and Mrs. R iv way ol Nephi, and I1 isband ol iris mo iunbndge, Winter, lhshop and All's James Siddowav Clements the young couple, and Sgt Reed Shirwimd, son of Air. Chi istensen. Airs Anderson and famand Mr and Airs J. T. Sherwood ot I.iv.m . Sgt Sherwood served 30 months ily Funeral services were held Sunin Europe. day in the ward chapel for Mrs. Pie Alenl C. Step Maria Bosh, 85 who passed away Mr. and Airs. Alar! ist week at her home. Services of Levan Pfc. Stej were conducted by Bishop James 33 months in Engl P Christensen. Prayers wore many with th. Tank Destroyer R. iv i n James g by Paystrup, and Batallion .and the Private Ralph O. rd. hus- Christian Cln istensen, band of Donna Jarrett Beard, of ci iveside prayer by James AnderVocal selections were given 154 West 1st North, Nephi. Pvt. son n.ii'd Wankier, Valery and by May Beard recently returned from Yinme ChristenJacobsen: Shirley France where he was sumoped for son and ( dive Taylor. Prelude was a shorl time Pfc. Darwin L. Williams, son ol also given by Shirley Jacobsen, w as an tie-- 1 Mrs. Mildred Williams of Nephi and Sharon Jacobsen Speakers were Leo Pic. Wiliams servied III monlhs m comp 'lust Hawaii with the 135th Repl. Bn. II. mam ol Li hi, Lorenzo Mangel-,,,ol I.ivaii and Elmer Jacobsen Pfc. Merle D. Warren, son oi Closing remarks were .Mr. and Airs Wm. E. Warren of ,, Provo 'In Mi nsen. by Bi.hup liven Los Angeles .arid hush oid .lav ph 11 Stephenson, 71, died Bird Warren of N pin W ednesd IV at the Ft 3.1 valley Jh was horn m at i o- ,i Word has been reciivml tn it 1. a son Staff Sergeant Lee Boswell ii ,,n l.ev.in Novi ii her hi 18i Ar'ene ,md Slrphenscn. his way home. Lee h is hi en stationed on Okinawa for the past lie received lus education m the Levan schools and spent most ol eight months. Ins Dll' m Lev.m. He served as a the Church to Den-marCorporal Floyd Eugene Ockev missionary lor1" 1'iuT. He m imed 1'nb) in spent the past 30 days at the 19us home of his parents, Air and Airs Alulae Nulsin August 5, N Ti mple He was I.ek' in. ,ii Ockev while on leave from Floyd u rt Ii woikcr until his an iiti.e the Marines. He was a laded lum heal' ot his death at the Sev time i, ly Den Golden, who is serv mg with are two sons and one y occupation forces in Germany, sent di,.-,lib- igd)s Axil G. Stephenson of l a Cablegram lo his parents Mr J.' umn vo Stephenson of Beni Bn, and Mrs. R. S. Golden, extending1 Le cnmglon, Josephine Column ol to them holiday greetings. W. J Siddowav Jr, who h is been Desi rel lour grandchildren; three and two sisters. Funeral serving for the past two years in bn tiers w ere ' conducted m the iv st Mis has been leased lrom ri tr. Italy ward Lev ui Shurday under dm service and has been visiting in ol a Bishop Chnslensin. OpNephi with his parents. Mr and reel ,,i ening in'ayer was given by ChrisMrs. Siddoway Sr. tian Christensen; musical selections nl a vocal duet, Florence (iiiiM-l.and Chide Winier. vocal dint. Vmnie Christensen and Olive Taylor, speakers. J ines Anderson and H R Fr meom with closing eon-feren- 1 The Juab County Board of Public Welfare has estimated expenditures for public assistance payments, welfare services, and administrative expenses at $190,954 for 1946 according to Reeve G. Richardson, Director of the Juab of Iublic County Department Of this amount Mr. Welfare. Rich irdson said, the countys share will he $38,643. As provided under Utah public welfare law, the Board of County Commissiners is required to pay 15 per cent of the cost of the well a re prgram in its own county, and may levy a tax on property not to exceed 5 nulls for this purpose. n PRECIPITATION I FIGURES RELEASED iios-oit- Precipitation December 22 thru December 36th totaled 1.27 inches and brought the total for Decem11 inches. ber to Tins information was released Wednesday evening by S. E. ForMr. Forrest rest. local observer. pointed out that 1915, up to Dec-- i giber 2tith totaled 16.19 inches. This amount is 2.64 inches or al mos' 2D per cent above normal. For comparison, Mr. Forrest j.iiniid out that 1942 had a total of 9 54 inches; 1913 14.30 inches: 1911. 15 39 incites; 1945 to Dec. 26 16 19 inches ,1 1 i Pic Boll Hansen has spent a hurt furlough at tiis parents home and has returned to Camp Crowder. Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly 11 mson and daughter of Salt Imkc ale also holiday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. K. -- ol Winners of Xmas Lighting by Fountain Green News Christensein Bi-h- Benediction w..s given by Cl.uk S Selected Wi id .1 Pro ate and Prior to the war when behls Foil Lewis and decorations were plentiful it was easy to decorate a business house r residence and give it a Christmas season appearance Tin, year it was much different because decorations were hard to find, and therefore it called for a great di il of extra effort to participate ,n our Christmas lighting and decor-- t mg program. We are very pleaded and happy with the efforts shown, especially with the business ho judging was rlo-- e bee lse the merchants have shown mu' h considering the muuriils they had to woik with The judging commitue consist-- , ed to a group of citizens who v ere not merchants, nr were they connected with the Junior Chan r of Commerce We wish t., th ' this committee and we 9 they were very f iir in tl, ir t" The cash awards consist ing. first and second pae-- , .,f SI and S3. 00 to the best d. ed store window and home Our hats tire off to you, Mr. Reid for the Toggery display v inning first place and to you ""r Duckworth, for the Bakery display winning second place. Al-Aim congratulations to you Boswell for wirnnu first P' for your home m md ' Val Gammct for a C We ui,h to thank who part.eqi n.J ,n pri igram Thu re w n tifully decorat. d hum ly helped to g ve N live (Trim'r'as lo. Junior C of C Ru y o, .Mrs Jack Bosh . . And now, farmers and land owners of Juub Valley have a chance to hi lp themselves. Being published in this newsat the present time are two important notices The first is a Notice of Special meeting of the Stockholders of the Nephi Irrigation Company., and the second is a Notice to Water Users, among which are applications lor establishment of four reservoirs on the Nephi Irrigation Company system. The stockholders meeting, called for January 12 1916( at 2 1 M. is for the purpose of making .an ims portant change in the of tiie company. At the present time, two thirds vote ol the stockholders is required lor any important business derision, and with more than 25DD shares being outstanding on the company's hooks, n is nearly impossible to get the necessary number of votes to a meeting to make any major change, or to authorize any major business affair. The change asked for by the hoard would make a majority vote neiessary rather than the tvvo-- t birds vote The l'csii oirs planned are at four sites, one south east of Nephi, two m the bottom ol the valley west ol Ni pin and the fourth north and east of Nephi. These vvullld he used to impound the early spring runolt mainly, and make it available lor irrigation purposes throughout the later purlin of the summer, when water is seriously needed, end when our present supply is terribly diminished In the interest of a greater pros penty than lias ( er hei n seen before m this area wc smeerly hope that .all stockholders will see the wisdom of support. ng the change ol by laws and will see the desirability ol con-- t nation of the rest rv oirs This roupd with planned improvements if ;ne cui-yostream bed and con'.ivmg an irchannels, wiil give Ni pi rigation system Hr opt i log to ctnvthmg we have evir bid paper v Ro-equ- tvmiiks But . there is an old saying The Lord helps him who helps himself " of n on were in l.i- - gmndmotht r's Mr ind Mrs Clarence Mowers Lev m to att.-hi i n guests md Air and Mrs. VV. Eugene Allluneral Tiny ol lus parinls Mr and Mrs Jloyd ied have announced the birth of a Bo-- h grandson born Dec 20 at I.ogan, Im parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Air and Mrs Ruloti Anderson of Provo are spi ndmg the liolidiys 'lower, formerly of Fountain MARRIAGE iieie with his p; ri nts Mr and ' Ireen Mr and Mr, J mil T G: m Min James AI Anderson. n m f haleh announce the Mrs. Ruby Ivory of Saif Lake tin Mr and Mrs It C Alort ns, n Miss El. ir daughter uid d lUgtiter Ruby spent Chnst- - City visited during the week with Greenhalgh n, to Gr nd e City with Mr rel dives n S lit Lake C.'y .ti n! md Airs ).tn Ah iriensen and oth- I'le Iliward Ivory and children of Beal of Epl I ow in gt r ri 1. itives. 3 Sait took il U'e I le. n T Vernal with Christmas day spent 1' and Airs Frank Jones .and Hear parents, Mr. and Mrs. Muriel Lake Citv Edw rl Jones of Nephi and Mr Iv ory. and M: s Cl ik S Wood of Levan Mrs. Nona Airs Shipiuri. at the lovable en Mr and Mrs Earl Ivory of Lay-to- n e i rl Fee and eh. aha evening ip n of S dt Lain piC An-; Hans home of Mr. and Mrs. spent the holidays in Fountain City av e 1m eti reei nt isgors w ith ili rso.i red ml,, A delmaous dm-:- i ( In n Airs Shepi ,d s mothr Mrs AT I s a rv d r dating li.e p Nt b a davs Mikkelson, recently dis-- 1 Whiting Mr .Did Mm I ..n Gad rt" iv ed h S. U. Service, his u'ged from the Mr and Mrs George Wilkey f" and son Jack are spending the 'word of the brh 4 i ,nn on Dei with a ..n d Chris' mis d 29 to Mr and Mrs. M..wt r of c; gar a, includ'd ohdiys with their parents. Mr I.ogan Mrs. M- ui r is a sis, r of nd Mrs N. E Mikkelson Mr n i Mrs C rl Wilkey Mr Mrs Gadd md Mis (;. Eugene Wilkey, Mr Mi-- f S dt n Th. !i Bmery Holman and family of Era Herman Wi'kcv Air .and Mont D, .!;d ns-- With rose Colorado are visiting at Lake CUy sp. Mrs Claude Wilkey. Air and Mrs the home of his Alra. A I G mother, Mrs. M. E. her part Tils, Ed v ii'! ( k kt v. Air. and Mrs Fr d I Ii Goldin in Nt phi 4man. d Vr .Xot ns Mr Wi I: Air and Mrs Fra II T".s reo- I lovee Crowthi r of the Merchant and families Mrs Hone, Bale Teh ho id iy receiv, d ntly .gie Du ot S ih Like AI Danes is spending ,a short fur-.i, Ail'd il. i m from th. u message 'in r ! I, u Cif. i. he I rel dues and friends who is m Y rktnwr. ,r v IlUI't of B! ir d.ng via, re Miss Lucille Elhsnn w err.-B- . M. re wt ve, k v 1,1 ting at the hi p,e Eds Hansen of Salt Lake ployed at Ratio Station IX "'l B B. .' is with her parents. Cedar City is spending th. ho'i- .md Mrs ,T L Hansen. d ivs w ph h. r rents. Mr ard Mr and Mr, J duos Guymon of Mrs Jas If Flhson It tie ' 'f I.ak L ke City. Mr. and Mrs Mr and Ms Dong! s (A .vv in I i3 rt G I'llll o Ro., sev elf were of I ), nu r o P.n ; in Nephi ' a f, reei a v with I'll .Lies here wi'h Tel Li, s f,.r o i .vs Mr . t r p I.o a G il Was to gently dls- - Cow m is a const r i f ireri.in ' II .11. frrn t! e sen rg. for the M s T T Co it I ni er V'i -- inn; e-- -- ti- - 1 i i 1 H 1 - t -- 1 v i 1 I.-- h 1 : -t 1 V ;e 1 . ( . |